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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2686819 No.2686819 [Reply] [Original]

we're hitting antism levels that shouldn't even be possible

>> No.2686831

Dubs moon

>> No.2686850
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please go up

>> No.2686853

if digits it drops to 243

>> No.2686862

dubs and we UP UP AND AWAY

>> No.2686863

And i sweaaaar
By the moon and the stars in the sky

>> No.2686867

if dubs we never go sub 300 again

>> No.2686871

This is straight up just a whale pump. Do not chase it if you got out. It's going to hit MAYBE 310K before dropping back down.

>> No.2686880

Noob question,

Shall I buy now, or wait like 8 hours and see if the chinks start dumping.

>> No.2686882
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>> No.2686898
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dubs and dip to 250

>> No.2686899

wait for the dip

>> No.2686903

fucking whale at 317

>> No.2686910

dubs save us

>> No.2686918
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okay broski

>> No.2686929

pumping while chinks are sleeping, doesn't make much sense to me.

>> No.2686933

Give it a few minutes.

>> No.2686944

It was at 280, I assume that was the dip. Or are you memeing?

>> No.2686956

i'll wait to 250-260

>> No.2686971

Dump the jump, buy back in at 250k.

>> No.2686974

I really doubt that is happening. I think it's floor is around 270K-280K.

>> No.2686988

I just dumped 1.5k ANS sorry I'm not bagholding any longer

>> No.2687001

Buy order at 280k, will sell off in 24hrs before the chinks dump again. Do we keep buying low selling high and riding the waves to the moon?

>> No.2687029

yunbi dumping again, below 300

>> No.2687037

Nobody believes you had 1.5k ants, poorfag.

>> No.2687072
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>mfw I have one(1) antshare
Do you guys think that I could get at least 50 before the conference if I shift into maximum daytrader mode?

>> No.2687078

Smartest anon here. The old support lines suggested 250k floor and the last day and a half it wouldn't drop below 280. This is your last chance to get rich poorfags

>> No.2687088

we'll see about that

>> No.2687090

Hopefully this isn't just another dump now. It seems to keep going up higher than the last. Still nice and high on Yunbi.

>> No.2687116

Needs a little bit more fuel for the rocket this week IMO, dumping tonight.

>> No.2687137

Is it gonna go back down? Or should I just hold?

>> No.2687149

gravity is a fickle bitch, anything that moons fast must return to normal fast.

>> No.2687160

not a chance

>> No.2687177
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>hai gais, ai was thinking about multiplying my monis by 50 by doin wat 95% of any otherz are not capable of. What do u think?

>> No.2687201


>> No.2687225

>tfw managed to go from 180 ANS to 105 ANS trying to learn how to daytrade over the weekend
Hehe. Its funny how I dont even feel anything despite losing a (for me as a poorfag) major amount of my play money.

>> No.2687228

Godspeed based Pajeet

>> No.2687231

That's the right attitude. Seriously. Go for it my man.

>> No.2687244

I don't get it. Why would you ever sell at a loss?

>> No.2687253

omg pls get to 360 so I can gtfo

>> No.2687256

I'm new.
What would happen if BTC mooning next week, would ANS loose in price?

>> No.2687262

Guys is it gonna dip more on monday
I've already made so much but I don't want to miss the train

>> No.2687285

Im still waiting, broski


>> No.2687291


I want more cheap ANS.

>> No.2687292

If bitcoin mooned, chinamen would need their own coin to moon too! Chinamen pump ANS to show those evil Americans, yes!

>> No.2687295
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We literally have liftoff!

>> No.2687304

holy fuck I can't even get my buy orders in price moving so fast

>> No.2687307

agh was waiting for the confirms during the dip...

>> No.2687312

maybe its last pump before greater dip down to 240-250k

>> No.2687321

Going to 400k easy don't miss out. All the big coins mooning this is solar alignment

>> No.2687327

>thinking the dip is over.

>> No.2687334

Aaaaand we're dipping again

>> No.2687345

hahahahahahahaahha its dumping now. newfags btfo

>> No.2687355

get dumped on faggots

>> No.2687357

Wow, for the first time ever I got the sell order right at 345. it was only a few coins though to see if I had it right

>> No.2687361

bruv it cant increase by $.50 in one move and have no reprocussions, just wait

>> No.2687363

literally the same whale that has been playing it down. This time the spike was slightly higher so people freaked out. Will probably go lower now.

>> No.2687365

Phew sold right at the top. Hoping for 280 tonight so I can sleep

>> No.2687368

This is only the beginning just a minor dip we are refueling at a gas station right now

>> No.2687382

How the fuck do you sell fast enough?
I knew it was coming and wanted to sell but whatever number I put in its directly undercut and by the time I manage to sell Im already at the bottom.

>> No.2687384

called it in another thread. another peak at 300+ with a new incoming 24 hour low.

230-250 would be a great buy but anything under 280 is a safe bet to me

>> No.2687393

yunbi at 315k, dump imment. sell now for profit

>> No.2687394

i got me self 0.5 btc here

>> No.2687395

hope so desu. Thats what im thinking as well.

>> No.2687399

Lol the fomo buying right now

>> No.2687408

it's gonna drop so fucking hard..

>> No.2687413
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>> No.2687416

nopw nopw nopw. pls get to 360 let me outtt

>> No.2687420

This whale knows his prey well.

>> No.2687436

Yunbi now up to 324

>> No.2687438

I fucking hate whales. You couldnt wait for me to buy in at 280 goddamit.

>> No.2687456

Great, they'll buy there and sell at bittrex fml

>> No.2687457

feeding frenzy

>> No.2687473

I was up $50 and I thought it would keep going and now im back down $5, this is ridiculous

>> No.2687475

All aboard.

>> No.2687483

Do we sell at 395? Or hold?

>> No.2687485

So is it doing to dip massively or going to go up?
Fuck you guys.

>> No.2687494

It's going to dip massively then go up

>> No.2687495


>> No.2687499

No one here actually knows anything. They all just hope they are right, and guess what, 50% of the time they are. So they never stop talking about it.

>> No.2687510

Guide to lamboland:
1. You buy ANS
2. You do not try to time the market
3. You buy as many ANS as you can
4. You do not try to time the market
5. Once you cannot buy more ans, you HODL

>> No.2687520

>50% of the time they are
Well fuck if there are two outcomes and two people each claiming the other outcome then one of them is bound to be right.

>> No.2687539

not really realistic, at best this thing will hit $100 in a few months, and maybe itll match ETH eventually, unless the Chinese love it then it might be bigger than BTC, but thats a big if

>> No.2687577
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youre a big wall

>> No.2687578

Does anyone know how to pull the Bitcoin price from Yunbi's API?

I don't want to do yuan-btc conversion.

>> No.2687588

Well, ask yourself why is the price going up so suddenly? Was there a conference today? No? Then it's a fucking whale or a pump group.
It'll dip a short while after.

>> No.2687600

1.4 billion in China people that's 1/7th of the planet.
It's a risk, but it could be worse. Plus, the Chinese always swarm like ants to new stuff.

>> No.2687603

I would be happy it it reach 13-15$ till September

>> No.2687605

>pump group
>on a coin with this much volume
that's how you spot a paranoid autist

>> No.2687624
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>> No.2687633

>selling frogs

>> No.2687650

same here

>> No.2687654

Because ANS had in the last weeks shown the trend of going down on the weekend and up at the beginning of the week.
My personal guess would be that its going up because people sold at the end of the last week and are now getting back in.

>> No.2687672
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>> No.2687678

>implying there are no whale pump groups
Stop insulting others if you don't know jack shit.

>> No.2687775
File: 44 KB, 655x527, bizpepee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the chinks gonna dump the price one more time before it goes up during the week?

>> No.2687781

its 2am there, give it time

>> No.2687799

What if... it never go up?

>> No.2687829

Just hold em, and when the pepe coin moons you'll wish you never wanted to buy ants

>> No.2687939

I think 2 and 4 should be replaced with, buy on the weekends.

>> No.2687941

This price will be corrected soon. Prepare your self.

>> No.2687957

Hold and buy on dips, then keep holding.

>> No.2687974

I just need to get to like 360, but theres a fucking whale at 345. Will they vanish? pls swim away.

Then my mistake from last night will go with them.

>> No.2687978

Is this memeing? I get we're on memechan but enough already.

>> No.2687999

whale fucked off!!

We going to the moon.

>> No.2688021

If you put in a low amount it will still sell for the highest bid.

>> No.2688075


>as if prices can't just go up in a trajectory
>everything is always a pump&dump unless there's a big event

Ah yes, the big BItcoin event made it go from $900 to $2500. Loved that one!

>> No.2688084

Its getting stagnant, I think its time to sell.

>> No.2688092

Unless you have over 500 ants, why play that game anon? You'll get burned, all for what, getting 3 or 4 ants? Don't be a moron.

And also, it's not going to dip now. We're on the upswing.

>> No.2688093

wasn't that trump getting into office?

>> No.2688126

im sitting at 350 and trying to get up to 500, what makes you think its an upswing from here minutes ago everyone was saying this was a whale messing with us

>> No.2688163

This is a bull trap, it's already collapsing again.

>> No.2688193
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I cant believe people are buying right now

>> No.2688205

Yes and the one jump half a year before that was Brexit.

>> No.2688220

just hit the 24 hour high, this is going up baby

>> No.2688226

we are going to 35. I dont think its a bull trap

>> No.2688245

this will collapse badly

>> No.2688281
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>> No.2688305

Its tanking guys sell ASAP buy back later

>> No.2688314


its starting to drop

get out while you can

>> No.2688327

going up on yunbi again.

>> No.2688329

No it's not

>> No.2688338

I hope none of you bought back yet and it's just only hodlers posting

>le moon mission

>> No.2688344

I mean It kind of is dropping though, that's a mighty red candle thats dropping lower than the previous I'm seeing

>> No.2688347

>tfw bought at $5
>never selling
i dont know why i even come here

>> No.2688372

If you never sell how will you get your library full of lambos?

>> No.2688416

how many did you buy?

>> No.2688444

I'm selling this chink crap as soon it hits 350. They show 0, website suck ass, chinglish, wallet is from the '90s... literally no future.

>Microsoft bow to NEO
>In contact with Alibaba
>Possess boiled-dog-like abilities
>Control markets with an iron but fair fist

ya'll suckers

>> No.2688449

retard, they just released a roadmap today. Looks good.

>> No.2688457

What's in it? How to skin a dog?

>> No.2688483

Is it a private project or is it funded by the state?

>> No.2688552

Sold 400 at 0.00342
Bought 400 at 0.0034 when it looked like it was going back up
after fees I made $2, am I a moron?

>> No.2688559

Yup, it's going down more son. Chinks are going to wake up to a good price to dump their bags on

>> No.2688575

its a free coffee?

>> No.2688588

have 580
should I sell now and buy at 270k?

>> No.2688591
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>> No.2688616

Drops over boys. Get back on the hodl train

>> No.2688720


news from gookland

>> No.2688743
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>> No.2689056
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We've been watching this coin's every fucking movement for the past month or so. Give me your conclusions. Mine:

>Do not go all in or hodl mindlessly. Nothing concrete has been achieved yet. Price changes are solely based on speculation
>Do not sell all either, this is a very peculiar coin: it's chinese (and as such has a better chance in a humongously huge market), actually has a non-ponzi layout and some nice ideas behind it (basically ETH with a couple of hindsight bonuses). Might very well flop but has a small chance of becoming huge.

>> No.2689070

So what would have to happen for ANS not to plummet again after the conference?

Official partnerships with Microsoft, integration with Alibaba?

>> No.2689129

>it could go up or down

solid month long analysis anon, real swell

you going pro or something?

>> No.2689240
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Bitch if this shit was such common sense there wouldnt be this many bagholders and moon rocket spectators. 99% of people here talk numbers out their asses. Maybe if we agreed that no one knows what the fuck is going to happen people could plan accordingly.

>> No.2689495

that final peak before china gets up

>> No.2689581

My conclusions:
>never sell, this coin will only go up and i just lose money every time i try to time the market. Just hold, and when it dips buy more

>> No.2689785

This mother fucker needs to hit 360ish so I can get out fuuuu

>> No.2689804

>getting out just before it moons
nice try friendo

>> No.2689814

Expecting the chink dip again tonight, i got in too high and want to take advantage of any repeat dip etc.

>> No.2690228

Here comes the real dip bb

>> No.2691649

My impressions on Ants
>Solid fluctuation between $5- $10
>Likes to stay in the $8.x dollar range
>peaks hard on during thursday / friday
Mind you this is only my second weekend of holding.

>> No.2692677

Put $275 in at 304 hope it reaches the moon one day

>> No.2692744

That's not even right.

>hasn't been $5 in over a week
>the real range is $7 - $10
>the new floor was established yesterday

>> No.2692792

Agreed. 7 bucks was shown to be a solid floor these past 2 days.