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2693333 No.2693333 [Reply] [Original]

> drops almost 20% in last 3 days
> no sign of recovery

ANS will moon, right guys? L-long term hodl

>> No.2693346
File: 24 KB, 600x463, 3be[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your hands are so god damn weak and you think you can buy a fleet of lambos in a week, just sell me your ants you retarded fuck. Crypto is better off without you.

>> No.2693355

Classic, you bought high didnt you? Lucky for you ans is being pumped and held pretty well so there is no way it will go under 250-300k. Just hodl

>> No.2693359

ANS is literally probably your final chance at lamboland. you need to hold a year. dont even think about day trading it

>> No.2693806

>tfw it won't dip enough for my weekly 20% stack increase

I have gone from 400 to 1.1k ANS just from the market fluctuation, but it's slowing down.
It must be since the movements are so obvious that everyone is trying to jump on the daytrading gravy train.

>> No.2693820

Betting on ANS is betting that the Chinese will continue to be racist against foreigners and their products. Seems like an easy hold to me.

>> No.2693830 [DELETED] 

Free pumps - bittrex only

>> No.2693842

nice quads
but maybe ans is another digibag

>> No.2693854

Of course it will moon but also buy this >>2693826

>> No.2693869

honestly gtfo if you're feeling weak in the knees for just a dip. That coin is going to fluctuate a lot but ultimately I'm sure it's going to be absolutely huge in 6 months time. dips like this one won't mean shit then.

>> No.2693882

Wtf is happening with ans today? Like its not moving anywhere, just a straight line

>> No.2694002

Other coins are mooning right now, half the volume are people looking for a quick pump

>> No.2694012

hahaha it s gone, that ship has sailed

>> No.2694119

Fuck off, no one listened when I told them to sell.

>> No.2694142
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.003 is almost exactly a 50% retracement. If it proves to be good support then I think ANS will retest the .0053 high some time over the next week or two.

>> No.2694154

That's the main reason why I continue to HODL.

>> No.2694161

I could've been you but i fucked up multipl times, im a nooby anyway. from 344 to 684

>> No.2694180
File: 38 KB, 323x62, trade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ those tabs

I got the same problem tho

>> No.2694195

>bought at 280
>sold at 320k
>bought at 308
>sold at 318
>will buy at 300

Am I day trading or will the commission on trading fuck me?

>> No.2694223

lol how much commission do you think bittrex take?

>> No.2694255

yunbi is down quick pump this shit

>> No.2694272

Are you seriously asking this question? Holy shit anon pay attention to your money you colossal imbecile.

>> No.2694276

No idea mate I'm a noob.

>> No.2694278


>> No.2694287

It's going up, calm down mate. Learn to be positive.

>> No.2694289

0.25%. You're well in the black m8.

>> No.2694293


Ans is the easiest coin to daytrade I have ever seen, stop whining. It peaks and dips practically every single day.

Today it's probably going to moon in the afternoon and then dip at night when the chinese wake up, just like it has over and over again over the last couple of weeks.

>> No.2694343

Maybe I'm the retard but I read the question as "Are my profits covering my commission costs?" I'm not worried about shit other than /biz/nessmen throwing money away, love you faggots.

>> No.2694420

Guys is 1800 ans enough for lamboland?

>> No.2694441

1k ants should generate a coin a day

>> No.2694442
File: 69 KB, 1573x464, Screenshot 2017-07-03 09.10.11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some good good stuff happening late july:

>I'm guessing a lot will buy the news and sell by Aug 1

You're welcome, sir. I only have 97 ants and need to reach 100

>> No.2694447

seems like a good amount
unlike my 43

>> No.2694538

nah dude, if youre worried do the math I Think its like 15k stats which is like a dollar

>> No.2694628

It's going to hit 500K today. I don't know why but it will.

>> No.2694674


I think it will hit 400k at most, which is not bad at all.

Just look at the graph, it's doing a nice steady up-and-down, probably being manipulated on purpose.

>> No.2694687

Calculate the percentage that the price has moved from when you started to when you finished, then calculate the percentage that you actually made in profit. I did the math for my trading yesterday, and I made 27% vs. about 7% if I had held over the same period.

>> No.2694751

Another confirmation of the fact that some people truly believe that "long time holding" means "about 5 days".

>> No.2694971

this. i lost 4 ans on shitty daytrading. now i have only 109.

>> No.2695122

When do you guys expect the pump before the conference to start? I'm daytrading and want to dump at the conference.

>> No.2695240

funny because I went from 8 to 21

>> No.2695254

Never goes down to what I bought it for so all I can do is hodl

>> No.2695317

I would like to start with the coin memes, this one seems good.

where do I buy/sell?

how hard is to sell this thing and get paper money?

>> No.2695374

Bittrex, wait a year so you pay less in taxes or risk the government fuck you in the ass with an audit

>> No.2695394

is Bittrex just for USA?

I'm a third world nigger, are there any international options?

>> No.2695500
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Where muh gainz?

>> No.2695508

Hmmm this should be pumping by now.
What are the whales thinking NUEVO CALLE

>> No.2695556

Wales are dead.

>> No.2695827

So nobody is gonna talk about ANS going down while everything else is Green?

>> No.2695841

Did noone else here buy under 200k?

>> No.2695851

I bought 20k ANS at like 40k-ish I think

>> No.2695861

of course

>> No.2695864

I bought half at 198k, and the other half around 250k.

>> No.2695868

And going up yesterday when everything was red?

>> No.2695873

Idiot whales

>> No.2695895




>> No.2695897

I bought 1400 at 130k

>> No.2695909

It's gonna correct to it's real value. 3 to 4 dollars. And that's being optimistic.

>> No.2695919


Lol what.

>> No.2695920
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Taking my gains and going to see a hooker soon. Buy low and sell high! Remember anonz. This is all easy money with antshares

>> No.2695974

/new/ here, what does all this "bought at 200k, sold at 300k" mean? what are those numbers?

>> No.2695994

Google Satoshi

>> No.2696005

Just look at the price in BTC on bittrex and you'll see

>> No.2696160

1 btc = 10,000,000 satoshi
read/lurk a LOT more

>> No.2696391

[shilling intensifies]

>> No.2696441

Help Antshares getting exposure by voting!
All ants to teh moon!!!!


>> No.2696528

1 btc is 100,000,000 satoshis you fucking nigger. One hundred million. Not ten million. You dunce.

>> No.2696546

Read/lurk a LOT more

>> No.2696645
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>> No.2696738

look at the volume theres an even bigger dip cooming, also no support on 300k, shits gonna break tonight. out with a lil bit of proft even.
Ill reinvest 6th of july

>> No.2696757

As a poorfag I was only able to buy 15 ants.
Selling them before conference and buying after is so enticing I think I'll go with that plan.

>> No.2696770

when is the next conference?
probably wont be that anticipated as first one

>> No.2696771

You mean the volume that is still top 2 in bittrex for like 3 weeks now?

>> No.2696777

What does the volume even tell you? that more people are trading?

>> No.2696790

Yeah, and it's safer that way. More people to sell your bags to.

>> No.2696801

I mean the volume dropped 1000btc in a few hours.
I was right about the last 3 chrashes, take it as you will

the attention and support a coin gets

>> No.2696818

Isn't it on 08.07 ?
There'll be a big rise after!
Please buy my ants.

>> No.2696821

The volume of all coins are down pajeet. Nobody cares about your "chrash" predictions.

>> No.2696838

aight, suit yourself, I'm out till the 6th

>> No.2696858

Ill give you that it doesnt look like itll break 320k today at this point

>> No.2696918
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I only have 37 ANS

>> No.2696953
File: 86 KB, 337x441, 1497097735363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all in ANS and only have 43

>> No.2696955

Should I neck myself? I bought in at 380k

>> No.2696981

did the fomo get the better of you?

>> No.2696986

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

If it really does drop, what would be a good point to buy? Last time I bought the 295k dip and sold at 340k.

>> No.2697007

Why would he?

>> No.2697024

>not realizing that ans will be a penny shitcoin in less than a year.


>> No.2697026

Buy high sell low

>> No.2697029

When do you think it will reach 400k again

>> No.2697034

What are you holding anon?

>> No.2697068

Lots of heavy bags, student debt, DGB and bonds with .0001 percent return that his boomer parents recommended

>> No.2697077

I made myself a graph, according to this graph it will drop to at least 250k, I can see the bottom appearing around 6th of july hence why I named that date. Keep in mind I didn't ecpect this mini moon though so it might be a little later. The volume rn is only a little higher than it was when it was crashing to 178k, so I feel like there is something fishy going on. I'm 100% certain it will fall though. I will personally keep a close watch of the chart and decide when the middle of the dip is, like I said 250k is what I'm anticipating, but I can't know for sure obviously this is all just speculation

>> No.2697080

Can anyone please explain why is he even asking this? I mean, just look at how much you had before the trade, and if you have more you are not losing, am i missing something?

>> No.2697108

If whales want it at 250 it will go to 250.

Your graph doesn't mean shit. This isn't the stock market.

>> No.2697110

"speculation" is being generous shill

>> No.2697130

I'm sorry, I meant that I don't think for myself and of course it will moon tonight despite the volume already having dropped another 200btc while I started talking. Buy some more and prove me wrong, that would be a great mental victory for you guys right?

>> No.2697165

You keep spreading this in every thread. Either fud to get everyone to sell or you're utterly retarded if you actually believe that shit graph. This isn't the stock market and albeit the daily whale activity has been fairly consistent, nobody can predict what is going to happen especially with new news coming out every second day.

>> No.2697168

We'll send you a postcard from lambo land.

>> No.2697194

in all fairness im sick of watching this shit going sideways

>> No.2697206

>bought 3 ans when they were like 2.5-3 dollars
>tripled my money
>bought siacoin
>lost half and now have bags that insult me when i look at them
i fucking hate sia.

>> No.2697248
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If you bought high, it looks like it should hit a new ATH soon enough.

>> No.2697253

3 ans? so you made $15. Woah!

>> No.2697262
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>> No.2697266

My bad, i put 15 dollars in, and got 52 out, so what ever amount that comes out too.
>huuur duuur Woaaaaah you made 3x profit?, i bought high and sold low you fucking noob.
get the fuck out of here and go shill wojaks

>> No.2697268

>bought x coin at an ATH
>man this coin is sooo shit

>> No.2697279

How is it bullish when it's been sitting pretty stable at $8 for a day now, from a low of $8 two days ago?

>> No.2697282

>developers didnt even sell a product THEY made to their own currency
It failed before it even began

>> No.2697294
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>> No.2697301


>> No.2697303

this is maybe the second time I posted this
and I believe in what I'm saying. Maybe I'm horribly wrong and it will moon, I have already made profit regardless, I'm not going to risk shit and regret my whole life when it turns out I was right all along, you are free to do whatever the fuck you decide to do, I'm doing my own thing

>> No.2697361

Have you even posted this magical graph you constructed? If you haven't you're naturally going to be seen as a FUDder.

>> No.2697366

Ignore all Sia, Verge and DGB posting.
Trust me as a fellow poor fag.

>> No.2697377
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>> No.2697381
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>this mini moon

>> No.2697385

side note, I expected it to drop way lower, I think 250k is more reasonable now

>> No.2697395
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>> No.2697413
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>> No.2697415

standing buy at 250k, then moon

>> No.2697416

buy more ants

>> No.2697425
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>> No.2697475
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>> No.2697537
File: 458 KB, 478x536, Google Image Result for Antshares.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks retarded but it's the truth. why? because this is all chink failure. dumb hyped westerners jumped in without any info on this shit. just look at the r/antshares posts;

>Website Overhaul: Help us reach Hongfei!
>NEO Core Team Details
>Vote for Antshares help gain free exposure! Takes 2 seconds
>Speed of Antshares blockchain
>It seems to be a growing concern of the community that the core team behind NEO is not very publicized. If you know of any members of the team, please comment their name and a short description of their role in the team, their previous experience, etc.

personal fav
>How to explain NEO to family and friends?

I still can't help but find it a little weird that this company that's supposed to be a huge competitor in the Chinese crypto world decides to start off a blog post by boasting about the amount of followers subscribed to a small subreddit from a predominantly western website.

>> No.2697556

That chart is flawed because the conference is on the 15th not the 8th.