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26956735 No.26956735 [Reply] [Original]

I have a shit job but a great house that I own.

I can't afford the mortgage so I have tenets that live with me.

I don't really like living with them, I'd rather just have a trailer and put it all in crypto.

The thing is everyone close to me tells me to keep the house. It's in a great location that consistently has demand - 98% occupancy.

But I want to get my $200-250k and exit the dollar.

Everyone tells me it's a terrible mistake to sell but I feel like the real estate will suffer along with the dollar soon.

>> No.26957981

Land won't suffer as much. But your market might. Look at Wes Virginia for house prices.

If the economy goes to the shitter, the population could move(Detroit).

But generally houses are inflation safe plays.

>> No.26958104

Do it. Lose all your money and did broke and alone in a trailer. I dare you.

>> No.26958109

Move to trailer and rent the house until mortgage is paid off. The tax advantages of renting are amazing.

>> No.26958245
File: 853 KB, 700x700, ABA0088A-F1C2-48F0-AD4B-877C3EF24783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell the house and the roommates and with a few solid crypto buys you can buy 10 new houses and roommates by 2030

>> No.26958328

They're usually inflation safe thanks to increasing population, thus increasing demand.

That's the real reason they always push for immigration, land values, inflation and ponsi scheme of social security

>> No.26960055
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Do you think the market will crash once the eviction ban lifts?

I know it'll rise along with inflation but it won't rise like crytpo will
This is a good idea tho. Like a half way thing.
I'm tempted to

>> No.26960264

Get a suicide stack of ZORA, hold, enjoy your financial independence.

>> No.26960822

What shitty village do you live in? Is it growing or shrinking?

>> No.26961986

Olympia WA. It's growing every year

>> No.26962359

>a great house that I own.
You don't own it
>I can't afford the mortgage
There it is

>> No.26962654

Then don't still. Everyone who tells you to sell is retarded, including the meth addled part of your brain that's trying to convince you to sell.

>> No.26963086

My mortgage has 133k left. It's conservatively valued at 350k.

>> No.26963271

if you're in a high demand area just airbnb it out. I make roughly 50k/yr on mine.

>> No.26963717

Refi to a 30 year. Should make your payments even less, rent out every room. Find a cheap apartment and the house should turn a small profit based on what you're telling me, but as long as you break even and can afford your own place, or make enough to adfordt your own place then do that, keep the property, even if crashes little. Home builders are still scared of 08 and with influx of fucking immigrants housing demand is outpacing the market big time. You'll regret selling that house in ten years. Also, if you really grind, pay off as much of the mortgage as you can, pay it all off and be left alone working a shit job you love doing.

t. Mortgage Auditor

>> No.26963796

Hang on to it. It's fone to invest some but dont go all in on crypto. It's real easy to think that you're missing the boat but WA is a great state to own property in. You are doing very well anon, Don't throw it in the garbage.

>> No.26963961

To add, no idea if the government will allow crypto in ten years, but odds are they'll let you keep your house, as long as the Dems don't go full retard, but getting your crypto taking away is more likely anyway.

>> No.26963969


Put literally 1 grand into MUSE

>> No.26965742


Ugh, that pic is like a liminal space for me. Feels like i was there in a dream as a kid.

>> No.26966774

Where is it generally located? That's a big factor. You already said you can't afford it.