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2681716 No.2681716 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ thoughts about this pretty blockchain info page...
Goldman went full Bitcoin?


>> No.2681774

what a piece of shit website

>> No.2681777

how do i hang on to the moon
kike coins where?

>> No.2681784

They should put pic of Hitler in the end

>> No.2681787

barrons and goldman sachs hyped about blockchain. why?

>> No.2681799

hold down arrow nigga

>> No.2681809


>> No.2681815
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>how do you want your kike propaganda?
>just ctOS my shit up senpai

>> No.2681816

i n s t i t u t i o n a l
i n v e s t o r s
p h a s e

>> No.2681826

The Beast

>> No.2681843

that's some futuristic shit

private keys in future = your fingerprint/blood/hair

>> No.2681864

any tips/best practices for investing in this phase?

>> No.2681872


Yes. Put literally as much money as you can afford in. Remember May? Think that, but x10, x1000, even x1000. We are a fucking needle point right now. The institutional investor stage is upon us.

>> No.2681879


>> No.2681913

blockchain is just a buzzword for these big financial institutions
they have no idea how to implement it, nor do they want to implement it in any meaningful way

but by merely having a couple fancy webpages dedicated to "the future of money" they can assure their low-iq customers that they are leading the way in "cutting edge fintech"

>> No.2681919

XRP is one meaningful way.

>> No.2681929

We're in the proto-cyberpunk phase

It's full on in 50 years

>> No.2681944

So 4 years it is then.

>> No.2682412
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>x1000, even x1000

Wew lad that's a lot of x1000!

>> No.2683096

You underestimate the human power these institutions have access to

>> No.2683134
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>Big banks supporting cryptocurrencies
hold me lads

>> No.2683142

Be careful. I think a lot of these guys aren't actually invested in crypto. Rather they're studying the blockchain and how to implement it to make their back of house easier.
For example it'd make much more since that they use the chain to track assets and in house stuff versus just buying a lot of btc.

>> No.2683164

Now THIS is the kind of thread I like to see on here. Especially during a dip.

Buy everything while it's on sale because we are first in line for the gold rush of our lifetime.

>> No.2683179
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>muh Bitcoin is decentralized and against the central bankers
>oh hey central banker
>jizzes in pants
>tfw your idols love you back

Bitcoin = Central Bankers beta testing beast bucks using libertarians that will be the fall guy for the failure then they will swoop in and "do it right"

You fegs fall for this every time around.

>> No.2683189

i doubt they'll let us common plebs invest into it. we'll have to give them all of our fiat after it launches and it'll basically be banking with even more control, wave goodbye to cash...

>but muh crypta
enjoy even more control

>> No.2683232
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it's LITERALLY watch_dogs

>> No.2683248

Yeah that's about as much as I can gather. Singapore already did this on the ethereum blockchain, what they really want is the blockchain security aspects. They don't want to be into another currency, though I'm sure they have people playing the markets that exist they don't want or need the control or monetary philosophies these devs have.
Look at bitcoin, the 'top' is a bunch of chinese miners with access to idle power plants all over the world and some developers. How do you make money on that? You don't. It's great for the little guy who wants to buy some drugs or sneak a fortune or two out of taxes, but for big corporates like goldman?
You're going to have blockchain in every corporation, they are going to hire the fuck out of anyone billing themselves as a blockchain technologist. Know what bitcoin is? Here, 300k a year, now make this this blockchain thing save us a bunch of money.
It's exactly the same as the web dev boom during the tech bubble, they would hire anyone who said they knew anything about the net.

>> No.2683264

That's exactly what I was thinking but wasn't able to put it in words.
I do believe many careers will come out of it as well as it'll be used to automate things. Similar to how excel changed the spreadsheet game.

>> No.2683271

Cryptos aren't something businesses can control, they know the technology has potential so that's why their excited.
For us we're thinking that since we're in these coins now more people will get in as this becomes more common. The idea is that there's going to be 'public' blockchains that everyone and their mother skates on, including some corporations willing to pay the miner fees over establishing their own internal system, and 'private' blockchains ala singapore.

>> No.2683290

Well I don't think anyone knows what's going to be the most popular usage yet. I didn't see uber or airbnb coming out of ubiquitous smartphone usage and I doubt anyone else did either until it was already a thing.
They probably have a few 'experts' they've hired who are promoting blockchain as the holy grail of security. If you're talking about security, identity, databases, money transfers, blockchain changes all of that very quickly.
Especially since you have to deal with a lot of international laws, taxes, and etc. just to get your profit out of another country or get your money to that country. It's a huge juke of the credit system, and definitely cheaper in several ways right now and thus the hype.

>> No.2683376

>you will see Fedbyte and citicoin become a thing in your lifetime

>> No.2683589

should I buy tho

>> No.2683630

private chains dont need blockchain tech. you need blockchain tech if you need to orchestrate multiple untrusted users on one database and you need an airtight ledger. you need proof of work to ensure its difficult to change the ledger.

if these chains arent going to be used where both parties cant trust each other then theres no reason to use a blockchain at all.

>> No.2683661

You niggas sure are missing the news lately. Goldman Sachs announced the adoption of ETH,not bitcoin.

Good thing I bought the dips.

>> No.2683707

where did they say this?i read through their shitty webpage but it was all about "blockchain" and they didnt mention any specific coin there.

i hope it isnt more private chain shit.

>> No.2683784

It's already too late to invest into btc anyway unless it goes back to sub $1000.

>> No.2684200

No way, it has a lot of room to grow. BTc and ETH have many uses we haven't even conceptualized yet and those will drive demand up.

>> No.2685305

Shit man, I've always got one foot in the door when it comes to conspiracy theory alex jones-type stuff but I usually take it all with a heavy grain of salt and half the shit in the conspiracy world is retarded. But I mean, how does this shit not have the alarm bells in one's mind go off? Would normies look at this and think "woah, cool" without a hint of fear? Shit weirds me out man

>> No.2685319
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Normies love the NWO stuff and all their muslim immigration, terrorism, and less freedom.
They literally do, idk why.
If they wouldnt like it there would be civilwars and right wing governments.

>> No.2685332

I hope it doesn't skyrocket that hard, I don't know where I'd fit so many lambos

>> No.2685333

If bitcoin makes it, it won't matter whether you got in at 1000 or 3000

>> No.2685334

To be fair, it's not much different than opening a bank account or having a credit line.

The whole point of crypto is to avoid that shit though, it's literally the only reason it's worth anything.

>> No.2685418

>full Bitcoin?
no they went private blockchain

>> No.2685659


>> No.2685729
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Why are the jews shilling crypto so hard?


>> No.2685752

they finally got in at 3k and now try to break even using panicked propaganda to hopefully create demand

>> No.2685800

Can't they just make their own Shekelcoin and get out??

>> No.2685823

good news imo, let them pump it up

>> No.2685865

this is exactly what they're doing.
If they come up with something really good they'll spin it off into a division and market it as buy in product. Goldman fucking Sachs is not going to start buying memecoins of any description, nor is their 'interest' logically going to push the market up for more than a news spurt cycle.

>> No.2685878

Because they've been registering patents related to blockchain tech for years. They're going to try to monopolize on it.

>> No.2685893

Also, they have to be working on using smart contracts to speed up algo derivatives trading, because the entire market is obsessed with that, and the big funds can't get any closer to the exchanges. They are IN the exchanges.

>> No.2685912

Pull out

>> No.2686964
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Finally confirmed. Satoshi is Goldman.

>> No.2687092

Isn't Goldman Sachs directly connected to tezos?