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26870807 No.26870807 [Reply] [Original]

How much do you wanna bet this is going to get BTFO by identity politics by corporate America again?

>> No.26871006

Of course, reddit thinks thise hedge fund guys are white and refuse to admit they are jewish. The ceos everywhere will do the "hello fellow white men"

>> No.26871077
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occupy wall st was a weak movement
we need something bigger
something, dare I say, revolutionary

>> No.26871233

How long until a cop kills a nigger and the headlines change and this gets buried? I can't imagine that costing a lot for these parasites to arrange

>> No.26871276

I don't understand how you could watch this man talk for 20 seconds and not immediately pick up on all the (((pure coincidences)))

>> No.26871391

I'll go all in on that.

>> No.26871399

If I eat 10 cases of Oreos outside of wallstreet will they feel threatened

>> No.26871442

it might but I'm whitepilled as fuck right now, everyone is waking the fuck up

>> No.26871778

>get btfo by wall street kikes and lose tons of money
>everyone is waking up!
This is your brain on politics.

>> No.26871789

I can't believe those evil white men on wall street are fucking over the poor, most of which are Afro-Americans relying on government stimulus checks to survive. This gme think was their one shot at escaping poverty but those racist whites on wall-street have once again fucked over the proud Black people.

>> No.26871930

but this time we got btc

>> No.26872076

they will try
start spreading the word
Wallstreet uses Identity politics to cause infighting

>> No.26872309

Checked. They manipulate the banks, the social media, and the elections. They are leaving us with very few options to express our grievances.

>> No.26872327

>get btfo by wall street kikes and lose tons of money
you're forgetting because that the kikes are ALSO losing money this time, they're throwing the game board upside down

>> No.26872411

75% of hedgefund managers are goyim dude

>> No.26872427
File: 292 KB, 1080x776, Screenshot_20210106-104755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews are a red herring
They are not the only enemy but a prevalent one

>> No.26872436

It's the same cope Trump supporters used when he lost the election
>at least everyone is waking up to the fraud and the uniparty!

>> No.26872622

Absolutely, They are undoubtedly cooking up distraction right now, and AOC will tweet about it.

>> No.26872821

Anon.. Jews does not = white men

>> No.26873247

This is implying the jews get any punishment at all for their crimes or that they ever will.

>> No.26873258

Media is already spinning the hedge funds as the victims. To normies, you’re a "sexless market manipulating mob of anti-semitic white men".

>> No.26873556

Sorry but you literally can't talk about oppression by the capitalist system without also acknowledging all other forms of oppression like racism, sexism, transphobia, etc, etc. Literally impossible without looking like a blatant exclusionary bigot

>> No.26873730

Not once they reload their shorts and ride it to zero.

>> No.26873796

Aim wider dipshit

>> No.26873927

We are the loud retarded minority.

>> No.26874120

fuck off kike

>> No.26874253

There's going to be a new Greg Floyd very soon.

>> No.26874285

Yep, soon we'll all be shorting non-woke companies as climate change activism. This all sounds fun now but wait until it's turned against you.

>> No.26874344
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It already has been. As someone who had been in GME since the beginning, this was always a high-risk, high-reward gamble that console sales / announcement of a digital transformation for the company would squeeze the short sellers. Now politicians and SJW redditors co-opted our squeeze as an "everyman vs. the hedge funds" story., and are probably going to regulate retail further, worst outcome being unrealized cap gains tax.

>> No.26874501

>dont just fight the jews, fight their non jew allies too

>> No.26874612

This is how narratives change. Look at how bitcoin's narrative has shifted over the years. It's not some coordinated psyop, this is how the collective unconscious works.

>> No.26875299

Only if you smush all the cream into one cookie.

>> No.26876643

They are the heart of the hydra, everyone else is a head that will grow back.

>> No.26876835

AOC is already doing her part.