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26985403 No.26985403 [Reply] [Original]

Bros i need someone who is at least 140IQ to tell me that there is no way the joos can fuck us over now, they are screwed right? 1000 is no longer a meme right? I just need any slither of hopium that we are gonna make it on this 1.

>> No.26985612

1k is FUD. 5k is FUD. 100k or BUST

>> No.26985717
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If the investors have weak hands and they sell = we're screwed

If the hedgies get a cash injection from a loan to pay down the interest and buy themselves more time, it might cause enough confusion to make us lose morale = we're screwed

If GME does another offering/stock split, it might cause enough confusion to make us lose morale = we're screwed

If all the trading platforms restrict our ability to buy GME = we're screwed

They're low on options, but we're not in the green just yet. Buy the dip that's going to happen at market open this morning.

>> No.26985965

The only way to beat the bankers and market makers at this game is to stay irrational. Set limit orders between 1k and 5k. Set until filled, not time in force end of day. Then don't look at the price until next week ends

>> No.26986018

Even if everyone sold and the stock plummeted, it woild have to go below 4$ for the hedgies to cover their asses. You really this GME is going below 4$ before the shorts are covered?
At some point smart money will buy in, maybe after the retail normies sold their positioning it in a panic.

>> No.26986070
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Im already in from yesterdays dip to sub 200, my broker doesnt allow setting limit orders so right now I am at the fate of timing the top like a chad - thank you for your answer though anon, I suspected this was true, I had the understanding that they can cause it to look like the short squeeze has started by defaulting on 20% of their shorts which could then lead to confusion and chaos, I am holding this shit until next week whatever happens.

>> No.26986131

I think that a stock split would actually pour more gasoline into the fire.
It would increase the supply and lower the barrier of entry, so more people would be able to join the squeeze.

>> No.26986374

>i need someone
NYPA faggot fuck off this board

>> No.26986379

See >>26986070
My broker prevents limit orders too far above the shares current price, I have no choice but to time the top unless I am missing something?

>> No.26986426

I think they can do some very illegal shit to mitigate some of their losses but they will keep bleeding.

>> No.26986515

Time is the key anon.
Don't be silly in believing that this is going to end today, this is a long war.

>> No.26986659

>there is no way
There is, its just they might lose in the short term.
Their fucking you over will come in the form of taxation, KYC changes being forced, more surveillance legislation passing, restrictions on free speech etc.
They will end up winning in the long run because the majority of us are too docile, coddled and naive.

>> No.26986775


>> No.26987016
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We might have this next week. But they will have the future.

The peasant with the golden goose always stays a peasant. Why? Because the Kings marshals confiscate the golden goose.

>> No.26987560

Anons is it to late to buy into gme???

>> No.26987619
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They are covered, big players are out of the game, this is a bubble that is kept afloat by retards doubling down and people who fomo their way into this. Most people don’t want to hear that but those are facts. Smart people exited on Tuesday, risk tolerant but smart existed on Wednesday. The rest who are left are just cattle walking into slaughter and are about to be played by actual investors who know their craft. All these 2 day investopedia investors are about to be btfoed hard.

>> No.26987740
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It is never too late to lose money

>> No.26987865

What is the over 100% short position

>> No.26987940

4 > 2 > 1 > 3

>> No.26988059

Cope more pussy noGMEr

>> No.26988073

Jews always change the rules of the game when they start losing. Thats the biggest risk to it. Look up Piggly Wiggly (one of the earliest short squeezes), eventually the NYSE intervened and made additional shares available to the shorters and bankrupted the business owner.
The difference is that was a single owner, this time its reddit+biz, but if they think they can get away with it without OWS2.0 then they will definitely do it.

>> No.26988087

>t learned about it on investopedia 1 day ago
Good luck lamb, you will need it. Maybe next time you should actually follow the financial news instead of listening to q tier type shit. Fin markets news =\= American politics news

>> No.26988167

K, I want to see what pink wojak will you post once this goes to shit single digit iq poorfag

>> No.26988189

They will almost certainly screw you over, but don't worry... your sacrifice will not be in vain

>> No.26988282

>no way the joos can fuck us over now
rules for the poorfags. house always win you faggots. they broke the rules yesterday to fuck with you so why do you think they wont do it today

>> No.26988304

GameStop board would be criminally negligent not to raise money at these levels. They will most likely do a deal with the banks to issue a shit load of stock at a discount.

>> No.26988347

Cover your shorts jew.

>> No.26988384

1) it takes time and SEC approval to issue new shares
2) newly issued shares would be fair value, which is like $5

>> No.26988722

>say something that the crowd of pol tards doesn’t agree with
>autistic jew namecalling begins

Legit, some of you are worse the plebbitors, bunch of low iq uneducated individuals. No, I am not a jew, but it doesn’t matter to you, does it? You like to believe that you are in some kind of Chinese cartoon where mystical bad guys exist and try to foil your every move. Reality is that this is a bubble and that you will die alone, loveless, broke and stupid.

>> No.26988988
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"No, I am not a jew"

>t. jew

>> No.26989051

I'm 140 and I can tell you this : with the jews you loose
The most holy french king said : don't trade/speak with a jew, but put your sword in his tummy desu
You're fucked, copr

>> No.26989167

1) wrong
2) Hahahahahaha

>> No.26989198

Stunning and brave

>> No.26989212

This is really important to do. If you haven't do it right fucking now my GME is at 10k and AMC is at 5k. Its very important they dont leverage your shares and if they are selling the data, this shit will let them know we are not here to fuck around.

>> No.26989220
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>Smart people exited on Tuesday

>The rest who are left are just cattle walking into slaughter and are about to be played by ACTUAL INVESTORS WHO KNOW THEIR CRAFT

I thought the smart people exited Tuesday? Why would skilled investors who know their craft still be involved?

Stop contradicting yourself, dipshit.

>> No.26989998

Yeah I get it you think you are a precocious contrarian who shorts autism and longs judaism. Good for you, kept goy.

>> No.26990248

So we should wait for the market to open and then buy at the dip?

>> No.26990284


Its ALWAYS a coomer image telling people the smart thing to do is drop out!

Kikes are so transparent!

>> No.26990328
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>> No.26990405

Is there gonna be a dip this morning or should I buy some immediately lads

>> No.26990510


>> No.26990525

the joos already made a sizable return blocking gme trading and dropping it down to 140 shorting it from 450+ It's their game they'll lose but they will also win. Fucking sickens me

>> No.26990579

I'm buying 1 GME
I will not sell until I'm rich

>> No.26990635

If you have no GME buy some at open but be ready to add more if the kikes fake a dip again.

>> No.26990782

Buddy, I don't think it'll dip. It's up 98% in premarket.

>> No.26990873

Dude is not a kike. He’s a shabbos goy. Basically a real life jannie for kikes.

>> No.26990932

I should buy now?

>> No.26990969

yeah "fair" value is 500+ it already hit 508 in yesterday's pre-market and it hit like 480 even with a lot of people being blocked from buying

>> No.26991073

I have an iq higher than the threshold you mentioned. The jews aka wallstreet is the biggest lobby organization to exist. They were able to only allow the markets to sell gme and purchase them for covering shorts themselves. They'll do it again. Nothing hinders brokers from further blocking trades. This all will end in quite a crowded exit for people buying a 300 dollar gme stock. Young people however were able to get a glimpse behind the scenes. They destroy wall street, but bot financially, physically. A huge mob will burn down everything. Stock markets will crash because people fear that their possession records of securities could get lost. This isn't the case of course. It will be the biggest buying opportunity in a lifetime for most of us. Timeframe < 1 month
T. Anon from the future

>> No.26991071

Up to you. I obviously think it'll go a lot fucking higher, otherwise I wouldn't be holding.

>> No.26991161


>> No.26991206

>my broker doesnt allow setting limit orders
the absolute state of the fucking stock market, jesus.
i thought it was bad that my broker doesn't let me see the fucking order book.

>> No.26991263

I have a hard time believing people who will panic sell didn't already do so yesterday, we basically went to 100 bucks AND stayed around 200 all day. That was with retail shut out from buying and every sell indicator possible firing off.

It might still not go anywhere today but the volume is guaranteed to be higher, which will make jewish tricks less useful. They'll really have to pull some stunts to repeat yesterday if they want the price back at 100, and that already didn't stop the momentum.

>> No.26991314

Tell me something wild about the future, something fucking crazy

>> No.26991342

honestly there's probably going to be a dip at the end of the day.
the closing price is probably what's used in calculating the next payment they have to make, so they'll try to crash the price right around close.

just a hunch.

>> No.26991408

can't you buy through your online bank? sweden seems like a utopia in this regard with instant deposits and instant signup with digital ID verification

>> No.26991432

You fucking retard

There's a chance they'll try to *trick' you into only selling it for 1000.

Do not sell today.
At the very, absolute least, wait until Monday.

If you sell on Monday you'll still miss out but you won't feel like a complete idiot doing it.

>> No.26991518

Only danger I can see is Yellen interfering. But that would be such a fucking unprecedented move which would obliterate confidence in the US markets that it'd tank the entire fucking stock market, and that's why I'm also in UVXY. Just in case she or her senile boss decides to pull something.

>> No.26991524


>> No.26991600

Smart person doesnt mean by default that it is an investor who is there to rob you idiots blind. Yea, I should have specified that those who know their craft are there for the thrill and to gain profit of your asses. Then again, I expected you guys to be able to understand.

No, this is to attract coomed court brains such as yourself into reading it. I want you to recall these words as your go into net negative.

Your shallow coomed out mind is just struggling to accept the reality and that is okay.

>> No.26991606


>> No.26991611

Anon, i may reveal to you hereby that you'll get a nice girlfriend eventually. I'm so happy for you.

>> No.26991728
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>> No.26991741
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poorfag here, got one share, bought at 260USD

holding because i literally have nothing to lose lets go to the moon

>> No.26991780

With Jews you lose. They will find a way, don't you worry.

>> No.26991872

Just ordered a stock, to the moon brothers

>> No.26991907

sure, it's just that the trading platforms for stocks are dogshit, especially compared to crypto exchanges.
even fucking coinbase pro is a million times better and gives far more accurate and timely data than my online stockbroker.

>> No.26992002

140 IQ here

you are already dead

>> No.26992035

This cunt lives in a 9 million dollar home

>> No.26992078

Damn, what about my current one? :(

>> No.26992128

The better question is whether or not it's physically possible for them to do so anyway. We already know they're criminals.

>> No.26992162

You guys already lost

They won yesterday. The fact you can buy stocks now means everything is done. Of course everyone here is going to "buy the dip" and fall right into it.

Then everyone is going to get dumped on.

>> No.26992182


>> No.26992195

GME has plenty of authorized shares they can turn into outstanding shares, which can be bought by the shorts. They could also convert class A or B preferred to common stock and give to the shorts. Plenty of ways. In fact, I expect that to happen because if AMC executives don't do that, then then financial elites might make their lives hell. On the flip side, if they do do it, they become saviours of the jew universe and will be heralded as heros with cushy gigs for the rest of their lives. What do you think they'll do?

>> No.26992211

And you will too, buy GME.

>> No.26992295

What dip ? it's already +80% in premarket

>> No.26992304
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what if some super rich investor who gets fucked over uses his wealth to blow up a building or some shit

>> No.26992315

>Smart people left Tuesday

It was $145 EOD Tuesday, doubled to $294 open Wednesday. So wrong, retard

>> No.26992345

Fuck off trip fag. You can buy stock on RH now because they realize they won’t be a company anymore if you can’t.

>> No.26992398

this guy didn't buy at $90 and is not seething

>> No.26992568


>> No.26992574

Monogamy will be a thing read in history schoolbooks and laughed at by normies quite soon.

>> No.26992601

T212 also opened it up again

>> No.26992629

Etrade lets you buy again too. They wouldn't let you for all of yesterday.

>> No.26992818

In my expert opinion, you should buy it right away.
Weak hands already sold and the volume will be huge with brokers reopening, way bigger than the people that bought yesterday at 4 pm and will dump it for 3x profits.
Buy it as soon as it opens.

>> No.26992897

Don't shoot the messenger. The op asked what was going to happen. The game is rigged. You all know it's rigged. Yet everyone keeps playing thinking this time is different despite what happened yesterday.

>> No.26992903

>what is risk
Smart people had invested back in summer and pulled their bag out on Tuesday. The big short guy for example. Stay mad, stay dumb and stay poor

>> No.26993003

>i want to make bank but also need to virtue signal

>> No.26993330

we need people to get on board with this, his buy in and tweet about it helps spread the message and boost our morale so newfags don't shit their pants and fold too early

>> No.26993383


>> No.26993461

1000 is safe.
Then you just need to get greedy.
Martin Schekelstien once said"Greed is goyim"

>> No.26993622

Polygamy only exists because of Monogamy. In a natural world where everyones brains arent literally melted by plastic, toxic gas and drugs, you have one sexual partner that you fight for, or lose.

>> No.26993713

And when should we sell it, master?

>> No.26993826

In order to beat a kike, you need to think like one.
Yesterday when the hedgies could buy and noone else, the bought up all the panic shares. Today they are going to sell them to FOMO bitches at an increasing markup
Just be smart and if you have stock sell a bit now and then to secure a small profit and let a few stocks ride to see what happen

>> No.26993913

Exactly this. I can only assume they are posting here encouraging the buying.

>> No.26994329

Even if they did this, it doesn't nullify the actual short squeeze that is just around the corner. It just makes them cover a portion of their future losses by profiting off of yesterdays collapse.

>> No.26994616

Don't care. Not selling.

It is not about money.

>> No.26994692

Thats be sweet

>> No.26994908


>> No.26995259

My broker is restricting limit orders that aten't within 15% of the share price which is utterly useless

>> No.26995407
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Can you feel it? The Normans are about to be slaughtered. They literally disabled buying yesterday. the gloves are off, you have no idea what's coming today.

You can't win. They will not let you.

>> No.26995628

>Thinking anything will ever change.

>> No.26995703

250% float shorte.
122% of the stock is held by institutions.

That means every stock someone is phyisically holding is literally promised to someone else in an institution, and that does not include the insiders, non-institutions, etc. Short sellers have to literally flip every single stock. Something insane is about to happen. Maybe not today. Maybe not even next week. But at some point, every single stock needs to get back to its original owner.


>> No.26995868

then the whole system burns, they can't stop this now

>> No.26996430

>Yesterday when the hedgies could buy and noone else
is this isn't illegal market manipulation, I don't know what it is
How will they get away with this?

>> No.26996458

this is some real bullshit, chase just put a hold on one of my transfers until feb 6th

>> No.26996666

They own the politicians. But again, their buying yesterday only serves to cover some of their future losses because the short squeeze is an inevitability. Hedge funds would much rather lose $1 billion than $2 billion.

>> No.26996942

Blackrock alone manages 7 trillion

>> No.26997432

They're shorting it even more right now you retard.

>> No.26998187
