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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26943132 No.26943132 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck would /biz/ coordinate a bump on DODGE but not do the same for LINK?

>> No.26943216

it wasn't biz it was a bunch of discord trannie tourists

>> No.26943262

It's Reddit. they're rubbing it in your faces

>> No.26943352

Once the DOGE thing plays itself out, LINK can go back to doing its thing. Today wasn't a bad day for it either.

>> No.26943376

doge is more useful than link

>> No.26943417

bc norms

>> No.26943489

Calm down. Once smart money sells the doge top the money will flow into link.

>> No.26943795
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No one care about link faggot.
You retards have been shilling this shitcoin for how many years.
No one fucking cares

>> No.26943830

I bought link at 24 I dumped like 8k and it’s sad to see it go down like this, but it should still go up eoy right

>> No.26943890

Just sell your LINK already, faggot retard OP.

>> No.26943909

and it's literally 100x'd since then

fucking retard

>> No.26944183

And it’s irrelevant now. Everyone moved on while you’re holding this shit that went 20 to $25 while everything else is pumping to the moon.

Nobody gives a shit about 4 years old yesterday’s news. Link threads die in minutes on this board now.

>> No.26944402

Yup. Don't get these gullible sergey paypigs mad though. It took 24 hours for DOGE to do what link has done in the last year plus

>> No.26944599

Sailor Mars would never get a tattoo like a common whore. Delete this!

>> No.26944670

Honestly hard to imagine how hard it would be to cope. I went from $500 to $105k on GME, KOSS, and DOGE in the past 48 hours lmao

>> No.26944834

because Sergey owns 65% of the supply, he would just market dump millions of tokens and prevent any pump.

Sergey isn't your friend. He's been stealing hundreds of millions from you retards.

>> No.26945140
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Shhhhhhh still accumulating, no need to pump until staking or other announcement worth our attention. Our time will come OP.

>> No.26945317

doge being effectively a penny stock is easy as fuck to pump

>> No.26945490

literally this
i avoided doge pump entirely because i stumbled into it from a fucking malaysian advertising a 200k user discord server in $GME on twitter trying to get user roles
i would've made 5x if I bought in when I saw it and I don't care because hype bubble dies with GME

>> No.26945684
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>> No.26945793

Did elon tweet $LINK? No. Also which average joe has 23$ USD for 1 LINK. That's at least more than 100 doge.

>> No.26945864

Uncle shortfag identity crisis tripfag

>> No.26945913

cause doge got the help from Elon Musk and TikTok and it's obviously way easier to meme for the masses.

>> No.26946545
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This. Fucking boomers wont shut the fuck up about 2017. Literally nobody cares about LINK now. These moon mission 200x pumps are happening all over, and /biz/ is talking about boomer cubes that would net you a gay 2x if it had an insane pump to $50. Fuck LINK, this board is getting MOGGED by plebbit while we're talking about dusty projects

>> No.26946638

Based. It’s sad to see these gaslighting faggots still try to shill this old scam. Who the fuck cares even if this trash goes from $25 to 30? Kek.

>> No.26947081


>> No.26947193

Based. Like who the fuck is still holding this shit?

>> No.26947407

holy shit this guy is buff

>> No.26947475
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>> No.26947582


>> No.26947696

link is literally a scam

>> No.26947737

A perfect storm of hype, memes and trying to make free money. People want all that shit instead of researching their purchases