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26949551 No.26949551[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you came from reddit and fell for the rubic scam please comment so nobody else gets screwed

>> No.26950068
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I shilled it to reddit border crossers but never held a position or interest in it, being confident that it is in fact a scam
And I'm proud of the results

>> No.26950344
File: 46 KB, 990x614, Morshill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for the boost in volume. Those gas fees look nice in my liquidity pool. See you retards when you come back in 2 months when we make our run above $1

>> No.26950554

thx buying 10k more

>> No.26950704

2 months till $1 is fud

>> No.26950771

Wow people here are so thoughtful thank you fellow centipede! I thought you might just be trying to manipulate people into selling so you could buy the dip, but nobody could be that shallow and retarded to believe anyone would fall for that right? Whoopy do da de friendo! Edit: having so much fun here!

>> No.26950856

I can’t believe people actually fell for this scam by the low rent curry kikes

>> No.26950908
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>Dump $300 into it
>It goes to $400
>It's now $250
Anon, please. I bought $1,000 worth of AMC at $19. This failure is nothing.

>> No.26950965

Not fooling me twice

>> No.26951090

When's the next pnd?
I still haven't made back all of my losses

>> No.26951301

The only reason Rubic is shitting the bed right now is because of bad timing. Bridge launched today and at the same time the market goes fucking wild over shorted stocks and doge coin. It happens. I'm still in the profit and I'm still holding.

>> No.26951304

Next rubic?

>> No.26951344

The next one is still Rubic, just look at those swings.

>> No.26951466

Just don't cry when you wake up to a .08 stable coin

>> No.26951530
File: 65 KB, 1200x630, Er3UN1TW4AEEJkZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never selling sorry. Shit is the future and Ive been in for so long, why didnt you buy before? Its a dip now,dont be a retard

>> No.26951661

You know this board has IDS? See newfags, get ready to see a whole lot of this on here.

>> No.26951669

Idk but you would need to be very low IQ to buy this again. Be careful comrades

>> No.26951802

Rubrick is a Russian scam. trying to scoop up literal retards

>> No.26951904


I'm not a child and I remove emotions from my trading decisions. Rubic isn't "the next paradigm in decentralized exchanged" but it's a step in the right direction and there is plenty of money to be made when people realize it and start buying it up. A $1 or $2 target in 12-18 months is very reasonable for something like this.

>> No.26952007

if you're not buying this dip you're actually fucking retarded DYOR ON THIS COIN

>> No.26952026
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Isn't extremely persistent FUDshilling a good indicator that Rubic is, in fact, actually a good investment?
You guys aren't dissuading me, you're convincing me even more that I should pump that shit.

>> No.26952154

absolute fud. $5 easy.

>> No.26952197

Same with grt. I'm not dumb

>> No.26952261

Holy shit I didn't even see that OP was samefagging, what a fucking idiot lmao.

>> No.26952408


>> No.26952491

Nobody had been able to answer this for me yet.


>> No.26952665

yes faggot and it works, and its cheap since its not a retarded ETH transaction (I think thats why). Though going to BEP 20 is faster and cheaper.

>> No.26952769

There is some faggot FUDing in every thread, same guy too. He shills the dumbest shit like saying that the CEO is a pajeet which you can obviously look up (the entire team is Russians)

>> No.26952836

See you at the moon faggot niggers

>> No.26952851
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