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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26804367 No.26804367 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.26804460


>> No.26804510

Shouldn't biz be on the side of Hedge funds? We hate Redditors don't we?

>> No.26804544

we hate (((hedgies))) more than reddit

>> No.26804552


>> No.26804597

Shouldn't that be highly illegal?

>> No.26804639

Can they be any more obvious? "We'll manipulate the market so that broke coomers don't take back the money we took from their fathers"

>> No.26804688

What are ya gonna do about it? Use bitcoin???

>> No.26804690


>> No.26804694

>Divide & conquer

We have had enough of it.

>> No.26804720

better to get immutable dogecoin and silver rounds

>> No.26804748

>l-let's calm down and think about this g-guys
LMAO don't gamble with more than you can afford to lose

>> No.26804780

literally declares ware on John Q

>> No.26804821
File: 80 KB, 976x650, B3AEB52A-37AB-4471-9669-76A3214B8C21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when do rise up and kill everyone in wallstreet and their accomplices in the media?

>> No.26804830

That doesn't answer my question. plus what would they even halt? GME is NYSE, not NASQAC, so it's out of CNBC's pocket and they can't stop it.

>> No.26804840

redditors DON'T GIVE UP for the first time in your life you are doing something right!

>> No.26804851

classism transcends tribalism in this case

>> No.26804861


>> No.26804893


>> No.26804922

strategic unity

>> No.26804944

This bitch...
Doesn’t she recognize not to play with fire?
It’s like she wants the nasdaq to go down or something

>> No.26804960

Der Jude

>> No.26804965

>Shouldn't biz be on the side of Hedge funds? We hate Redditors don't we?
Nice try, shecklestein

>> No.26804977

>Seething roastie can't keep up with job-related stress so she call a day out.

>> No.26804979
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>tryinf to take your wealth back from the wall street jews and not assuming they’d pull some illegal/new shit they made up on the spot
>still refuse to believe the blantant manipulation and kikery that goes on right before their eyes
No pickles, redditor, and make is snappy, I have some stacks to go accumulate.

>> No.26804995

redditors will buy my bags at high prices, hedgies won't

>> No.26804997

shoo, we won't fall for (((your))) tricks anymore

>> No.26805020
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*throws a nickel at you*

>> No.26805063

>We hate Redditors don't we?
((It)) is afraid

>> No.26805065

we hate the kikes more than the reddit s o y b o y s

>> No.26805071

this shit is hilarious. makes em look even shittier, this is priceless.

>> No.26805076
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/biz/ has always sided with the coomers - be they reddit or 4chan


>> No.26805117

I fucking hate them so much, holy shit.

>> No.26805247

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1xPmR4aNgkA HOLD!!! THE GOLEMS OF ISRAEL WILL FALL!!

>> No.26805307


They are pulling scare tactics. Bought media has been used to force people to "buy the news" for decades now. It used to work so well that they are no longer employing any pretense of truth in what misinformation they spread to main street.

They know very well they can't simply halt the NASDAQ without consequences and they also know they can only hit GME retail traders indirectly anyway (keep in mind Melvin and all of its copycat funds have a lot of stakes in NASDAQ and would be able to better pick themselves up in this case). They are not suggesting things they are actually going to do but suggesting things which might move people towards the direction they want, as they have done before time and time again.

>> No.26805354
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Hahah after all the race baiting and trying to turn us on ourselves. They shoot themselves in the foot and will revert everything they worked for.

>Class warfare is back on the menu boys

>> No.26805367

Retarded Marxist it's not about class it's about kikes, fucking jew rats cheesing the economy for decades through their talmudic hedge funds

>> No.26805411
File: 272 KB, 1882x406, UnderstandNow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess
Reddit is literal aids cancer
But i think i could sit down and have a beer with WSB lad
of course i would probably only talk about "those fucking Jews" with him.

>> No.26805434

Is it too late to buy gamestop? I am ready to go when the markets open.

>> No.26805456

this was posted 3 times yesterday

>> No.26805492


>> No.26805504


Plebbit will get the blame for the crash it's going to be amazing

>> No.26805525

go buy AMC. It may not go as high. but you can see after last nights after market they are panicking. They dumped a fuck load of shares trying to take it from 23 to 8 and it didn't work.

>> No.26805537

Yeah probably

>> No.26805545

BIZ actually started this, not reddit. Redditors are making us rich and crashing hedgies. Literally win win for us.



>> No.26805557
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>> No.26805601

Gamers stand together

>> No.26805612

Gonna add this to my collection too.


>> No.26805621


>> No.26805626

eurobros where do you buy? robinhood is for us only and etoro crashed and doesnt let you buy GME

>> No.26805641

dont listen to this retard >>26805525

>> No.26805642

It's not even manipulation. It's trading on publicly available information

>> No.26805644


>> No.26805668
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Let the Marxists take the fall with their class bullshit

>> No.26805670

nice try glownigger

>> No.26805681

We've united against a common enemy

>> No.26805727

"recalibrate their positions"

Which translates to, quickly brainstorm a way out of this mess they got themselves into that doesn't involve suicide.

>> No.26805813

class > your shitty constructed identity. be materialist and realise this

>> No.26805816

No we hate trannies and kikes. wsb isn’t anywhere near that bad.

>> No.26805842


Speak for yourself pol faggot

>> No.26805843

You guys are ridiculous. THIS IS /biz/ YOURE ACTING LIKE /b/tards or /pol/acks.
>hurr durr, BUT REDDIT IS ONLY LE funi MEMES
yes, its only le memes. Hence why it managed to spawn le GME meme. But this is biz dude, we are about MONEY

>> No.26805899

AMC is better, or you can go for NOK

>> No.26805912

That. Is. A. Man

>> No.26805915

wtf why do they get to use savestates and we dont???

>> No.26805930

Also this, what the fuck lmao. If you or I make some dumbass decisions, over short a stock, whatever, you HAVE to roll with it. (((They))) don’t have to play by the rules. Like I said, they can make shit up on the spot and all of (((them))) will roll with it.

>> No.26805950


>> No.26805966
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/biz/ is a transcendant board retarded Marxist nigger kike.
The entire purpose of classism is to distract you from the jews pulling the string and picking your pockets clean.

>> No.26805970

You guys really think pissing off our overlords like that is a good thing? This will have consequences.
Better to just give in and accept a few losses to not anger them any further.

>> No.26805973

this but unironically

>> No.26805989

Jesus, reddit is trash, but kikes literally fuck over the entire economy to line their own pockets. Nothing is more justice than stealing """their""" hard-earned money

>> No.26806010

Yes, I would much rather see hedgies win than redditors.

>> No.26806018
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>> No.26806019


Desperate kike thinks we're a group of people with the same opinion hahhahhahaha fuck you, pay me

>> No.26806024

Our next psyop should be getting Antifa and liberals to attack SEC and NASDAQ for this to erase savestates.

>> No.26806047

literally other way around

>> No.26806061
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meanwhile in reality, oh wait. They did try and gap dump it. Just like they did with GME last night.

>> No.26806087

Nice catch

>> No.26806104

we need reddit to defeat the jews

>> No.26806127

Owning GME is literally same as eating the rich.

>> No.26806130


>> No.26806171

fuck off nigger kike

>> No.26806174


>> No.26806173

kek, this would unironically bring the price to $100.000=1 GME stock

>> No.26806192

INSANELY bullish for crypto and Defi. When the dust settles on this, it's moontime for sure

>> No.26806220


>> No.26806226


woah we did it reddit

>> No.26806236

Eat the rich

>> No.26806255

Don't you have some ritual genital mutilation to attend?

>> No.26806290

We also hate kikes more

>> No.26806305

>Yes goyi- I mean fellow /biz/nessman, I would much rather see sheke- I mean hedgies win rather than those disgusting chutzpahs at reddit!
>N-n-no I don't have any short positions in GME, oy vey you shouldn't be asking me these questions!

>> No.26806313

Either they let us massacre Jews in the stock market or they accept us massacring Jews in the streets. Who's up for a hedgie holocaust?

>> No.26806326

Hey guys, why don't we all sell now. This has gone too far already.

>> No.26806362

That impoverished retarded Jewish family of 8 down the street sure are pulling a lot of strings.

>> No.26806383
File: 520 KB, 888x894, 1610478634174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then explain why classism is and has been pushed by billionaire jews while the simple mention of the word jew if you are a goy is enough to send you to antisemite jail.

>> No.26806386

Define Owning.

Do you mean owning stocks in it, or OWN as in pwning?

>> No.26806391

Nooo we can’t let the internet get rich

>> No.26806413

the "overlords" are just regular humans. this case actually perfectly shows it, just get support from enough people and you can fuck them just the same way they fuck you.

>> No.26806419

Nigger smg spawned GME 8 months ago. Just because we both browse this board does not mean we have the opinions. And how retarded do you have to be think people from XMR general aren't frothing at the thought of the establishment getting liquidated

>> No.26806464

fuck you, you fucking jew

>> No.26806463

melvin out

>> No.26806487

go back

>> No.26806501

>YOURE ACTING LIKE /b/tards or /pol/acks.

>> No.26806525
File: 171 KB, 840x839, 293-2939233_8037140-pepe-laughing-png-transparent-png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to combat reddit users

>> No.26806572

kys jew

>> No.26806588

How will this end, realistically speaking?

>> No.26806640

This is a real headline

>> No.26806649

What a timeline
Wall Street financial industry intimidated by Redditors
If youd have told me this was coming, I'd have never believed yoy

>> No.26806719



>> No.26806775

I read that thread and didn't buy because I expected crypto to moon more.

>> No.26806787

Occupy Wall street 2.0, riots in the streets but for an actual worthwhile cause this time.

>> No.26806810

This short squeeze made me realize, I want to live, for a long while still.

>> No.26806857

Just because ess em gee talks about GME months before a console release doesnt mean that it spawned this short squeeze. Eat shit

>> No.26806910

I didn't buy, but a friend of mine dropped 500 in it. Interested in seeing how much he makes. Maybe he can buy me a steam game or something for introducing him to 4chan's /b/ back in 2010, leading him to /pol/ and /biz/

>> No.26806919

This. I was suicidal recently but this has shifted me back into life

>> No.26806936



Just a note that any of you who have not yet cut the cord on the joke that is cable TV, now is a great time to do that. It is clearly a worthless trash product.

>> No.26807050

Leave joo

>> No.26807090

With the political atmosphere, imagine Occupy Wallstreet + the tea party + proud boys + the Maga rebellion all rioting at once while Biden is busy killing everyone's jobs, disarming the national guard, starting wars, and bailing out hedgefunds. Now if only another nigger could get shot and we could have BLM out there.

The accelerationists have won.

>> No.26807187

In tears.

>> No.26807236
File: 14 KB, 400x277, 4-chan-operation-meme-smile-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, let's make sure the holocaust is real this time.
And no stopping at 6 millions, we're not satanists, we'll get them all.

Don't you agree fellow white supremacists ?

>> No.26807289

How can i halt trading to recalibrate my positions when i loose? Srs answers only.

>> No.26807370

Why is it ok for the big guy to need time to get out of a shitty situation but if the situation was reversed they would steamroll all over you?

Fuck that.

>> No.26807397

Hmm, are you Jewish?

>> No.26807410

Don't expect anything or you'll be disappointed. But I'm guessing you've been on /biz/ long enough to have a decent amount of money already.

>> No.26807423
File: 729 KB, 808x853, 1611803351243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're teaming up against a common enemy.
As much of a pain in the ass reddit is, at the end of the day they're the politically correct equivalent of 4chan. Left and right. Blue and red.
The Jews don't care about any of us, common folks. The Romans knew it. Hitler knew it. Now it's time for us to pick up against these fuckers.

Today might be just a hedge fund, but tomorrow we will aim beyond the moon. Social media, corpos. You fucking name it. United we can make wonders.
reddit shows the power of weaponized autism. We show what it means to be the Internet's hate machine.

This is a once in a lifetime experience. And as such, it brings odd fellas with it.

>> No.26807426


>> No.26807451

these niggers are committing a crime

>> No.26807488

So why wouldnt GME just issue a shitload more stock right now and sell it to the hedgies? Just have the whole deal fast tracked by Beijing Biden's SEC. Seems like a simple fix and this admin is clearly not concerned with looking corrupt.

>> No.26807493

that's stalkers mania, they forbid you of something so that something must be true. they've been using that kind of psychology as distraction for some time.

>Hey people are starting to question institutions and the banking system
>lets act all offended at some vaccines, 5G, chemicals in the water, the n word
>that'll distract them

>> No.26807546

Have a name ending in; -stein -man -kopf -berg

>> No.26807568
File: 214 KB, 780x780, 1611533185966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who could be behind this post?

>> No.26807626

stop trying to tease fake news

>> No.26807735
File: 1.15 MB, 201x177, 1610385757526.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then explain why jews, while such a minor share of the population in almost all western countries are in control of almost all the media, entertainment and financial entities of the west

>> No.26807768

I'm sorry for the whole Biden thing bros fuck. Now that ((they)) are banning the purchasing of GME, not settling funds for people who have been trading GME, thinking of shutting down the NASDAQ, and publishing hit pieces calling us "WSB bros" with ties to the alt right... I see it. Now I know why Trump was so pissed off all the time.

>> No.26807806

lol, dont care

>> No.26807847

Chutzpah means courage or "balls" its not a noun or an insult

>> No.26807896

we hate reddit for entirely different reasons. everyone hates jews making a penny off a dying america

>> No.26807955

cunt this is from yesterday i.e equivalent of 1987 at the rate time is accelerating right now

>> No.26807965

lol no

>> No.26807984

because they are historically displaced and scattered people who culturally put enormous importance on education and financial success?

>> No.26808097

honestly I just want to see hedge funds burn and their people jump from the roofs

>> No.26808115


>> No.26808140

too bad they can't displace our big swinging $GME balls from their mouths.

>> No.26808272

We all do anon.

>> No.26808325

MASSIVE short covering coming up in NKLA

Which others remain under the radar?

>> No.26808371


How many jews are in Biden's cabinet? How many jews in congress? How many jews work at CNN?

>> No.26808411
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>> No.26808444
File: 519 KB, 796x1024, La-fete-de-la-musique-a-l-Elysee-les-incroyables-photos-d-Emmanuel-et-Brigitte-Macron-qui-font-la-fete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're dellusional

>> No.26808469

4/16 BBBY calls

>> No.26808474

I heard freetrade works but it's an app.

>> No.26808487

Literally kys you fucking kike, the world is tired your bullshit

>> No.26808492

People will literally set fire to NASDAQ if they do that.

>> No.26808550

Money unites everyone

>> No.26808628

Which site is that?

>> No.26808636

poltards are and will never be relevent ;)

>> No.26808652
File: 70 KB, 850x400, heideg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound oven ready

>> No.26808734

Good fucking this the NASDAQ CEO doesn't have anything to do with Jeff and the NYSE. Fucking women...

>> No.26808755

I invested in GME and NOK, hoping it will all be well

>> No.26808832

Faggot cattle

>> No.26808912

How the fuck can I splurge away my retirement fund on this ASAP?

>> No.26808963

those hedge fund managers are just some kids trying to have fun with the life they earned, the life they worked to achieve, what the fuck is wrong with you sick freaks?

>> No.26808960

what a faggot i fucking hate you
we're all human beings no one has power each other

>> No.26809050


they're pushing 50 you piece of shit. and the life they worked hard to achieve was by profiting off of failing businesses.

>> No.26809105


>> No.26809121
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>> No.26809142

oh no they cant buy another yacht or purchase hookers and blow this month?
what a shame

>> No.26809164

based Lemmy poster

>> No.26809187

immediately buy the highest 2/5 GME calls available on market open. You either go to zero or multiply your networth by 200. Maybe hedge with puts on VIXY.

>> No.26809191

Oh no, they'll have to cut back to only 1 8ball and only 2 hookers per day, the horror

>> No.26809412

Reddit users were not manipuating the market though. They just bought a nice stock.

>> No.26809415


>> No.26809470

>the hedge cries out as he strikes you

>> No.26809515

I can see your nose from here.

>> No.26809539

Does your name end in -berg or -stein, by any chance?

>> No.26809654

>class > your shitty constructed identity

But BLM, LGBTQIA+, white man bad ect. right?

>be materialist and realise this

Idiot. Materialism is easily refuted by the existence of human free-will; if you don't believe you have free-will you don't believe in rationality or logic (the ability to come to sound conclusions based on intentional decision-making), which is literally fucking retarded.

Marx was a brainlet mongoloid Jew-fuck abomination and his legacy is nothing but a curse upon this world.

>> No.26809676

>the life they earned
Where's the life I earned? Where's my fucking payout?
What they are is professional fucking gamblers who are surprised they now have to stand for the stupid shit they did.
Nobody shorts 143% of a stock without knowing EXACTLY what they're doing. Shut the fuck up. I haven't bought any GME, but I have no sympathy for you and never will.
When you play with fire, you need to be ready to get burned.

>> No.26809748
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>> No.26809836
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So, its too late to buy the stock?

>> No.26809856

>Sick Freaks
Oh the salt is delicious but I won't enjoy how this will fuck retail investors ultimately

>> No.26809998

The enemy of your enemy is your allie

>> No.26810030

It's closed for me on eToro lmao. Which ones are still open?

>> No.26810086

>every day
buy a dip and HOOOOOOODLLL

>> No.26810091

Plebbitord are gay and retarded but not nearly as much as wallstreet

>> No.26810209

I did. I can retire at 26.

>> No.26810256

Sounds like you’re from plebbit

>> No.26810260

Shut the fuck up piggie, the jig is up and it's time for the parasites to day.

>> No.26810421

i'd be in if i didn't hate these centralised cancer brokers so damn much. if stonks go blockchain, i'm in

>> No.26810458

>there are people on /biz/ that actually like hedge funds

Hahahahahaha yeah just like there's a straight men on /fit/ hahahaha ok

>> No.26810539

>missed out on a chance to retire at 30
It's over...

>> No.26810569

jew alert

>> No.26810629

I know that feeling. I can only imagine what I would do with 100k.

>> No.26810697

It doesn’t matter because most Jews are rich hedges. So if there’s ever a revolution the Jews will pay too.

>> No.26810701

>damage control
Nice try kike

>> No.26810703

The short squeeze hasn't even started, GME will probably fly to 2k

>> No.26810709

You aren't and never will be a woman

>> No.26810772

>we're millionaires
Excuse me?

>> No.26810786

post nose

>> No.26810820


>> No.26810916

you think I care?

>> No.26810935


>> No.26810995

bros how about we sell it all now this has gone too far?
think about the hedge funds they are people too

>> No.26811029

They won’t do it-this is a way to try and kill the stock price without having to do anything. If they did this the class action suit would fuck them up. They don’t care about the hedgies that much.

>> No.26811149

>This will have consequences.
For you.

>> No.26811164
File: 14 KB, 220x260, C95D5162-0168-4FBC-9D8F-56118226B96F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCKKKKKK THEEEEEMMMMMMM! They love the “free market” only when they’re the ones fucking everyone in the asses! When normal people finally fuck them, they go full communist.

>> No.26811169

lol fuck off this must be b8

>> No.26811278

current year 4chan is mostly reddit
wsb, especially this play is 4chan
in essence
this should be obvious
I would telll you to go back
but you are already there (here)

>> No.26811346

Fellow autists on a different tribe. I'd rather side with them than walk with those monsters. Let's go boys! GME and AMC to the moon.

>> No.26811354
File: 11 KB, 298x90, fidelity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happens no matter what I put for the price. Are they bullshitting me?

>> No.26811381


>> No.26811467

Eat a bullet.

>> No.26811479

I can't imagine a platform like Fidelity lending out your shares so the shorts can cover like that, but they might be.

>> No.26811488



>> No.26811512


>> No.26811586

They just really like gamestop, why are they crying?

>> No.26811613

are you implying jews are so successful because they are genetically superior? Because if so based

>> No.26811689

So many newfags replying, we don't care about Reddit or retaliating against Hedge Funds, we just want to make more money

>> No.26811737

fuck the kids

>> No.26811866

money > everything
biz is Jewish, nice

>> No.26811904


>> No.26812137

also, based

>> No.26812154

It's because the pre market is higher. Go check the stock price on marketwatch as that is what you should be entering as your order level

>> No.26812404

>Muh kikes
Hedgies are hedgies, doesn't matter if they are kikes or not.
>Biggest bank in the US is owned by the irish but muh kikes tho

>> No.26812564

Irish are just white kikes anyway

>> No.26812598


>> No.26812708

Where the fuck do you think we are

>> No.26812743

Fuck off jew, WSB is the 4chan of Reddit.

>> No.26812858

They make the laws anon, nothing is illegal to them.

>> No.26812880


>> No.26812908

Nasdaq CEO is a pedophile.
This is the same person that decided that companies that don't have gays or niggers on their board of chairmen will get delisted.
And now she's calling for you to have your rights stripped away.
Bring back the guillotine.

>> No.26812958
File: 203 KB, 349x491, 006055AA-BADA-48EF-B075-D868C12CDF6A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah fuck the jew

>> No.26813258

>Shouldn't that be highly illegal?
for you

>> No.26813282

You first

>> No.26813399

This isn't a shill. It's just someone who doesn't get it. Which is worse.

>> No.26813526

#deleterobinhood faggots

>> No.26813554

>So, its too late to buy the stock?
for retail investors it might be

>> No.26813588
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CLF finna fucking moon

>> No.26813605


>> No.26813626


>> No.26813709

this is basically it, fuck these tourists.
i don't give a single shit about kikes, i just want to make money.

>> No.26813766

I want you tell that to the Jews and shabbos goys.
They see isreal as home

>> No.26813814

Its a strategic agreement until the next meme war. Fuck off divide and conquer kike

>> No.26813925


>> No.26813985

buy it at open

>> No.26814051

everyone kicked off rh better be finding somewhere else to buy

>> No.26814113

kill your family and then yourself you disgusting subhuman piece of shit, I hope you get into a car crash and your entire family burns alive in front of you

>> No.26814182

There is no substantial short in NOK, no reason for the stock to boom.

>> No.26814306

guys - how do I play the VIX here? The market is going to fucking tank here for a hot second.

I'm thinking 1 month VIX calls, 8 month puts, 1 month SPY puts?

>> No.26814486

#deleterobinhood faggots

>> No.26814568

Shut the fuck up you stupid kike

>> No.26814638

exchanges can make policies about what happens on their exchange
brokers can make policies about what they allow on their platforms

(depending on whatever existing contracts and terms of service they have in place)

their ToS probably has some blanket clauses about 'we can stop trading whenever', so what they are doing is legal.
it's still wrong, but I'm sure their lawyers have already been over it. If it wasn't legal they wouldn't do it because then they would get turbo sued

>> No.26814801

Just like everybody else.

>> No.26815020

>class > your shitty constructed identity. be materialist and realise this

CLASS is a constructed identity.
Class isn't real, there's no scientific backing for the concept of class. You can't determine someone's class using a blood or hair sample. You can't dig up some old bones and tell the difference between a first world wagie and a third world bourgeoisie.

You know what does have scientific backing behind but it though?
From blood types to hair samples to skull shape race is real.
Racism is materialism.
Marxism is idealism.

>> No.26815078

Kill yourself, I love reddit if it does shit like this

>> No.26815457


>> No.26815830

try it cunt, you'll take a nice acid bath

>> No.26816069

it has to be like this. If they close us out they will pay the price one way or another.

>> No.26816160

I hate jews more
The redditors are just /biz/fags

>> No.26816339

I'd hunt the tribes of the Israel with Redditors any day.

>> No.26816400
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>> No.26816435
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>> No.26816556

nice try...

>> No.26816670

> why shalom there fellow white people

>> No.26816676


Lol what century are you in, shtetl dweller?

juice punch way above their weight, everyone knows this.

>> No.26816757

fuck you nigger

>> No.26816941

>bro you can't just buy a stock

>> No.26816979

sorry man that was last week

>> No.26817054
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We never ever hated reddit.
Hell we even played Tribes Ascend the video game in a stupid /v/ vs reddit tournament with them you stupid hedge funder.

Our god dang hate for reddit has been a "Joke" with them since forever but we literally share the same views with them 80% of the side.
Reddit is the family member we help when they're need.

>> No.26817352

Robinhood delists GME and prevents buying?
I increase my limit sell to 100k.

>> No.26817400

The blowback is a part of the plan dummy

>> No.26817415

>puts enormous importance on shutting down trading so to avoid losing too much.
>gets displaced

>> No.26817462

there are only two classes, the oppressors and the oppressed. Its time to show which side you are on

>> No.26817514

its incredible how these jews can just cover each other

>> No.26818052
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>> No.26818782

Except what they are doing is against the SEC. Buying naked shorts that you can't reasonable get your hands on is quite literally in the top 5 no no in that rule book.

*failing to make legitimate or reasonable efforts to locate shares prior to short selling,


>> No.26819057

Show nose.

>> No.26819144

Is it now a nickel due to inflation?

>> No.26819202


>> No.26819296

Literally the other way around nigger

>> No.26820614
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based market riggers

fuck kikes
fuck the SEC
but most importantly, fuck reddit

>> No.26821929


>> No.26822829

Normally redditors would be my number 1 enemy. But now that I realize that are not all that different. We have bonded in that short hour or so that they were here. I have learned to respect my enemy, and now we have a common goal. Make money, get tendies, and BTFO hedgies.

>> No.26823005
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digits confirm

>> No.26823550

nice digits

>> No.26823720

No, I hate kikes far more than I hate plebbit

>> No.26823739

the fucking riggers are at it again

>> No.26823817
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>> No.26824034

Fuck off why would we side with j*ws

>> No.26825757


>> No.26826784
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>> No.26826979
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>> No.26827565


>> No.26827671

gotta love a brotha

>> No.26827712
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It's over, goyim, you've lost.

>> No.26827783

WSB is not the typical redditor

>> No.26828309
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How does it feel watching your kingdom crumble, kike?

>> No.26828850

post nose

>> No.26828863

No its not, it's audacity/insolence/gall

>> No.26828994

Hedge Fundies get the rope.

>> No.26829364


>> No.26829499


>> No.26830363

I am in desperate need of this peepo
Does anyone have it?

>> No.26830422

Been browsing both sites since 2010.
Get with the times.

>> No.26830595

you retards really thought you could beat the elites?
yeah keep HODLing your gme while the guy next to you and all over the country can see only the SELL button on GME
im sure they care about your portfolio and won't sell to get out before the train wreck
dumbass retail "investors" bahahahahha

>> No.26830785

the enemy of my enemy is my friend

>> No.26831201
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>their ToS probably has some blanket clauses about 'we can stop trading whenever', so what they are doing is legal.
thats not how this works
You cannot hide behind a contract that allows you to break laws and do illegal stuff.
>by agreeing to these terms, you allow us to never pay you and force you to work 20 hour shifts with no lunch and no way to quit for 5 years.
the SEC is still the ruling body and they do NOT like their rules to be bent or broke regardless of what TOS you agreed to.

>> No.26831452

im sure the SEC really cares about you little boy

>> No.26831562

I tried browsing wallstreetbets to see what it was about, and their version of "based and redpill" was to ask whoever they were complimenting to fuck their wives. And they would continually stumble over eachother saying "no! fuck my wife first".

I know they were supposedly joking, but we all know that they really weren't.

>> No.26831592

The Internet has historically gotten together to hate on big guys like hedge funds.

>> No.26831733
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>> No.26831812


>> No.26831828

Lynch the rich

>> No.26832022

Shut up KIKE

>> No.26832058


>> No.26832146
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The (((enemy))) of my enemy is my fren

>> No.26832741

No, they are just jew hatchery.
Now jump into an oven kike

>> No.26832770

Hello Mr. Hedge Fund, glad you got fucked

>> No.26832940


>> No.26832951

(((hands))) typed this post

>> No.26833555

>oh my G*d how dare you imply that jews are a race that nepotistically work together to make billions? Don't you understand that jews are just a race that nepotistically work together to make billions?