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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 320x240, blogger (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
247925 No.247925 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/

So does anyone still run a blog as a means of revenue? I'd genuinely like to know if there's anyone out there that are part of view/click communities.

Any tips/tricks/success stories that you'd like to share?

Share your blogs also so that we can compare and contrast


>> No.247994


>> No.248549
File: 2.12 MB, 1200x1200, goog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do and im the owner of the BIGGEST group in palringo. Look at the pic and seee the referal or just download palringo and search for adsense my name is HAM.

>> No.248554
File: 55 KB, 254x454, omg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will leave a pic of the group also. You can also get a free domain and hosting for 12 months to get started in adsense. We have it all into a science now days. There is around 500+ members. Have a great night everyone.

>> No.248568

The problem with blogger is if you use adult ads or anything or someone flags you you're gone. I highly recommend getting your own site via shared hosting/vps instead.

>> No.248572
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adsense dont allow drug/violent and porn stuff next to their ads man. Maybe im wrong but AFAIK they dont even allow guns next to their ads. This is my earnings before i got banned and im HAM

>> No.248574

I don't know man, having that many people in a circle clicking each others ads just seems like a good way to get banned (and once your adsense is banned it's gone for good)

>> No.248577

You have 2 chances in adsense if your USA. Also the group has been going on for years. The oldest group is like 6 years old. There people who are 4 years old in adsense game still around. So idk what you talking about lol

>> No.248580

Fair enough, I just prefer to continue building my site legit. it's up to 5-10$ a day with real organic traffic.

>> No.248579

if your from a country outside usa you have UNLIMITED try. Im giong to sleep now. Just join yes people get ban but a smart person will make multiple accounts as backups. the normal time frame is 6-13 months. Also you think is safe to post your URL in 4chan top kek. our group takes out all the fake and the people who make trouble been around for 2 years and im not dead.

>> No.248583

neat. i know this guy who was legit and had another site that was not legit. His legit account got banned LOL since that he says he will never go legit he put his heart into that page yet this poorly made page was not baned so now we have a theory that google just bans randomly. This guy will only log in from another IP clean his cache with CCleaner and all and still got ban in his legit account that he never show anyone.

>> No.248586

you can join and learn about SEO and such you dont need to expose your account. Learn battle harden techniques that people invented in the group ect.

>> No.248609
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>> No.248955

pretty good, how do you manage that? All the dudes in palrino groups are illiterate and shady pakistanians for me.

>> No.249122

welcome to SEO.

I can't tell you how much i hate these black hate communities. Yes they have it down to a science, but they will also take any opportunity they can to screw you. For evidence, look at how many legit recommended users blackhat ends up banning.

Anyway. OP, i'm curious about the same thing. My opinion would be strarting some analytical campaigns on google keywords like some other anon posted about a few days ago. Find your niche and then passively advertise to forum communities related to those niches. Also, it helps a ton if you sort of exaggerate the size of your community, thats where blackhat services come in.

Will be monitoring for advice though. I have a couple of really solid niches I need to make moves on.

>> No.249126

black hate = blackhat whoops.

>> No.249178

I had an adsense account when I did this a couple years ago but I closed it. Will I have any trouble reopening it?

I tried to reopen one maybe a year ago. Made a blog, and then tried to get adsense pretty quickly but couldn't. The first time I did it I think I got the account almost immediately.

>> No.249200

easy right click block. plus they never given MOD in group we verify all MODS before we give them MOD and mods cant give mod to others so its prettty safe system. Just check the list of member no MOD ignore them.

>> No.249207

Troll harder man. Why would we screw others? The more people we have the more everyone earns. See it for yourself just join and dont give your website. Just look around. Also its not black hat we are a grey hat community.

>> No.249211

Yea takes some time. There other ways to get adsesne there even a way to get adsense by a third party but you will earn less but you wont need to write articles join and we will tell you.

>> No.249218

yeah but still, if you block them theres only around 2-4 people left. I wish there was a skype group or something else just for anons, 40 active members would be more than enough.

>> No.249236

There is a skype group call Gnomes skype but its dead. ALso in palringo there is USA/uk/canada/germany or any rich country ONLY and they dont allow portugal italian or any of the poor country. Pro tip there about 10 USA and like 20 middle tier and the rest are the lowest clicks. Eventually you be contact by someone to join a T1 only group were no other country but the best clicks are allow.

>> No.249248

Where are you from? Your grammar is shit.

>> No.249259

Last time i check this is not school man. I don't care about my spelling. This is about you giveing your blog to another and that other person doing the same. You click each others adsense ads and done. There no spelling bee or checks when you do it.

>> No.249263

Forgot to post im form USA. Sorry if i was rude. Its not my intension. Anyway lets not go off topic please <3

>> No.249266
File: 332 KB, 1280x1024, globes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone here ever utilized the services of a content farm? i used to work at one, was decent money.

>> No.249282

content farm?

do tell

>> No.249285

I was blogging in summer 2011 using blogger and adsense

I had an idea for another blog I wanted to make just for the hell of it, not just for money. I used wordpress but it's more difficult to get ad bux. Do any of you have experience using wordpress instead of blogger?

>> No.249302
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>> No.249305
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a company that connects site developers with writers. quality depends on how much you pay (ie $5 gets you a shit-tier 500 word article, $25 gets you a professional piece of copy). i worked at one for about three years, was a nice source of supplemental income but i couldn't make enough for it to be my sole source of revenue. worked with a lot of blog owners, wrote about every topic you can imagine, from sales to news to vidya. published an e-book too.

>> No.249344


Excuse me, sir, how much money do you make doing this and what exactly do I need to do? That info is a little hard to follow for me.

>> No.249361

just join the palring group some of that info is old. There new methods now. Since nobody helps me recruit new people i dont have time to edit those images. Pretty much you make a blog apply for google adsense ads and you exchange your blog with other people and click their ads and they click yours. Everyone earns :) just get into adsense boost exchangers group

>> No.249365


What are the possible repercussions, how much money does this make, and how time consuming is it? I work a full time job so I'm not sure how much time I could devote to this.

>> No.249380

if you live in a rich country its more lie a hobby to make some extra income. If you live in a country were you earn max 5k per year then this can be better or same as your current job earnings.

>> No.249396

if you got about 2 hours a day to spend you can earn a couple of euros a day. Once you get deep into it and build a following you can get a few hundred a month. No repercussions if you do it right, the worst that happens is that you dont get the money.

>> No.249412

Can you have multiple blogs on one adsense account to increase earnings?

>> No.249415

is someone still here? DO FUCKING HELP ME. I NEED TO DO THIS SHIT. I tried running a this once in 2011, but my adsense application has been denied. now Im trying to make a blog, and I need to monetize it. please send me an email.

>> No.249420

What exactly are you asking for? Just make a blog, write a couple of quality posts, apply for adsense after 2 days.

>> No.249421


Make a blog. Start writing up some posts. When you have 10 posts, and a few days have passed, apply to adsense. Concentrate on the blog.

>> No.249460

if someone clicks on an ad, will the blog generate more money if the person who clicked the ad on their blog plays around with the ad webpage?

>> No.249565

How successful was that endeavor for you? How could I go about doing that? I have great writing skills

>> No.249600

I make $1/month without any of your scammy pleb tactics

LE fedora tip.

>> No.249617

cool man enjoy being pay in 10 years google only pays once you reach $100.

Mean while i earn $400+

>> No.249636

I am a member of this group and I can confirm that shit is totally legit. I am making ~$700 per month. This is the biggest group on palringo and has to be one of the biggest groups in the USA.

>> No.249651

why is there only currently only 15 people online??

>> No.249657

people are from different country. People have jobs.

>> No.249665

your welcome to join the other 20 groups in palringo.

>> No.249674

there also a dead skype group call gnomes skype and some dead irc call chattersedge. instead of 15 it be 3 people. people from usa come around evening time. People in europe are sleeping now.

>> No.249681


>> No.249690

also there 27 minus 1 that is you online. so its 26 people.

>> No.249728


Wordpress vs. blogger for monetizing?

>> No.249733

Im a member too! Cmon guys, it's amazing 500+ peoples and we exing everyday. More people = more money!

>> No.249743
File: 63 KB, 639x479, IMG030451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both r the same. some say worpress better SEO

>> No.250052
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There also people who have yahoo ads they say it pays good also. If you have any service your more then welcome to join as long as there no scams. Anything that benefits the group is welcome.

>> No.250156

I joined the group but you can't actually take part in the group unless you give HAM remote access to your computer so he can verify what country you come from and to see that you aren't using a proxy or a VPN.

I'll just repeat that: they are trying to get remote access to your computer.

Now, I'm not a big fucking IT guy, but that's dodgy as all hell, right?

>> No.250169

That is true anyone is welcome to go in my computer in 4chan try hack me
178 180 834

>> No.250173
File: 270 KB, 700x894, 1351535855977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How do I get verified?
First let me explain why is this. We believe we are one if not the most secure group in Palringo. We don't allow anyone to use a VPN/VPS/Proxy something that will harm your account or everyone's. Every new person will be verified by Teamviewer. The verification process won't take more than 1-2 minutes. If you feel unconfortable leting us control your pc just use the presentation mode and do whatever the Mod or Admin tells you.

>> No.250188


>presentation mode

Dude, if you just wanted me to stream my computer whilst I show you I'm not using a VPN or proxy, then that's okay, but that's not what it sounded like you were asking before. You can't ask a stranger on the internet to give you remote access to their computer and expect them to not think you're just pulling a scam.

>> No.250196
File: 103 KB, 500x500, 1301168051752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>178 180 834
right now a jamaincan guy is on my computer. also those rules were written by some guy name soares portugal i did not even know there was a presentation mode until i copy pasted. You can join in to me also. Yea im sorry i normally dont do verification but zeka portugal and ray USA are not online some people were asking me to verify you. im sorry it sounded bad. You have all the rights to be mad. Personally i have been verify like 10+ times over the years.

>> No.250202

but yea sorry i guess i have grown that teamview is normal but im okay waiting for ray usa to come around or maybe even zeka portugal

>> No.250210
File: 25 KB, 550x337, and-its-gone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they are trying to get remote access to your computer

aaaand my interest in this thread is gone

fantastic waste of 15 minutes reading all this bullshit

>> No.250218
File: 95 KB, 507x420, 1396229211399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep trolling you can enter my computer if you want

>> No.250222

>>178 180 834

I challenge you.

>> No.250225


Dude don't be a fool this guys a tool don't allow a connection, under any circumstances, with someone you don't KNOW and is WORTH the risk taken.

>> No.250229

explain how can i do something if your the one connecting to me?

>> No.250247

You...have no idea what you're talking about, do you?

>> No.250269

Wtf. Unless you're completely technologically retarded, you should have no problem with someone getting remote access to your comp. you're just giving them cursor control that's it. You have eyes. If you see the,start to do anything sketchy, just disconnect. These remote access soft wares use ssl to establish connection too so nobody is getting any info about your specific ops credentials.

Giving each other remote access is a very important aspect of making sure fuckery isn't afoot

>> No.250273

>make a custom script that install malware
>remote into computer and copy and paste that script
>double click
>computer is now infected

tell me how you could stop that

>> No.250278
File: 1.59 MB, 176x144, 1394704008493.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sure thing

>> No.250279



I used to work for a boiler room "remote tech support" company and we used to cold call people at their houses and get them to connect and they would give us full remote access.

There wasn't much we could do technologically. We just relied on lying to them about the state of their computer and hope they buy it.

It's all about social engineering.

If you're dumb enough to fall for it, it doesn't matter whether I have remote access or not, you'll still give me your money ;)

>> No.250280

>being this technologically ignorant

>> No.250287


>copy paste script from...

maybe im retarded

>> No.250295

Like I said, as soon as you start to copy paste anything I can disconnect. Obviously I would have to physically be there staring at the screen and watching your every move.

This is with remote viewing with simple cursor control, not full remote access. The client can see everything going in and out. I don't see how anyone can do anything if you've got your cursor on disconnect, basic computer knowledge and good reflexes

>> No.250326


This isn't no country for old men nigger.

Don't connect unless you have proper incentive and secure connectivity.

>> No.250340

where can I join and how?

i made that blog once, it ran for more 10 days, with 60 followers and 20 comments each post. then my adsense was denied. should I apply using the same account? or should I make a new adsense account?

>> No.250419
File: 54 KB, 500x508, 1300440228974.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to palringo and search for adsense groups there a bunch

>> No.250442

you guys are still doing blogs? I thought you moved on to shitcoins.
well I suppose both can be done at the same time...

I don't think the time investment for this is worth it. I like actually doing hard work that results in a product, and this is the inverse of that.

>> No.250456

it's hard to figure out how much you can make. if you do two hours a day for four weeks and earn $300 then that makes it $5.40 an hour. that's only if you can earn that much in that time though. i think it might take more time.

>> No.250671

better then MURK man

>> No.250695


Even $10 a day would totally change my life. You have no idea how much broke I am at this moment, I only have a computer, an internet connection, and some spare time (about 12 hours per day) (school is out, and if this goes well I plan on stopping college for a while)

>> No.250704
File: 251 KB, 720x1052, 1351538836369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree. im the owner of the biggest palringo group HAM and im pretty poor also. I do this as a money hobby not a full blown career. Some extra money to maybe buy a new computer or maybe pay phone bill ect.

>> No.250820

I don't have anything to blog about...

My only interest are Guns and God

1. Google doesnt allow violence - No guns.
2. Seeing that everyone on the internet is probably an asshole atheist they probably wont check anything religious and spiritual

>> No.250830


This legit?

>> No.250837


A religious blog will have a good chance of some success if you put some effort into it. Advertising it on religious forums could be very good.

>> No.250857

Just join palringo group those are from other old group guides. Get into palringo and search adsense you join all the groups until you find HAM that is me and im about to sleep so you find me in 10 hours or so.

>> No.250860

i am curious what your blogs are about???

>> No.250863

For us who want to start it's something like this?

1. Start Blog
2. Apply for Adsense.
3. Join Group

>> No.250886

im still trying to find out what to blog about. i think you have to apply to adsense when your blog is older, like a week or two, and it has lots of posts

>> No.250897


no, its

1. Build Blog and post up to ten or more articles
2. Join Group
3.Apply for adsense couple days after

>> No.251358

dont let this thread die

>> No.251409

Why are you guys interested in trusting this retard that can't even form a coherent sentence? All these sketchy internet marketing guys can't seem to be able to speaking fucking English.

I get that this isn't an English class, but fuck man, that's just bad. And I'm supposed to believe this guys the ringleader of a great Adsense group making money? Nah.

>> No.251416

can the blog be about vidya ? (league of legends)

>> No.251439

i think so, but LoL sucks.

>> No.251568

>All these sketchy internet marketing guys can't seem to be able to speaking fucking English.
>able to speaking fucking English
>able to speaking

You couldn't have picked a more ironic place to fuck up your sentence.

And it's not marketing. He doesn't get anything out of it except more members. And it's not like you have to pay anything. It works pretty well if you do it right.

>> No.251669


Yeah I fucked up but I'm not trying to sell you shills on some shitty scammy thing that's going to inevitably get you banned on AdSense

>> No.251680

I tried doing this a couple of years back but writing is the bane of my life. I absolutely hate writing so my blog had almost no content and I gave up.

>> No.251718

Is ther any anonymous way to earn money? I'd like to put ads but don't want to give my real name becausd of copyrights.

>> No.251904
File: 458 KB, 1280x1024, cfo.gov.ph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is ham. AFAIK you could do it the anon way but if they do a random verification you will have 0 ID to prove your that person and they will keep the money or you can use your friends name if the time comes just tell them you give them $50 if they provide proof if is ever ask. Also lol you guys still arguing about nothing just join the palringo group.

>> No.251911

It seems that google adsense now requires you have a true mailing address. HAM & others, are you using something other than adsense? Did you faketh this info?

>> No.251909

This is Ham just woke up and i see this mega troll. Join palringo and idle around the group see how things run ect. After that come back and tell us your review. You dont need to buy anything or give me your real name. All we ask everyone to be real from a specific country since we have many indians and paikistan who like to use proxy all those who are t1 and t2 must be verify. Guess what if you dont want to be verify put some random nickname and put PAK and nobody will bother you.

>> No.251918

Some use yahooo ads. yahoo ads are the only real alternative to adsense. If you from lets say a poor country maybe info links and other types of ads that pay very little. -HAM

>> No.251922

I forgot to say even 2 years ago they require that mail pin number to verify your residence. its always been like that since i been in the adsense game. ham

>> No.251934

Mi nombre es morenaso soy un miembro del grupo por 8 meses aqui ganando dinero para pagar mis gustos personales. Para todos los latinos entre mas personas mejor todos ganan la plata.

>> No.252351
File: 9 KB, 200x194, 1359451211674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So wait...this whole thing...you just blog and get money from ads on your site? But you're all talking of little groups that click each others' ads? What can a "normal," "not in a click group" blogger generally expect to make? I know it's mostly to do with what the blog is about, but is $200 a month starting easy to get?

>> No.252402

i know people can earn a bit with no click groups. Look at this my for 1 year i did adsense with no click group i earn about $30 in 1 year. Unless your lucky you might be able to earn lots with no click groups.

>> No.252412
File: 63 KB, 640x960, 1378965194859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$30 in 1 year

>> No.252446

thats why we NEED groups for clicks or be extreamly talented or lucky

>> No.252483

>2. Seeing that everyone on the internet is probably an asshole atheist they probably wont check anything religious and spiritual

Plenty of normalfag Christians on the internet. And unlike fedorafag atheists, they don't use adblock nor are annoyed by ads.

>> No.253177

i know plus google banning you is a sin so maybe some divine protection.

>> No.253249

This retard noob faggot. You do know you will see everything going on. You have to be blind and retarded.

>> No.253308

It's way too much work for too little. You're better off working a minimum wage job.

>> No.254101

its a legit good way to make some extra $$

>> No.254679
File: 698 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_20130105_143635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.254785

lel i used to do this a c0uple of years back

made like $200 but i swear i spent like 2 whole weeks shut in my shithole apartment getting weirder as i shitposted on my blogs and whored them on muh secret IRC channels

ended up getting paid out then promptly banned and probably put on the illuminati hit list

>> No.255402

you from gnome irc or CE?

maybe i meet you before im HAM

>> No.255413

I am thinking about making one. Anyone want to try and work together to make some money? I think finding the right niche to get hits is important.

>> No.255414

Isn't the big way as far as adsense today is just make a youtube channel?

>> No.255428

you cant trade clicks with youtube. buying traffic for youtube is MORE expensive and might not even work in 1 week so you will need to look for another seller. From what i hear is hard to from clicks groups with youtube since its more regulated. There was once a guy who had a 30 second video you watch it and click his ad but i never ask him if he ever got pay he must have gotten ban i dont see him around.

>> No.255430

That is true but you could work together with a few people to find ways to get natural viewership for your channel.

>> No.255437

So have any of you fags started this already
If so how far have you gotten

>> No.255441

>tfw have no idea what to write about
>only know about food and anime but those niches are saturated by foodies and weeaboos

>> No.255445


Make Naruto fanfiction blog, you'll make mad dosh.

>> No.255459

Is using a .com with blogger(ish) (wordpress, drupal) allowed?

>> No.255475

yes you can

>> No.255491

I come from a poor country, in Europe but almost a third world level and American minimum wage would mean a doctors paycheck here.

My problem is that I don't know about what should I write the blog.

>> No.256119


Im the one from days ago, well yeah , I actually created my own blog and furnished it. (not really that great, but its decent and elegant)


after a few days or posts I will apply for adsense

>> No.256128

>only know about food and anime but those niches are saturated by foodies and weeaboos

Fat anime fag detected

>> No.256138

Jesus people, can we get some serious discussion about blogging going or are there really only 16 year olds here? clicking on each others' ads to buy a few beers in the weekend with is not making money with blogging

I'm going to infiltrate your palringo groups and write a detailed report of all blogs and send to Google , seriously.

>> No.256167

Actually I made that blog because I have decided to make one, and not just to get a couple of bucks to buy beer or what.

I'm having trouble with getting my blog on the first page of google search results. I tried all that exposure shit but its too complicated

>> No.256166

I do legit blogging, (no adsense click groups) and make a pretty decent amount. Started 6 months ago, Average month is anywhere from 800-900$. Feb was 1400. It's all about search engine keywords really.

If you're interested in doing it that way, I'd be happy to give advice, sources, references, etc whatever. I just like talking to people about digital marketing. email in the field.

I've been posting all over /biz/ but nobody ever is serious about it...

>> No.256168


>> No.256189

ham here dont post ur blog OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

>> No.256194

HAM here you can try. You will still need to make a blog with adsense LOL. NObody will give you their page if you dont give them yours friens since your new so you be wasting weeks to gain trust just to report to google and fingering your anus great job man.

>> No.256195

why dont you reply to my email, I have something

>> No.256209

email sent

>> No.256216

what do you write about?

I started one recently on wordpress but decided I didn't like the customization options of any of the themes so I've spent the last two days trying to learn about CSS and PHP and it's a pain in the ass since I know nothing about code. I think I'm just wasting time. I should focus on content but I hate the way my blog looks ;-;

>> No.256251

I actually do a few different blogs.

The topic selection is actually the most important factor to determine your profitability and success. The specific keywords I target are not "secret" but I don't want to advertise them here. Competition and whatnot.

I've worked in the fields of
Nail polish

And my pet project atm, the hardest industry i've done so far, is a blog about blogging.
There are like, hundreds of themes. Check out themeforrest, and wp-locker. I promis you'll find something you like. I started learning CSS and php at first too, but quickly realized I should be spending time doing profitable things.

>> No.256292

thanks, I'm looking now

The subject of my blog is incredibly broad, but I'm focusing on a very specific element within it. It relates to fashion, interior design, and other things womyn like to read about, as well as art and other subjects. It seems like, if I do it right, it could be a keyword farm for popular subjects.

This is a side effect, though. It's really just something I feel like collecting and writing about.

>> No.256306

although it seems you have to pay for these...

>> No.256315

You look for them on themeforrest, you pirate them on wp-locker.

You should know by now that everything on the internet is free.

>> No.256327

>owners look for websites to see who copied their theme
>sue them

>> No.256333

did a search for wplocker
looks like they add malicious code to the files

>> No.256352

I've had no problem, but always be careful yeah.

>> No.257143

better to use the default wordpress themes and change the colors a little done.

>> No.257526

My question is, how long before I can start seeing monthly profits in the 4 figure range?

I've been sorta on and off on my blogs, it's gotten 6.5k views so far as of...well, 2 years. I am doing that whole clicking community thing, but still, i'd like to know just how long i'd have to do this before I can start to see some serious gains?

>> No.257590

> 2 years

Why are you hiding your blog?

>> No.257604

what part of on and off don't you understand

>> No.257613

my blog has been "OFF" since 2011, 10k views in total.

whats the content of your blog

>> No.257653

what clicking community your from?

>> No.259153
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>> No.259169


I'll have you know I am underweight and don't watch many anime because I am very picky.

>> No.259210

OMGggggggggggggggggggggggggGGGGGGGGGGggggggggg same here im very picky of anime. have you seen mirrai nikki?

>> No.259955


>> No.260609

>Making $100

Mad money

>> No.260717

If the mpaa can't get users for million dollar movies, I doubt some home business can get you for DL'ing their theme...

>> No.260836

Do you use Wordpress? I have two questions.

1.) How do I get adsense on my wp blog?
2.) What if my blog is all posts/categories and not pages?

>> No.260866

Yes I use wordpress for some of my blogs. (Wordpress software installed on hosting, not name.wordpress.com blogs)

1. Open an adsense account and in the website option, put down your domain.
2. Not sure what the problem would be, most blogs are done through posts and not pages. But typically, you can refer to them linguistically as either.

>> No.260880

If you use a VPS and use wordpress then for the love of god install nginx/php5-fpm or nginx/hhvm. Apache + wordpress = eats shit ton of ram, slow and dies with an influx of users.

>> No.260922

You can put categories as pages.

>> No.260932

Ok, thanks. What is a VPS though?

>> No.260950

virtual private server, instead of shared hosting.

you just get a ssh prompt an that's it (unless you wanna shell out 20$ extra a month for cpanel).

But you don't need that if all you're gonna do is run wordpress.

>> No.261006

I would just get a bluehost account. $4/mo linux server and uses the best and easiest interface (c-panel). 24/hr customer support and can walk noobs through whatever.

>> No.261292

OK guys how do I get started. And what money can I Expect to make in 3 months?

>> No.261379

Oh yea and do those SEO/hits people on fiver actually work?

>> No.261397

I use host gator and I already have cpanel. I want to ask more questions but I've had a couple beers and I can't think how to phrase it. I guess in the mean time, are all these "SEO" plugins a waste?

>> No.262003

i dont think they work.

Anyway just buy traffic from HAM in the palringo group. $5 for 30,000 views from google search,facebook,twitter ect.

>> No.262085

I have some experience in setting up CMS's and Blogs on free webhosts though I haven't touched SEO and ads. Would it be better if I use that instead of just signing up to worpress/blogspot dot com? I feel that I'll get more control over the them and features of the blog through that way.

>> No.262105

I was in Gnomes and it was shit. 3/4 people who were in there were already banned and just talked about their everyday lives and retarded shit like that.

>> No.262447

do you know of any other group?

>> No.262466

>are all these "SEO" plugins a waste?
A regular wordpress install duplicates your post about X amount of times. Author archives, tag archives etc etc.
You use the SEO plugin (I recommend SEO by Yoast) to shut off Google indexing of all the duplicates.

But really, don't ask around here on how to make money from blogging. People in this thread are talking out of their asses. Go go Blackhatworld.

>> No.262519

Finally got mine up and running on wordpress. How many followers/views/posts do you think I should aim for before applying for their ad service?

>> No.262856

Will do. I assume it's a forum?

>> No.262875

Definitely a forum. Where to start, where to start....

>> No.262900

There is a blogging subsection there, but basically all their subforums are applicable.

As I said, THIS thread is full of crap. Be prepared to read, read and read some more. It will take weeks to understand how to do it right. Blogging for money is a complicated issue and is something you have to apply yourself for. Learn the ropes, make sure your food and rent are covered, then spend many hours every day doing it. Then maybe, in six months or so, you can start seeing a decent income from this.

Personally, I make peanuts from blogging. Maybe 2000 dollars a year from having many outsourcers writing stuff for me. My main income comes from Youtube, but if I did not have that I would focus more on the blogging.

>> No.263532


You exchange links
you click the other guys ad he does the same
1 per week write 1 article at least 300 words

wow so complicated you must be 90 years old who thinks opening 2 tabs is complicated.

>> No.264229

Question: Anyone know what countries are open up to Adsense?

>> No.264475

He's talking about making money blogging without the click exchanges.

The forum he linked to, isn't going to talk about link exchanges. But it has some great resources.

I'm not sure how much you guys make with the click group, but a lot of people make livable money doing other blogging strategies.

>> No.264564

It's difficult to sort through the BS and develop a "workable" plan. Part of me thinks that I should just start blogging and worry later about how to do all this, but will later ever come,?

>> No.264578

>Part of me thinks that I should just start blogging and worry later

Got a point there.
My opinion: blog product reviews. Forget about Adsense, Forget about click exchanges. That is just peanuts My income comes from Amazon, and it is increasing every month. With my current prognosis, I will be able to do this full time from Asia in 4 months time.

>> No.264744


cool blog, bro

>> No.264863

sounds easy going to try it

>> No.264867

Cheers guys , enter in palringo on group adsense boost exchangers , really big group for exchange and sell clicks !

>> No.264895

Believe it or not, I was a founding 'father' of this on 4chan.

I went on to build tools to help us automate and increase our revenue and also built some of the infographics that are in this thread.

I have since gone on and left the blog circles, and now run NoiseDiary.com


It has been years since I have seen one of these threads and it brings back so many memories.

>> No.264899


Also, feel free to post your blog links at NoiseDiary.com if you like... I would like to find some new and interesting blogs.

>> No.265009

That sounds exciting. How do you get the products to review?

>> No.265031

C'mon man, we can't hold your hand the whole way. Think like a jew.

>> No.265129

I'm not asking for you to hold my hand. My initial plan is to write emails to a manufacturer and ask them to send me a product demo for free, so I can demo it on my product demo website.

But, what happens when they go to see my website and then realize there product will be the first demo?

Second option-

Demo bullshit I have laying around the house. Than proceed to implement step 1.

Am I winrar?

>> No.265141

Yep, now you're thinking with portals. You knew it all along.

>> No.265157

It certainly works guys. It's the only "make money online" scheme that worked for me AND brought some decent money. It's not as easy as it was 2 years ago, but you can still get some beer money with it (if you spend 200-300$ on a beer monthly ;p )

Join adsense boost exchangers on palringo

>> No.265376

I'm the guy that first mentioned reviews.

You are thinking about this wrong. You don't actually have to have the product to review it. Just check what other reviewers say, write something similar, with the same conclusion, or take the contrarian point. Put your Amazon (or other shop) affiliate link in the text. Click publish. Write 1000 more. Profit.

>> No.265463

as in... it'll show a viewer was brought to amazon from your page?

>> No.265476

You guys should really get into the adsense exchanging business, we have members that can help out the newbies

>> No.266003

Ive read this thread and still dont know wtf were to start.

>> No.266018

start by making a blog and adding quality content bit by bit

>> No.266141

how do i monetize
150€ a month would be great for me

>> No.266144


Can you define "quality content"? Because if I just shitpost about my everyday life as an unemployed basement dweller, that really wouldn't be quality content now would it?

>> No.266160

Exactly. Affiliate tracking by cookies. You make 4-8% depending on your montly volume.

>> No.266238

Ok well you have to get out of the notion that blog= diary.

Replace blog with website in your mind.

Nobody would read a website about your life right? So you wont write a blog about it.

Find something people want to read about, post about that.

>> No.266489

what he >>266238 said

Figure out a topic that interests you and write about it. Or find a new project and write posts about your progress with pictures.

It's easier to upkeep a blog that actually interests you, and MUCH easier to write legitimate posts instead of obvious filler.

>> No.266516


>> No.266850

So how bout this. I'm into sports, so can I legitimately write about sports while using underhanded tactics to draw traffic to my site? Ideas?

>> No.267332

Do some SEO or click trade in groups.

>> No.267440

It says that my blog is not eligible for AdSense (I'm not citing). What do?

>> No.267553


>> No.267812

What, your faith can't take criticism?

>> No.267874

write more articles or join palringo we be able to help you better HAM.

>> No.267886


Check your fedora and read what he wrote again. He was worried no one would read it, not no one would comment/criticise him. You're such a fucking tool.

>> No.267959

Won't using things like palringo for click exchange get your adsense banned?

It's essentially fraud.

>> No.267987
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only if you get caught

>> No.268002
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>check your fedora
>you're such a fucking tool

>> No.268009

If you do get caught, can you ever implement adsense on the same blog again?

>> No.268508

No but you can put yahoo ads. Some people have try move their blog to another domain/url and it works for a while but its not recommended. Plus domain and hosting is free only 1 per year tho so next domain you need to buy it. There a guy in my group giving them free if you use his referal. HAM

>> No.268569
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I love this, this is the best thing ever. So much money to be made!

>> No.268836


Thank you!

>> No.268876
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This guy here. I've had about 15 people email me and I actually had a bit of fun answering their questions.

I make about 950$ / mo with a few blogs. Started in Dec of 2013 and my blog assets are worth about $19-22k.

If you want to know about blogging or websites without clickgroups, feel free to send me an email. I'll answer most of your questions.

>> No.268879

whoops, forgot email field

>> No.269218

whats your email?

>> No.269229

look at >>268879

>> No.270021

furck i mess up from posting here lol

thanks obama

>> No.270220

ur welcum ;)

>> No.270251 [DELETED] 

can I join Palringo from Windows?

>> No.272127

Why dont you just make a post explain how you did it?
I need the money or im K'ing myself soon.

>> No.272132

i just dont get this. where does the money come from??

>> No.272446

GOOGLE ADSENSE. its advertising in the blog you click and it generates money. Each person has their own account.

>> No.272479

Can you tell me how to email you from this post? lol I've never had to email someone from 4chan before.

>> No.272512

>right click "anonymous"
>"copy email address"

>> No.272640

Thanks man.

>> No.273542

How do i start? any help?

>> No.273712

no help for you, come back 1 year

>> No.274154

can we make a palringo group or any group exclusively for 4chan users especially biz... ? I assume there are no pakistanis here.

>> No.274158
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>> No.274163


>> No.274520

sure you can make a group for free if you want. Im from USA i dont care if there another group as long as there new people. More people more $$ right now there like over 15 groups all with the same people. HAM

>> No.274717

I already have explained a lot of what I do in this thread.
If you cant put effort into emailing me or even reading the thread, I don't want to put effort into answering your questions.

For someone so desperate for money you sure don't want to work for it.

>> No.274785
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>For someone so desperate for money you sure don't want to work for it.

This should be /biz/'s motto

>> No.275087

i've had a shitty website on blogspot up for 2 months now where i just copy and paste the answers to my online accounting class. made $90 thru adsense so far.

>> No.275319

join palringo HAM

>> No.275398

can you make a group with only non pakistani and non indians or non-anywhere near that place

>> No.275412

i have a static IP, would that be a big problem for click exchanges ?

>> No.275716

depends which country you are in. but surely cant you change your IP? ive been posting on this thread for days, and my User ID changes.

>> No.276157

yes you can. there even groups that have password. there like 2 groups in pal with no indians and pak. My group everyone is allow in as long as they don't fake the country. HAM

>> No.277079

I joined parlingo and some adsense groups my names Eman there. Going to need to find you when your on I want to talk to you to learn the ropes more.