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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26856986 No.26856986 [Reply] [Original]

It's a ruse!

>> No.26857230


>> No.26857545

>it's unlikely anyone here is selling
Meanwhile on /biz/ everyone is going into complete meltdown
Absolutely pathetic embarrassing performance from all of you

>> No.26857639

I got NAKD BB NOK EXPR and I'm down 40% on average.

>> No.26857744

It's raw. I don't think anyone on /biz/ thinks before posting. It's all primal energy.

>> No.26857827

>he doesn't post pink wojaks to farm (You)s to increase morale via reverse psychology
>while also continuing to hold
Come on, anon.

>> No.26857871


>> No.26857936

true, unfortunately I also dont think before buying or selling either

>> No.26858046

HOLD !!!

>> No.26858087

Which is why /biz/ is beautiful.

>> No.26858119

>Meanwhile on /biz/ everyone is going into complete meltdown
ever hear of shitposting and baiting anon?

>> No.26858167

This is the thinking man's position. Allowing others to benefit off the smug confidence you inspire by "failing".

>> No.26858170

any chance robinhood backs out of restrictions before Fri or are they obliged to double down?

>> No.26858174

This, reddit is really clowning us

>> No.26858197

Based, I keep going back and forth between making demoralization threads and rallying hodl energy, either this is a win and the jews get mad or /biz/ gets mad, this is a good day

>> No.26858252

Anybody with half a brain knows this is going into the fucking ground.
We achieved what we could. Both sides of the isle are talking about how hedge funds fucked over retail investors. No need to hold bags like redditors.

>> No.26858316

Lurk more

>> No.26858333
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Well when so many people can't buy in right now. The only people moving are hedgefunds and banks. Pic related. Pool is closed, we're the faggots who can't get in.

>> No.26858517
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>> No.26858553

most people here have fucking paperhands.

>> No.26858620

this is why /biz/ is superior. we don't have upboats for our fee fees

>> No.26858675


>> No.26858690

>goes up 220% in 2 weeks
>dumps 40%
lmao fellas it's totally over
don’t go for these shittokens
buy XSN and get money without losing risks

>> No.26858735

Melvin hands typed this post

>> No.26858825

this is what i wanna know.

>> No.26859062

This, Reddit is more rational and ballsy than /biz/. You faggots are all depressed, miserable and alone. The least you can do with your shares is to hold them and make some Hedge Fund Managers commit suicides.

>> No.26859115


>> No.26859556


>> No.26859605

4chan gets off on dunking on other people and feeling superior. Redditors like to be part of the collective and do what everyone else is doing. In this case its working out for them.

>> No.26860174

This... all these bizlets screaming it's all over... ngmi

>> No.26860487
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/biz/ buys high and sells low.
Me? I buy low and HOLD. Fuck these retards.

>> No.26860591
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I've been posting threads all day making fun of people who bought in despite losing money on it too. I also larp as a smug jew sometimes. Gotta get that dopamine hit somehow while it's down

>> No.26860694

Tbh i'm only here for the pink wojacks.

>> No.26860777


Absolute degenrates, following fucking reddit, the fucking one rule back from
The origin of this site

You truly are newfags, kys

>> No.26860824

Why are people surprised that Wall st is panicking and trying to trigger mass selloffs to cover their positions? just HOLD and the squeeze will come

>> No.26860840

>When every other thread is a reddit screencap
I just want the Pajeets back bros...

>> No.26860895


>> No.26861065

let us know when you've made as much as the average WSB redditor, sweetie

>> No.26861062

Me too. They are hilarious.

>> No.26861170

an overall loss and disgrace for all /biz/ anons except /smg/

>> No.26861186

Eat shit retard, this is a chance to dab on the people who constantly dab on us. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

>> No.26861259

You fucking retard.

They sold at $400 while they post shit like "DIAMOND HANDS" and "HODL" just so they can laugh at you faggots when you are bagholders.

>> No.26861302
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>> No.26861307


>> No.26861384

checked. i understand the sentiment but i think the retarded high school rivalry can be put on hold for a few days

>> No.26861472

So you're the guy who didn't buy in two weeks ago.

>> No.26861612

we have no face here all you see is emotion

>> No.26861796

Im getting q anon vibes from these dudes right now

>> No.26861896

pink wojack posting is a sacred and beloved tradition on biz newfag

>> No.26861986


>> No.26862011
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>> No.26862034

reads like a post in the XRP schizo general

>> No.26862138

There has never been a better time to finally convince people to start naming the jew.

>> No.26862150
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TA faggots are absolutely insufferable. This is a political movement not normal market activity. People are buying and holding their doomstacks to fucking ZERO and will probably start assembling molotov cocktails if Wall Street ends up winning this game of chicken.

>> No.26862210

I'm new to the investing scene so maybe somebody can explain this to me.
If this would be real people selling, who are they selling their stock to? As I understand it most/all major trading platforms stopped the buy process so the only people that could buy are either very small or its the same people that can buy when the markets are closed. Kikes.

Has there ever been a scenario like this before? Where buying has been halted before a short squeeze?

>> No.26862349

riots would be based

>> No.26862440

meltdown over here
only because I wanted to buy more

>> No.26862643

1% is literally only 1%
push the plebs far enough.....
Anybody want to share some DIY guillotine workshops?

>> No.26862735


>> No.26862781

Nobody cares about politics here. Normies are FOMOing because they want to make easy cash.

>> No.26863163
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>Nobody cares about politics here.
/pol/ and /biz/ have been pretty much identical for the last week. There's shitcoin threads in /biz/ and blacked threads on /pol/ but that's not the main action, just shills and bots being paid to create slide threads nobody is reading.

>> No.26863288
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>got a message from (((our liquidity providers)))

>> No.26863586

based as fuck. you will make it.

>> No.26863621

>selling before Friday
That's what they WANT you to do you absolute braindead nigger

>> No.26863639

I have and you dont see me fucking screaming around this board do you? And don’t call me sweet you fucking nigger, we are not friends.

>> No.26863820

Fortunately I have my 8 shares of GME and I really like them :)

>> No.26863980

Dab in the people that dab on us? Nigger nobody dabs on you other then people from this fucking board, you really joined this week didnt you?

This is a pure scam and if you dont know thats what wsb does in general ur a fucking retard

Let me some it up for you:

>Buy x stock long or short
>scream on internet and use memes
>watch newfags rush in with their savings
>dump it

>> No.26864150

Not really the time for it, we're need our strength to fuck wall street

>> No.26864598
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I think a lot before posting or buying anything
And a fat lot of good this has done me
In the last four days I just impulsively bought AMC and Gamestop and Dogecoin and actually made more money in those few hours than in the last two months
Meme investing isn't a myth

>> No.26864698

godspeed anon, i only got 0.7

>> No.26865380


>> No.26865888

You idiot

>> No.26866232


>> No.26866505


>> No.26866520

Q told me