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File: 144 KB, 650x287, Screenshot from 2021-01-28 20-24-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26875513 No.26875513 [Reply] [Original]

Notice something?

No fucking NOK is not being shorted. Neither is BB, you wont hurt the hedge funds by longing AMC or steal their money by buying DOGE. No hedge funds will get liquidated through a rise in price of AG and you dont have the capital to take a substantial silver delivery.

All you had to do is focus on the big short squeeze, which is in GME.
If you really turned out to be too much of a pussy it would have kinda made sense to shill FUBO, LGND, BBBY or FIZZ but noooooo... nobody is shilling those, nobody is buying those. Everybody fell hook, line and sinker for the shills of Melvin Capital and Co.

This board is fucking comped. Massive capital has been diverted away from the pressure point. Pisses me off desu.

>> No.26875679

>All you had to do
Still can, buy GME, squeeze has not happened yet.

>> No.26875818

It's still not fucking over my dude
We are holding strong.
Let's see what they are going to do tomorrow

>> No.26876082
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They are going to lose.

>> No.26876123
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this OP gets it

>> No.26876160

where can you buy it

>> No.26876425


>> No.26876582
File: 118 KB, 750x715, CHILL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What brokerage will let me trade immediately?
Fidelity gave me a 7-10 day wait

>> No.26876625

Melvin Capital is gonna pay me what they owe

>> No.26876743

>he doesn't long ligma

>> No.26876769

gamestop and ligand are only two I would play

>> No.26876839

its too bad we didnt know about this when Blockbuster was still alive.

>> No.26877196

Holy fuck no wonder they are freaking out! Does nobody realize just how fucked the market will be if that 21 billion dollar bet goes bad? That is leveraged money. Most likely 5X at the least! You are actually looking at over $100 billion just from the short loss, not to mention all the assets that would have to be liquidated to cover that loss which only compounds the loss. This could have potentially huge ramifications their assets that they are forced to liquidate are also bought or loaned out on leverage. This could honestly snowball into a complete market collapse off of one bad trade.

>> No.26877229
File: 376 KB, 460x460, kike_slaps_ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it, selling some BTC from 2011 to pitch in on this ride fuck these kikes

>> No.26877275



What is happening is called a "short ladder."
Long story short, its a jewish trick, ignore it.

The fact of the matter is that (((they))) HAVE to buy 130+% of what they're holding TOMORROW.
They literally cant if we dont sell. The price now is irrelevant.
Tomorrow will be a "gamma squeeze" which will spike the price. DO NOT SELL when this happens.
The longer we hold, the more (((they))) have to pay on interest. The longer we hold, the higher OUR PRICE goes. We can literally fucking bankrupt banks if we hold long enough (if the hedgies cant pay, their broker has to, if their broker cant, their bank does)


All you LOVE chaos and acceleration?


>> No.26877385


>> No.26877425

Second this: I would buy the dip if eToro would allow me.. it’s fucking ridiculous

>> No.26877668

Who gives a shit? Is US a communist kike country or a free republic?

>> No.26877688
File: 34 KB, 590x350, funnyisntit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny isn't it?

>> No.26877742

exactly, all apps are blocking us from buying it!

>> No.26877870

>all you had to do

It’s not over fucking dumb bitch

>> No.26877977

bump and continue to buy gme. we the new niggas now

>> No.26878005
File: 18 KB, 458x451, bateman_mirror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having weaker hands than fucking plebbit.
everybody whos jumping ship or buys anything else deserves to be a slave in (((their))) game

the shills are so obvious yet many anons simply dont get it. this is not about making a quick buck here, its about sending them a message. its about sending them down the toilet.
this time for once we got them by the balls - we got them by the balls big time so dont lose focus. just buy gme, hold it until monday and enjoy seething suits all over the place.

never forget what they have done to you, to your parents or grandparents with their money. dont be dumb and side with them now.
goodspeed anon, we are all in this together.

>> No.26878107
File: 1.61 MB, 2777x2700, hodl 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, and remember to spam pro-GME posts on r/wallstreetbets to aid our friends on Plebbit, see >>26876082

>> No.26878180

NOKIA being halted multiple times and banned should make you think. ESPECIALLY while not being officially shorted.

>> No.26878283

webull just opened back up

>> No.26878328

the people who FOMO'd about not getting into GME earlier are retards. they missed the entire point of the short squeeze - the shorts need to cover in the future, and any price you buy in before the squeeze happens is not expensive.

so what we got were retards shilling BB AMC NOK and whatever other stocks which has prevented GME from rising even higher.

>> No.26878505

Does it work in France? How many days till I get my account working?

>> No.26878692

people pushed those because they cant afford a full gamestop stonk
at least niggerhood allowed fractional purchasing

>> No.26878864

nok was never meant to be shilled like those you niggers, nok is just a comfy long-term hold with good fundamentals

>> No.26878869

TD Ameritrade

>> No.26878887

supposedly webull in anothre thread

>> No.26878904

where do these numbers come from I saw another list that said amc was 70% short

>> No.26879100
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>> No.26879207

Why are people buying AMC instead of AMCX based on this chart?

>> No.26880650

Nice read.

>> No.26880776

Robinhood and Citadel are BASED.

The left doesn't give a FUCk about playing fair in class war.

Unlimited gibbs, abusable unemployment benefits, $600 a week, taxes, min wages, gibs and gibs.

Why the FUCK should the right play fair?

Stop being cucks for the free market and wageslaves.

I am a corporatist and a right winger supports maximum corporate welfare and supply side economics.

It's hilarious that so many morons support the redditfags, basedboys and normies over at WSB. Fuck them, support the bankers, the bankers are mostly the incels + chads in school that are KEKing the normies and fucking them up their ass. The incel quant and the chad buy side.

>> No.26881468


>> No.26881491

troll fuck off. bankers and (many) hedgies have no skin in the game. they're parasites retard

>> No.26881679

Heh, nah...
Fuck the kikes. Fuck the boomers.
Fuck the fractional reserve banking system and jewish tricks.
140% short.
The absolute chutzpah!

>> No.26881698

do you know what is the difference between 122% and 66%? EVERYTHING

>> No.26881975

God damn, why are people still so poor.
There's over a trillion dollars in crypto and that's all this board ever talked about but still most posts here are made by people who dont have $250 to buy 1 Gamestop share?

>> No.26881998

>Float is 55% now
Did they paid off 80% of their shorts already? So it's over. Is this new?

>> No.26883683

No it's the way the present it so that it does not seem they are naked shorting. It's called synthetic shorts or something.

>> No.26883750

>Did they paid off 80% of their shorts already?
with colossal losses

>> No.26883872

NOK was halted, and RH still won't allow buys. I have GME, SLV and NOK.

>> No.26883981

So if it's only 50% left, the price won't go over $300
Holy fuck it's over

>> No.26884121


>> No.26884503

the price can go back to $4 even

>> No.26884718


>> No.26885032

Yes, their THAT stupid, folks

>> No.26885627

Dangerously based.

>> No.26885763

this banning stocks is a sign of weakness exploit.\

>> No.26886022


>> No.26886131

No it's 122% the 55% is if you take into account synthetic longs. I believe that is when you sell a share naked short, you sell a fake share to a buyer. Now this buyer holds a fake share, a synthetic long and you basically expanded the float. So if you take that fake float into account the shorts are only 55% but if you take only the real float into account it's 122%.

Regardless, this is incredibly jewish and they need to burn.

>> No.26886178

I always thought those other stock was a diversion. thanks for proving it OP

>> No.26886177
File: 20 KB, 450x635, 1611802314121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ligma balls

>> No.26886368


>> No.26886622
File: 14 KB, 196x211, Screenshot from 2021-01-28 21-45-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ligma balls
feels so very good.

>> No.26886774

It's working though. Everyone on reddit, twitter, facebook, and tiktok is now shilling 8 diffferent stocks, fucking SILVER , and some random shitcoins like doge claiming it's going to go the same way as GME with no evidence.

Our forces have been spread so thin we are absolutely fucked. GME was a once in a lifetime opportunity with 130% shorted by hedge funds and all the greedy retard social media investors blew it.

>> No.26886935

the short squeeze hasnt happend yet be patient

>> No.26887027
File: 212 KB, 680x396, 1611846812156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26887165

Sure looks like 122% to 55%

>> No.26887327

I'm holding till at least $1000, it just pisses me off seeing the vultures on social media use this as an opportunity to shill their shitcoins, silver, and trash stocks like amc.

>> No.26887470

buying 100 shares gme tomorrow ad market open

>> No.26887512

Yeah, we're allied with commies right now, but it's a necessary evil

>> No.26887571

It will probably go back to about 50 before bouncing.
Also, i look at the stocks they banned from trading. There is something to AMC and NOK, they do seem afraid.

>> No.26887702

Bump for good read on the situation

>> No.26887871

I am holding bags of GME, BBBY and SKT. Comfy over here

>> No.26887884

Physical silver is a legit investment. It is extremely undervalued and overshorted rn

>> No.26887923

FUBO was in thousands before they fucking killed it...

>> No.26887974

Well do your research, go search for the zerohedge tweet and read.

>> No.26888127

Thank you. It's so hard to watch these ADHD retards get distracted by shills. There was a post on here Monday about how this would happen.

>> No.26888148

I got one with my amc gains

>> No.26888294

Let me just apply for an account and move funds in one day

>> No.26888546

Congrats, didn't want to be too denigrating, just dont understand. I guess there's a big flux on the board of newcomers. You'll soon forget how it feels to only have a couple hundred, fren.

>> No.26888825

If you are not putting into GME then you are FAILING

>> No.26889378

Where are you seeing this information?

>> No.26889425

sell slv buy PHYS or AG
slv will not squeeze
slv can only get delivered if you have millions in it, they can easily use fake silver

>> No.26889833

I wanted to anon. All I wanted was a crumb of the GME. JUST A MORSEL. But I could not buy. I was not allowed.

>> No.26889934

I had to go into AMC cause I missed GME. I'm sorry anon. I'm a small fish. Had I known the fuckery WS was gonna do I would have. I thought GME would make bank and everybody would come over to AMC after.

>> No.26890072

For what it's worth, I was shilling the fuck out of GME because I knew my AMC gains were contingent on it.