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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 96 KB, 598x514, 47B6C60A-FC8F-406C-A93D-8818A808195C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26837281 No.26837281 [Reply] [Original]

You fucking idiots picked the wrong side. Trump and his faggot Wall Street friends are the ones that would be against tearing down the establishment. The Dems are on our side

>> No.26837592

>yes I came from wsb, how can you tell?

>> No.26837838

Trump.Jr is cheering on WSB. Nice try faggot.

>> No.26838174

He is unironically a Wall Street hedge fund crony. He’s just trying to look based for his idiotic fans. Tell me what his father did to help the little guys out

>> No.26838205

cool now that stupid mud blood can explain the foreign money she gets to sell us out to arab countries and her hatred for christian's and why its ok to cut little girls clits off.
she funneled money to her boy friend while cheating on her husband against election laws and uses deer born crime to get elected.
fuck her.

>> No.26838202

trump won dilate women pretender

>> No.26838470

hahaha you fucking idiot.
still falling for cheap tricks from people whose last name is trump.

>> No.26838553

biden got 5x as much support from wall street than trump

>> No.26838622

Lowered my taxes which gave me more cash flow to buy gamestonk.

Fuck off back to /pol/, tourist.

>> No.26838782
File: 600 KB, 900x467, CF54D906-95D0-434D-B0AE-07B2AE5A5324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why were my taxes lower under Trump?

>> No.26838963

Are you on crack?
Both sides are in on wall street. Especially the Dems, wanna know how 90% of Jews vote democrat. And well wall street is almost exclusively owned by greedy jews. Hell Biden’s cabinet is almost 100% jew except for him and Kamala.

The Squad Dems, Populist Republicans are the ones who are on our side in this. Not the entire DNC.

>> No.26839023
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christianty a shit

>> No.26839166
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Don't care, it's Biden's problem now.

>> No.26839247

He lowered my fucking taxes, which is literally more than any Democrat has ever done for me in my entire life.

>> No.26839419

you must be at least 18 years old to use this site

>> No.26839681


>> No.26839942

1. Tax cuts benefited middle class
2. Best job growth before covid which helps people in lower and middle classes
3. Energy independence and low fuel prices help the lower and middle classes since we are the most dependent on the price of fuel. If gas goes up to $3.55 from $2.80 we are spending $0.75 per mile and if your a person who drives for work as most blue collared workers do you would probably spend a tank a day so lets say that would be 20gal. So in a five day work week that would be
20 * $0.75 * 5 = $75 extra cost per week. Which can be an over an entire days worth of work for people working minimum wage.

>> No.26839978

It's over.....................Biden won.....................

>> No.26840234

You got to actually have a job and work to understand what the cost of taxes are.

The jews thrive on sucking us dry from taxes.

>> No.26840281

oh jesus. You people are too fucking dumb to exist.
do you know anything about the trump tax plan?
cut taxes on the middle class temporarily and the rich indefinitely, all while upping spending and putting the difference on the 22 trillion dollar credit card?

>> No.26840456

I take home the equivalent of an extra paycheck and a half per year solely because of Trump's tax cuts. My salary is squarely middle class. Democrats want to take that away.

>> No.26840501

Very silly to infer that the dems are worse than republicans when it comes to general transfer of wealth and power to the rich.
Not that i give a shit about democrats

>> No.26840519

Nice try demshill lol. Thats the libs

>> No.26840523

Huh. I hate that fucking bitch but thats great exposure. Im holding no matter what, these niggers are dumb for trying this shit.

>> No.26840645

These are Biden's friends you brain dead cunt! KYS!

>> No.26840788

Hey retard, im not a liberal.
Thats what the trump tax did. its a fact. look it up.

not completely understanding that Trump was a simple conman is the most embarrassing belief in modern times

>> No.26840799

Kind of like what the "squad" is doing with drooling brainlets like you?
I'm all for a market crash since they chose not to hold a fair election
Dems cheering it on are either stupid because it'll make them look bad or they were really trying to destroy the country all along which legitimizes what conservatives have been saying. Either way its a dumb move on their part lmao
Remember anything bad that happens to the economy or country is because of the dems now

>> No.26840861

Except Joe Biden received more dark money from Wall Street than Trump did, by a factor of 10. He already fucked insulin prices and eliminated Trump's opioid addiction plan. Fuck off

>> No.26841014

>shilling for lefty politics on /biz/

go the fuck back to bunkerchan and stay there, nigger

>> No.26841026

Lol typical orange man bad retard. Go away fag, you are entirely wrong

>> No.26841036

You're a leftist and you're a faggot despite your fear of being called out. fuck outta here

>> No.26841080
File: 92 KB, 705x930, soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it built the western world tard ass
nothing is better for the world than the effects of the western mans hand.
it should be guided by basic moral guide lines of christian faith. you dont have to believe but you should act justly.

>> No.26841127

Republicans and Dems (aside from a few outliers) are both deep in WS's pockets.

>> No.26841526
File: 105 KB, 1004x1024, 4AE67207-E897-41C5-8E84-92359951C516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Dems are on our side
Nobody is on our side
Buy BTC, stop using FIATs

>> No.26841598

get that sand nigger off this board

>> No.26841982

Because Trump ran up a trillion dollar budget deficit.

>> No.26842126

>muh fake money number

>> No.26842326

>The Dems are on our side
what a dumb take, she's basically anti-Dem but your stupid country has only two viable parties

>> No.26842433

I prefer the Republican method of running up a deficit by letting me keep more of the money I worked for over the Democrat method of running up a deficit by taking more of the money I worked for.

>> No.26843266
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It was never Republican v Democrat. It's normal people v the (((elites))).