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26792420 No.26792420 [Reply] [Original]

Found a relic. Back when ADA still wasn't on exchanges and we were trying to figure out how to get liquidity away from Japanese buyers.

>> No.26792749

not sure what Im looking at, seems normal to me

>> No.26792960

I worked for Cardano from 2017-2020

>> No.26793209

cool story bro

what does charles smell like?

id like to imagine like firewood and coffee

>> No.26793282

Cigars and laundry detergent.

I guess this can be a gossip thread too cause I was around Charles a lot.

>> No.26793330
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why would you want to get the liquid wealth of cardano away from the Japanese? I live in Japan, ex-pat

>> No.26793423

Nice view.

The reasoning was that we wanted it to be a high volume coin and there was literally 0 ADA available for westerners. We had to tour around Japan and show people how to redeem their ADA and sell it.

>> No.26793566

Given what you know about Cardano, Are their projects enough to get them over $1 eoy?

>> No.26793568
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very interesting, any reasonings behind why you're against doing an AMA on the Cardano sub-reddit?

>> No.26793630

not him but who cares, think big picture m8

>> No.26793676

Are you saying the price target for ADA is $200?

>> No.26793910

can't happen

>> No.26793923

Maybe. Charles is more hands off nowadays from what I hear but that won't decide the fate of the project. It really is staring to become something tangible but it was awful trying to onboard people to Cardano and tell them they had to wait to build anything though.

>> No.26793969

Because I'm an ex-employee and the Cardano subreddit is largely controlled by admins from the foundation/IOHK. Plus this is anonymous.

>> No.26794074
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All good, i'd do the same thing?

knowing what you know now, if you could go back in time to 2017 to change things what would you change?

>> No.26794140

didnt mean to put a "?"

>> No.26794338

did you see his peepee?

>> No.26794418

That's a good question... Aside from the obvious answer of: selling at the top. I probably would have found a different job a bit sooner. The three company structure was overinflated and held together by the ICO bitcoin/ADA that was given to us. It just felt like a giant charade (atleast the part I was involved in) and I would have happily moved on had I known. Not to say I didn't learn from the experience overall, just saying 3 years was overstaying.

>> No.26794485

Lol nahh but I know a guy who would go with him and show him all the great spots that Tokyo, Seoul and Thailand have to offer if you catch my drift..

>> No.26794528

Interesting. I guess he's into trannies, then. If so, I will never buy this coin.

>> No.26794598

He isn't I confirm. He spoke ill of the tranny guy who joined the company (I forgot his name but know his face). But he also respected the fact that he is good at what they can do.

>> No.26794674

Okay I will buy this coin. Thank you for the advice.

>> No.26794757

why the fuck did the japanse flock on this idea that early on? some kind of superstition? it was scary to watch then

>> No.26795087

Boomers have a ridiculous amount of money here from the bubble-era. They hired a pretty sleazy sales man and they toured around selling the idea of the ICO to the Japanese and they bought into it, it wasn't hard at all. Once Cardano hit bittrex it was already up by a lot so you had plenty of people wanting to sell to get their returns.

>> No.26795099
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I see, thanks for sharing.

In your honest professional opinion do you think the current team over at Cardano have the talent and skill set to bring them to where they need/want to be in 10-20 years?

>> No.26795202

Tech-side, yes.

Business-side, no.

>> No.26795382
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well that's unfortunate, I was hoping they'd hire some decent business management to bring them to where they need to be.

Another question (sorry):

Are you currently invested in any other coins? I'd like to hear your suggestions, Im looking heavily at AGI right now and may end up buying a large 7-figure bag next month.

>> No.26795557

No problem. I've been in iExec (RLC) for quite awhile now, no plans to change that either.

>> No.26795606

interesting thread, definitely saving it

>> No.26795723

Just to confirm, are you saying I should or shouldn't buy this coin? Any insider plays on anything?

>> No.26795942
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Am I missing something? If you have info on it that could save me and my family a lot of trouble I'd appreciate it lol

>> No.26796111

Nah I screwed up. Had to look up what AGI was and I guess I accidently pasted it into the reply box.

>> No.26796161

In my entire time of being involved with the company I never thought "damn, I should buy Cardano". I'll just leave it at that.

>> No.26796189

This. AGI seems to be the obvious next big movement in cryptosphere. I see large things coming very soon - anon, i don't know about waiting until next week to get AGI as altseason might already be kicking off by then.

>> No.26796229

sold my ada

>> No.26796278

Thank you.

>> No.26796375

Do you think Cardano have a chance against established network like Ethereum, Innovative and next gen tech like Avalanche and loaded with money project like DOT?

I'm considering getting a bag but ADA desu doesn't look like the best in any category, It's good in most but never excel. But maybe it worth to bet a small stack on them.

>> No.26796481

I'd say it is always good to hedge a bit of your money but IOHK isn't 100% in Cardano right now. In the end they are a software development company. Soon Cardano will be off the leash. All this despite any real traction.

>> No.26796645
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I think you're right, may end up shaving off some of my VET for AGI as VET seems more and more like a shitcoin the longer I hold it

>> No.26796770
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I wonder if when IOHK lets go of Cardano and it's in the hands of the users it'll go places or just crash.

I still think holding a bag of ADA is worth it in the long run, we'll see

>> No.26796864

You really should. AGI has a legit potential to do a minimum 20x at it's current price. If their project actually starts being utilized by a large company and the company realizes costs savings then AGI might do a 100x-500x - dead serious. It is a platform for service, just like ETH, LINK, ENJ, and BTC. It is just ahead of it's time right now and therefore does not attract money.

>> No.26796927

good. we want a decentralized network. not a Ripple 2.0.

>> No.26797374
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Yea the more I look into AGI the more I'm actually shocked how far ahead they're thinking. I still want to hold some VET (just in case) but AGI seems like a no brainer at this point.

Any other coin recommendations anon?

>> No.26797591


>> No.26797682

Yes, AGI is an obvious choice after doing research. Congrats for not being a brainlet. Anyways, other choices might be AVAX or ENJIN for solid projects that will lead to Eth-like money I think. Another thing to remember is that everyone is still so early to all this - we all just got a chance to invest a VC timing instead of stock market availability timing - the next 5 years will probably melt our faces with the returns that everyone sees as these projects mature and start replacing old methods of doing business.

>> No.26797814

Biz should not be sleeping on ALGO. Its the real deal.

>> No.26797961
File: 1.07 MB, 4032x3024, yea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nagano area, wife's family lives in the general area.

We live in Okinawa

I've been looking at that recently, But I feel like I already missed the opportunity to get in.

>> No.26798046
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Precisely, I m excited to see where all this goes.

Thanks for sharing your suggestions, I will look into them

>> No.26798176


Are you a mathematician? CS fag? How much ADA do you own?