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26814727 No.26814727 [Reply] [Original]

Masternode NEET's Edition: how much will you be making?

>What is Stakenet(XSN)?

>Whats the easiest way to set up a Masternode?

>Official Site



>Developer updates

>Latest Development Update

>Hardware Wallet Cold Staking

>Additional reading

>Quick rundown
>X9's contributions to LTC
>Exertive Proof of Stake
>Great write-up of Cross Chain Proof of Stake (i.e. stake XSN, receive BTC)
>The Cypherpunk Standard of Banking
>Ethereum Scalability Solutions, Connext and Stakenet | XSN Research Scalability Solutions

>NEW: updated masternode fee structure

>> No.26815178

$200 profit in a day for just 1 MN?

On that time each XSN would be atleast $10.

>> No.26815281
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There is more reason to be bullish on Stakenet now than ever before:

> A ton of fud has been dispelled:
> Bitfinex listing -> the project is credible
> DEX development has indeed been progressing hard -> Team is indeed working hard
> The team has taken their time to quickly dispel a ton of the most damning fud going around
> Prospects have been showed to be much more holistically and realistically anchored than previously thought and fudded by many.
> Their three-stage rollout plan seems to be progressing much quicker than we previously thought would be the case.
> Team is seemingly beginning to up their marketing game (which has been one of the main concerns for many)
> Many partnerships recently forming
> One of the largest crypto-influencers noticed and posted about XSN -> we're potentially gaining traction.
>Stakent-iFinex Deal is all but confirmed, potentially bringing in guaranteed billions of dollars woth of volume everyday

Upcoming bullish:
> Announcement of the DEX release around the corner.
> DEX (With finished SSUI, ETH/ERC-20<->BTC integration) release soon^tm
> Hydra release might happen earlier than expected.

>> No.26816595

yeah why would anyone use this instead of uniswap lol

>> No.26816626


>> No.26816779
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>> No.26816926

Existing DEX's like UNI are mostly on the Ethereum blockchain and as such you can ONLY trade ERC-20 tokens. this is a problem because
a) it restricts you to just Ethereum and you cant seamlessly trade between ERC-20 and the other biggest blockchain BTC, and

b) because theres so much trading occurring on these ERC-20 DEX's now the network is congested and you have to pay higher and higher fee's for every trade.

Stakenet DEX wanted to build a DEX where just like a CEX like binance, you can trade between ANY blockchain. It's an ambitious projects and its taken them a few years, but its nearly here.

When this gets in the hands of the public it will revolutionise crypto because for the first time ever you exchange between separate blockchains in a decentralised way. we can get rid of centralised exchanges and be our own banks.

>> No.26817048

Much lower gas fees, instant trades, and the coin actually has a use other than governance. But, you already knew that.

>> No.26817145

Is this a new meme?

>> No.26817291
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>> No.26817386

interesting, what is a make it stack?

>> No.26817544
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>> No.26818741
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Each of the following coins below are layer 1 DEX's with a native currency, or otherwise has a use case that will be rendered obsolete by Stakenet DEX:

UNI $2,000,000,000
SNX $1,850,000,000
SUSHI $850,000,000
LRC $470,000,000
ZRX $405,000,000
KNC $240,000,000
CRV $215,000,000
BNT $178,000,000
1INCH $100,000,000

This is a combined market share of roughly $6,300,000,000. There are many more layer 1 projects, and the real number is much higher.

Stakenet DEX will render all layer 1 DEX's obsolete.


And unlike the majority of these shitcoins, Stakenet actually has utility and is required to run the network.

I expect XSN to exceed this valuation by the end of the year. And this is not even taking into account the market share of the existing CEX's that XSN will absorb.

15,000 XSN (1 masternode)


>> No.26819429

To update: UNI and SUSHI alone have a combined market cap of over $5,180,000,000.

Stakenet will inevitably exceed both of these projects in valuation - achieving a market cap roughly 130x higher than where it is now and putting us at roughly $45 XSN. this is a conservative estimate.

>> No.26819680
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You are lost my child, come to the light.

>> No.26820734

Stop this comparison.

Every single one of those networks your mentioned run on smart contracts. Stakenet cannot run smart contracts.

Also, every single one those that you mentioned has layer 2 on its roadmap. Layer 2 is built to be modular, so every project can simply plug it in.

Stakenet is not doing anything unique, nor can it run smart contracts.

This comparison is a lie.

>> No.26820902


there has been an endless FUD campaign waged against XSN for years now. If you search the archives, you will see the same tired, baseless arguments copy and pasted again and again.

Stakenet (XSN) has now been listed on a tier 1 exchange, bitfinex. The 5th largest crypto exchange. These top exchanges have to perform a huge amount of due diligence and thorough research on any coin that wishes to get listed. Only if the coin meets their thorough criteria will they risk listing it.

In the case of bitfinex, owned by iFinex (the parent company of bitfinex and Tether), they are enormous influence on the crypto economy and under much scrutiny by law enforcement across the world as regulations tighten and governments look to restrict access to cryptocurrency. Bitfinex wouldn't risk listing anything even potentially worthy of litigation.

tldr; all FUD has been rendered obsolete by the bitfinex listing, you are being scammed by XSN whales who are trying to keep new investors out and suppress the price

>> No.26821001

What's wrong fudfag? Can't use the masternode fud anymore? I feel so bad for you.

>> No.26821083

simply plug it in.


>> No.26821339
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Lets get this out of the way as well.

>Rugpull on LiveCoin
>Exit scam PoSW
A CEX fucked the stakenet team and deligitimized their product, they decided to build a DEX with as close to CEX speed & fees as possible, so that this thing doesn't ever have to happen to anyone else.

>Fork of dash, fork of btc
Humans stand on the shoulders of giants, we pass down knowledge and grow as a group. Information Theory is a fork of Calculus, which is a fork of Complex Math, which is a fork of addition, which is a fork of counting how much copper you are selling to your byzantine neighbor, 3000 year old tech.
Facebook is a fork of react, which is a fork of JS, 18 year old tech

>L1 in 2021
Its L2, which means no gas fees, instant trades, less importance on delayed contracts

>Dumped 320k xsn without a vote
They did vote, every xsn in the treasury is there by approval, its a slush fund for this exact purpose. The dump? last week was <5% of today's trade volume, and was provided to the liquidity pool. Is staking in Uniswap's liquidity pool a dump?

Thats the standard fud, but what else?
> Always your keys, always your coin, always your money
> Working with BTC / USDT to pull millions in usd through the network and generate rewards
> Crosschain, no more wrapped btc, no yahoo btc. No barrier to entry for normies to pump your coin.
> Any trade on the network generates staking rewards.
> Auto staking just for owning the coins
> Ultra-staking for masternodes
> Swing trading? Instant trades, aggregated huge liquidity pools, no gas, less slippage, swings are profitable on 3% diff instead of 8%, less risk
> Private trades, no kyc, trustless

>> No.26821359

No, you're a liar. Anyone can look at the code in Github and confirm that this is a fork of DASH, which is a fork of BTC, and it is a UTXO blockchain.

It is not the same as the account model used in Ethereum which was created to run turing complete smart contracts. Stakenet, like DASH and BTC is limited and cannot run smart contracts. Therefore, it does not deserve to be mentioned in the same class as the protocols listed above.

>> No.26821514
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Please add the link to the previous thread next time.

>> No.26821708

thanks for the bump

>> No.26821832

Yes, all layer 2 solutions are looking towards mass adoption, so they are built to be modular. It's very simple to understand this. That's also why so many projects plan on implementing this simultaneously. None of this applies to Stakenet though because it can't run smart contracts. Layer 2 for Stakenet is simply a lightning node because it is a UTXO chain.

>> No.26821979
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>70$ per day at 200M daily volume
>deflating supply from 35M daily volume upwards
>infinitely scalable
>no wrapped shit
>high frequency bot trading

Alright, I read enough, I'm in. Just deposited to WB and about to paint a green candle into that chart

>> No.26822013

thanks for the bump

>> No.26822181

>Yes, all layer 2 solutions are looking towards mass adoption, so they are built to be modular. It's very simple to understand this. That's also why so many projects plan on implementing this simultaneously.

So why aren't they?

>> No.26822378

Impressive candle, extremely based.

>> No.26822534

They are. Look at their roadmaps. With that said, there are tradeoffs between all layer 2s protocols.

>> No.26823089


Wow. This guy is really looking out for my money. Thank god I now know that all of these exchanges can just "plug in" layer 2. I will sell my XSN and just wait for the big "plug in". When is this universal plug in happening exactly? Are they all waiting for the stars to align?

>> No.26823253


>> No.26823872

You're making yourself sound ignorant. There isn't a single layer 2 solution either. It's because of your reluctance to learn, that you don't know this. I don't have time to argue with someone that is choosing to be willfully ignorant.

>> No.26824075

The other L2 DEX's are just around the corner, just you wait! XSN BTFO!

>> No.26824235

I can't tell if this is unironic or not.

>> No.26824311

>There are NONE yet. B-b-but I know XSN definitely can't do it!

>> No.26824407

Correct. The issue is that much of this is out of their control. The difference is that other teams are transparent about this, unlike Stakenet who doesn't even have open source code.

>> No.26824698
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Hello CZ, upset that bitfinex got the jump on you?

>> No.26825183

thanks for the bump

>> No.26825639

I hope you commit suicide and spare whatever family you have the pain of enduring your miserable existence

XSN $100 2021

>> No.26826246

I don't want you to go broke or lose your money. I want you to have realistic expectations, so that doesn't happen. Just be sure to diversify. I recommend holding the majority of your portfolio in ETH and reserving the rest for more speculative assets. Just do more research and trust your brain instead of your heart. Sometimes, it's difficult to make tough decisions like that when you have so much pre-existing bias.

>> No.26826275

Why would they be open source? So any competitor like Blocknet could fork the code and claim it as their own? Lmao.

A hardfork is planned to allow smart contracts.

Get fucked, and cope harder, faggot...

>> No.26826340
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13 MN here. I've nearly accumulated 14 nodes god I feel so comfy.