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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 52 KB, 960x425, bitcoin-value.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2694237 No.2694237 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2694270
File: 196 KB, 900x900, 1468977366601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure lambo will not be 1 BTC out of nowhere when I cannot buy decent used car now

>> No.2694296

isnt regulation bad? why is btc goin up off the back of this

>> No.2694306 [DELETED] 

That already happened in India and everyone was like "IT WILL MOON" and then it didn't. Stop believing that news make stuff moon, it's usually rumors that have this effect.

With that being said, join our new community, a place to stay strong and not get carried away as easily as OP: https://discord.gg/GRRyWn

>> No.2694315

>whole of india starts buying bitcoin
>10btc vol increase


>> No.2694317

india doesnt trade shitcoins theyre all street shitting pajeets SK has the highest % of crypto trading in the world this is huge look at the candles past hour since it got announced

>> No.2694667

Sk is a big driver for demand for btc and eth through arbitrage opportunities.

If regulation and tax makes the arbitrage go away or get any smaller expect demand in the us to drop significantly.

Maybe it's due to capital controls though.

It's a good stopgap while we wait for adoption. Otherwise

>> No.2694672

... it won't be a moon

>> No.2694673
File: 63 KB, 352x352, 6853516711609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2694675

most koreans prefer ETH over BTC though, cuz you can actually use crpyto for lots of stuff in korea, and ETH's sub-minute transaction times, and $0.01 transaction fees come in handy in that case

>> No.2694691

i mean, right now
paying with BTC = like a much more advanced bank wire payment (still far from the comfiness of a credit card payment)
payin with ETH = like a much more advanced credit card payment

>> No.2695795


>> No.2695803

There both a massive pain in the ass.
Ok so we know how to do it but it needs to be way more simple, and secure before other people get involved.

>> No.2695811

I prefer whatever the best arbitrage is at the time.