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File: 22 KB, 650x187, 1611870283612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26896730 No.26896730 [Reply] [Original]


Previous thread >>26893415

>> No.26896791


>> No.26896860
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>> No.26896859

remember who is your master goy

>> No.26896888

But I could use that money to buy more GME instead???

>> No.26896891

Is AH stuck at 272 for everyone else?

The common folk, I mean

>> No.26896894
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>> No.26896914

no, i just use fidelity

>> No.26896922
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>> No.26896960

263.05 as of writing this

>> No.26896988

When are we selling

>> No.26896992

friendly reminder the hedgies are batting from both sides you're fighting nobody now eat shit ledditard and die

>> No.26896994
File: 12 KB, 314x342, 1587917206140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's back up again

>> No.26896999

It's in the 260s.
Why do jewish women like nigger dicks?

>> No.26897013
File: 23 KB, 557x208, AMC MOON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMC is pumping

>> No.26897046
File: 9 KB, 256x197, download (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got £2000 sitting ready to pump into GME
Should I fucking do it?
Or be safe and just put £100 in? It feels like a dumb gamble but it could pay off amazingly.
What do I do bros?

>> No.26897055
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>> No.26897058


>> No.26897061
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>> No.26897081
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Hold the line!! don't sell!

>> No.26897090

trips of truth. dont fall for divide and conquer shills. focus pressure on GME

>> No.26897095

Can someone for the love of god please post that website with brokers that allow GME to be traded?

>> No.26897107

All you have to do is buy and hold

>> No.26897129
File: 1.00 MB, 184x141, 1413148335389.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They froze trades countless times today, costing hours of trading time.
They attempted to block people from trading.
They removed options to buy GME.
They doubled down on their shorts from 140% to 249%.
They whined, cried, and called us names.
They literally threw EVERYTHING they had at us, and what was the end result? Class action suits for market manipulation and GME still above $250 after hours. Big red candles with low as fuck volume. Nobody's selling.
Friday is tomorrow, these cocksuckers are fucked and they know it.

>> No.26897132

One hedgie down the ledgie is still better than nothing.

>> No.26897152
File: 86 KB, 717x643, 1EEGkpm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you not hear what Wu Tang said?
Diversify your assets, nigga

>> No.26897166

so is it friday or monday

>> No.26897168

I see 264. If you are using trading view the post and pre can freeze at times. Look in the upper left before the stock name

>> No.26897170


>> No.26897179

Can't wait to see all rhe smug bobos and pink wojacks tomorrow when nothing happens. Lol get rekt faggots. They always win.

>> No.26897182

where can i open an account, quickly deposit money, and buy gme right now? robinhood fucked me.

>> No.26897185


>> No.26897194

I bought 1 (one) share of GME.
Did I win?

>> No.26897212

I already did, at $13 this morning. But they cancelled my GME order. I best be able to get in tomorrow morning.

>> No.26897220
File: 1.82 MB, 160x192, 1609874835396.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so tomorrow is going to be a blood bath?

>> No.26897242

How do we know that the big fish aren't out and now the squeeze won't happen?

>> No.26897253

robinhood will let you buy one share tomorrow morning on the condition that you can't sell it.

>> No.26897270

Mate put everything you can in. I poured my entire meagre £4.5k savings and have around 20 shares. It's absolutely taking off from tomorrow. This thing was double digits start of the week

>> No.26897283

fucking this

>> No.26897292


>> No.26897318

I chickened out and put £200 in on Monday.
On Tuesday I put my other £800 in because of FOMO.

You're probably going to do it anyway, so just go all in on the next dip.

>> No.26897317


>> No.26897391

can anyone explain the $492 spike midday?

>> No.26897394
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I have 10 shares
It's not much, but is all I can comfotably dispose
We got this

>> No.26897400

Theres no out until the shorts are bought, theres public information on the float

>> No.26897433

the short attacks worked pretty good today though, definitely shook the normies when it dropped to 150

also easy to FUD now by claiming the drop let them buy out their short positions so there won't be a squeeze friday. Impossible to prove but sounds really plausible.

the good thing is that the fundamental reason to buy doesn't really rely on convincing other idiots to buy in. as long as holders hold everything works out in the end (unless we witness an even more powerful jewish spell go to work tomorrow and they freeze the whole stock or something)

>> No.26897442

they commandeered your strategy bro you didn't stick it to anyone but yourselves and the the rich few ledditors who scam you will make off like bandits while you hold bags from both hedgies and your fellow ledditards

>> No.26897459

The after market is India, looks like Wall street has a limited reach after all and this is just the sort of madness Indian traders adore .

>> No.26897464

Tomorrow is when we witness The Big Squeeze.
Hold, retards. Fucking hold.

>> No.26897470

Hedgies getting out

>> No.26897521

IT'S FUCKING OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.26897523

When one of the Wall Street kikes comes to my door and gives me his big titty hapa daughter and a dowry of gold bars.

>> No.26897533

It was just before they stopped us from buying.

>> No.26897537

hey thats the AMC by my house

>> No.26897549
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>> No.26897553
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>Public and Webull want a pic of my ssn or drivers license

>> No.26897554
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>> No.26897586

>only 375k volume
fuck off kike

>> No.26897598

That wasn't a spike, that was the market value.
The dip was short laddering + retail lockout.
It would have gone 500+ if it wasn't for jewish trickery.

>> No.26897599
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What the fuck is this
Did this actually happen? What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck

>> No.26897604
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>pic related

What the fuck is this? This reads like a fucking parody.

>after we halted the free market and restored "normalcy," the retarded hedgie-fucks were allowed to cover their butts which restored confidence to the boomers

suck my fucking dick, you rigged the game!

>> No.26897633

where can i even buy this shit

>> No.26897657

Not true, it was just before they paused buy orders on most brokerages.

>> No.26897663

Ok, who do I email with legal threats like suing, taking all my assets, and with government agencies do I contact?

>> No.26897669

You have 10? I only have 3. When are you selling you magnificent bastard?

>> No.26897674
File: 25 KB, 1800x1066, volkswagen-short-squeeze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be a short window. How greedy you choose to be is up to you.

>> No.26897685

I bought 7 shares at $225 basically $1500. If I lose $1500 it's gonna suck but it won't ruin my life. Basically 2 paycheques. If something happens tomorrow I get a nice chunk of change towards a down payment or something and I screw over some jews. If I lose it all my life is literally no different and I could have bought a new gaming pc instead.

>> No.26897687

For your protection.

>> No.26897692
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We are at the edge of greatness. Hold, faggots.
We will become history

>> No.26897715

Will it go down again to $100-$125 or lower? I can’t afford the current price and want 2 whole shares

>> No.26897718

I fucking hate kikes so goddamn much

>> No.26897737

I don't have the screenshots so this is a 'just trust me bro' but I recall there being 51 million shares worth of shorts expiring tomorrow, and the biggest dip only saw 10 million shares moved total. They might have made a killing exploiting the dip and bought back anyway though, so there's really no telling what their position is now other than that there are still lots of shorts out there.

>> No.26897744

You can't. The exchanges have banned people buying it

>> No.26897762

There were no actual trades going on today though just changing hands back and forth.

>> No.26897763

Hold through the weekend? sell on monday?

>> No.26897778

Is this true? I was planning to buy precisely one, but if they prevent selling fuck that.

>> No.26897781
File: 66 KB, 1024x958, ea7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cap this and put me in it

>> No.26897788


>> No.26897802

I want to compare different brokers (EU).

>> No.26897817

They have BILLIONS in shorts. Twice. They are not getting out. They just try to fake the nominal price. They want you to sell.

>> No.26897818

>the short attacks worked pretty good today though, definitely shook the normies when it dropped to 150
I'm a normie and I nearly vomited when it hit 150.
But I'm still fucking HODLing

>> No.26897826
File: 87 KB, 606x1016, Screen Shot 2021-01-28 at 5.02.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>119% Institutional ownership
>Algorithms drive most of the stock market
>Institutional algorithms spot GME
>shift blame on WSB for collective autism driving market volatility
>media takes bait and accuses WSB referring to some dumb racist homophobe globohomo stuff driving more publicity towards this
>Robinhood placing limits on GME and AMC
>WSB banned from discord

This was the perfect psyop but I am glad I got to witness some hedge fags seethe as they lost billions. If AMC was as popular as GME was for shorting maybe this would have been different.

But the work is done. The message is sent. It is time to crash the market. With no survivors.

>> No.26897829

ive lost hope in humanity long ago, but moments like these are fucking priceless

>> No.26897830
File: 84 KB, 500x705, 8912A9C6-F690-494F-B029-FAA968CD5603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the freeze

>> No.26897850
File: 31 KB, 534x306, 107169167_326307085047088_6476169155459294083_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just called Merrill Lynch support and they refused to let me buy GME or AMC to my face. I'm done. I've put hundreds of thousands through this account but I'll never give them another cent.
Here's my call, they confirm that they're blocking stock purchases to PREVENT the short squeeze:

>> No.26897851

that shit lasted a couple of days bro you have the map at fucking yearly intervals

>> No.26897863

Streisand is the word of the day.

>> No.26897878

how is this fucking legal?

>> No.26897884

is it true what they say in other threads that the squeeze has already happened and there's only like 50% shorts remaining? Is it true that now it's just WSB in a bubble and everything is about to crash hard?

>> No.26897899

me too. i unironically hope a far-right nationalist movement comes out of all this

>> No.26897901

>they freeze the whole stock or something

What are the chances of that happening? I think the political backlash would be immense considering that a significant percentage of the American public have bought in, but they've never cared about normal people before so it probably won't matter

>> No.26897906
File: 161 KB, 2888x564, DeepFuckingValueFail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How big of an L do you think he's feeling?

>> No.26897924
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>> No.26897941

It isn't but rules don't apply to heebs

>> No.26897949

If it's that low, it's over. Unironically. It has to stay above $175 to actually fuck the hedgies over.

>> No.26897975

I can't wait to see what kind of fucking ass shit idea they will pull this time to keep people off.

>Occupy Wall Street
>3rd wave feminism, gender theory, trans right
>Fuck hedge funds

>> No.26897981
File: 32 KB, 474x515, jzfjfjf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me how to sell on IBKR?
I have 3 shares and when it dipped after hitting 400€ today i wanted to sell those 3 shares, but when i hit sale it said that I'm trying to short sell even though I'm just trying to sell those 3 shares i own.
So how the fuck do you sell the shares you own if pressing "sell" makes you sell shorts? The fuck?

>> No.26897983

Robinhood will supposedly allow you to do "limited buying" tomorrow. And I've seen anons saying others allowed GME trading about 30 minutes to an hour before closing.

>> No.26897996

Jump ship to NAKD

>> No.26898000


>> No.26898004
File: 56 KB, 555x690, 1608958177594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

society is collapsing m8s
hold the line, gamestop was your charished past, they want to take everything from you.

>> No.26898014

yes, though most of the day will probably be something like today. The real slaughter will begin at the final hour and it'll probably shock the white house so badly that they work all weekend to come up with a solution for monday.

>> No.26898025
File: 504 KB, 2244x828, bearish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26898027

Totally fucking rigged, never selling

>> No.26898031
File: 206 KB, 771x804, Yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want a hold face. Here's my hold face.

>> No.26898046

They've already lost one battle. They had to openly manipulate the market today.

We still like the stock.

>> No.26898070

it takes 6 days for melvin to cover their loses. and there's a bunch of firms keeping quiet because they were quietly doing exactly what melvin did. we don't know the ceiling on this because 2020 was such a lulzy year of endless money printing that all of wall street went temporarily retarded.

>> No.26898074

His hands are diamond. He said this would come, if he's still in on that much, he knows the peak has yet to be seen.

>> No.26898076

he could probably hold that beyond max

>> No.26898084

They wouldn’t be freezing assets if that were true

>> No.26898089
File: 260 KB, 1837x1030, Volkswagon2008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Won't be THAT short, you'll see the spike during the day and have time to react.

>> No.26898090

pedo rights. 100%

>> No.26898104

dude casually bought 750k of GME stock before it blew up, clearly he has fuck you money and just does not care

>> No.26898112

Put 2k in before close... How fucked am I?

>> No.26898126

he's holding for a reason retard

>> No.26898127

Asian and European bros, you're our last hope lads. Come through clutch.

>> No.26898141

I already transferred my money into Robinhood yesterday and can't move it back out until the transaction is done next week. Fuck.

>> No.26898157

absolutely not, and it will take them at least a week to cover

It's not just going to jump up to some ridiculous number and then back down in the span of 10 minutes, it's going to burn like a dumpster fire for days. They're fucked.

>> No.26898163

Poor Indian guy taking shit all day. It ain't his fault please don't do this.

>> No.26898176

>try to hop into etrade
>have to make a phone call to "resolve" some issue
>try fidelity
>acc creation fizzles all day and eventually they can't confirm my identity
>webull acc pending since two days ago

>> No.26898179

Can't say it wasn't fun to watch rich billionaire hedge fags seethe and tremble on TV. Sad that most of this rally was prolly just one hedge fag making bank off another hedge fag.

>> No.26898185


>> No.26898188

It's not but the inevitable lawsuits would probably be cheaper than what they're trying to prevent.

>> No.26898191

Not much, even if this shit goes completely south he'll still have made a profit because he bought at $4
A lot of people seem to be forgetting this.

>> No.26898205

lmao almost feel bad for the call centre wagie

>> No.26898206

No it's not. There was no fucking volume today. No stocks where bought except intra trading. They have to cover BILLIONS in shorts

>> No.26898223

It's basically 2008 where they just cover up their mistakes with bullshit and pretend it never happened. The entire financial system is completely fraudulent.

>> No.26898230

negligible i would think since he started out with $50K. he's also cashed out on a lot of his calls slowly to not screw up the price so he's got a few millions in the bank already

>> No.26898231

Unironically bought AMC just to hold longterm.

>> No.26898237

Nice trips but get in on the ground floor of AMC and NOK. Make that shit go further!!

>> No.26898252


>> No.26898268
File: 15 KB, 400x400, 1428706062331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trading halted more than not today
>delisted for the platforms most people are using
fuck off kike

>> No.26898276
File: 154 KB, 1139x1800, 71xPZa2TlfL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you're at it, also read pic related

>> No.26898279

Question from a retard:
If lets say 50% of outstanding shares of GME are held by autist holdors, couldn't Melvin just keep buying the same shares from the same people to close out their positions?

>> No.26898317




>> No.26898326


>> No.26898329
File: 566 KB, 550x555, 1610550871174.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone knows a broker in europe that still sells GME?
I just don't give a fuck anymore i'm buying and hodling no matter what or I'm gonna kick myself for the rest of my life

>> No.26898338

what site is this

>> No.26898345
File: 28 KB, 624x572, 1380705829082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was firmly set in holding till Friday then cashing out but...now I don't know. I have no idea what to do.

>> No.26898351

YOLO it. Just make sure to post your gains or losses

>> No.26898355

Sue them

>> No.26898356

normies are still holding and they probably dont even know why, it's glorious

>> No.26898374


>> No.26898378
File: 123 KB, 750x1334, A487355D-67E9-44E6-9B00-996BD7411735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to me what the FUCK this is. how can my buying power be less than zero if i am fucking selling something for money

>> No.26898384

same shit happened to me

>> No.26898388


>> No.26898406


>> No.26898430

Selling is not allowed. Only hodling.

>> No.26898431

If he's in I'm in. Go 5 shares go!

>> No.26898446


It was smart to record, this may be useful for you in the event of a lawsuit.

>> No.26898453

Do americans realize that "after hours" trading is not a thing in other countries? Its such an obvious fucking scam. What is even the reason behind it?

>> No.26898513

Who knows what sort of kikery they'll cook up over the weekend

>> No.26898515

I am about to do this, how do I know they aren't going to fuck with me also? I am a newfag here never bought shit.

>> No.26898523

What's the current list of (((restricted))) brokers

>> No.26898529
File: 53 KB, 519x540, hold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26898566

>Robinhood will supposedly allow you to do "limited buying" tomorrow. And I've seen anons saying others allowed GME trading about 30 minutes to an hour before closing.

Screencap this prediction. Tomorrow RH will let you buy, but anyone who dumps early hoping to buy on the dip will get fucked. They will automatically limit the number of stocks, or change the time, or something. I guarantee the "buy" button won't work for you like you expect it to. They want to trick you into dumping for their hedgy friends and the only way they can is with a false promise of letting you buy more.

>> No.26898571

You hodl and you get a free ticket to Valhalla, you sell and your name will never be remembered

>> No.26898595

should i debtmaxx this shit.
im pretty suicidal anyway

>> No.26898607

>What is even the reason for it.

The wealthy paying for lobbyists to make them wealthier.

>> No.26898625

where are you getting the 6 day figure from?

>> No.26898629

>shorts increase from 140% to 249%
WTF are they thinking?

>> No.26898631


>> No.26898656

I ordered £500 worth of shares when the market opened today but Freetrade only ended up spending enough for one those fags. Hopefully I can nab another for cheap tomorrow

>> No.26898657

I will have to SELL eventually and i don't want to miss the window just because this retard site thinks i'm trying to short.

>> No.26898661

Is washing hands many times (ie after touching things you deem ''dirty) a bad thing?

>> No.26898667

I can only afford to buy 1 share of GME. Should I do it?
>inb4 lmao poorfag

>> No.26898694

If the shorts close tomorrow, why hold until monday? I'm new.

>> No.26898699

other anons have told me there isn't enough volume that can move fast enough to accomplish this, and that by repeatedly placing buy orders the price will be driven up and the person they're rebuying from would have to be generous enough to not also raise the price each time they rebuy

I'm a brainlet though so I don't know if any of that is true

>> No.26898700

Double down

>> No.26898702

So did Blackrock just exit all their positions at $450 and sent the price crashing back down as a result?

>> No.26898706
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>> No.26898728

I bet its a forced hold for however long the hedgies need
i pledge to hold until they toss themselves from windows

>> No.26898730
File: 1.14 MB, 320x240, galosengen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so many normie influencers on twitter are posting about GME, even in Germany, buy and hold spastics

>> No.26898733

>dude casually bought 750k of GME stock
You're getting scammed by people like this btw. You're not going to see jackshit in gains.

>> No.26898742

They're thinking they can get away with it, that's exactly what they're thinking.

>> No.26898746

Yeah I read that also about them covering the shorts. But wouldn't the shorts have been for say like 80? I still don't under stand the whole short gain, but if they had all their shorts set for a certain low price like 80 and they didn't get to 80 then are those shorts still in play?
Sure they shorted the stock again on the big drop today, but that only covered those shorts, not the ones they have had for awhile correct?

>> No.26898753


>> No.26898763

fucking kek

>> No.26898775

only play what you're ready to lose, that being said to me it seems they're pulling every single trick they can to shut this down and it hasn't still worked so I'm thinking soon they're gonna have to give in

>> No.26898783
File: 486 KB, 666x666, 913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sold at $420.69 this morning
>already want back in

>> No.26898810
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>> No.26898811

So does that mean we sell at the final hour of market time tomorrow?

>> No.26898826
File: 150 KB, 899x897, days to cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26898834

what was the largest single day gain since this all started?

>> No.26898851

pls no anon

>> No.26898853
File: 893 KB, 3840x2160, 1518546328126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3.445 shares of AMC are mine
I got skin in the game now boys let's fucking go

>> No.26898865

mathematically it takes them about 1-2 days to cover. so the real days are friday, monday or tuesday (highest risk)

>> No.26898866

Which apps never paused trading GME? I need to know where to go after this ends and I close my Robinhood account.

>> No.26898878

If taking 13 mil profit is what you would call an L faggot

>> No.26898883

If it doesn't happen tomorrow, wait it out. They can and will afford themself a period of time to try and buy that stock. If you all see nothing happen on Friday then keep holding out until their hand is forced.

The longer the wait until the squeeze happens, the bigger the squeeze will be. It's like they're sitting on a rubber band slingshot.

Also, don't believe any lies about them having bought back all their stock unless the price spikes to moon levels. The only way they can get their stock back is by mooning it. They control the media and will use lies to try and force you to paperhand.

>> No.26898894
File: 559 KB, 797x865, 1602788214544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did we go from this

>> No.26898903

Just keep holding.

>> No.26898910

buying the dip is a possible choice

>> No.26898909
File: 291 KB, 750x900, _____.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A final solution, right?

>> No.26898915

You're too late anon

>> No.26898945

dont, its too much stress. I bought 1 share at 305 and sold it at 410. 100 dollars (+ taxes) is not enough gain to justify stressing about losing half of that money in a matter of a minute. I lucked out and pulled out at just the perfect time before the massive dip.

>> No.26898958
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>> No.26898974

Etrade I believe is one of the only ones.

>> No.26898980

He is gonna be filthy rich idiot. Just wait.

>> No.26898981


>> No.26898985

Anyone having problems setting a sell limit on T212? I tried to modify one of my 1k limits and now it's stuck on the wheel of death.

>> No.26898994

Im fully expecting a "we removed the sell button for GME to protect you :)" message tomorrow

>> No.26898996

Considering he started with 50k and took some of it out already he probably just wants to see how big he can get.

>we're too big/smart to fail

>> No.26899018
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To this

>> No.26899026

Put it all into dogecoin. Its getting pumped like crazy now that every other meme is blocked

>> No.26899027 [DELETED] 

What to know what the next pump before others?



>> No.26899039

when melvin buys the shares, they don't actually keep them. they have to give them to the person they owe from.

but the problem comes in during synthetic longs, which i believe that might apply, and a large percentage of the short interest left is in the form of synthetic longs (i think)

>> No.26899051
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Ameritrade but anon...

>> No.26899052

I hold 5 shares. Bought at 230

>> No.26899059

tomorrow stock exchange goes down but gamestop prints stocks brokies buy and none of us are any of the wiser so we're forced capitulate because nothing ever happens

>> No.26899060

So Robinhood is going to allow goys to buy GME shares tomorrow?

I'm guessing the squeeze isnt happening. I'm still diamond hands, but much less enthusiastic about it.

>> No.26899080
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https://youtu.be/hBdWb34RKwc [Open]

>> No.26899089

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

>> No.26899115

top kek, if your position is -5 you need to buy to close retard

>> No.26899118

How do I buy in from Australia?

>> No.26899122

The day I bought in my shares went up by like 250%. That was at about 120~150 and it went up to 330 or so the next day.

>> No.26899124

Nah, you have eventual consistency, after hours is higher

>> No.26899127

whatever you say, stern anime girl

>> No.26899139

you will

>> No.26899154

That 260 can potentially return 5x quickly. Worst case double or tripple. Why not.

>> No.26899161

If he's not selling, I'm not selling. Beg harder for my GME, Melvin.

>> No.26899176

It has to close over 125 tomorrow to cause nearly all calls to expire itm.

Quite likely will. Expect a gamma squeeze early next week if that does.

Gamma squeeze might trigger the short squeeze, but they're different.

If there's no gamma squeeze, and look for some serious work to be put in to prevent that, the short squeeze can still realistically happen if the stock remains higher than the short target and interest remains high, with a low available float

>> No.26899189

this, i got back in on the morning dip to 125

>> No.26899214
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>> No.26899240

I was watching and was scared for a second. And then i managed to buy 10 at 170. Feels good man.

>> No.26899245

nigger these are no assets, we're all buying ammo during a fucking war, buy only one and dry out the kikes, they CANNOT TAKE OUR SHARES IN ANY WAY OTHER THAN ILLEGALLY, AND IF THEY FINALLY DO THAT, I WILL GLADLY ACCEPT THE LOSS, BECAUSE WE WOULD HAVE WON SOMETHING MONEY WOULD NEVER BUY

>> No.26899248
File: 376 KB, 824x399, Screen-Shot-2017-01-20-at-11.02.03-AM[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We must compile a list of traders and apps that allow for the buying of GME, AMC and other meme stocks , not just ones in the US but ones in Europe and around the world and then spread this EVERYWHERE for tomorrow. There must be a mass purchase upon the opening of the stock market to show these shitheads we will not be bullied, lied to and cheated out of this opportunity for their own gain.

>> No.26899250

who sold the shorts to melvin, cant they make a deal in the dark?

>> No.26899257

My reentry target is $69.69 but idk if we dip that far tomorrow, put another 10 share buy at $100

not gonna pay >$200 for GME lol

>> No.26899266

Doesn't Webull require a day or two to confirm your account?

>> No.26899298

They're openly admitting to manipulation. They're going to limit buys on their own terms.

>> No.26899305

me. i'm black though

>> No.26899311

Fair enough. Total newfag to investing. Really only started considering this because of the memes. I have $500 to invest, should I do these meme stocks or try putting it in Crypto? What about AMC?

>> No.26899341
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Ok jewgle.

>> No.26899345

You can tell he's been getting these calls all day. How much money did you move to make him so quiet?

>> No.26899355

Any leafs here using Wealthsimple? Want to dump my life savings into GME tomorrow for the fuck of it. Are they allowing GME buys?!?

>> No.26899372

That's just what he's showing. He dgaf about the money. No loss is possible.

>> No.26899410

I have only one share but it's the most fun I've had with any share.

>> No.26899412

Holy fucking shit man.

Get a lawyer and fucking sue them for everything they have.

>> No.26899418

Well yeah, they all showed their hands today, right now they are just trying to work on damage control.

>> No.26899421

What do you think is going to happen tomorrow then? Blocking us from buying worked today 2bh but it's got everyone up in arms so it can't last

>> No.26899463

Exactly, I'm seeing traction on both stocks, if it started as a PSYOP, people just said fucked it and bought shares anyway. As this thing takes off in normirsphere investors will spill over to $AMC and this exact scenario will play out again.

>> No.26899473


>> No.26899487
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litigation, or did they over-extend?

>> No.26899507

I got an amc buy this morning. Was slow as fuck. People are getting volatility warnings but buys are going through.

>> No.26899509
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>> No.26899513



>> No.26899520

/u/deepfuckingvalue gave everybody a much needed morale boost, as long as he's in. hedgefunds are fucked

>> No.26899527

The new normal is to "correct" all "review bombs" from sites. Steam does something similar.

>> No.26899532

"Yeah, sure bro, I'll buy your infinite interest timebomb due tomorrow off you for 10b, after you're already 70b in the hole"

>> No.26899533

they act like I am still not fucking mad
now I just get to check every day and write something new

>> No.26899539
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Vanguard or fidelity ? Where do I go fuck robinhood

>> No.26899552

>removing negative reviews of an app from actual users of an app that got fucked by it
What's their excuse?

>> No.26899559

The damn archer sent a message few minutes ago saying that they will allow buying limited amounts (!!!) of dip tomorrow morning.

>> No.26899564

Why do you live in a city like a nigger?

>> No.26899565

I have a big problem. I'm on degiro and they don't allow placing limit order past a threshold above marketprice and the threshold isn't updated all the time, if shit moons too fast I won't be able to set my orders.
Worse, they just disabled market order and stop losses for both GME and AMC (to protect us they say), this is all fucking planned to make bagholders of us.

>> No.26899572

im tired of this obvious juden shit
>alex jones gets banned
>somehow all the big platforms ban him at the exact same hour

>> No.26899573

>13mil of profit without even touching the stocks
>How big of an L
Hello kike, nice weather of FUD are we having huh

>> No.26899589
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is it possible to get in from europe if you're starting from scratch?

>> No.26899592

right here on TD having problems with sell limits too. I posted an image above and noone responded to it.

>> No.26899599

Same on Apple, go sort reviews by new

>> No.26899603
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$5 hold face. Yes, only 5.00usd

>> No.26899609

No review bombing goy :^)

>> No.26899611

They always do that when people "brigade". Even Yelp does it.

>> No.26899628

>Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse. [More Info]

>> No.26899645

Robinhood is a lost company, they're in part owned by Citadel, the same group that owns Melvin. They're happy to sacrifice this lamb so they don't have to pay it all back

>> No.26899647

What app should a canadian use to buy shares for the best vidya retail company?

>> No.26899660

Poor fags cope lol

>> No.26899679

it's only for margin calls. you did buy with cash right?

>> No.26899680

they might've been overextended by the sheer number of people hoping onto their platform, the instant deposits that are letting everyone buy on margin haven't hit their accounts yet so they're in a tough spot

>> No.26899695

Glowy as fuck man.

Buy the stock because you like it. No coordination of moves.

>> No.26899704

I love everybody on this train what a fucking time to be alive.

>> No.26899705

Sites like rotten tomatoes and metacritic do as well.

>> No.26899714

>app does something that everybody hates
>um sorry you can't criticize them for that

>> No.26899715

TD Ameritrade will not let me bump my sell limit from 4k to 5k. What the fuck is this bullshit?

>> No.26899717

Regardless that doesn't explain halting trades for people who weren't buying on margin. Or the other apps that did the exact same shit.

>> No.26899721
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>> No.26899722
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You better believe I am hodling. $1488.

>> No.26899723
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>> No.26899731

They don't need one.

>> No.26899736

you guys know RK is just a regular chill dude, right? I was following him from 20 subscribes on YouTube

>review bombing
>actual app users angry about an actual change to the app
That's not review bombing, fuck Google.

>> No.26899764


>> No.26899774

>people are more pissed than ever before
>more political and media attention than ever before
>dodgy trading apps will at least allow some trading tomorrow
>price is quite low right now
there's no way it won't rocket

>> No.26899781

Aren't there also firms on the long side looking to fuck Melvin?

>> No.26899785
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Range ban probably. I got caught up in one last week

>> No.26899800

anyone got the pic of melvin capital ceo on wikipedia being a pink wojak?

>> No.26899812

isn't much of this automated though? Couldn't the hedgies purchase available GME almost instantly if people don't hold, so shouldn't we sell on friday?

>> No.26899826


>> No.26899840

Do not touch AMC, it's not as big, invest in Crypto for long term investment and only spend what you don't care for.

>> No.26899843


>> No.26899857

Nobody but poorfags care

>> No.26899868

youre not supposed to sell the stock retard

>> No.26899886

So tell me, how do you see this going up to 400 now that all the normies that bought in at 250+ are erecting massive sell walls to get out while they still can?

>> No.26899894

Same issue with Trading 212.

Some kikery is going on with sell limits atm.

>> No.26899900

multiple anons said it only took a few hrs at most

>> No.26899914

He sold 500 hundred of his calls. Probably made 5-8 million with that alone. So he's fine with holding.

>> No.26899919

I don't know shit about stocks should I buy?

>> No.26899917
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>> No.26899936

Sorry for failing you. I got scared and sold at the dump right at the market open today. I still made money but I've been kicking myself all day. I knew exactly what was going to happen and I still sold. How do I get over this

>> No.26899941

4chan standing with redditors, this is truly peak clown world now.

>> No.26899950
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Also wondering about TD limit fuckery

>> No.26899964

If you think that there will be some bullshit happening over the weekend, yes, sell last hour on friday if you're seeing absolutely insane price movements. Waiting until the last ten minutes is reasonable.

>> No.26899988

But I'm a poorfag

>> No.26899998

Revolut still seems to work, i already have enough stock so i haven't tried but at least the button is not grayed out.

>> No.26899993

Oh shit, nice

>> No.26899999


>> No.26900005

We're maxing out everything everywhere there have been so many disruptions today we could have had $500 easy today if they hadn't blocked the peasants from buying stocks while they beat the market all day.

>> No.26900013
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>price is quite low right now

>> No.26900018
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We're winning lads! Hold the line!

>> No.26900023

>They doubled down on their shorts from 140% to 249%.
I need to get in on this, what's the best place to dump my money on GME without it getting fucked with?

>> No.26900063

So mean people I know, vast majority of them are on the left, literally just yolo'd a share or two just fuck with the hedge funds

This is beyond us now. I'm paying to be part of something bigger than myself.

>> No.26900070

Everybody is taking their money out of Robinhood now that they know it's keked.
That means that all the money they themselves have borrowed and lent out for shekels is now vanishing beneath them and they're panicking hard.

Basically, the same thing is happening as is to Melvin - They borrow your money on the grounds they'll return it and go and make money with it. Now they have to pay the money back they're sweating hard.

>> No.26900075

Scotia itrade has shit reliability and is expensive, but works

Questrade has some limits on what you can buy, but is ok

Wealthsimple is absolute trash but is cheap

Can't speak for the others. I'm considering getting another backup after this fiasco.

They take days to open an account if they're a reputable company btw.

>> No.26900079


>> No.26900095


>> No.26900118



>> No.26900132

so if they give up and the pump keeps going up with no end in sight what happens then?

>> No.26900134

they're speedrunning bankruptcy

>> No.26900138

You're not alone. Fucking RH.

>> No.26900163


>> No.26900165


>> No.26900185

Buy back in of course.

>> No.26900202

they allowed the goyim freetime for a bit, then they SHUT IT DOWN

>> No.26900230

nigga the normies don't matter, as long as the price stays in the 'fuck you hedge fund' range your end buyer is going to be them, not the normies

everyone is treating this like a pump and dump shitcoin but it's not. we don't need more people to buy in, we just need to make sure the hedgies can't easily cover their oversold position, which is more or less already where we are unless truly massive selloffs happen.

>> No.26900236

Quints Confirm

>> No.26900270

The true value of anything is what someone has to pay for it. When the hedge funds overshorted gamestop they made a contract to buy all the shares a few times over. There's only two parties here, the investors and the shorts and the shorts have to buy everything. Don't be fooled by the nominal price. The true value of these shares is infinite.

>> No.26900272
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>> No.26900296
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He's just getting started.

>> No.26900300

Any recommendations as for platforms in the EU? I have Etoro and T212 but those both cucked hard.

>> No.26900312

I see so many poor people sinking their life savings into this volatile stock with the dreams of getting rich so they can help people. That's fucking moving. I'll crash and burn if I have to.

>> No.26900323

the united states of the america will jump in if it starts to seem like they have to inject a trillion dollars into the economy

>> No.26900329

Should I buy the dip lads? What's worst case scenario? How would I lose it all?

>> No.26900333
File: 14 KB, 286x270, Ait_SXMxbLHE4G1JklVuhO3HOUhv__1Cj_HsXi3AY-M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a leaf using WealthSimple but I'm a poorfag so couldn't afford GME. I did manage to buy some AMC though

>> No.26900359


>> No.26900385

Craps don’t pass max odds back bet, also max don’t come, hoping 7 or 11 is rolled tomorrow

>> No.26900393

No, anon, you don't understand, they want to make the sell button the size of your screen right now. Everyone wants you to sell it. They don't want to convince you with money though, that would be too much. Just kind words of encouragement, no buy button, non-stop alerts about how much it went down today. What will you do?

>> No.26900437

Buy tomorrow

>> No.26900452

where can I find up to date short information?

>> No.26900497

Charles Schwab did not pause, bought 5 more GME coins mid day

>> No.26900537

holy based

>> No.26900590

Hundreds of thousands of dollars.

>> No.26900637

that's after hours, I mean the actual one

>> No.26900652

KEK the sort selling kike is going down.

>> No.26900663


>> No.26900680

It always worked so far so they think they can still win

>> No.26900710

Worst case is losing it all. Don't put in money to make money. Put in money to make them bleed

>> No.26900759

Is ordering to buy now a good idea? I have to wage slave tomorrow when market opens

>> No.26900847

They've all predicted it you know

>> No.26900851
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>Due to the recent activity in symbol GME (GameStop Corp), TradeZero America's clearing house, Apex Clearing, has increased the House Maintenance requirement for GME to 75%.
What does this mean?

>> No.26900889

So say Melvin owes me 10,000 shares I lent them for the short sale. They buy 1000 shares somewhere, then give me the 1000 shares. I then sell the 1000 shares back, and they give me the 1000 shares, repeating of course.
>synthetic longs
I said I was retarded.

>> No.26900967

I for one am calling my state AG next week
This is fucking bullshit I wanted to buy
but could not. I could have made millions
and those millions millions more.

>> No.26901019
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i hate jews so much

>> No.26901021

I feel like this too. I bought way too high i feel like there's almost no chance I dont lose actual thousands but it feels justified

>> No.26901040


>> No.26901055

but who owe them all the shares or who sold melvin the shorts, why shouldnt they consult und make it privat?

>> No.26901100

I'm seeing negative reviews. Robinhood is getting fucked.

>> No.26901101

I'm late but thanks my dude

>> No.26901144

Me too anon. I'm holding until at least $600 and then I'm gonna keep holding. Be strong.

>> No.26901200

Its gonna take months to expire ALL the calls and shorts, its a 2 month play what is happening here

>> No.26901256
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WealthSimple won't clear you by tomorrow.

>> No.26901309
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*not financial adbice do ur research :3333*

>> No.26901325

I can't believe everything is going exactly as everyone said it would except we're way above the $120 line. Fucking surreal.

>> No.26901448

Why are you stressing about price?
Just hold it lmao. Youre in the game, its fun, why stress over pocket change when youre incredibly unliikely to call the top at all.

>> No.26901466


>> No.26901546
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Fucking food analogies lmao

>> No.26901685

my dad wasn't around much
can I learn from you please

>> No.26901820

also gonna move my money from meryll
they made me bank through covid but enough is enough

>> No.26901884

this is so fucking based