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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 29 KB, 640x640, wefraef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26956037 No.26956037 [Reply] [Original]

You’re new here, so let me tell you something. DOGE IS A PONZI SCHEME. It’s been a meme since it’s inception. You’re jacking up the price for some fat NEET who bought 3M of these when they were 0.000002c like a month ago.
YOURE GOING TO GET DUMPED ON. Thought you were a little smarter than this, Reddit.
When you wake up and realize you made your 5x, buy into RBC. After this autistic fiasco dies down and your WSB friends get dumped on by biztards, RBC will pump 2x. They released HUGE news yesterday about crypto tech involving Binance, implying a big future partnership.
So you either hold DOGE back down to <0.01c, or you take your 5x gains and double them by next week.
Don’t get caught in the hype because there are bizfags that have been waiting for this moment and they are ready to dump. RBC holders have diamond hands because our project is more than just a ponzi.

>> No.26956146

>don’t buy this scam
>buy my scam

>> No.26956185

shut up nig

>> No.26956184

FTM will power the entire Middle East. Buy FTM.

>> No.26956232

Why hasn't binance tweeted anything about the bridge? The price is taking a huge impact because no one even knows what's going on.

>> No.26956287
File: 247 KB, 734x708, Doge_no_like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thank u fren!
>Doge no happy
>"arf arf!"
>Doge 4 te ppl
>(((ppl))) shill doge
>Doge very happy 4 ppl who pet doge long time
>Doge no like being petted so fast so much tho
>2much pets make doge grrrrr @ ppl
>Doge no like gud ppl get hurt by doge
>plz leave doge in peece

>> No.26956307


>> No.26956345
File: 95 KB, 498x614, wefgrgreg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26956395

This. Oil sheikh money going into FTM

>> No.26956493

You guys are going hard with the shilling. Don’t burn yourself out ;)

>> No.26956605

Both will go the Moon
No more brother wars
One Struggle

>> No.26956710
File: 133 KB, 431x400, 1611488549289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my rubics stay cubic faggot

>> No.26956747


>> No.26956838
File: 43 KB, 680x663, calm yakuza drip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not buying your rubic bags fag

>> No.26957011

good only chads in the citadel you cretin

>> No.26957067

Holy shit these newfags get what’s coming to them

>> No.26957267

fuck off rubikek

>> No.26957458


>> No.26957719

doge sellers need to take uniswap opportunities

>> No.26957874

DOGE is a real pnd and if you don’t dump on redditors tonight you’re totally fucked. Rubic might not dump this low ever again, the 3rd time passing $0.20 will be the last

>> No.26957907

i hold rubic

>> No.26957993

Fuck doge buy Rubic

>> No.26958045
File: 315 KB, 500x500, comfyrubic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rubic is the best long term hold in crypto rn for the next 2 years imo

>> No.26958244

Doge would've been a good buy sub 1c but buying now would induce suicide

>> No.26958387

Nah that’s link, no question. Lower upside maybe but definitely safer. That said, I’m not selling my rubic either and I feel confident.

>> No.26958491

So many normies will be permanently scared off of crypto this week over this, totally ruining the opportunity presented by the brokers fucking them over

>> No.26958650

My initial investment was under $100. If I lose it all oh well. The entertainment alone was worth it. Certainly more fun than a $60 video game.

>> No.26959061

Yep it's a shame, we had a real good opportunity here especially with the rise of DeFi. Hopefully they don't get too burned and start investing in other coins.

>> No.26959503

that man has a nice butt