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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 100 KB, 456x434, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2696935 No.2696935 [Reply] [Original]

>be me transfer outta my wallet for bittrex because its either
>make my coin into bitcoin
>wait till the right moment for bitcoin to rise about 2 weeks
>finally the day comes make a block chain wallet and transfer out
>some how some way during the day transaction is to fucking slow say fuck it cancel
>go back into it and just say fuck it ill do it tomorrow tomorrow comes
>let it sit all day
>during the night check it
>email not vaild
>check my email it wont fucking work
>2 days fucking later
>email unlocks email is fine but my bittrex account isnt and i had 400 dollars worth of bitcoin just sitting in my account

>> No.2696958

so someone hacked your email? didnt you have two factor auth?

>> No.2696967

no noone hacked my email i also used a proton mail account.

>> No.2696972

well not that i know of, i guess some fuck may have zapped my email and my bittrex account took my 400 bucks out and zapped my account.

>> No.2696993

if you couldnt get into your mail account that sounds like something is up

and if you have your account emails from bittrex send them a support ticket. i doubt bittrex deleted your account, it sounds like someone got into it and changed the email

>> No.2696995

>email unlocks email is fine but my bittrex account isnt

nigga what? You write like a retard, so I'm just gonna assume you did something retarded like not enable 2-fa and it was all your fault.

>> No.2697009
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If you can't write coherently then you're either too stupid or too young.

>> No.2697030
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nigga u stupid

>> No.2697033

its exactly what i just said, my email got zapped along with my bittrex account my email came back with success, but now my bittrex account is fucking zapped.
the only thing i can think is that i got free money from a whale anon on here, i got some digital currency about 160 dollars worth i foresaw the coin falling so i took my 200 bucks out then threw it at bitcoin, bitcoin raised sky high and i gained some cash. Problem is how would he know my address i didnt give him anything besides my rdd wallet number. Could he really hack into my wallet see my ip address and then fuck me some how some way, doesnt seem very logical at all how would he figure out my email address.

>> No.2697048

what does zapped even mean?

>> No.2697057

what this guy said. OP you type like a moron, you probably use the internet like a moron too.

>> No.2697061

Reminder to everyone to dl google authenticator from play store and enable 2 factor authentication. Takes less time than filling out a capcha and pretty easy to set up. Buy insurance and learn from op mistake.

>> No.2697088

If your email was compromised as well then obviously bittrex wasn't at fault, the security issue was with you. You probably used password123 for both your bittrex, and email, and all your other sites or you have a keylogger.

>> No.2697090
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>> No.2697128

no. someone got into your email or into your bittrex account. consider all your shit compromised and change your passwords / wipe your computers.

>> No.2697133

i added some what of a password that i created by my own mind kind of a dumb one but not really easy as password123, could you even get an ip from a wallet then put a keylogger on someones computer with just an ip logger.

>> No.2697150

how did he even get my ip address though thats the thing, how do you even get an ip address from a digital currency wallet. Unless hes a mod i dont see this as a logical proposition at all.

>> No.2697154

How old are you OP?

>> No.2697161


quick question OP, what did you download relating to cryptocurrency lately? : )

>> No.2697176

young lonely and 18 mate
i dont get it i only download digital wallets, if your the whale im sorry i wasent gonna sell at all, i was gonna keep the bitcoin value then transfer back at a certain value to get double of my cash. I still kept your rdds like the deal.

>> No.2697209

There's no IP addresses associated with crypto wallets. Did you reuse this email or password for other sites? If someone gets into your email all they have to get into your bittrex if you don't have 2-fa enabled is click "forgot password?" and reset it.

>> No.2697238

Actually, you said you have access to your email now right? Do you have any messages from bittrex saying someone reset your password? And what happens if you go to bittrex and try to reset it with the "Forgot password?" thing?

>> No.2697240

no not really, i rarely use my proton mail at all. Besides anon crap and this bittrex account.

>> No.2697254

zip zapped paddy whacked, but trayvon has simplified his phrase to zapped for your reading pleasure. it's a euphemism for being bamboozled. he's implying that buttrex has absconded with his drug money.

>> No.2697281

not really drug money, it was gonna be used for a used car to get me out of the shit hole i was living in.
the next day i see a different ip that isnt mine

>> No.2697295

wait it is mine but for some odd reason the ip shit keeps changing for a weird reason

>> No.2697559

ALWAYS use 2FA with Bittrex.
There is a history of people without 2FA getting accounts with a few hundreds or low thousands worth of dollars hacked, without any obvious mistake on their end.
You can find topics on Bitcointalk or /biz/ archives, this has been going on for months.
All signs point to an inside job, likely some employee siphoning just enough to get rich without triggering mass suspicion.
Never seen any "hack" reports on accounts with 2FA enabled.

>> No.2697567

Forgot to mention: this is all specific to Bittrex. Poloniex, Liqui, even Yobit... You won't see any similar reports of hacks on 2FA-less accounts, without the poster having done something stupid.

On Bittrex, you're bound to get "hacked" one day if you stay without 2FA.

>> No.2698435

It makes me wonder, if it isn't one of the insiders doing this shit.

>> No.2698509
File: 27 KB, 634x424, 3CF5F32D00000578-4203818-image-a-30_1486562764357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: OP is a retard
also pic related it's me the whale hacker

>> No.2698576

>genuine replies

People actually understood his batty screeching?

>> No.2698896
File: 26 KB, 1126x456, jewttrex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it a legacy account? (anonymous)

I've heard these jews are starting to delete legacy accounts..

Unforunately I never got a legacy account so I had to create one recently, and these fucking jews are asking for my real name, real address, real place of birth, phone.. everything, even to trade crypto to crypto (as you see, I can't do nothing with my account)

I tried to enter some fake data and they actually check against public records and i was rejected

fuck this, i'll stick to poloniex. Im literally using "Pepe Thefrog" for my name and they don't care. Why the fuck do I need to give my full data to trade cryptos against other cryptos? fuck these jews.

>> No.2699008

fuck off poloniex

>> No.2699092

well, you should zap it back.

>> No.2700185

nice i just bought 100k

>> No.2700236

Fake and gay.

Bittrex employees are ace.

In the outside chance this is real you either got hacked or provided some shady-as-shit identity paperwork as Bittrex must follow all USA and WA state KYC laws.

>> No.2701108

Probably 4chan coin

>> No.2701387
File: 187 KB, 987x995, [ANK-Raws] ガーリッシュ ナンバー 03 (BDrip 1920x1080 HEVC-YUV420P10 FLAC).mkv_snapshot_20.42_[2017.06.13_14.45.23].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he lost $400
Add three zeroes and I'll care a little.