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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2683995 No.2683995 [Reply] [Original]

Welp, im done for anons... there is no more hope for me... went all in on a series of fucking terrible trades, and now i wont be able to eat until August. I gotta hand it to myself tho... pretty fucking impressive how spun i got in this bear market.

if you can spare some shekels... so a nigga can eat.


>> No.2684013

explain your situation and I might help

I'm rich af but lived through crushing poverty earlier in my life

>> No.2684015

A normal human can survive without oxygen for three minutes, three days without water and 40 days without food.
You'll be fine.

>> No.2684016


>> No.2684020

sent :)

>> No.2684032

Turned 1 BTC into nothing with NMR, SND, RDD, and 2 PnD's

completely lost my mind in the process. no family, friends have long since moved away from my home town, work as a wage slave in fast food. Im done for senpai

>> No.2684047

IMO I feel everyone in crypto has to experience 80% losses several times before they are pros and whales. Already happened to me two times and slowly recovering.

>> No.2684049

Lmao all these "traders" thought they the shit trading in a bull market. Now they're losing everything. I remember a few threads of people quitting their jobs to trade crypto.

You're a retard op.

>> No.2684053

couldnt agree more

>> No.2684061

if your foreal im forever grateful. havent received anything tho. anything helps, thank you

>> No.2684062

Lmao no, you just research solid projects buy and hold. You morons do no research and trade extremely volatile securities and think you have any clue what you're doing.

I've made 4 almost 5 times my money in 6 weeks, only traded prob twice. Also realized profits during aths.

>> No.2684074

sounds amazing anon.

>> No.2684075

I agree with this strategy. what's your opinion of current "solid projects" that'd be good hold investments?

>> No.2684097

wish I could help anon

>> No.2684117

i totally understand... no worries. im totally fucked, as im sure alot of us are right now. I just hoped maybe someone could help me our with spare BTC.

>> No.2684120

Help me mang I put $600 in crypto and lost most of it I was down to $200 now I'm near $300 thanks to nmr.

I was all in xvg and bitb, the coins bled out slowly this entire month.

I am trying to make a business, my life savings went into this....I had a full ride and my grades dropped (sadistic mechanical engineer professors). I dropped out of college to pursue this as a business.

My parents are in their 60s, they weren't able to find steady jobs after getting laid off in 2008.

I'm literally living off nothing at this point, I want crypto and my business to be my way out.

>> No.2684126



>> No.2684128
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VC firms are fucking brutal btw, I trying to get grants or bootstrap.

>> No.2684131

lmao do it bitch

>> No.2684132

does /biz/ not have moderators?

>> No.2684137

Nope. I thought it was obvious with the shitfest of crpytards biz has become.

>> No.2684138

Apparently not

>> No.2684150

At least it's not a pump and dump thread...

>> No.2684171
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>> No.2684189
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>mfw he won't tell me the solid projects to invest and hold in

>> No.2684195

Go to sleep OP


>> No.2684204


>> No.2684205
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>> No.2684207

My biggest investment is in icn. Do your research and you'll find out why.

>> No.2684213

You're a literal retard. Did you even bother to read up on nmr? It's amazing how people throw their life savings in the trash

>> No.2684228

crypto chewed me up and spit me back out. i just need somehting to eat... pls help desu

>> No.2684236

The main reason being?

>> No.2684248
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I did

what is with the cognitive dissonance fuck face?

It already works, the 19k scientists who got in early and made the right predictions got paid.

They got like 5k new applicants after that.

No scammy ico either. They spent time on making a good blockchain app and released it when it was completely working.

This is a perfect application for blockchain, how about you learn how to read?

>> No.2684267

>work as a wage slave in fast food.
Sounds like you have plenty of food to eat?

Maybe you wouldn't have lost all your money if you weren't a fucking idiot

>> No.2684288

>Do your research and you'll find out why.
translation: i dont really have a reason but browsed a couple forum threads and went all in

>> No.2684313

Haha good for the data scientists. Too bad nmr has no value for the token holder retard.

Why would data scientists give out valuable data for pennies on the dollar? The hedge fund doesn't share profits with NMR even though you morons in your echo chamber think it does. Also the hedge fund can pull out at anytime.
Actually I've done weeks if not months of research. Their buyback program is actually better than the dividend program they had initially intended to do. It also makes things way less complicated while creating a smaller supply and higher buy pressure. Just one of the many reasons.

>> No.2684421
File: 126 KB, 1024x962, 1498904876794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Data scientists at hedge funds have access to proprietary data sets at their work, and only the stocks they are working from.
This democritizes hedgefunds. It means that some nerd in south korea can make better predictions on some ivy league jew and make money even if they don't have the cash.

You get payouts for staking, it doesn't increase the market cap and instead pays you a fixed rate for keeping the network up.

>> No.2684422

>drop out of school
>invest $600

>> No.2684423

Sent $20

>> No.2684491

Again does absolutely nothing for people who hold NMR.

>> No.2684504

They changed the staking rewards to be 3000% from their previous rate.

It's PoS, you get money from holding the coin.

Also shitty data scientists get their NMR liquidated for shit predictions.

>> No.2684516


>> No.2684517

Who gives a fuck what the staking rewards are on a worthless coin?

Lmao you think data scientists losing money on bad predictions is a good thing?

Just fucking lol, I love talking to emotionally invested retards. They start to rationalize their shitty decisions.

>> No.2684528
File: 27 KB, 130x180, 1498859605971.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By your definition bitcoin is worthless.

I made $100 sitting on the last pump, and I cashed to btc and plan to buy more once it hits the floor again.

>> No.2684529


>> No.2684538

>so a nigga can eat
Say it right and I'll send you one btc.

>> No.2684557

so I can eat

>> No.2684565

And what definition is that?

Btc is used to hedge in times of economic uncertainity and fear. Much like gold is. We can see this in examples like brexit. I'd be interested to see the btc usage of greece residents as well. This is why btc is known as "digital gold". It is a global ever evolving currency of the internet.

Congrats you gambled and made 100 bucks, I've invested and held and made enough to retire.

That one time you buy at the "floor", that will be the new ath you will forever be waiting for to trade your bags. I've seen it happen 100s of times.

>> No.2684572

How low do you think it will go?
Need to wait until I get payed to buy.

>> No.2684597


Maybe 42ish

>> No.2684611

>spent all my money on crypto
>give me money so I can buy food
Why don't you cash out some of your investments, you vaganog?

>> No.2684635

Lived in poverty until mu uni days, dad alcoholic and depressed, mom was the one working selling fast food. I got education, decent job, but I guess I am kind of dammed. I lost my job, debts and got a divorce. If you can boost another life, do as you want, your right hand will not see what your left hand does: 175PW8tKQTJnspzkwsDbkUM1j8tVohZYZ8

>> No.2684640

You think profits just materialize out of thin air? Somebody had to lose in the end, so thanks for donating!

>> No.2684644


>> No.2684650

As a fellow min wage fag, you're fucking retarded op and I hope you starve to death.

Lrn2budget and save properly you faggot. You never supposed to invest money that you can't afford to lose. It's not that difficult.

>> No.2684694

You have a job and access to discarded food.
You're gonna make it.