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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26816759 No.26816759 [Reply] [Original]

And they are extremely angry at what is happening right now.

>> No.26816968

Well, (((they))) shouldn't have fucked with b(((((us))))))

>> No.26817379

You are just retards for playing with them in the first place, especially to do it on the burger stock market was utterly ridiculous.

>> No.26817480

Who is "they" and what is up with the parenthesis overuse?

>> No.26817545

lurk moar

>> No.26817626


>> No.26817640

who do you think, goy?

>> No.26817753

You know, them.

>> No.26817844

You know (((them))). Right?

>> No.26817906

I’m not selling ever. I don’t care. This is sickening. Who the fuck do these people think they are? They already have billions of dollars and can move and swing markets at will? Why can they let us play? This is all wrong.

>> No.26818004

A jew create an app to put parentheses around jewish names as a way to call out how their figues have echoed their history.

People aware of the Jewish question thought this was great as they were calling themselves out. Then the Jewish controlled media changed it to be something one of the goyim did by themselves.

>> No.26818028

Go back

>> No.26818047


>he doesn't know

>> No.26818108

The only group of people expelled from 109 different nations.

>> No.26818116

It'll be a good learning lesson. Finally all these zoomers will realize that the stock market is a dead market controlled by (((them)))
The only way to win is to not play.

>> No.26818163

Lurk more. If you dont know by now your not old enough to be on 4chan. 18+ goy

>> No.26818201
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((((((they)))))) can go and gas themselves

>> No.26818210

Oh it's something antisemitic of course. What was I expecting?

>> No.26818275

You didn't think they'd let this carry on did you? Are you really surprised they're shutting it down?

>> No.26818278

Just take the redpill and move into crypto.

>> No.26818335
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>> No.26818372

Im extremely agree right now. My entire family is fucking pissed right now. We are watching them in real time do what they did to election WITH 100%PROOF

>> No.26818451


>> No.26818730

haha dude i just wanted to play video games

>> No.26819155
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>> No.26819411
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This kek

>> No.26819589

the truth is hard to deal with but it will set you free anon. GME is the new Hall Of Cost.

>> No.26819616

fuck you, kidfuckingkikeniggertriplejews, hope you all get holocausted for real this time

>> No.26819878
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>> No.26820219
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>> No.26820757

CIA is not kill.