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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 513 KB, 1404x2045, Capture+_2021-01-28-17-01-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26897859 No.26897859 [Reply] [Original]

H-hedgie bros????
....i don't feel so good

>> No.26898131

Our efforts are working, if it keeps going at this rate we will have bank runs in February

>> No.26898275

Dogecoin racecar will reach 1$ by the end of year and then normies will take notice and carry it to the moon. Get it now while it's .02$. Good luck.

>> No.26898395
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Retards like me finally get a shot. Join me!

>> No.26898416

hedgies will get wedgies

>> No.26898558

How can we put Robinhood out of business?

>> No.26898564

Do I need to cash out all my other stuff sooner rather than later with them...won’t sell theGME but I got like 30k in other blue chips. Planning to move my business elsewhere anyways with this shit they are pulling.

>> No.26898707

Buy stimpacks and radaway friend.

>> No.26898788

go back to plebbit faggot

>> No.26898848

euro here
what does this mean

>> No.26899074

it means we are about to cause a financial crisis

>> No.26899142

And some psycho

>> No.26899262

how many hedgie are going to kill themselves?

>> No.26899289

Make your limit orders astronomically high for GME so they're forced to pay it.

>> No.26899313

Not enough

>> No.26899404

The ones the mob doesn’t get to first

>> No.26899408

non the government will bail them out and leave the work to the angry mob, its part of bidens stimulus package to get people back to work

>> No.26899411
File: 191 KB, 419x398, Akari Stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no poor Robinhood. You lose a lot of clients and suddenly need some money there? I'm sure all the new people who signed up and bought massive amounts of GME haven't had their accounts drained either. Poor little fellas must be scared.

>> No.26899440

>gamergate destroyed the political system of US
>gamestop will destroy US economy

>> No.26899475

Anything over 9,000 is just being greedy

>> No.26899481

A good amount probably. Happens often, a Wall Street exec anheroing because death is better than being poor

>> No.26899484

time to buy puts on the financial sector and buy physical silver

>> No.26899494

All because of Zoe Quinn, now look what happened.

>> No.26899568
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>> No.26899587
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>> No.26899607

I don't care. We've been stolen from for decades and if my bailout is going to pay for this I want a tax rebate for all the income tax I've paid in the last 5-10 years.

>> No.26899655

During the March crash last year they were said to have drawn down their $200M line of credit.
That's when they went down for two days.

>> No.26899742

Why do they need several hundred million dollars?
It's just an app.
Unless they were...
Couldn't be.

>> No.26899825

never thought I'd say this but... please crash it ameribros

>> No.26899845
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>oopsie guys we're bankrupt, heres your stonks at loss back
>sorry no refunds cant lawsuit us

>> No.26899859

They’ll be expecting one of us in the wreckage brother.

>> No.26899879
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Should have just let us have our vidya

>> No.26899896

>have sex
they are literally willing to say anything holy shit

>> No.26899990

We are doing it, and thank you for your help whoever you are wherever you are. This is a global effort.
Make no mistake the same kikes that fuck with us here fuck with everyone across the globe via institutions like the IMF.

>> No.26900026

There's no going back. The game is over and hedgies are realizing it. And yes, they would rather trigger WW3 than relinquish 0.005% of their assets.

>> No.26900041

Isn’t new DOGE produced 24/7/365? How does it gain value?

>> No.26900147
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>how many hedgie are going to kill themselves?

Not any time soon.

>> No.26900151

They will lose a lot of customers as is.

>> No.26900239

So why doge and not bitcoin? I've never dipped into crypto. Or is it all the same shit with different branding?

>> No.26900411

Power to the players bros

>> No.26900448

We live in a S O C I E T Y

>> No.26900548

She looks jewish

>> No.26900576

Same shit, different brand. Difference here is that dogecoin has always been dirt cheap, while bitcoin has been big shit since 2017.

>> No.26900591

all the poeple that got denied GME on Robinhood noticed DOGE was only 0.018 or cheaper is my guess plus anons meming all around

>> No.26900624

It's a question of meme versus actual use. Kind of like having a Visa card versus a Diner's Club card.

>> No.26900671

No, If there is a financial crisis just because the hedge funds are too greedy to cover in a minor loss instead will only accept total destruction of the economy before they lose a cent. They are the ones prolonging this

>> No.26900689
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>> No.26900694

I know the formula for rad-x but rad away I'm not sure.

>Prussian blue
>potassium iodate

>> No.26900723

That's a man.

>> No.26900731

Why would Robinhood even need money?
It's the shorts who are on the hook.
HODL already bought the stock.

>> No.26900737

Maybe you should have bank runs Friday anyway

>> No.26900745
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>> No.26900821


>> No.26900833
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Already got your covered.

>> No.26900843
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Basically Whitehouse Speaker Jen Psaki right now. Her husband Jeffrey is the portfolio manager at Citadel. Go figure.

>> No.26900868

They're already out of business. Tell your boomer family members to witdraw all their money and move it somehere else if they want to see it again.

>> No.26900932


Oh waow.

>> No.26901071

the more people want it, the higher it goes. And everyone wants dogecoin, so it only goes up :)

>> No.26901111
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Crashing this financial system WITH NO SURVIVORS

>> No.26901117

some girl fucking 5 guys caused trump to be elected and now the markets are on the brink of revolution. probably the most influential person of decade.

>> No.26901156


>> No.26901179

Xer can't keep getting away with it

>> No.26901245

If this shit has taught us anything it's that memes always win

>> No.26901271

>bank runs

Summer 2020 riot fires are gonna look like a birthday cake compared to what's coming.

>> No.26901361

I put in 25€ as a joke. Hopefully it pays off

>> No.26901568

would they actually be forced to buy at such a high price?

>> No.26901636

When the stock markets collapse we will have won

>> No.26901696

In the future everyone will have 15 minutes of wealth

>> No.26901734

Wouldn't it be a nice way end all this if they couldn't pay and the government bailed out the little guys.

>> No.26901735

Screengrabs from people being forced to sell show it being sold at current market price.

>> No.26901743

they are already fucking with EU retail investors
My german scuffed robinhood clone broker banned everyone from buying GME, BB, AMC and NOK today

at this point I just want to see everything burn

>> No.26901796

What do you recommend instead of RobinHood? Weebul is cucked and apparently Ameritrade won't be ready for me until Monday, I want to start trading again in the morning.

>> No.26901825
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jesus christ
will we even get our withdrawals if the trading platforms go under!?!?

>> No.26901915

Not your keys not your coins

>> No.26901923

i'm afraid to post on 4chan because i know that every single glowie is watching

>> No.26902019
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>> No.26902022

Is... the fire rising?

>> No.26902089
File: 2.43 MB, 1956x2874, Tito,_70-81_ca,_collez._albani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> oops, just stepped on some shit on my way to Persia.

>> No.26902212

Do Not Underestimate The Power Of The Playstation

>> No.26902221
File: 160 KB, 738x1024, 1611775559521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are pulling an exit scam.
They're maxing out their credit and clearing out the entire brokerage. They'll be already bankrupt before the class actions hit them. There will be a massive exodus (worth shorting) but if you're banking at them, get your funds out ASAP.

As for them, Israel does not extradite its citizens.

>> No.26902310

Take your business elsewhere. Any chance you get warm others away from using RH. The customers are their business. Stop using and they die.

>> No.26902324

>all because of Zoe Quinn
Send the CEO of Robinhood the link to depression quest

>> No.26902332

that was on margin, shalomie

>> No.26902428

Reddit should start a sub that bets on the amount of hedgie suicides that happen in the upcoming weeks.

>> No.26902546

Isn’t that a bit pricey for dogecoin? I always thought it was a penny coin on purpose.

>> No.26902673
File: 114 KB, 1080x623, IMG_20210126_222817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice dubs

>> No.26902721

i was told robinhood is allowed to execute limit sells below the target price if volatility is high (in the EULA/terms when you sign up) so i'm kind of afraid to set any limits and get fucked in the ass by them with no way to buy back in

>> No.26902814

yes. you're literally better off holding the USD.

>> No.26902864

When do all the sort sellers have to buy back the stocks?

>> No.26903027

what brokerage is best/cheapest for scalp trading?

>> No.26903209


>> No.26903210

RIP to anyone who has money in RH.

>> No.26903297

That's when you bring in the lawyers.

>> No.26903318

Her husband is named Greg retard

>> No.26903337
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I still cant beleive Im in this timeline

>> No.26903353

>made my account last fucking night
at least i can take a hit financially speaking

>> No.26903466

They're allowing purchases of the shorted stocks again tomorrow. I would still move to a different platform if I were you, trading fees aren't that bad unless you're a day trader.

>> No.26903680

They probably see that their business is a sinking ship now that they fucked with all of their clients and now wanna tap into that credit line while it's still there.
This might be the shareholders exit strategy at this point.

>> No.26903798

Trading fee is $75, kind of steep. If what is supposed to happen, happens and we're all rich, I'll be sure to trade. But right now I have $0 buying power and I would really rather not pay $75 to move $260 worth of stock that I paid $350 for.

>> No.26903900

They owe people the difference for shares they sold as far as I am concerned.

>> No.26903926
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$1 x 128,136,378,598 DOGE

>> No.26904049

There is no financial crisis if they accept the loss without a bailout. It's literally that simple.

>> No.26904062

Daily reminder to own things that you can hold like crypto in your own wallet and physical metals like gold and silver
don't forget: fuck kikes niggers jannies hedgies and especially kikes

>> No.26904362

Like to put them in my metamask?
If i buy smething from lets ay kraken and i want it safe and secured should i put it in my metamask?

>> No.26904375

crashing this market with no survivors

>> No.26904476

Redditors are about to get 70 billion

>> No.26904604


>> No.26904872

And she would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you damn gamers!

>> No.26904975

Webull rocks.... You can trade from 4 am to 8pm... Very nice charting tools also.

>> No.26905107

Weebul cucked today, fuck that. I'm going with Fidelity.

>> No.26905488

At least they properly explained it as their clearing house (Apex) as the reason. And they have since removed the restriction since 2:35pm today (look at the graph).

>> No.26905611
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>> No.26905672
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Other in this thread have asked the same question.
>If Robinhood fails, will I lose my money?

It's truly amazing how little you guys know about the tools youre playing with.
Here are the facts:
>hedges cant cover their position
>primary lenders cant cover for hedges fuckups
>robinhood needs money because they under collateralized their margin accounts
>robinhood is FDIC insured so- YES YOURE MONEY IS SAFE THERE
>What if the need from retail brokerages demands more money then the FDIC is prepared for?
>Why do people keep money in bank accounts?
>They know their money is safe. It's insured.
>Who insures it?

Bros you dont get it. If the FDIC cant keep your gambling money safe in Robinhood then thatll be the last of your worries. ALL BANKS IN AMERICA WILL NOT BE INSURED. Causing a massive bank run and because of fractional reserve lending a total collapse of not only the U.S. economy but the Dollar itself.
Power to the players :)

>> No.26905676

Shit, should I start pulling my money out of trading apps?

>> No.26905747

I think they are doing a pretty good job at that all on their own.

>> No.26905753

And it will be biden's fault.

>> No.26905820

I'm thinking of pulling money out of my 401k... like a loan to myself and hold it in bitcoin, repay it in a year.

>> No.26905857

infinite supply
500 billion initial cap
fucking plebbit is making someone rich with their bandwagoning

>> No.26905864

Well considering the next step in our master plan is to crash the financial system, with no survivors.

I’d say more than a few.

>> No.26905929


>> No.26905988

Tomorrow... AMC is pushing $12 after hours.. Shorts have to pay back those stocks +12 on every barrowed share... Lol..

>> No.26906057

Gonna have to call up Fidelty tomorrow and set up an account with them. I want to play long stock market game. I'm not in it just for fast gains. Robinhood just showing they are crooks. I will buy memestocks when I think it's funny, but the rest are going into companies I believe a lot in and some ETFs.

>> No.26906322
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In4 some shitty gaming stock becomes the spark that incites the civil war.
Truly a clown world.

>> No.26906339

Basically, it's all safe, or it doesn't even matter because we will return to monke if it's not safe

>> No.26906378

They DONT have to buy back tomorrow theirs no end date stop spreading Melvin propaganda. It happens when we push it high enough

>> No.26906394

Ameritrade decided plebs aren't allowed to do that anymore

>> No.26906694

Bro this is an international effort, I'm doing my part from here in Aus, or at least I'm trying to using a fucking slow as shit website based platform because our banks are 10 years behind.

>> No.26906732

What's the blue supposed to be? Mormons?

>> No.26906900

Record low economy!

>> No.26907104

To all my ameribros: I'm asking you to use anything else BUT robinhood if you CAN .

>> No.26907168

Kek i hope so

>> No.26907186

Haha cool. I like stock.

>> No.26907291

I'm not jewish and I have some jewish friends, and don't really care if someone is jewish or not, but why exactly are these elites also jews? There is a significant overlap here

>> No.26907380

Webull cucked today but are they still worth using?

>> No.26907450
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Pls deliver

>> No.26907469

yes because it was only very temporary and the at least cited their clearing house (Apex) for the cause

>> No.26907583

HAHAHAHA. Feels like a dream bros.

>> No.26907582

>you must have at least 5 years of experience at your last job before moving onto your next

>CEOs only spending 2-3 years at each company before moving on

>> No.26907588


>> No.26907656

I use robinhood and am holding a few etfs on there, how can I switch over my shares to another platform?

>> No.26907720

This is no where the beginning either. The only reason people are sticking to them right now is because their assets are tied up to them. Once everything goes back to """Normal""", people will move to another broker. Fuck Robinhood in the ass.

>> No.26907765
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i truly believe in meme magic bro's. a god exists i am sure of it, this is evidence

>> No.26907802
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Gradually, I began to hate them...

>> No.26907810


you know if they get liquidated you lose everything in them. brokerages are not banks, its just gone. careful what you wish for

>> No.26907859

Yes, say it anon. Say what you've discovered.

>> No.26907869

Have we started the fire?

>> No.26907915

Explain in simple English? Good or bad?

>> No.26907921

Teach me how to stock

>> No.26907964
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the fire rises

>> No.26907989

Because you do business with people like you and the stronger the ties between a group the more likely they are to do business with each other. These people are a race and a religion with long history of familial trauma, they will bond and get each other in secure high positions

>> No.26908084

Literally false, Robinhood is SPIC insured

>> No.26908088

doge is a pnd watch out

>> No.26908114



>> No.26908175
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Hedgies vs Wagies

>> No.26908236



I can outjew the jews this time.

>> No.26908301
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>> No.26908307


You fucking idiots really don’t understand how serious this is do you? You’re causing major institutions to lose billions of dollars and might even cause the grandparent loaning bank to go under. People will lose their homes, people’s mortgages and investments will be impacted as a result. There is a loser on every trade and mark our words at the end of the day it WILL be you

Enjoy retaining a lawyer and fighting off discovery for the next five years. Was it worth ruining your life for a 10x? Good luck explaining why you’re using words like “Jew” and “nigger” to a federal judge. Enough is enough and it’s about time someone took you man children down a notch

>> No.26908409

and then one day for no reason at all

>> No.26908498

what is the actual odds that lawyers come down on us

>> No.26908611

this pasta is rancid

>> No.26908640

That’s called being armenian

>> No.26908695

>the most influential person of decade.
so the most influential person of the past year?

>> No.26908727
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>> No.26908802


>> No.26908855

https://youtu.be/9-J4O8PKs1k HOLD THE LINEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.26908933

that's not how it works

>> No.26908971
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>> No.26908972

im guessing they're eyeing wsb over anybody else.

>> No.26909002
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I did that a while ago, it's been pretty funny today.

>> No.26909057


>> No.26909064

meme stocks make up 0.01% of the market.
>we're taking down the system!!!


>> No.26909110

You don't have to explain 'words' to judges you fucking dummy.

>> No.26909159

no one with a firearm is losing their home just because the bank doesn't exist anymore, glhf

>> No.26909171

Bucket shop

>> No.26909219

close. armenian

>> No.26909310

we want to buy gme
lets buy gme to crash the economy

>> No.26909356

Jew detected

>> No.26909367

zero, there's nothing you've done

>> No.26909762
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Wrong, it all started with this cunt.

>> No.26909817

Jews are smart, have a culturwe that promotes white collar work, tend to live in large cities, and most importantly, engage in nepotism a lot. The problem is not necessarily that they have these positions, but that they wield disroportionate power while also having the status of a protected minority.

>> No.26909857

Kys pasta faggot

>> No.26909899

What should my limit order for selling price be?

>> No.26909938

fuck shes so hot

>> No.26910062
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>> No.26910156
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And then they will just be bailed out by us via our taxes again. They know it, we know it. What this is is something stupid and amazing. How the rules they game the system with they do so without care.
Hope the Hedgies lose out via policy. Public opinion is strong here.

>> No.26910285

5 thousand dollars

>> No.26910329

Technically it’s SIPC that insures broker dealers, not the FDIC

>t. hedgie employee

>> No.26910423

I have 1 stock only but i set the limit to 5k usd on it

>> No.26910815



>> No.26912192

Ooo I got TWO (You)s, I'm blushing shill

>> No.26912275


>> No.26913617

I like your funny words, frog man.

>> No.26914793
