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26909165 No.26909165 [Reply] [Original]

How can you invest around regulators being bought off by the people you need to use to invest?
I need answers for normies please.
Nothing esoteric.

>> No.26909351

The person that is advising Biden on how to deal with Robinhood arbitrarily stopping buy orders and the suspected force sale of their stock has been bough and paid for by the owners of Robinhood.
What alternatives are out there?

>> No.26909674

Jen Psaki's husband Jeff also WORKS FOR Citadel.

>> No.26909863

Haha Holy shit

Nation of crooks

>> No.26910029

You can't shit has been rigged for ages and any comment of such will make you an Anti-Semite best you can do is sniff around the edges of the table and hope for scraps. GME and shit scared them so they got out the news paper to smack us filthy dogs on the nose for stepping out of line.

>> No.26910226

Stop being some pathetic doomers they over played their hand and are screwed meme the reality you want to see not your loser doomer dystopian fairy tales.

>> No.26910469

Whoa whoa whoa whoa...
Corruption... in the Biden Administration?

>> No.26910573
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>this is so much better than the cheeto!!!!

>> No.26910677


>> No.26910676

Washington DC in its entirety (with a couple of looney exceptions in Congress) are bought and paid for by Wall Street. Governors and mayors in every state and city is also on the payroll of whichever local industrial tycoon their respective state or city has.

The US is corrupt to its very core. They just call the bribes campaign contributions or political donations.

>> No.26910748

An expert in what exactly?
I'd love to see a transcript from one of these million dollar speeches these fucking scumbags are always making.

>> No.26911173

Stop being naive and face reality. It's gotten worse and it's only going to get worse. They didn't overplay shit, they were right out in the open with their nepotism and the SEC is discussing investigating WSB, NOT Robinhood. This is going to keep happening and nobody is going to do shit and it will keep getting worse until all of us here are dead and gone.

>> No.26911463

This system is so damn corrupt. Amazing that normies don't see through it as long as the perpetrators call themselves progressive.

>> No.26911629

>nothing esoteric

Have you looked at a Federal Reserve Note recently? Retard.

>> No.26911632

One of my friends got mad at me for not voting biden and just got into investing a couple of weeks ago. He's been ranting to me all day about how corrupt the system is. Doesn't once register to him that he helped vote it in

>> No.26911721

Crypto has been there for you for almost a decade anon.

>> No.26912045

kek like Shillary's leaked Goldnut-sacks speech? Muh two postions

>> No.26912077

this, when every big company is suddenly lgbt+ "friendly", you should realize something is up

>> No.26912565
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We need to take the power back. What did people think would happen when a career politican got elected to the presidency. He is in bed with every last person on wall street, we will probably go to war so these billionaires can make money off defense contracts, check the digits.

>> No.26912793

Not her husband, her brother. Not any better though.

>> No.26912854

Not a doomer. I just want to know what app or website I can use to trade stocks that will respect my wishes as an low-mid tier investor.

>> No.26913252

Uncle Joe man of the people. He specifically said he would stick up for the little guy. Balls in your court now Joey, whatcha gonna do?

>> No.26913509

Why do people think being an anti semite is bad? Hating jews unites Blacks, Muslims, Catholics, regular working class people and the poor. All races can hate the long nosed tribe together.

>> No.26913537
File: 41 KB, 720x589, 1550817058995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can't get away with it forever, every time more and more people realize the extent of our clown government. ESPECIALLY now that they put their money on the line

>> No.26913710
File: 891 KB, 1592x2164, jeffpsaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have a winner! All Obama's Citibank cabinet

>> No.26913799


The chinese have been doing it for years. If they can, we can in biden's america

>> No.26913831

You can't. This is precisely why we typically prefer crypto to the stock market. Market manipulation is 1000x worse with stocks than it is with crypto.

>> No.26914108

I hate this world so much. But I have no power alone to bring it down. We aren't building bombs, we aren't taking lives, we're buying a stock we like and are holding it. Whether there is truth to the hedgies getting done over by options, we know what we're doing wasn't for the money. It was to see them squirm, even for just a second. To see them recoil in fear.

>> No.26915779

use normalfag here only people who care about what others think of them for saying fag use normies