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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26909832 No.26909832 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26909998

The crypto dip? I bought more like you should have. Instead you wasted your time on this.
Go back to web please.

>> No.26910183

Nothing wrong with pumping a meme stock on the side

>> No.26911165

It's no longer a stock it's a symbol

>> No.26911563
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Hi My name is Mr.Ekik
I think we should all sell now

>> No.26911765

kek back to yesterday's level, woot

>> No.26911785

good fucking post

>> No.26911809

>making an easy x5 to put it all back to crypto before the giga bull in August/September is now considered stupid

>> No.26911905

Etoro still wont let me buy god damnit, whyyy

>> No.26912118


>> No.26912136

How quickly after opening will the price increase? Before yours even able to place an order?

>> No.26912247

Guys I just realised if they could only get it down to 200, then that's all their shorting power. And that's WITH blocking the ability to buy.

200 minimum. No ceiling. I might let them off with 5k though since I'm feeling generous :)

>> No.26912279

I can't imagine it'll maintain. Even if it does, I don't want to be holding a p&d where half the pumping players are literally not allowed to even buy the stock.

>> No.26912306

Want to know this too. I was gonna do a $250 order.

>> No.26912348


>> No.26912354

why would you sell a stock that rich as fuck hedge funds are forced to buy. makes no sense.

>> No.26912401


>> No.26912397

I couldn't sell the dip because he trade won't let me purchase GME for my own good

>> No.26912408

I believe it opens at the pre market value

>> No.26912424

I sold the dip at $390 and bought back in at $240

>> No.26912458

Yeah, I sold at a loss around 250 something. Robinhood suspended buying. Saw no point in holding

>> No.26912510

Try 100k

>> No.26912519

They'll keep manipulating the market to scare off paper-handed tools so they can regain some of their losses. Do not sell, no matter what. This is the only thing they can do now.

>> No.26912589

Oy vey, it would be a perfect time to sell, if it dips again you will be financially ruined

>> No.26912599

Why? That means you're helping them twice

>> No.26912608

I believe I saw it at $120 today

>> No.26912650
File: 1.39 MB, 3024x4032, CEBEEFCF-4011-4908-B622-14192888BC56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normie niggers panic sold moon shotting to legit 1000$ tomorrow when robinhood is forced to reopen trading.

>> No.26912768

i was about to sell during morning freefall at a massive loss. fate didn't let me since there was no buyers

>> No.26912769

Hahaha weak handed faggots are never gonna make it. I took the opportunity today with the dip to buy another 100 shares.

>> No.26912800

So what's stopping outside parties from just saying "No, you're inflating the stock and we won't cash out"?

>> No.26912871

That was their first try late this morning. At closing they only got it to 200.

>> No.26912939

Like every other gambler on the stock market?

>> No.26912970

They disabled buying outside of market hours like two days ago

>> No.26912980

If you don't liquidate your robinhood positions tomorrow you're dumb

>> No.26913016


These guys get it and opened the doors. Got in position today +15% after hours aceoss my board.

>> No.26913070

348$ and going uuuuuuuuup

>> No.26913078

>webull doesn't have trade option in europe
>other apps taking 10,000 years to verify my data
ffs I hate this. I want in but looks like I'll miss it completely

>> No.26913079

>why won't they just completely destroy all confidence in the stock market instantly as a safe option for investing

>> No.26913156

id sell at the first pump. theyre gonna play tricks again.

>> No.26913164
File: 304 KB, 1045x977, gme_forced_sell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't they who sold. Robinhood did it to cover the hedge funds. There will be no pump tomorrow, no liquidations, nothing. They just paid off 130% of shorted stock!

>> No.26913223

I have a friend who's just insistent that this is not going to go higher than 400$ and thinks that nobody will pony up.

>> No.26913315

they already did that today.

>> No.26913323

you'd think they'd write a new script if they were gonna shill in this many threads

>> No.26913360

they have to "pony up". they have a contract. this isn't a game.

>> No.26913424

You gonna keep posting the same fake screenshot faggot?

>> No.26913467
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Thank you paper hands for allowing me to buy in

>> No.26913544

Because when i realized the jews were locking down trading platforms I knew I should take profits and wait for a better entry.

>> No.26913632

the options contract they agreed to write will stop them.
the shares they get lent as a direct short by the brokerage for two
the overleverage that was already present making an SEC investigation very bad for them, the hedgefund, and their Prime Broker, for three.

And your friend's a fucking fool, so are you if you believe him.

>> No.26913638

That's what i'm saying! He thinks that SOME outside party is going to go "No you were manipulating it" and stop it when theyve been doing exactly the same thing. He thinks its a scheme so that the people that have millions invested will make bank while the average joe gets swept under.

>> No.26913684
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lets see if it can rocket to 10k over the next few days

>> No.26913711
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>pic related
>posts a pic of the broker owned by hedge funds shitting their pants and basically saying: "Goy, don't, you can't ruin me, you have no right"


>> No.26913768

what happens when i open an account without your invite code?

>> No.26913877

why is it going up again i dont understand any of this

>> No.26913880

Then what? There's 3 options.
1. We sell, price goes down, people can only lose the amount they put in at maximum if we all sell below their buy in
2.we HODL, they keep doubling down on their shorts, their losses have no ceiling, infinite in theory.
3. Someone, govt most likely, steps in and forces some sort of settlement.

Basically we have the safest position. Our losses are finite, our gains inifinite. If someone steps in, they'd need to make it somewhat favourable for us, or risk total riots.

On the otherhand they have everything to lose

>> No.26913879

I'm gonna buy tomorrow firs thing but my broker has this weird message that it's on a special maintenance requirement of 300%
wtf does that mean

>> No.26913975

This is why crypto anon.

None of this KYC BS

Load up UNI and do some research on Kleros.

>> No.26914197

Yeah. This is the most blatant kikery I've ever seen

>> No.26914236




>> No.26914417
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I set a stop loss at $140 or so, as a failsafe. Thought there's no way it's going -60%.
Anyways, RH made it impossible to change that up so here we are.

>> No.26914454

They owe back 130% of the entire public float....

>> No.26914705

reminder a lot "sold" without them knowing since robinhood jewed out everyone.

>> No.26914783

Theres thousands of people who literally and unironically plan to hold it until 0 because plebbit told them. If they want to hold a bag to own the libs fucking let them

>> No.26915030

Kike alert
I don’t mind losing if that would take them with me

>> No.26915032

What brokerage you use when Robinhood shut it down?

>> No.26915173
File: 37 KB, 364x411, 1611024459547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow wall street kikes are vocal about the GME short squeeze and they are not happy. Theyre discontented with the way the price keeps going up and the fact they're going to lose billions to reddit tomorrow. I guess they were holding out hope for a panic selloff. There's even a petition that's garnered thousands of signatures to have Robinhood and other trading platforms ban the ability to buy retail stocks. Obviously that happened and it shows how unhappy they are.

>> No.26915243

when exactly tomorrow? and how many % of stocks do they need to buy? why isn't it spread out over more days? is it all over after tomorrow?

>> No.26915417

Thank you for the 3x I'm gonna realize when I sell tomorrow goy

>> No.26915639

Ereh did nothing wrong

>> No.26916045

Hahahhahahahahaha weak hands, why are you here?

>> No.26916294

We told you

>> No.26916397


>> No.26916580
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>> No.26917477

wont let me join idk whats wrong

>> No.26917731

What time does the short expire?

>> No.26918053

I admit it, i had 90 stonks at 220 and i fucking freaked out, i will be back tomorrow.

>> No.26918189

Are the kike funds still holding onto the shorted stocks?

>> No.26918252

The short will never expire, they dump the expiring ones in the post-market and buy new ones.
They lose money but compensate with hedges.
You have to wait longer to win, this is a long war.

>> No.26918301

Americans have already showed I. This election they are all talk do nothing bootlickers. Those few that might actually do anything will be vanned by FEDs at 3am cause as you may or may not be aware EVERYTHING you do is recorded and archived forever in NSA servers even if you stay off of the platforms that hate white people and will report you to the FEDs for what you say in private conversations; Facebook google discord etc

People think we still have a chance to avoid a dystopian technocratic surveillance state. Meanwhile people are being fined and arrested for leaving their homes and many people are literally sitting in jail right now facing 20+ years in federal prison for posting memes in 2016 about Hillary Clinton on Facebook.

>> No.26918360

im going to be buying as much AMC/NOK as I can get my hands on tomorrow.....

>> No.26918394


>> No.26918440

you are astoundingly retarded kek

>> No.26918555

Yes it recovered after a massive market manipulation by the kikes. Time for the price to sky rocket tomorrow.

>> No.26918856

Not only that, they have actually INCREASED their short positions in GME and AMC.

It’s a safe bet for them, everything is in their favor (gov, media, brokers, exchanges, banks, clearing firms, Silicon Valley, the regulating bodies.) if they lose its company money not their own. They are billionaires and millionaires in their own right. Worst that happens to them is they need to start a new fund under a different name and gather more capital or just go retire to their many houses and or mega yachts.

>> No.26918899

Has anyone open up a questrade account?
The verification part is probably 2 days, or can you start trading right away?

>> No.26919172

It's called witching hour. All options expire during the last hour of trading on the third Friday of the month.

>> No.26919423

so is it too late to join in on this fun?
i just got paid and willing to spend at least $2k on this if its worth it.

>> No.26919606

I'm gonna drop $10k into it tomorrow morning

>> No.26919749

You did the right thing.

Memorized The Intelligent Investor at age 15. Undergrad at Harvard. First job at GS. Got your CFA. MBA from Wharton. Opened your own fund after finely tuning your craft.

And then you were liquidated by a coalition of chicken tender eating HS dropouts.

>> No.26920110
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Gamestop's true valuation is really over $400 you know

>> No.26920175

why should anyone care about the rich?

>> No.26920656


>> No.26920797

fuck harvard
fuck goldwymen ballsachs
fuck the cfa
fuck your mba


>> No.26920888
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number go up

>> No.26921063

Well yeah, but at least some anons will get fat money out of it

>> No.26921095

No, this is not true. Lying nigger.

>> No.26921281

It would seem you are not that smart, then. All that time and money spent at Harvard and other kiked schools didn't really do shit for ya.