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26947192 No.26947192 [Reply] [Original]

So we're in agreement, right?..

The plan is to get a ton of money from GME tomorrow and just dump it all on DOGE?!

>> No.26947364

sure why not

>> No.26947413


>> No.26947419


>> No.26947513

Only if europoors hold the line during the night

>> No.26947550


>> No.26947972

disregard that i suck cocks, deleted

ill be fine

just DO IT!

>> No.26947985

Based, I bought $15 earlier today, for 540 coins, BUY NOW, there is no dipping

>> No.26948316

Is it fine for me to use Bitcoin as my way of getting it converted to britbong dollars? Like Doge to BTC to GBP?

>> No.26948457

Dunno, I don't even know how to get it to my shit currency, BTC should be fine for GBP, but consider reinvesting it in another shitcoin

>> No.26948631


>> No.26948784
File: 24 KB, 236x466, 1444492144905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For more gains, sure you can get $500GBP today, but you don't want to get 1mm tomorrow?

>> No.26948895

How do I buy doge?

>> No.26948968

im not reinvesting because i'm scrub. im keeping it till it's just multiplied from it's original value then taking it, but im holding till the fucking end for that.

i want 1$ value

>> No.26949106

is that ok btw bro

>> No.26949226

>>i want 1$ value
Who knows, it may get to 0.3 or 0.5

HOLD in anyway

>> No.26949365

Based r8pefugee

>> No.26949519
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No, you hold onto your GME until you receive a phone call from Citadell offering to buy all your GME for $1MM/share. Accept this offer, but on one condition: it must be paid entirely in LINK.

>> No.26949910

The stock market is dead, the elites showed their cards. The only market worth operating in is crypto.

>> No.26950124

Just so you know I've been reporting all of these threads to the SEC for blatant market manipulation.

>> No.26950233

it's the other way around you retard

>> No.26950302

Buy now trafalmadorians

>> No.26950391

can we make SEC posting a new meme

>> No.26951127
File: 64 KB, 812x1024, 1611250246084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when Mr. Shelkstein Mc'Jew tells you on their tv show, owned by a multi-million dollar company, that gets advertisment money from brokerage firms, tells you to buy and or sell a stock it's not market manipulation.
But when we talk about it is got it.

>> No.26951287
File: 212 KB, 600x600, 1562491960559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh SEC
Amerifats need to nuke themselves already
"Land of the free" kek.

>> No.26951359

going into DOGE is fucking retarded and sure fire way to lose all your gainz. it's AMC or bust now tards. only poor ass niggas going for DOGE at cents per coin and literally no value whatsoever irl

>> No.26951557

It's value is literally just what everyone agrees it is, like any crypto. If enough redditors convince normies that Doge is worth $1, $10, or even $100 it will be. Efficient market theory btfo.

>> No.26951759

normies aren't buying Doge only absolute poorfags and redditors are

>> No.26951807


>> No.26952061

You would have to be a literal retard to sell tomorrow.
Short squeezes dont happen in a day.
Youll see a gamma squeeze, then next week youll see the fucking moon if you hold.

>> No.26952185

Yes they are retard, check twitter. Or the thousands of messages in the past day of people asking here how to buy.

>> No.26953124

you don't even have plumbing brah keep thinking your shit coin will buy you a toilet