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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26929060 No.26929060 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else feel like all this is fucking ruined now that normies are in on it on social media

>> No.26929291

forcefully redpilling normies is based as fuck

>> No.26929408

Nobody is red pilled everyone Just wants to make their shitty joke and move on

>> No.26929464
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It's ruined in terms of a smart play and decent profit gains. But this accelerates everything so it's even better.

>> No.26929469
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>> No.26929543

It been over for days. The squeezed shorts already closed their positions. It is only being pumped by viralness at this point and people with a fundamental misunderstanding of what it means for GME to be more than 100% shorted.

>> No.26929549

It wasnt already ruined by the normies (reddit)?

>> No.26929552

Yeah because they have paper hands

>> No.26929614

What do you mean by “it”? GME or the stock market in general?

>> No.26929613

yeah im sure the people posting harry potter memes are getting redpilled

>> No.26929688

Erm no? Anything that highlights the hypocrisy and greed of the rich to the greater public is a good thing.
They literally forced identity politics down everyone's throats to make us forget about occupy wall st. That's why they're shitting themselves so much about this, it's putting them back under the microscope.

>> No.26929748

Fuck no! The more people who buy, the better it works.

>> No.26929796

>The squeezed shorts already closed their positions.

>> No.26929916

The dudes got 2.6B in loans and now are up 60% too. Even if Melvin went down 3B, they make profit if GME goes to 800. In fact they arguably caused GME to rise from 120 today when they mass covered all shorts and bought back in.

>> No.26929921

J.K. Rowling is pretty redpilled so maybe

>> No.26929970

It's a good thing. The more normalfags get at least slightly redpilled on the absolute state of the stock market, the better. And better yet, what will disillusioned plebs turn to when they realize the stock market game is totally rigged against them? That's right, crypto.

>> No.26930013
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nah, you can't tell me that this isnt a sight to behold, rappers, pornstars and everyday people getting in on the fiasco

>> No.26930061


>> No.26930145

>the world is rigged against poor people
Wow what a redpill no one knew this before

>> No.26930309

You mean millions of retards coming in on the backend of this thing to send your top purchase through the stratosphere?

>> No.26930390

>120% of float shorted

>> No.26930437

It's excellent. How long is this projected to last? Till Monday or something?

>> No.26930576

>They will need to buy it back.
Can't they just declare bankruptcy?

>> No.26930678

Then the people who fund them gotta foot the bill

>> No.26930701

your werent suppose to mention that

>> No.26930778
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>harry potter reference

>> No.26930838

Only on the tranny menace not other things (maybe muzzies as well I don't really know or care)

>> No.26930906
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virgin investor
Accelerationist Chad

>> No.26930923

They are shorting it at the high prices in the last few days. That is what has kept the short percent up high. Reddit won't be able to keep GME viral for an extended time and the price will return back to reality at some point. So it is basically free money for the shorts and time is on their side.

>> No.26931025

go back

>> No.26931044

People are waking up. Fuck porky

>> No.26931056

You're more likely to look like that dude than any Harry Potter fan.

>> No.26931103

it has to go down the chain until the government bails them out.

>> No.26931147

You're all faggots but this is wonderful.
Crypto was getting too much attention.

>> No.26931154

Reddit is here

>> No.26931206

That is a silver lining. I doubt Yellen is thinking much about BTC right now.

>> No.26931229

Who are the people that fund them?
What does that chain look like?

>> No.26931304
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Fuck this I’m investing in crypto. Nothing that ever reaches normie circles are going to be worth it

>> No.26931385

So retarded. No one needs to buy your stock. Volume was 178,588,000 on Tuesday. There are only 70,000,000 shares. No one will come knocking for your stock if you hold it forever.

>> No.26931390
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>> No.26931465

Above it Goldman Sachs
Above it the Fed
Above it the Rothschilds
Above them the reptilian overlords

>> No.26931544

Yes, but this is a massive hedge fund. If they file bankruptcy, billions of dollars just go poof from the stock market, most likely triggering a massive crash and then inflation when the fed inevitability BRRS up the difference, only making the problem worse in the longrun. We're about to have another occupy wall street if they get bailed out, and it'll probably get bloody this time considering all the other shit going on.

>> No.26931646

this fucking bitch is already comparing women to men when being able to trade in the stock market or not? fukken hell
that's why we need to keep all of this secret fuck normies

fuck all of this
they do not deserve any of this

>> No.26931691


>> No.26931746
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>> No.26931774

GME isn't worth enough even at this price to cause that many dominoes to fall. The losses faced by the shorts aren't big enough to be existentially threatening.

>> No.26931883

(((Reptilian overlords)))

>> No.26931910

Go back you insufferable tranny faggot beta cuck

>> No.26931962

you need to go back, nigger

>> No.26931980

A few such as Ryan Cohen are making massive profits from this. Your average person will lose, as usual. It's going to be hilarious watching millions of people jaded after this doesn't go as planned.

>> No.26932022

what do you think will happen when she inevitably wipes out?
people act very courageous when they think nothing is on the line

>> No.26932123

The line to gas chamber at Auschwitz.

>> No.26932137

Fuck off retard. The more the merrier

>> No.26932148

It's January 2018 all over again. You can tell because of the fuck awful quality of /biz/ right now due to tourists.
I can't wait for them to lose their money and leave this board

>> No.26932251

If it goes to 5k+ it is. Companies have to pull positions to get liquidity. That'll cause more selloffs and more crashing.

>> No.26932359


>> No.26932505

More or less
>nooooooo what do you mean btc fell? It was just an auto sell at 20k just hodl!!!!!
>nooo see its a new paradigm!
Que the Suicides when the people that held get fucked

>> No.26932508

It's not just GME though, they're going for Nokia, AMC, and anything else they can find that's shorted to hell. It only started with GME.

>> No.26932615

Idt the pumping plebbitors were poor but frame whatever you want however you want to anyone stupid enough to agree if it helps your faith in your ideology.

>> No.26932646

/wsb/ will be a cesspit of paid shills after this. i just want to keep /biz/ as under the radar as possible.

>> No.26932659

If you got in sub 100, you'll make gains. Not as much as you might have if your timing was better, but gains. But all these hopefuls joining the crusader at 300+ are going to get pounded so fucking hard.

>> No.26932731

Sure anon, plenty of idiots feel that way.

>> No.26932743

The government doesn't have to pay them back instantly though. The government can tell you they're buying your stock for $60 a share and if you don't like it that's fine they'll just wait. The government isn't bound by rules beholden to traders

>> No.26932862

This. Just look at their subscriber count. The entire demographic has been subverted and replaced. The new people want to ban words like retard and autist. They're turning it into "muh occupy". The only way to save it and maintain based face is to perma ban all the rapefugees that joined as of monday as soon as this dumps.

>> No.26932988

Bitchslap kek

>> No.26933047

When's the smartest moment to jump out of this? I think that it hasn't reached the highest saturation because of the excessive hype it's getting, and the heroic spin involved.


The words of naysayers are momentary & flitting, like the electrical discharge of what would only be described as a juvenile electron, but infinitesimally less than that in the face of absolute strength. All must recline sheepishly, and comprehend, the perfection of my intellect, the steadiness of this great wall between my intelligence and theirs, and the shrewd nature in which it defies their tiny paws. And behind it, a greater force than that, the great hero, possessed of a desire to shape the world into something he would find more than unremarkable.

>> No.26933055

No, because I don't use their faggity social media and don't give a fuck what they are saying

>> No.26933140

Faggot niggers will leave when they lose their money like they did in 2018 here

>> No.26933174

Normie retard strength will push GME into orbit. Show them the power they have, open Pandora's box. We can direct this energy.

>> No.26933210

no it doesnt
the "infinite" part doesnt extend past the first link in the chain and fucking gamestop isnt some systemic risk

>> No.26933390

NOK isn't even a squeeze play.
It got WSB hype from dark pool buying in. Now normalfags are FOMOing due to GME/AMC squeeze news coverage of WSB.

>> No.26933858

the more people that hold the stock, the higher the value gets and the more hedgies will have to pay

>> No.26934030

No. They have a more trusting mindset than /biz/ and will panic sell less. It only gets better from here.

>> No.26934094

Or they just declare bankruptcy
The government doesn't have to pay you what you ask them to pay.

>> No.26934290

do you know how bankrupcy works and the fact that you have to file for specific chapters of bankrupcy via meeting conditions

>> No.26934469
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Normies, especially leftoid normies are golems. It is literally impossible to redpill them.
In the matrix there is a reason they turn into agents when they become aware of you.

>> No.26934627

Have fun, I'll enjoy the sea of red wojaks myself

>> No.26934674

Lol I can't wait to dump on these fags.

>> No.26934735

It's one of those things that everybody "knows" but many don't really accept
especially here because rather than seemingly unconscious "institutional" forces working against people you have hedgies actively scrambling to screw people over

>> No.26934830

well tell me the last time a company was just able to say "haha im bankrupt" without having to legally declare it and run off without consequences

>> No.26934895

I swear normies only reference Harry Potter and Star Wars have they seen any other movies?

>> No.26934988
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2008 idiot

>> No.26935102

Anyone who uses this word needs to be dragged behind a pickup truck

>> No.26935174

did you miss all the chapter 11 bankrupcies that were filed where investors had to liquidate their own assets

>> No.26935259

Normies ruin fucking everything

>> No.26935288


>> No.26935514

People should stick to "normalfag."

>> No.26935536

My facebook feed is filled with glowies that think they are gordon gecko talking about stonks. These newbs are going to go from gamestop to crypto real quick. New money inbound.

>> No.26935641

no, the more retards pile on the better it is

>> No.26935713

To put things in perspective here's what will lilely happen
>hedge funds will be unable to close their shorts
>they will lose their collateral and take a huge hit to their credit, the insurance they have with the banks will then pay a lump sum to the lender to cover part of the short and have it closed
>some hedgefunds, if the situation is bad enough, will be dissolved
>retail investors will be left with their stocks for a worthless company whose shorts have all been closed
>cue mass sell-off
You won't just magically get $5000 a share for gamestop because you listened to people telling you to never sell. Make a sell off plan and don't wait too long

>> No.26935756


>> No.26936365

In truth, I've been goading people on to jump on this while keeping my skin out of the game. I've already accepted that the people that won were the investors that were in on this early. However, I won't be a cynical faggot like the other fags on here because the lulz and consequent butthurt generated from this shitstorm is once every decade. Whoever loses, lulz prevails.

>> No.26936603
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Also, pic related.

>> No.26936659

Matrix was created by a trannie

>> No.26936709

you do realize that the only way to close a short is to actually buy the stock back right?
so you're against both crypto and actual stocks. wtf are you actually investing in then or are you just a contrarian shitposter?
you do realize that congress is still in recess until feb 17th and that if biden actually signs an executive order protecting hedgies from his voterbase it would be the biggest redpill in history. Also at this point there's so many foreign investors that if that it would make stealing people's assets one of the most globally unprecedented events in history.

>> No.26936784

You cant be a collectivist and genuinely hate normies. Ironic hate is ok

>> No.26936815
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didnt read. suck my cock nigger

>> No.26936816

This whole thing was ststedy by the Reddit normies to begin with

>> No.26936836

they are not getting redpilled. they are just socialists

>> No.26936976

It means that more people are buying which is good, but normalfags are also extremely retarded which means they'll sell when the price drops by 5 cents.

>> No.26937628

>you do realize that the only way to close a short is to actually buy the stock back right?
It's not, this is the most overposted meme.
Shorts require collateral. You get your collateral back by closing it properly, however, if you can afford to you can give back some shares + the collateral. In order to keep your short going for example if the price starts skyrocketing you have to put up more collateral.
The hedge funds will give up their collateral, take the hit, and millions will be left holding overvalued stocks for a dead video game store.

>> No.26937697

Lol what who cares, literally everyone on both sides of the spectrum are getting massively redpilled today. We managed to get trumptards and basedboys both to stick it to the man and TPTB are telling everybody to fuck off collectively. This is massive progress, this might be one of the first times in the past decade everyone's really come together against the elites. As long as there are more people buying and people are holding and the exchanges are united against the populous this will continue, so I support the massive normie pressure on this.

>> No.26937869


>> No.26937877

difference is their ultimate goal is a more socialist world.

>> No.26938066

Do you even know the definition of what a collateral is? Have you ever had a collateral on house insurance, a car or literally an actual short contract? A collateral only protects as much as its own cost and if it exceeds it the indivual still needs to pay back the rest.

>> No.26938288
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Normies can’t be redpilled they are overly socialized retards, anything taboo like the JQ scares them away.

>> No.26938391

Look I know this is playing out in your head as some fantastical plight against the elite, but they have NEVER lost and intend to keep that streak going. The trading restrictions are nothing compared to when the SEC really starts to get into this

>> No.26938428

Sure, but you were in early were you not? I know at least a couple /smg/'rs who are millionaires now because of this. The normies are pumping YOUR stocks. Eventually they won't be able to deny how right you are. Just keep fighting the good fight.

>> No.26938932

I kekd

>> No.26939067

>It been over for days. The squeezed shorts already closed their positions.

Why would Robinhood et. al. restrict buying then?

>> No.26939474

Because it's not over. HOLD.

>> No.26939946


>> No.26939994

>they have never lost
Please, they get fucked all the time, just not so publicly and humiliatingly. So what if they win, there are 40 year olds cheering on 17 year olds throwing cash at GME. This has crossed all age and political boundaries, sure it will probably get dragged through the mud in the coming weeks but for right now everyone's in solidarity to fuck the rich.

>> No.26940987

retards. under capitalism the fact is not everyone can be rich. the same people becoming rich from all this are the same people that will then try to stop poor people from taking their money. at the end of the day, many people are going to get burned because the smart people will sell before the crash and everyone else will be left holding bags.

>> No.26942160

Wealth isnt zero sum.

>> No.26944301

>cnbc fat boomer bastard

>> No.26945312

Then Biden will find out 25k National Guard troops won't be enough to protect the capital.

>> No.26945635

You spelt soi wrong.

>> No.26945681

Let's assume that that $GME post ends up being 110% larp. Please remember:

1) Robinhood stopped allowing people to BUY $GME.
2) Robinhood has a business relationship with the firm that has a 2+ billion dollar relationship with the hedge fund that was shorting $GME.
If some kind of legal team doesn't shit down their mouth for stopping people from playing the Wall Street game then there will be hell to pay.

>> No.26945865

fucking retards I hate them bros

>> No.26946309

fuck off Melvin. It doesn't matter if it is reddit, 4chan, or twitter, as long as the hedgies get fucked.

>> No.26946357

It is if you make it off other people losing.

>> No.26946377

>but for right now
And then what buddy? You really think everyone is just going to pack their bags and head out?

>> No.26946703

Fuck off normal nigger. You are the perfect cattle for Kike overlords.