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26980975 No.26980975 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good way of obtaining a steady flow of money, without needing to work?

I was thinking about becoming a landlord, but maybe biz could help me come up with better alternatives
hard mode: No neetbucks, and no hollywood

>> No.26981315

Bro become a landlord my aunt rents a couple house and office spaces and she does absolutely NOTHING

>> No.26981397

sounds like a shitty landlord

>> No.26981502

as someone who works for a landlord you are talking shit out of your ass it is a ton of work, people constantly need something

>> No.26981512


Yeah, but that's like 90% of landlords

>> No.26981645
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>being a landlord is a ton of work! Just look how much money I help them make by doing everything for them!

>> No.26981701

Im not from the us im from Costa Rica, landlords only get their money and literally thats it.

>> No.26981777

This OP.
My plan's to cash out at some point and to purchases properties. Even if the housing bubble eventually pops there's waves upon waves of migrants flooding into my country every year.
The goverment will need somewhere to house them, that's we niggas like me step in. Can't wait to live the cushy life raising my kids.

>> No.26981878


>> No.26981899

Being an active landlord is for chumps. You just enroll the property with a management company give them their 14% and take in the rest for ZERO work

>> No.26982009

no you tard, because i work for one i know the work HE does and he works constantly
the most work is with basktball american tennats who only pay cash and constantly need papework from us to apply for various social securities and welfares

>> No.26982148

In order to do that you need a bunch of apartments, if you only have one or two it will make you shit money and of course due to things like corona and shit you have to constantly deal with tenants who don't pay coz they got fired or other reasons, and costantly be on their asses to see at least part of that money, it happens more than you think
it always makes me laugh when shitters think landlording is easy

>> No.26982153

It eats a little into profits, but you can hire property managers for pretty damn cheap. I heard for 75 a month they'll hear the renters for you, If the renter has an expense under a certain threshold the property manager can just go ahead and charge fixes or call you for approval. If the renter is an asshole that keeps bugging you even with the property manager then have a surprise rent increase!

>> No.26982199

>renting out to blacks
Yeah, im going to only allow rich college kids to live in my properties.

>> No.26982313

What about section 8 housing in Ameri-mutt land anon, doesn't the goverment directly pay you instead of the tenants?
Renting privately in the post coof-world is riskier than trading shit-coins.

>> No.26982330

I have four properties, Shlomo. Don't mouth off just because you run Epstein, Epstein, & Basement Loli Realty and have 4500 units you haven't replaced so much as a refrigerator in since 1991.

>> No.26982376

You're doing it wrong. I'm a landlord and I'm selective about my tenants and will even let at a lower than market price to a long term tenant that's not going to be any hassle. Don't rent to demanding assholes even if they pay top dollar.

>> No.26982381


Do you have experience? What happens of the tenant has a giant shit fetish party and trashes the house and smears shit everywhere? Insurance, or just hope their deposit covers it and then sue them?

>> No.26982520

That's what I want to do.
I live in a college town, and I'm pretty sure every yuppie that owns property does this.

>> No.26982608

Is it legal to turn away section 8 trash?
Have you ever had a tenant shit up the place and cause tons of damage?

>> No.26982710

You don't have to take Section Ape. It's up to you. But if you take in any Section Ape you have to take it all.

>> No.26982856

Not my problem nigger, that's on the wages for letting my property to degenerates.


>> No.26982951

finding quality tenants is hard, if you think "oh i will just get some CEO manager to move into my shit" nope don't work like that, the people who apratment hop most often are blacks and welfare leeches which is why you will be getting them by far most often and people who contact you to rent from you
and no in my country it is no legal to shitcan a nigger for being a nigger, you can of course make some other excuse why you don't want to rent to him, but at some point you have to rent to someone since empty apartment bleeds money each month, and sometimes people who decent turn out to be trash, like just recently we had had to kick out a guy who looked really good well behaved and all and he turned out to be a massive rent skipping junkie, but by looking at him you couldn't tell at all