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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 24 KB, 375x276, 1581675405464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26893724 No.26893724 [Reply] [Original]

The squeeze already happened. The hedge funds closed their positions 2 days ago. You people are so dumb.

>> No.26894522

Then why have they forbidden most platforms to trade it then proceeded to dump the price?

>> No.26894676

time to double down, put everything in GME
never listen to FUD posters, never sell
buy at ANY price, it can only go up

>> No.26894824

nice try jew. we are still buying the fuck out of gamestop

>> No.26894929

Where do I buy right now, with it taken off of almost all the brokerages?

>> No.26894935

Prove it faggot

>> No.26894972


>> No.26895023

Save your tears for another day.

>> No.26895079


>> No.26895114

Prove to me that they haven't.

>> No.26895131


>> No.26895177

Because they are protecting you retards from losing your money and blaming them. Whatever, keep riding the bubble, once it pops you will have only yourself to blame

>> No.26895237
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cope, seethe, dilate. 1k EOW

>> No.26895346


>> No.26895370

You can buy on Ameritrade again

>> No.26895392


>> No.26895451
File: 120 KB, 910x694, MUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compare the volume data to headlines of various hedges having covered their positions, 80-90% of the hedge funds are out as of today.

>> No.26895463

In your bank

>> No.26895494

$10k EOW
$100K EOM

>> No.26895509

isnt nasdaq closed until tomorrow? just wait

>> No.26895533

Short interest is at 250% now you fucking retard

>> No.26895538
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you think it's going to end with gamestonk lol prepare to see the light shlomo

>> No.26895547

I want to buy more but it needs to dip to 100 goddamn it

>> No.26895570

why would robinhood wreck their reputation by disabling buy orders TODAY if they exited two days ago

>> No.26895608

>it's for your own good goyim
I fucking despise these patronizing kikes all the more when the pull that card.

>> No.26895626

>Jews protecting our money.

>> No.26895665
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>> No.26895688
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Then there's still the 20-10% that are still in.
No Mercy

>> No.26895777

>closed their positions 2 days ago
You clearly don't know how shorts work.
You can 'COVER' some positions to not be paying insane interest. But for them to close ALL positions, would take about 4-5 days from Friday.
So A.) you either have no clue what the fuck you're talking about.
Or B.) you're a fucking shill losing money, suck it poor richfag.

>> No.26895978

However the new added short interest is at these levels, which was 300$ at the time they bought.
So unless you maintain the price over 300$ for 6 more months or so, these new shorts won't get squeezed.

>> No.26896058

where is this site pulling data?

>> No.26896065

That's about longs. We're hunting the shorts

>> No.26896160

You're such a fucking retard.

Look at the volumes, the hedgies are out of their positions.

How have you dumbasses not realised yet that people are taking up short positions against you?

People are set to make billions of dollars on your dumbasses 1-2 months from now.

>> No.26896183

Hedge funds don't know we have a special weapon, neither Robinhood. >>26891378

>> No.26896309
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I believe in you /biz/, love /jp/

>> No.26896341

i'm holding until i go broke or eat breakfast with musk

>> No.26896397

Buy. Buy. Buy.

>> No.26896412
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You will never be a woman.

>> No.26896497


>> No.26896549

They made us sign 50 pages of forms affirming that they have no responsibility for our losses legally, morally, or otherwise in perpetuity throughout the universe, but now all of a sudden they're looking out for us? Everyone in the neighborhood knows that's malarkey.

>> No.26896606

> 1-2 months from now
If this shit keeps going, everyone will get margin called at $500+ within a week

>> No.26896707
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Lies. Shorts are 6 days to cover with current volume.

>> No.26896835

the other day, you guys were heroes. retards, but heroes. and i love you for it. today, you guys are tilting at a windmill.
"short float" is updated twice a month. enough shares have changed hands now: https://seekingalpha.com/article/4401549-gamestop-bubble-and-why
they're gonna be at the top of the ladder after you're all tapped out. they have trillions in AUM to sell to get there: https://hedgelists.com/top-100-us-hedge-funds-2020/ (and they have the banks to fall back on).
i saw posts about maxing out credit cards to participate in this with calls. those calls are gonna expire, worthless. if you try to sell them, you're not gonna get what you were last quoted, because everyone is going to rush for the exit. in the last two bubbles the shorts actually caught the blame for the blow-off top. i guess in this one, they're the victim, but whatever. that won't stop more than half of you who are in this from eating shit. i don't want you to, but it's virtually inevitable.

>> No.26896852

The hedgies can just buy more time. There’s no way this situation doesn’t end up in some type of court

>> No.26896899

>just 2 more weeks believe in the plan #qanon

>> No.26896989

shut the fuck up big nose

>> No.26897272

i suspect this is also partially because they have a fractional share program. they have to buy whole shares to sell you fractions, and when you all rush for the exits, they'll have to sell shares. these things move in the same direction but they are not lock step, obviously, because hundreds of thousands of speculators all choose different fractional lot sizes, and in multiple trades over time. if they don't create a large cash buffer they can get caught out unable to meet the order flow demanded of them. they'll have to borrow money next. so yeah, they're lying, but to head off the equivalent of a bank run. it's not really any more nefarious than that. probably.

>> No.26897431

>Because they are protecting you retards from losing your money and blaming them.
A lot of people are gonna get wiped by this scam and RH will walk away smelling like roses after their 'concern' for their customers' safety. These Jews are fucking smart, you cannot deny it.

>> No.26897717
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Been diamond hands for some time but in all honesty I'm probably gonna cash out tommorow if this moons. I'm sorry bros I dont feel monday. They're gonna rugpull our asses after Friday close. Still gonna HODL at open. If it hits 500 again and starts a dip Im pulling idgaf.

>> No.26897782

>ID contains WEIN

fuck off, kike

>> No.26897783

The more time they buy the more interest they pay. They are literally bleeding millions every day, and they bleeding even more millions per day the longer they wait.

>> No.26897979

>GME is shorted over 100%
>some fags sold 4.7% of GME shares
>it's literally over guys, SELL

fuck off you paper handed, long nosed piece of shit

>> No.26898189

Oh ok. So no big deal? Just thought you'd come here and start a thread about it? Mmmm kay

>> No.26898533

anybody else in here buy a gamestop t-shirt? i had to. its our new SS uniform

>> No.26898600

At least make the lie remotely believable rabbi

>> No.26898682


>> No.26898721

But the mere act of doing so tanked the price and screwed people over.

>> No.26898738

So... Are they not going to buy my positions?

>> No.26898847

No, they didn’t
Keep buying GME, let them go bankrupt

>> No.26898857


>> No.26898881

youre right its over buy DOGE

>> No.26898967

Who cares, I'm not fucking selling.

>> No.26899024

>they owe 140% of GameStop shares
>I own GameStop shares
You’re a faggot, and probably a Jew

>> No.26899092

we are the new gamestop overlords. buy gamestop with both hands and make them diamond hands. they've been fucking over the goyim for a century. its our turn

>> No.26899208

Hi Hymie Rosenblattstein. You're wrong, you see 'days to cover' means days for all short positions to cover. They can't cover positions as large as the ones they've taken with a single mouseclick, that kind of transaction takes a while.

>> No.26899229
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I'm new to finance and /biz/ and all this in general. can anyone explain to me what happened in layman terms?

>> No.26899239

still 122% of float

>> No.26899282

Because at this point it is a pump and dump

>> No.26899384



>> No.26899472

Scummy hedge fund managers are gambling with other people's money and losing big time thanks to the average Joe suddenly entering the game en masse.

>> No.26899697

You don't protect people from a pump and dump when you forbid them to sell their stock. It's the complete opposite.

>> No.26899698

anon the volume today was 50 million shares, lowest in a week
the hedgies haven't even begun to cover their shorts

>> No.26899732
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>> No.26899924

Faggot shill farms are bombarding social media with disinfo to shake out weak hands in the vain attempt to mitigate the damage caused by the looming short squeeze. They are absolutely fucking rekt and as a consequence are currently committing massive financial crimes, calling in favours to close down trading platforms and engineering artificial price suppression to do whatever they can to stop themselves from bleeding to death. They will fucking bleed to death.

>> No.26900301
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>> No.26900957

for what purpose

>> No.26901038

Retard, those who believed months ago bought in at prices like 5 or 12 and had to keep believing all the way until last week to see it realized.

>> No.26901194


>> No.26901853


Is there any other way for them to escape their shorts besides trying to tank the price and buying? The resounding answer I keep hearing is "no" but given how desperate they are is there even a remote possibility they can shut this down?

>> No.26901977

You literally don’t fucking know what you are talking about. Be seeing you like maybe on the pavement in NYC tomottow

>> No.26901990

boomer short detected

>> No.26902102


>> No.26902202


>> No.26902269

What do you mean you people??

>> No.26902320


>> No.26902385

Oooooo no my schmeckels!

>> No.26902475

Go take a 5 yen coin and use it as a cock ring, weeb

>> No.26902515

did you even read the picture you posted you fucking autist
MUST is a long-holder, this is a short squeez they're not the target just a random third-party

>> No.26902866

They did that before these apps stopped letting people buy gamestop stock today, I assume they doubled down while the price of the stock was high right now and then expected that the freeze would scare people into a massive sell today and crash the stock thus they would have made out like bandits since they shorted again at this high price.

>> No.26902951
File: 90 KB, 1488x1055, AMC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo wtf

>> No.26903080

Shut down in what way? Halting trading will still hurt them plenty. Only allowing "normal" people to sell and not buy will still hurt them plenty since there are now investors in it who can easily piss away a few thousand without a care.
Their best bet would be to somehow convince people to panic sell and drive the price down.
It would still hurt them a plenty, just not as much as currently.

>> No.26903420

can't they default on their payments like banks did in 2008? What's keeping them from doing that?

>> No.26903426
File: 121 KB, 1600x458, WTRH calls to the moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am moving on to Waitr, citadel also short
put/call stuff from yesterday
im long march and april contracts lets fucking burn them down

>> No.26903541
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Yes of course I can hear what you guys are saying and I understand where you're coming from but what's that up there? Do you see that? What is that? ........................

>> No.26903832
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>> No.26904024

HODL for the lulz, and frenship.

>> No.26904232


Exactly. Who do cats here think is still shorting this? Other than people that shorted it in the 200s and 300s over the last few days.

Those shorts are going to Fucking crush this stock! They can stay in forever.

>> No.26904376


correct, there will obviously be a forensic footprint of their actions.

What we've seen thus far are very minor coverings of their short positions.

>> No.26904540


they're evil kykes.

why do you think Hitler tried gassing every last one of their bloodlines from the earth?

>> No.26904725


There has been such massive volume over the last few days, why do people think the shorts wouldn't have exited by now?

>> No.26904875


anon, they showed their hands today. The best these kikes can do is manipulate the market down, and try to cover their losses at a not-so-catastrophic price.

The $120 level was extremely bad for the hedge funds, but it wasn't immediate liquidation.

This is their strategy, and of course the kikes have the fed and the secretary of finance all massaging their assholes with their tongues because it's all one gigantic corrupt scheme.

>> No.26904969

peepee poopoo

>> No.26905258
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What type of fidelity account do I sign up for to buy your meme stock? FCASH, SPAXX, or FZFXX??

>> No.26905308
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so just hodl, drive it up, as long as the line goes up they can chain new shorts and exit as long as they want and never profit

>> No.26905364

Get raped, shill.

>> No.26905603

Its amazing how many people on this board dont understand how shorting works.

>> No.26905730

Were about to hit 300 AH

Strap in lads

>> No.26905862

If they do what they did today everyday, they will be able close their positions without a loss and the squeeze will be transformed into a flat line, then everyone with a cost basis above that price (let's say 190 because I'm nice) will be holding bags getting heavier everyday until GME gets back to fair price, which would be around 50.
So as long as we let them rig the game, and don't you dare thinking it was only today, they could do it on a whim so they'll do it again, we're fucked.

>> No.26905871

Good luck squeezing that. Moron.

>> No.26906005


>> No.26906074

I will buy more.

>> No.26906234

>If they do what they did today everyday
They can't, they'll be gone soon.

>> No.26906321

ok, then why is no one allowed to buy?

>> No.26906338

volume yesterday 1.25 billion

>> No.26906992

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand the GME short squeeze.

>> No.26907114

You're wrong they can't do it tomorrow. Even the normalfags are getting the pill. People are getting investigated. You think this was easy for them? You think they expected this? They didn't. Do what they expect you to do and they win. I don't care if I lose all my money anyway I'll still buy more GME. Buy high sell higher

>> No.26907131

Couldn't keep the trolling up for two posts. Sad!

>> No.26907375
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Go on then goy
How is this wrong. The only reason this has all worked in the first place is because of the misplaced over shorting of over 130%. It's not sustainable they new it was risky they just didn't know how risky. They lost. You're fudding is what they want.

>> No.26907451

Always do the opposite as the Jew says

>> No.26907509

You are fucking brain-dead anon. No offense intended obviously.

>> No.26907519

>Even the normalfags are getting the pill
And what are they going to do about it? We were deeply invested in it and we couldn't do jack shit, we could only watch as it happens.
What would make tomorrow any different? They won't become fair and legit overnight, these greasy pieces of shit hate us and will use every trick in the book and even write new ones to exterminate us. And they'll get backed by the governement and courts.

>> No.26907783


>> No.26908754

Because the numbers make a difference. And even tho you won't like to admit it a normalfags have a way bigger effect on society. Even the government is stepping in now. Someone's gonna get fucked believe me. They're willing to go through all the bureaucracy and red tape that you need to go through these days to change anything. No one here can be fucked for that shit. I know I won't. But that's what normies and redditfags do they protest and cry until they get their way. You really think (they) will have the power that they do forever? Fucking YouTubers are talking about it. Not about buying GME. About how blatant they are being with fucking people over. Everyone always coaches for the underdog and they are the opposite of an underdog. The general hate for the rich has been gathering steam. Nothing ever stays the same. It only feels like it does.

>> No.26908866

Tits or gtfo

>> No.26909236

Because a lot of the volume is just shorted hedges jerking each other off to try to trigger stop losses and trick retards into panic selling.

>> No.26909438

Ok so you're just being optimistic. Enjoy getting slaughtered without even seeing it coming I guess.

>> No.26909528
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Are you afraid of losing all your money on your short position? No ovaries for you then

>> No.26909628

Hedge funds made a bet the stock would go down but people bought it, making it go up. This caused Hedge funds to lose billions and they are desperately trying to get out of paying out that bet by calling the manager of the stock market.

>> No.26909887

I've never been optimistic in my life. I don't know how. But it's not about the money anon. Most understand.

>> No.26909970
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>WEIN in your ID
Even 4chan itself knows your ethnicity

>> No.26910220

I see your point but if they're going to use trickery why not just hold the bags? why make it easy on them, if you know you've already lost why not force their hand

>> No.26910268

>Because they are protecting you retards from losing your money
Yeah by making it only possible to sell and not buy.
Fuck off you gay kike nigger faggot

>> No.26910333

>61MM share short position still open as of this morning.
>total trading volume of 56MM for the day
>moron trying to fud with info it takes 10 seconds to check
Get fucked.

>> No.26910378

Don't get me wrong, I'm holding for as long as it hurts them, but as soon as they are out, so am I.

>> No.26910463
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>> No.26910584

All these 1 post ID faggots are so obvious kek.
We're not selling.
I don't need to and I'll ride this shit to zero if it comes to that.

>> No.26910661


Source. Trust me bro

>> No.26910782

>prove my negative
I've seen this before

>> No.26910858
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>> No.26910983

How do you do Schlomo Sheckelsberg?

>> No.26911021

Lol so many retards on Reddit are going to get burned. For some reason they think they can just hold forever and that there is some hedge fund that is obligated to buy their stock. Even if the squeezed hasn't already happened, which it did, these retards still need to realize that they need to make the decision to dump it at some point before everyone else does.

>> No.26911549

But there is a hedge fund though? And it's obligated to buy everyone's shares... Two and a half times over.

>> No.26911910

Volume has been so fucking high that the people that made the losing shorts closed their positions days ago at huge losses. Now the short volume is people taking their free money and recouping their losses by shorting it at this fucktardedly high price, which will inevitably be a winning move given sufficient time considering Reddit won't be able to keep this meme stock viral for another year. It is going to be the financially illiterate retail investors that think they can hold a stock they bought at an irrational price forever who are going to be the bagholders.

>> No.26912663

No one is obligated to buy your stock. You can hold your stock forever no one will come knocking at your door begging on their knees. The stock has plenty of volume, there is no shortage of stock to buy. GME will come back down to earth at some point and it will happen whether you sold or not.

>> No.26912822


The entire momentum is ppl looking at a crazy short % and realizing all they have to do is collectively hold. A decent chunk of those ppl dont even care about the $$ they just want to be part of the big fuck you. Maybe the original shorts closed their positions, maybe not, but new shorts are still up against the same collective retardation force and they are eating absurd fees while they wait for it to blow over.

>> No.26912921

They closed all 140%+ of the volume? Really now? They bought 60 mil of shares when there's only 47 mil available? And no one noticed that volume?

Ain't that a miracle!

>> No.26912940

only hedgies were allowed to buy today, retardo

>> No.26912979

>See a FUD thread with 100+ replies
>Check OP's ID
>1 or 2 posts by this ID
>Don't read the thread

>> No.26913614

Kike if I ever seent one

>> No.26913802

>new shorts are still up against the same collective retardation force
The price has no basis in reality and basically everyone knows it will inevitably drop. Time is on the shorts side now. Ultimately there will be people who sold at the top and there will be a ton of bag holders. The people who actually think Reddit can hold this price for an extended period of time will be the bag holders.

>> No.26915248

You're gonna burn you filthy kike

>> No.26915732

Volume has been > 50 million just about every day for the past two weeks. It was nearly 200 million on Friday, Monday, and Tuesday. They absolutely could have bought that much and closed their positions. Don't talk about this stuff if you don't understand it.

Shorts got fucked but it's over. Present short volume is people shorting it at these high prices. Now you understand.