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File: 28 KB, 655x148, Captura de pantalla 2021-01-28 a la(s) 02.38.37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26792554 No.26792554 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26792599

heh heh

>> No.26792643

>the major shorters bailed at $100

Prove to me that happened

>> No.26792663

the major shorters didn't bail out of shit.
i'm holding both bags and they're gonna buy 'em from me

>> No.26792828

Prove to me they didn’t

>> No.26792864
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>> No.26792885


>> No.26792887

>Proving a negative
If it's reverse psychology it's working. Just ordered 10 more stocks.

>> No.26792930
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post nose

>> No.26792971

look up the shorts you lazy niggers still overshort
i dont give a fuck what some schizo random says in a screenshot. the shares are short and they're buying them back.

>> No.26792975
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As expected.

See you on Friday x

>> No.26793046
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>See you on Friday x
that's when you get liquidated kike

>> No.26793127

The short bag hasn't decreased at all whoever is holding that will get absolutely steamrolled, the biggest anal fucking of the century

>> No.26793154

>t learned about shorts on Tuesday on investopedia.

Lmao no, they already closed their positions, it has went down. It is a pump and dumb that is held that high due to retards like you who jumped on cuz of fear of missing out. There is no big happening on Friday. Enjoy your losses and you better post your fav pink wojak. I will be here to revel in it

>> No.26793194

Do people really think the hedge funds haven't closed their positions and they're just going to get tons of free money? The people who made money on this scam already cashed out a long time ago. You, wsb, a community of 4 million people, got used by a few smart dudes who, just like the rich elite, used you all to get rich. You're all going to be stuck holding worthless bags of shitstocks. A sucker is born every minute.

>> No.26793307
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Lmao retardo, can’t wait for Friday when your naive minds get force fed reality. You guys know nothing about stock trading or trading in general. Learned about it all on investopedia 2 days ago. Idiots paying the ultimate price will make my year already.

>> No.26793313
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Nice assumption you fucking retard.
People have sent you screenshots and links. They are also all over threads, you are in fucking denial it is public information that it's still overshort and shares are still being borrowed.

I don't give a fuck what you do nigger stay poor.

>> No.26793344

lmao i just found out about this shitshow today, and ive been thinking exactly that all day.

>> No.26793448

>i just found out about this shitshow today
>ive been thinking exactly that all day
not good for his argument

>> No.26793491
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That is exactly what they believe, idiots are yet to find out that there is no free lunch. Like this single digit iq investopedia investor >>26793313

>> No.26793519

i mean, is common fucking sense lol

>> No.26793584

lmao you don't even have any arguments short interest it's at over 250% there's plenty of ways to tell that the squeeze it's yet to happen

>> No.26793695

You need to understand that they can close their short and open a new one too though. So yes you can squeeze still but you have to realize if that is the case then this shit needs to be going on way longer than just till friday to work the way w
people are already expecting. The normies dont realize that yet. I'm no expert but neither are the people saying they haven't closed. I would not be surprised to learn there is some jewish trick that lets them close their old shorts and open new ones in a stealthy fashion and just wait out the proles.

>> No.26793759

>jewish trick

>> No.26793800

closing your short requires buying the shares.
>I would not be surprised to learn there is some jewish trick that lets them close their old shorts and open new ones in a stealthy fashion and just wait out the proles.

yeah im done here im pretty sure this is bait

>> No.26793911

yes and he's saying there may be a trick to them appearing open when they're closed

>> No.26793952
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>using the same tired investipedia meme that is not true anymore
I am tired of typing it again and again, plus I don’t think you idiots deserve it anymore. If you really want to read it, go and read it in archive from yesterday. I used bogdanof in glasses posted in multiple threads. Now I am here to enjoy the lamb willingly walk into the slaughter that it was warned about. Exciting to see you retards gamble away your savings to the system you claim to be fighting. Pink wojaks, lots of them, will be the only gains you will be making little man

>> No.26793977

So why don't you short GME?

>> No.26794014

Whatever bitch nigger. I hope you are right but I am not convinced by your argument. I think you're just believing whatever you read blindly because you see $$$

>> No.26794155

I see the data dude I don't know what else to tell you.

>> No.26794231

Because I prefer tangible assets vs this.

>> No.26794294
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It really is a paradox. If the hedges bail and drop the shorts the whole scam falls apart and the stock crashes, however because everyone expects the stock to crash and burn at any moment now is the time to short it.

It is a gamble, don't put in more money than you can afford to lose and don't wait for anything. If you are enough on the green take your winning and be happy.

>> No.26794361

stock is still over shortened, get fucked

>> No.26794362
File: 216 KB, 620x390, 1611752028103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes that's why everyone telling me to sell now, it's just like every jew on the planet earth cares about my financial well-being

>> No.26794394

I see the data as well but the data doesn't tell us the short positions. They could have shorted at 300 or 200. We do know there are more shorts than there are shares. So OP might be correct where the old shorts exited their position already but new shorts took their place.
You have to understand how much money it cost to maintain shorts AND avoid margin call.

Imagine if you shorted Gamestop when it was at 4 dollars or 20 dollars. You need billions in liquid to avoid a margin call at 150. The stock went up to 350. So unless the old shorts were all sitting on 10 billions LIQUID in their account, they are all liquidated.

>> No.26794467

just look at the graphs

>> No.26794471

You see a percentage number that you don't fully understand, that someone pointed out to you and said "this is what it means". I certainly dont fully understand it or all the things that factor into it and I'm not going to pretend to in a completely unprecedented shitstorm. What I believe though is that just because a percentage of the stock is short does not mean it ALL expires at once. So even if its 140% over, if say only 50% of that is dated to be called in on Friday, there will be a bloodbath where some people make fat gains but a lot of others who set limits too high will be bag holders. People are hoping that 100%+ is being called at once and thats not certain.

>> No.26794473

Take your meds shizo, calling people who tried to help Jews is just alienating them. There is no free lunch and you will learn it the hard way

>> No.26794572

Don’t bother, these retards won’t listen

>> No.26794590

Graph shows the shorts.
It doesn't show the shorts position.
If 10 old shorts went out and 10 new shorts took their position, the short interest would remain the same.
Read my theory here>>26794394
about why I think the old shorts are out.
This isn't going to be rout like most expect but a war of attrition against the shorts.
So long as you hold, you will win. But if you expect a rout on Friday/Monday, I won't bet on it.
Might happen. Might not.

>> No.26794595

Or they could just not have their butt buddy margin call them while they manipulate the market back down

>> No.26794627

Shorts don't fucking expire retards.
You can only either force a MC on them or they sell due to interest.

>> No.26794662

Naive, I ll be expecting your pink wojaks

>> No.26794675

Maybe. But that is illegal (but so is shorting 140% of a company) by having their buttbuddy not margin call them, this turns their buttbuddy into the hypothetical bagholders. Wall street is not THAT nice especially when the losses are in the billions.

>> No.26794684

>their old shorts and open new ones in a stealthy fashion and just wait out the proles.
To open new shorts at 300 they'd have to buy at 300 though

>> No.26794742

You are agreeing with an idiot who says shorts expire. Which is a fundamental ERROR in knowledge.
>There is no mandated limit to how long a short position may be held.
I fucking hate you dumbass sub IQ anons who can't read.

>> No.26794767

They didn't buy at 300.
Please read up on how short selling works. Please.

>> No.26794798

>you don't know what you're talking about, and i don't either. but here's what i think about it and i'm right.

fuck this shit lol

regardless of newer positions entering, they are buying those shares back at the increased price

>> No.26794816
File: 24 KB, 413x413, 4CDF6B48-5E39-4FFD-8DC4-C12421049CEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>investopedia investor
>calls somebody else low iq
Kek, good luck

>> No.26794913

Please show me a site that says shorts expire you extreme brainlet. You are saying investopedia is lying about shorts being able to be held indefinitely? You stupid?

>There is no mandated limit to how long a short position may be held.
I agree. But it will be a war of attrition instead of a rout like predicted. So long as the momentum is maintained, longs will win.

>> No.26794927

The last bailout had 30 trillion issued
Ten billion is walking around money

>> No.26794938

I think this if for the best. Too much is riding on Melvin, mistakes or not. If they go under then others will follow.

A few people making a few thousand each doesn't mean jack shit compared to billion dollar hedge funds going under. Nobody and I mean NOBODY wants a repeat of 2008.

>> No.26794970

You think the bailout went directly to hedge funds to avoid a margin call?

>> No.26794975

No, they would buy their old shorted position in the 100-150 range (they said Tuesday, if they aren't lying). Then they could short again at 300 in your example case here (ie borrow shares and sell at 300) And if it goes down from there they are profitting minus the losses from the first close (which would be huge). But if the stock continued to rise they would still be eating ass. Even more ass than before. Assuming they had enough money to close on Tuesday of course. That is my understanding.

>> No.26795028

Doubling down on a losing position will expose them to being sued by their clients. Melvin has an AUM of 13 billion. They only have SEVEN clients. Their clients are in the 1% and if Melvin burns more of their money making stupid plays, they are going to bernie madoff his ass.

>> No.26795034

You think the greedy kikes that run the sec and fed give literally any fucks about ten billion dollars? It's like 40$ to you or I. We've been getting robbed blind for decades

>> No.26795081

You think greedy kikes care about a hedge fund worth 13 billion going under? You already said it is $40 dollars to you and I. So why would they bother saving $40 from sinking?

>> No.26795095
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Go and look trough the archive, I am not gonna bother explaining it all again to brainlet investors who learned about it on Tuesdays all over again. It is your money, your problem. Want to know? Go and search for it. Enjoy the fall, hope you brought a parachute, if not, post your fav pink wojaks

>> No.26795147

>Hurr durr hurrr durrr
>Avoids the question about shorts expiring
>More hurrr durrr
I might lose 1k on GME but at least I am not sub 100IQ like you. I can earn back 1k in a week, while you will forever be stupid.

>> No.26795157

that's rather interesting: you sound like a /pol/nigger yet you tell me to take meds
there is a reason why /pol/ suspects a jewish 4d chess in every event in the world.
It's really a unique combination - they are paranoid and illiterate. They are room temperature IQ niggers so when they see any event they cannot comprehend, they instantly claim there is someone far more clever than them (jews) behind it. Same as you. But maybe it's not just stupidity, but malice?..
>I certainly dont fully understand it
and that's why you fell for FUD. They better cause the panic and crash the stock before Friday or they are ultimatively fucked
sadly we won't find you on this board tomorrow, you professional analysts tend to disappear once your fearmongering fail to work

>> No.26795188

Professional Analyst who thinks shorts can expire?

>> No.26795220

Ho hey, hello retard. Maybe you should read up on how short selling works, because it turns out that the point is to NOT hold the shares and wait for the price to lower. Now when your deadline is at 300 and you bought and sold at 10 betting on bankruptcy, good luck making a profit.

>> No.26795288

When you short a stock, you take instant profit on the promise of paying it back later. They didn't "buy" it you fucktard. They sold it.

>> No.26795302

I haven't fallen for shit motherfuck, I'm just considering counter points. I was only able to get 10 in at 75 but I still have them. Sounds incredibly stupid to just listen to bli d euphoria and not even think about it.

>> No.26795329

/r/wallstreetbets goes down for 30min in after hours and it drops 30%.

I get the point of the squeeze, but the reason these retards pump the stock is as fickle as their reason to sell the second it gets dicey.

If it truly is a war of attrition then the 4 million + morons who have never paid attention to stocks until the last 2 days don't stand a chance. 75% of holders with low shares are out the second they can fund that nice friday night dinner they've been wanting.

>> No.26795330
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>shorts can expire

>> No.26795446
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butthurt projecting, all of this has been answered prior, I don’t own the answer I have written out before multiple times yesterday and on Tuesday
>thinking that “there is no free lunch” is related pol
>makes bunch of assumptions
>calls me room temperature iq

>> No.26795458

I agree. That is why I only put in what I can afford to lose which is 1k USD. Apes together strong. Also 90% of the market doesn't have access to AH. And the price is back up to 314 now. This is the ultimate game of prisoner dilemma. But it is important that people understand that it is a war of attrition and not a rout like most expect. Especially since if they won't see a squeeze on Monday and Friday and they start selling, that will topple the entire house of cards. They need to keep holding and holding be it weeks or months to "win".

>> No.26795486
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>shorts can expire

>> No.26795492

Owe you*

>> No.26795565

they need to buy 65 million shares and that massive order requires several weeks to close even if you buy nonstop

>> No.26795623

6 days is the estimate.
They are the shorters. Melvin might be out.

>> No.26795665

>There is no mandated limit to how long a short position may be held
Because it's contractually defined by the lender. Because there is no MANDATED limit doesn't mean there is no limit at all, all it means is that the lender isn't obligated to set it within a predefined range.

>> No.26795684
File: 128 KB, 1839x853, maybe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on close of 26th and open of the 27th at $150 there was a buy of 37.5 million shares. I might just be retarded but this could be the funds covering their short positions buying back shares

>> No.26795706

the short interest was 140% yesterday, so fuck off

>> No.26795734

As long as you can pay the interest and maintain margin maintenance, there is no limit to how long you can hold it. Don't believe me? You have a brokerage account right? Go look for the option to short ANY stock, let me know if the brokerage has a mandated date or not.

>> No.26795775

The rhetoric on reddit seems to be that friday / monday is "THE DAY!!!!!!". The volume of people that seem to be buying this line seems to be pretty large and makes me worried for anyone planning to actually participate in a squeeze and not a pinch.

There are too many morons that don't understand the situation that are buying and selling based off of what the google graph tells them. I'm just not convinced a significant amount of people will stick it come friday let alone monday.

I agree make some money where you can, nothing you cant afford to lose, and stick some for the chance of a moonshot, but I just don't know how to react with such concentrated autism.

>> No.26795787

source? ive been looking for that number but cant find it

>> No.26795809

Sounds like its scared.

>> No.26795842

Basically, if you are gambling with your lifesavings, you are fucking retarded. I am putting in 1k USD on a chance to fuck with the kikes and a chance to say I was part of the squeeze (if it happens).

>> No.26795845

Short at the top and ride the stock all the way back down to $5 in a year.

>> No.26795853

because of this lol https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1354174279894642703

>> No.26795866

>they didn't buy it, they sold it
At 10, and they owe the stock back to who they took it from (you know, to sell it), and now said stock is way over the "instant profit" you're talking about (which isn't profit until the stock isn't bought back to be given back to the lender)
You're confirmed clinically retarded.

>> No.26795906

Just buy puts like every non-retard is. Shorting now is akin to running into a burning building and expecting the fireman to save you in time.

>> No.26795947

>To open new shorts at 300 they'd have to buy at 300 though
They don't have to close their old shorts to open new shorts. You know that right?!

>> No.26795962

in and of itself it's a risky and contrarian move going long against high short interest
i didn't dump my life savings in this either. i'm with you on that.

>> No.26796027

>>There is no free lunch

spotted the boomer

>> No.26796043

>posting here too because I'm not getting any credible answers across 4 threads

Ok possible retard here. I understand that the amount of shorted shares currently exceeds the current outstanding shares correct? I understand how supply and demand can create a theoretical infinite share price. How is this going to end? If the parties that hold the short contracts liquidate at whatever absurd price through a few rounds of buying and eventually cover their positions, there will obviously start to be a mass selloff (due to eventual human greed succumbing over all other factors) with people trying to catch the rocket ultimately bag holding right? My brain is failing to see what happens to the excess of shares that theoretically never existed given that they, for all intents and purposes, became real so to speak on the market. Will new shares have to be issued? Is a deal just cut behind the scenes that expunges the shares? Am I retarded and could someone help me out?

>> No.26796047


this is a seriously low IQ poster


fuckin dubya tier retard

>> No.26796073

his tweet was after closing bell for the day, it couldn't have affected the end of day sale

>> No.26796071

When I read about people YOLOing into this movement and then expecting a return by Friday or Monday, it fucking scares me. The amount of FUD being spread amongst the long side is also foolish so much confirmation bias.

>> No.26796093

>the financial institutions are going to hand us billions of dollars for free
a sucker is born every minute

>> No.26796167

How is this going to end?
If the long panic and sell, shorts win by being able to cover their positions at a profit (if they opened it late) or a low loss (if they opened it early).
If the long holds, then long wins as interest will eat at the shorts and any price interest will force shorts to pony up more $$$ to avoid a margin call.

>> No.26796206

There's no way GME stays as high as it is. Hedge funds will get their bailouts and file bankruptcy. Nobody will care about the stock in a month, and all these bagholders are going to be sitting on a worthless pile of failing stock. Hedge funds will put their money on GME short and leech the value out again.

The elite will not let the plebs win.

>> No.26796210

If there was more conversation on reddit about this lasting longer than friday I wouldn't be. No one knows what to look for come friday / monday but they believe it's the day of the squeeze?

All I'm saying is there is a hivemind focus here, and the second it loses focus the opportunity is gone. Friday seems like an arbitrary goal thats been set on a pretense that might not be true for A LOT of people.

>> No.26796213

i agree and people knowingly going bitconnect on the long side really spoil the credibility of the entire play.
the fud on the other side has been pretty bad too though.

there are many people involved and it's kind of a mess.

>> No.26796274

We don't know. Combined autism might actually force GME to remain high.

>> No.26796301
File: 44 KB, 500x500, yeah-baby-yeah-nse0oq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do people really think the hedge funds haven't closed their positions and they're just going to get tons of free money? The people who made money on this scam already cashed out a long time ago. You, wsb, a community of 4 million people, got used by a few smart dudes who, just like the rich elite, used you all to get rich. You're all going to be stuck holding worthless bags of shitstocks. A sucker is born every minute.

>> No.26796344

Yes. But how much do they need to make to balance out their losses from their older short?
Because even if the stock drops to 100 now, the profits from a 300>100 short don't outweight the losses from a 10>100 one.

>> No.26796353

A large part of the FUD is due to people having very poor idea about how the entire system works. They just opened their account maybe monday and joined the GME side and heard from others (misinformation) and spread it thinking it is right.
Already in this thread we can see fundamental knowledge about the stock market being misconstrued.

>> No.26796354
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>conversation on reddit

>> No.26796359

>they believe it's the day of the squeeze?
very common for financial instruments to come to fruition on the last friday of the month. Makes sense that a squeeze could happen opening on monday, the same thing happened with the VW squeeze.

>> No.26796401
File: 596 KB, 498x213, yourefucked.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Makes sense that a squeeze could happen opening on monday

>> No.26796425

Alot of money. I agree but what I disagree with is the poster's concept that you have to buy to open new shorts. That is wrong. Also I legit think the old shorts are out and we are playing with new shorts here.

>> No.26796436


>> No.26796485

Combined autism has power. This has sent a loud and clear message to the elites. Possible solution is to have everyone short the stock, let it begin to fall, cash out halfway and pump the stock again. Unexpected waves of pumping and dumping might end up catching these Wall St. Fucks by surprise and drain their value. If coordinated pump and dumps happened around the market, it would make shorting a minefield.

>> No.26796530
File: 106 KB, 838x734, ZOOMER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This has sent a loud and clear message to the elites

>> No.26796558

Coordinated pump and dumps is also illegal as fuck. Hedges get away with it cause they can do it while golfing but if you do it on a public forum, SEC is going to be your worst nightmare.

>> No.26796682

>My brain is failing to see what happens to the excess of shares that theoretically never existed given that they, for all intents and purposes, became real so to speak on the market. Will new shares have to be issued?
It doesn't exactly happen instantly, they buy shares at market price one after an other, so if we hypothetically reach the share limit (which we won't thanks to liquidity) then they would just stop buying until sellers are willing to sell again.

>> No.26796698

Why? If a broker is going to allow a hedge fund to millions of dollars worth of stocks, why would they demand they cover their position this friday / monday? I understand the interest can be draining, but this ridiculous situation doesn't necessarily warrant a margin call right?

In fact, seems like a good time for these institutions to short more considering 4 million redditors will be bored with this in a week at most.

idk I bought 2 shares at $112 for the laughs, I really don't know shit about finance or this situation, but I can tell there are A LOT of people that know even less than me that are staking way more.

>> No.26796704

HAHAHAHAHAHAH the cope is immense

I made $$$$ when §GME went to $145

I bought the dip again and now Im HOLDING

stay poor loser

>> No.26796719

Maybe coordinated is the wrong word. Maybe the right way to put it is giving others reason to like the stock, and having mutual stock enjoyment times with friends.

>> No.26796744

>Combined autism has power
Indeed it does not buy link and fuck off. Whole ton of idiots about to get burned hard with their 'stick it to the man bullshit'. The outstanding shorts were covered they just reopened them at 300+ish and wsb is going to loose their shirts after friday. Dumb as fucking sjw s oy can be. A few made out linke bandits and are gone leaving a bag of zoomer rage and angst

>> No.26796816

>Why? If a broker is going to allow a hedge fund to millions of dollars worth of stocks, why would they demand they cover their position this friday / monday?

Why? If a broker is going to allow a hedge fund to purchase millions of dollars worth of stocks*

sorry I am distracted and retarded

>> No.26796857

i think we both watched the same thing unfold and experienced the same internal creep. if there's anything you can count on it's changing someone's mind.
honestly let's hope for the best and be realistic.

the moon shit has always turned me off, but you can sense when sentiment excessively deviates from objectivity.

>> No.26796903

See you on monday. You'll be holding that at 3$ until it trickles to cents and is a penny stock. You'll be still holding that at nothing when your adult diaper is being changed. You need infinite tard money inflow now they have closed their old shorts and opened new ones, they will still make out and you get screwed. Dumb and angry. Fuck off back to re eddit and sling faeces at each other.

>> No.26796906

not changing*

>> No.26796932
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Blastoff soon

>> No.26796995

Yes. That is the way. I really like GME's tock.

>> No.26796997

you're talking to a board that knows more about PnDs and has more money collectively than wsb can dream off. You are being done and you deserve it.

>> No.26797034

Margin maintenance is a thing.
If they can't maintain their margin, they get liquidated.

>> No.26797058

lmao the math doesn't check out, maybe they closed 10% of their shorts but there's very little to support the claim that they closed out all their short positions.

>> No.26797091

>You need infinite tard money inflow now they have closed their old shorts and opened new ones, they will still make out and you get screwed.
A load of retards

>> No.26797096
File: 124 KB, 1024x1024, EF6A1D8B-1EB6-4B3D-8AC3-2D0D76F9BD83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too poor to own any tangibles assets of value
>calls me poor

>> No.26797138

GME won't be worth $3. Even at their worst, it was worth $4. Based on fundamentals alone, you can calculate that GME is worth 20-60 dollars.

>> No.26797153

They had 140% of the total shares in shorts. They didn't cover shit lmao

>> No.26797164

And there's the stupid that's why you are the perfect bagholder, you don't have a fucking idea. They just opened more shorts at higher levels of 300+ or someone else did. Smart smart. You dumb dumb

>> No.26797207

I've never seen this much newfag hype and euphoria on biz before, and I've been here since the doge days on /g/
reddit fags gonna get rekt hard. people have been preparing for the gme short squeeze for a year now. There's so many early positions just waiting to sell

>> No.26797214

You don't have to buy.
You just have to hold.
Cause the interest rate on GME shorts is something retarded like 80% annual interest.
If the price holds, the shorts will burn money everyday.
If the price increases, shorts might get margin called.
Shorts only win if the price goes down.

>> No.26797219

>. Based on fundamentals alone, you can calculate that GME is worth 20-60 dollars.
How stupid are you?

>> No.26797223

1. shorters are lying, they need more stock to cycle through and it's not a crime to lie to the media

2. long haul... who the fuck cares? It's Gamestop. Gamestop has no future. Everyone knows this. We buy recreationally for the fun of it just to own Gamestop stock.

3. even then Gamestop will just be restructured into Chewy and GME investors trade their stock for valuable CHWY. The trade will be meh but favorable as it will occur without fees. In the end of this dog food is pretty stable, so anyone with enough cash worth talking about is building their retirement fund with this knowing that Gamestop is just the pretext for a 50, 60 year hold on a different company.

4. bagholders will just be bought out by Gamestop's CEO. Why not? Existing value lets him easily buy on margin, using Chewy profits to insure any losses. A valuable Gamestop gives him favorable terms to restructure it as banks will be more willing to lend Gamestop loans to procure new products (eg, VR headsets), stores (especially with retail space so cheap, now's the time to build an empire), and employees. Ditto for Chewy and Chewy subsidiaries, most of which are pharmaceutical companies and the people who make prescription PCP for mental hospitals

5. We all gonna make it.

I wouldn't buy above $100 though, and we're at $342 now. $100 is still fucking insane and rapes hedge funds in the mouth so take it as you will.

>> No.26797239

stay mad

jokes on you, I made my money already

>> No.26797251

You're right. Better short.

>> No.26797279

But this isn't just hype. That's the point of a short squeeze. It's not going up as long as people buy.
At some point the funds HAVE to cover their short positions. This is tens of billions of dollars in buy orders

>> No.26797341

They don;t have to they just close the position and stop paying interest and open new ones and start paying interest on that, thats why you can have more shorts open than stock you tard....you deserve your screwing

>> No.26797355


Everyone here disavowing GME doesn't know why it's going up in the first place.

GME is %100+ shorted out. That means there's more debt than there's actual stocks to pay that debt, which means everyone that has it will have it fucking skyrocket.

The shorts like Melvin and Citrus will go out of business and the price will moon. There's NO RISK if everyone holds. If it gets sold sub %90, then there's the risk they manage to liquidate enough to survive the squeeze and the whole thing crashes. If EVERYONE HOLDS, WE GET INFINITE GAINS. IF ANYONE SELLS, WE RISK LOSING EVERYTHING. DIAMOND HANDS FUCKERS OR YOU'LL RUIN IT FOR EVERYONE ELSE AND YOURSELVES.



>> No.26797376

>Why? If a broker is going to allow a hedge fund to millions of dollars worth of stocks, why would they demand they cover their position this friday / monday?
Some brokers will want to get out of the deal and that's just a common date to set for contracts.
No one knows for sure when the position needs be covered; could be 2 days or 2 weeks, the prevailing sentiment for this weekend is just based on it being the end of the month close.

>In fact, seems like a good time for these institutions to short more
Plenty of wall street agrees and is doubling down on more shorts.

>> No.26797407

Says the guy who thinks GME will reach 3 dollars when they were 4 dollars when near bankruptcy.
Since then they have
>A new CEO with a new gameplan
>Looking to change their business model
>Influx of cash due to this fiasco
Based on what knowledge are you saying it will drop to 3. Justify it.

>> No.26797433

What would the timeframe on that look like? Would these groups holding short positions have to pay weekly / monthly? Is the rate / premium dependent on the current market price?

If the short positions become so ridiculously shitty as we are seeing now, would the brokers recognize how insane this circumstance is and allow the hedgies to maintain their shorts or would they crank up the maintenance?

Sorry if i'm bombarding with questions, I'm just confused how this works between the short position holders, the brokers, and the institutions above them. Reddit and 4chan just respond with a lot of autism and rocketship emojis.

>> No.26797444

It will be worth even less than that when this is done because it will be untouchable vomit

>> No.26797470

Fucking retard logic okay.

>> No.26797478

The idea is that the gamma squeeze by close on Friday will push up the price enough that the shorts will be fucked again. And will keep getting fucked on Friday options closing ITM until they cover.

>> No.26797491

It’ll take days for them to completely close their positions.

Worth noting though that it’s not “infinite losses” as is getting thrown around by some folks.
It’s losses until insolvency. Once the shorters are insolvent, the game will be done. If that happens before they try to buy back (or during), then there will be no (or only a partial) attempt to buy back.

>> No.26797510

>I legit think the old shorts are out and we are playing with new shorts here.
That would be believing jew-speak. As far as I am concerned, as long as we don't have proof they have covered, they haven't. They just lied about covering so people would sell their position, making them able to cover for a lesser loss.
Also Blackrock buying the stock pretty recently at such high levels just indicates they are expecting it to continue pumping and THEY are ones that will make it crash once it reaches the top. Which also means they are the ones who decide when the top is (because they have such a huge stake in it).

Now enter schizo terrirory. My bet is that blackrock bought GME so that squeeze money doesn't actually leave their pockets, the money just gets transfered from hedge to bank, who are really the same people, then they crash it at a profit and later buyers (who will all be retail) are fucked.

>> No.26797518

>Would these groups holding short positions have to pay weekly / monthly? Is the rate / premium dependent on the current market price?
Yes. Look up short interest rate.

>If the short positions become so ridiculously shitty as we are seeing now, would the brokers recognize how insane this circumstance is and allow the hedgies to maintain their shorts or would they crank up the maintenance?
Depends. Most brokers won't want to be bagholders so margin maintenance might go up.

>> No.26797529

Repeating shit does not get you there. I see what tards think. They are wrong. Its done. Now comes the pain

>> No.26797573

Even when Sorkin was shitting on it, he said the stock "should be" $20-40.

Replying to myself: and while maybe they're more sociopathic than I can imagine, I think that if the gamma squeeze does happen, the shorts will finally capitulate on Monday.

>> No.26797635

Based on basic calculation along. Melvin got liquidated a long time ago. Unless they managed to get a cash inject in the 10s of billions.

>> No.26797639

>You'll be holding that at 3$
If GME goes to $3, I'm buying my own island with my $3 3/19s.

>> No.26797640

the people who bought in the last five days are the bagholders. Who the fuck do you think is on the other side of the trade selling to them. Ahhhh stupid. I'm done with reading this shit.

>> No.26797676

makes sense. Realistically it is pretty intuitive, but unfortunately I've been reading reddit and 4chan threads more than I've been doing my due diligence to answer my questions.

Thanks for the response.

>> No.26797692

They will be bagholders if the longs lose and the price drops. If the price maintains or increase, the bagholders are the shorts.

>> No.26797700

>Even when Sorkin was shitting on it, he said the stock "should be" $20-40
Not anymore, its toxic now

>> No.26797708

Thanks for the gold kind stranger!

>> No.26797733

>its toxic now
Fucking retard. You are literally naming a price based on your emotions. I can't think of a bigger retard in this thread than you.

>> No.26797743

man i wish i get paid to be retarded online

>> No.26797752

They don't have to buy it all back if they go bankrupt and liquidate. They will just take their bailouts and short this shit stock again and make their money back on the retards who held the bag.

>> No.26797755

Sounds like cope from people who stand to lose a lot of money come Monday

>> No.26797768

And this keeps going until all the shorts collectively panic and cover their position, or all the longs panic and sell?

>> No.26797775

they do out of their old shorts reopened at 300+ you retard. Fuck off and be a victim like you deserve

>> No.26797800

Institution have to file no?

>> No.26797832

>t. Melvin

>> No.26797878

yes, its just a cold war of which side will capitulate first and start selling. If the price goes down shorts will stay strong, take loans and wait out the storm as the retards drop their bags. But if the price stays steady or rises the funds will have to start closing and adding to the momentum

>> No.26797889

You can't even form a proper sentence.

This keeps going till one side surrenders.
The win condition for longs is either raise the price so much it margin calls all the shorts and forces panic buying to cover or wait out the shorts with the interest rate.
The win condition for shorts is to hold on long enough that the public either panic sells or the stock can no longer keep up the momentum and dips.

>> No.26797989

Anyone reminded of when all the tards arrived to be anonymouse because chanology and they hax0r now cos irc. Fucking idiots. You're not sticking it to anyone but yourself. Social activism my hole.

>> No.26798042

You're an idiot. There's your proper sentence. I'm going for a piss in my 18K urinal now. Not even joking.

>> No.26798060

Fuck the kikes. It cost me nothing to throw 1k worth of shares into GME.
Lose, I get to see the kikes squirm and hopefully make it out with a bit of profit since I am already up 3x.
Win, I profit and kikes buy $ROPE.

>> No.26798069

why is everyone saying friday is the day ? dont they have unlimited time to close the position if they have the money to cover it? what makes this Friday/Monday special

>> No.26798088

>Who the fuck do you think is on the other side of the trade selling to them
I'm not big guy, but I was definitely on the seller's side at some point, and given the extreme volatility of the stock there are to be loads of retail swingers.

>> No.26798094

Yeah. You would need an 18k urinal given the size of your fucking nose.

>> No.26798102

nothing since they have new higher position

>> No.26798112
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>need to close short position soon
>short stock at current price, give said shares to previous lender, rinse and repeat

oh god

>> No.26798164

Biz has made more wealth than wsb can conceive of. Fuck off back to sandal land

>> No.26798181

Yeah you would know about making money you fucking kike.

>> No.26798213

False. The win condition for the elite is to file bankruptcy, liquidate, take a bailout and short GME with the new money. Wait for it to fall down to nothing again, and cash out before they can get scammed by autists. They make all their money back. The thing about stocks is that the price is based on demand. Once this shit is over, there will be barely any demand, and the price will fall, and the elites will suck the plebs dry again. Remember that the autists do not own ALL the stock, and FUD is inevitable. Only the shorters will win now.

>> No.26798221

He figured it out!

>> No.26798225

There won’t be any bailouts. It’s one tiny hedge fund. If they go, they’ll be left to go.

>> No.26798309

Well let me ask you this, If my sentiment about a mass normie sell off come friday / monday+ is true, do you think there will be a base of people that can still continue the squeeze? Perhaps not at such ridiculous levels we see now, but enough for people that got in early or those that repurchased after the top 90% of the house of cards collapsed.

If the current pressure releases, is that enough for the short holders to crush any rally that could occur?

>> No.26798315

>21 posts by this ID

can you provide any proof of that?

>> No.26798319

>Yeah you would know about making money
Look where you are. Jewposting does not camouflage stupid

>> No.26798342

>Everyone here disavowing GME doesn't know why it's going up in the first place.
This baffles me. Why did everyone thought it was going bankrupt even though it never stopped being profitable? Just because they got lower profit margins doesn't mean they were in the red.

>> No.26798347

You are the only one siding with the jew here.

>> No.26798366

almost nobody trades in the after hour you retarded monkey

>> No.26798404

If the shorts are at higher position, it will be harder to maintain the pressure.
If the shorts are the old shorts, then it doesn't matter.

>> No.26798428

Tell that to Melvin Capital and their 2.75 Billion bailout that they probably shorted GME with already.

>> No.26798470

Kikes have been doing this for years.
They will crush business for profit and GME was on their target.
Anyone siding with the hedgies here are the fucking long nose tribe.

>> No.26798480

bots ?

>> No.26798605

Maybe, but it's not just Melvin. There are other hedge funds who are definitely in it as well but are silent about it to not fan the fire.

>> No.26798643

Yes. I know. I didn't say otherwise.

>> No.26798671

Yeah thats not how it works. You dont have to prove your innocence in a court either.

>> No.26798707

Do you need a stranger on the internet to explain to you what a bailout is?
Citadel (a rival hedge fund) putting money in is not a bailout. It’s a hostile takeover.

Melvin is a $12.5bn fund. That is so fucking small mate. There will be no bailout.

>> No.26798848

Citadel is not really a rival.
They are the MM here and their CEO protege is Melvin's CEO.

>> No.26798930
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>> No.26799049

I wonder what those funds are thinking. Surely they know this party isn't going to last forever either.

>> No.26799156

>Citadel is not really a rival.
That’s getting into semantics a bit, really.
They weren’t bailed out is the point. The government is not going to step in to save a tiny fund like that because there’s no risk from them going down.
I didn’t know about the protege thing - explains in part why citadel were willing to back them. But I suspect they’re not going to back them to the full 12.5bn if it gets to an insolvency situation. They’d just comb through the wreckage for cheap assets afterwards like any good hedge fund.

>> No.26799186

Dude... how long to hold why does no one answer that question with a specific date

>> No.26799230

5th April

>> No.26799255

what does that put opt mean and why did rothschild get out 25th?

>> No.26799272

>If my sentiment about a mass normie sell off come friday / monday+ is true, do you think there will be a base of people that can still continue the squeeze?
How much of the stock is held by retail? Because I'm pretty sure that even if ALL the normies sold it all at once, it wouldn't even be enough to crash it under 200. (which reinforces the idea that insitutions who hold the majority stake are up to no good and will dab on the more naives)

>> No.26799354

Put options
Because they wanted to cash out?

>> No.26799483

I don’t care whether your schizo theories are right or not, I made more than enough from AMC to cover the entire cost of my GME shares. Fuck hedgies, never selling

>> No.26799538

Yeah fucktard someone is going to sell. Redditards don't own the entire long float you mong.
They are in the red. Gamestop is losing money every quarter and is $500 billion in debt.

>> No.26799620

>short GME with the new money
There isn't enough float to do that though

>> No.26799660

>GME stocks already at 420

>> No.26799855
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>GME above 420

>> No.26799955

volume for the past week proves they didnt idiot

>> No.26800031
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>> No.26800519


>> No.26800626

Literally every retard I know has sent me messages asking "should i buy da stock??? what stock do i buy now? do you have gamestop?"

fucking hate this let this all be over already
make trading and investing expensive again

>> No.26800768

It never was expensive, just gate kept.

>> No.26800804

>u dont know how trading works
>literally doesn't know how to check shorts
It's ok man, I'm sorry you missed this bus, there's gonna be more

>> No.26800865

Burden of proof is on you devils proof ass nigga

>> No.26801072
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>> No.26802191
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>> No.26802389

>Stock goes up
>Kike defending the jew disappears