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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 1024x508, neo_official.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2672477 No.2672477 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain? Did chinks find another way to abuse the difference between prices?

>> No.2672493


i know it's weekend and shit, but that doesn't explain what's going on rn

>> No.2672495

It's the same pattern that has been happening for days; whales make the price fall then everyone buys later

>> No.2672499

>he didn't sell the double top

>> No.2672529
File: 73 KB, 1114x510, ans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that still doesn't explain it dude

i sold everything, just waiting to buy back in, but it's still weird as fuck and i wanna know why lol

>> No.2672541
File: 189 KB, 1080x495, whaleium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

care to elaborate what is wrong?

>> No.2672561

Lol that is the best pic ever

>> No.2672596
File: 66 KB, 361x413, 1498789686911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is your future ant faggots
Buy Monacoin

>> No.2672656

this great

antholder here

>> No.2672667

Wait, I don't get it. Are those bids 60k sat?

>> No.2672679

They're in yuan.

>> No.2672686

no its the price in yen


>> No.2672691


>> No.2672694

yuan, which is like 15 cents each, so around $9.28

>> No.2672715

pulled out for now. I expect a dip for a little bit. They are clearly driving the price down in levels right now. Its painfully obvious.

>> No.2672723

So what about the differences? These are two entirely different market regions.

I don't find this odd to be honest.

>> No.2672730
File: 131 KB, 600x600, antshares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2672764

I saw that too. They don't even try to hide it.

>> No.2672793

It's a shitcoin. ETH is a shitcoin and this is a worse version of it. If you have formal education in CS go ahead and read their source code. Many issues in there.

>> No.2672820

The difference is gooks can dump on bittrex and buy up cheap from weakhanders but round eye can't dump on yunbi. Yunbi won't issue an ANS address to deposit to because of (((technical issues))) and I'm convinced it's because I don't have a Chinese passport. Sign up on yunbi and see for yourselves.

>> No.2672854

Why would they dump on bittrex to get a price 10% LOWER than yunbi?

>> No.2672900


Such as?

>> No.2672948

These are not your average whales. These are high level chinks trying to get more ANS back from bittrex into chink hands by dumping and forcing panic selling that they scoop back up. Yunbi is part of it by refusing to issue ANS addresses that would allow bittrex and yunbi prices to sync.

>> No.2672962

Sounds like a conspiracy of Russian proportions.

>> No.2672977

Hmm. Interesting theory.

>> No.2673025

On one hand it sounds like a conspiracy. On the other we are dealing with the chinese and that is exactly the type of shit they do.

>> No.2673043

There is no reason for yunbi to state that they can't generate ANS addresses to deposit from other exchanges into. I can trade on there without any problem but I'm prevented from transferring ANS (and only ANS) there to sell. I've been trying for a week. The message I get is >it will take some time to generate new ANS addresses prease understand.

Yunbi even issue a terse warning about whether you actually need an ANS address to deposit to prior to this.

This shit reeks.

>> No.2673066
File: 6 KB, 599x58, Screenshot_12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit makes no sense.

>> No.2673085

they either put it there to show off or to catch ANS if it crashed

>> No.2673090

After that ETH flash crash a while back that makes sense.

>> No.2673094

sure, but it's not exactly occam's razor is it anon?

>> No.2673100

kek i hope you faggots bought the dip. Here comes 400k sats again.

>> No.2673118


is this a buy or a sell order?

>> No.2673127


not likely

>> No.2673128

If bittrex can issue ANS addresses without any issue then what the fuck is Yunbi's problem? Again, this is not a temporary thing. It has been going on for a week.

I'll await your simple explanation for this phenomenon. Go.

>> No.2673180

Do you expect me to come up for a solution to a problem that may not exist, maybe they can't generate addresses. I'm not even sure you're not bullshitting right now.

Are all schizophrenics this aggressive?

>> No.2673208
File: 218 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170701-074307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2673228

One week, Zhang. If the best you have got is to call me a schizophrenic then fuck off back to damage control school.

>> No.2673236

lol are you delusional?
BTC is plummeting. Everything else will too.

>> No.2673245

Weekend effect and chinks buying it on Bittrex for $0.60 less than on Yunbi. Be enlightened about the predicted dip

>> No.2673277

I'm chinese now? You shouldn't live your life like this anon. It's counterproductive to come up with conspiracy theories when something doesn't go your way.

>> No.2673305


>>2673277 's name is Bousmmed
Get off my board, carpet pilot

>> No.2673364

>my board
rational people don't get defensive when they're ideas are confronted newgoy. I'm poortuguese btw.

>> No.2673435 [DELETED] 
File: 484 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_3042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know much about it but bought a few yesterday at just over $5.

>> No.2673452


>> No.2673605

its gonna be 500k sats in 10 mins buy know every 1!

>> No.2673618

omg pls 400. i stupidly got in at 380 last night thinking it was mooning.

>> No.2673637

buy more!!! it wiulll be 400$+ in 2 months we will all be rich

>> No.2673655

Did you miss the 94 BTC wall at 400?

>> No.2673760

fine 390, just let me outttt

>> No.2674040

Buy order.

>> No.2674085

Get off my board, nigger

>> No.2674102


>> No.2674122

Coulda sold there last night...

>> No.2674149

Get fucked you fucking newfag fucking fucking fuck wit. Sotp spoiling your tampon because the price is fluctuating over the period of a single day and bloody look at the big picture.

fucking ass raping jew cunty fuck fucking half peice of retarded ass nazi jew peice of wheelchair fuck.

>> No.2674155

Its weird because for once in a fucking nigger moon its actually a decent coin. end off.

>> No.2674165

it was at 380 so I went bed, woke up it was 340k

I was like fuuuuu

>> No.2674171

Fuck every cunt in this fucking thread, such pussy ass faggots. can picture you all constantly updating your crypto trading site fucking shitting yourselves at every slight change. get fucked.

>> No.2674180

Again, stop crying you pussy ass nigger Jew isis prick, wait a week, month, year. you'll have serious capital

>> No.2674184


>> No.2674189


Salty no-coiner detected

>> No.2674190

what? 10 fucking dollars? you faggots said it would be 300

>> No.2674201

notice how there hasn't been a reply

>> No.2674209

>>2674201HAHA spot on brah.

>> No.2674213

Bibbity Bobbity

>> No.2674228

Wubba Lubba dub-dub

>> No.2674267


>> No.2674271
File: 33 KB, 443x332, IMG_0610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fap over my gains

>> No.2674284

>Buying chink coins instead of Chan coins.

>> No.2674290

>no collusion ever occurs, if you think otherwise you're schizophrenic
Buddy I've got a nice bridge to sell you.

>> No.2674319

It's not enough to begin making assumptions.

>> No.2674342

>We can't make ANS addresses
>We can make every other address
>the other exchanges can make ANS addresses

>Oh gee, everything seems fine, I better not assume the chinks are up to anything because there's not 100% proof.
Its far safer to assume manipulation than not.

>> No.2674354

Have you tried other exchanges? They might simply be racist. Collusion isn't a sure thing.

>> No.2674369

As has already been pointed out people who already can trade on the exchange cannot transfer in ANS while they can transfer in other coins. "Racism" has nothing to do with this. Its amazing how gullible some of you people are.

>> No.2674401

On that exchange, China is also apparently trying to pass laws that restrict crypto, it could be due to that or anything else.

If they can withdraw other coins then why not sell ans and transfer in something else?

>> No.2674412

>If they can withdraw other coins then why not sell ans and transfer in something else?
>transferring in other coins will help the price sync
No wonder you're so gullible, idiots usually can't tell when they're being scammed. You've been warned, if you choose not to use the information after having it laid out for you that's on your head, I'm done here.

>> No.2674435

Anon, make more of an effort to fud other than calling me gullible. Yunbi is a shit exchange, it doesn't surprise me that they have problems. Can anons sell their ans and transfer with something else?

>> No.2674553

Oh man i am so buying a couple hundred $$ worth when this fagcoin goes back to 3 by sunday

>> No.2674673

If the news is bad enough to drop this to $3 then this is dead. I'm not concerned though.

>> No.2674769

when is news coming out ?

>> No.2674854

This is going to be fucking SILK ROAD 3.0 for Chinese drugs

We finna be rich as fuck nigga

Big bags of opium on a plane nigga

>> No.2674861
File: 253 KB, 1280x720, 1 Kt8Ot65W5zMf3qdSMUgUcA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i sell my stack at a loss considering it's probably going to dip a lot this weekend, and buy back in before the pump on monday? or just hold... risky risky

>> No.2674866

Hurrr durrr its so confusing let me just spell out what I need to do in a poorly thought out question.


>> No.2674878
File: 147 KB, 760x566, IMG_1372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Couldn't the Chinese autocracy easily shut NEO down?

People Bank of China is creating their own state sponsored crypto I thought? Either way I am holding BTC until dip and then holding for NEO release. If
There is a bunch of shady news about ANC allocation when antshares is converted to NEO it could be a very, very bad situation for holders.

>> No.2674908

What movie is this from?

>> No.2675026

hey faggot
it's called reverse image search

>> No.2675045

Holy shit I was the OP of the thread that vid is based on.

>> No.2675168

Any antfags still here? What's you're take on the movements ANS has been making?

>> No.2675175

Gonna cry bro. I'm like -$100 right now.

>> No.2675185

I'm shorting it.

>> No.2675210

My take is I don't fucking care. I bought in at $14, and then all along the drop to rock bottom. I know the depths of depression. I also rode it back up to $10.20. Now it's dipping again but not nearly as badly as before ATM, and unless it drops more than the previous low point which was $4 and some change, IDC because I have faith in the crypto and have weathered the storm once already. Really just seeing this as a buying opportunity, but I don't get paid until next friday, and if it's back up by then, I'll probably just wait for the next big sell off to buy in. I just don't worry about the day to day, I watch it, but if its down, my thoughts are only "well that sucks" and nothing more.

>> No.2675216


>believing shills

>> No.2675270

Thanks. I didn't buy in as high as you though, $14 bags must feel heavy as fuck. But thanks for your opinion, talking with anons on /biz/ helps keep me from feeling depressed about the massive losses in my portfolio.

>> No.2675345

Does anyone have some spare ANS for me?
I pretty much missed out on buying them at their lowest point in the past two weeks, because coinbase didn't let me add a fucking payment method for me to buy in.
Now it works and I was able to buy some, but my money didn't get me very far now.


>> No.2675383

Please stop fucking begging dude. I've been seeing this same fucking post across multiple threads. No one's gonna give you shit, it's been a bad day for ANS bagholders i.e. people who were too stupid to sell yesterday (me), or people who bought ATH.

>> No.2676462

I have big faith in ANS. I'm not quite all in but fairly close. Got in early at 130k, 260k and a little more at 320k. Do not panic sell guys, this will go way past some of you guys stupid $14 buy orders. By the end of the year a lot of you will be kicking yourself for not putting more in.

Each pay is going into ANS right now, my advice is to not watch the price and just keep buying.

>> No.2676492

I have $1000 to invest and currently $225 in ANS should I throw another 500 in at a dip and hodl?

>> No.2676549

yes, wait for the dip to dip further down though.

>> No.2676576

The very high volume of orders and the cup and handle pattern suggests breakout is coming any day now. Don't wait too long to buy in. Whales have hammered ANS over the past 24hrs and it remains resilient. Hodlers of ANS are growing.

>> No.2676619

Yeah wait a little (as in the next 6-12 hours) and if you start to finally see another uptrend start buying. Also stick to whole number purchases if you plan to hodl. This will start raising within the next couple of days.

>> No.2676626


Cup & handle in addition to an upcoming event. I would buy in so hard now If I would not be already in.

Just dont forget so sell at the 6th/7th of july and rebuy again at the dip.

>> No.2676643


its normal for your investment to up and down, then one day your driving a lambo wondering wtf just happened

>> No.2676803
File: 117 KB, 1147x547, ans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the end of the dip? or it will go to 150k?

>> No.2676831
File: 89 KB, 1354x766, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I buy now, or wait?

>> No.2676913

End of dip. News is 8th of July. It will only go up now

>> No.2677003

What news, the name change? Didn't that already happened?

>> No.2677142

I'm waiting till tomorrow then going all in.
See you on the moon.

>> No.2677165


go away nigga

>> No.2677345

So this is not going below 300k sats?

>> No.2677461

>Went from 39 to 31
What more do you want? It may dip more, but it's almost impossible to buy at literally the perfect time. Now is a pretty good buy point imo

>> No.2677484

why are the kings of currency manipulation, manipulating the market?

>> No.2677499

Because they want to ruin my life.

>> No.2677511

I want like 280. Anytime biz says now's a good time I wait. I've learned

>> No.2677552

Put me in a dress and fuck my ass, I'm so bad at shorting. I only managed to gain 200 ans from that massive dip. Which sounds alright but I went from 3.6k to 3.8k :/ ffs. I should have made four times that.

>> No.2677554

i went in at 317k, and it immediately drops to 315.
I would have to agree with you, but its not too bad a difference in the long run, i like the odds right now

>> No.2677566

I don't think it will break the 100-something btc buy wall at 30k sats.

31k sats is as good a buy as any. That said, don't listen to /biz/

>> No.2677576

You think I should sell my XEM bags and buy ANS?

That would make ANS 50% of my portfolio...

>> No.2677625

You have to see each situation individually, when /biz/ tells you to buy and the coin is already 50%+ up you should be skeptical, however when it tells you to buy and the coin just had a major dip, then it's another story.

>> No.2677633

how do you short ans?

>> No.2677641

Can't say for sure really. Ans showed a very solid performance these past few days given that the market has been bearish as fuck lately.

XEM never moons, but I don't know. See PIVX for example, as quiet for about 2 months and it had a nice increase today.

>> No.2677660

sadboys huh?

>> No.2677669


Its just an expression, if you're short selling you're expecting an asset to depreciate in value so you can buy back at a lower price.

I shorted ans twice over the last 24 hours but my margins were too conservative. So i only gained 200 shares.

>> No.2677680


Ans is a good buy right now if you don't have any.

>> No.2677685

How many ANS are you niggas holding?
I'm sitting at 115, will be pumping in more as i get paid.

>> No.2677704

ive got 688 and about to buy 100 more.

>> No.2677708


I don't see anywhere on bittrex you can shortsell ANS, are you sure you're using the right word?

>> No.2677719

He thinks "shorting a stock" just means selling it and buying it back later. Actual shorting involves borrowing shares to sell them.

>> No.2677724

shorting is not necessarily the same as short selling. it's the act off selling at a peak.

>> No.2677727

Nice. What price was the majority bought at?

>> No.2677735

Im about to buy 100...
But can it happen that ANS will be worth $ 1 in 2-3 months?

>> No.2677740

"shorting" almost always means short selling

>> No.2677749

Maybe... But don't worry about that, buy in and hodl. Then buy in again if it drops to those prices.

>> No.2677752

stepped in around 280k and day traded till 380k. then waited for dip but panicked and went all in @375k yesterday -_-. could have already had 800+ and if i sticked to my plan.whatever, i got i'm just throwing in extra money now.

in b4 im retarded

>> No.2677753

I have 2000

>> No.2677757

kill me

>> No.2677786

Shorting is the exact same thing as short selling. And selling your shares does not mean you're short selling. Do you even finance?

>> No.2677789

>dumb westerners dumping
>yunbi owners cashing in a lambo a minute

>> No.2677841
File: 85 KB, 634x746, 1413410130276_Image_galleryImage__EXCLUSIVE_STRICT_ONLINE_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

realistically speaking, how high do you guys think this can get within the next year?

>> No.2677852

At least 1000 per ans

>> No.2677862

100 I'd say

>> No.2677865

>waaaahh what's happening why's everythiing crashing
>hahahah stupid faggots didn't buy the dips thanks for the easy money

>> No.2677917

I don't think this semen slurping shitcoin is for me, lads.

>> No.2677938

Definitely around a 100$ give or take. If by some divine miracle china adopts it widespread there is no roof. What worries me more is the state of crypto which might hinder this growth

>> No.2677939

Trap coin?

>> No.2677950

last dip

>> No.2677971

care to elaborate?

normies will eventually pump all shitcoins

>> No.2677990

400k tonight cap this

>> No.2678012

our moon mission, its starting boys

>> No.2678026

is now a good time to buy? first time

>> No.2678035

I can smell the upholstery on that lambo.

>> No.2678040
File: 50 KB, 720x647, ANC ¥ 9-01- 19800 Exchange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2678041 [DELETED] 

Just don't overthink this crypto shit, use this pump group:


>> No.2678046

Anyone bought ANC? I haven't bothered yet.

>> No.2678058

end yourself nigger

>> No.2678068

I could increase my position my fifty shares if I bought back in right now but I think it will go a bit lower.

My only fear about investing in this is that I won't be holding enough when it starts to go up.

Or that is will somehow flop in China / government makes it hard for non-Chinese to cash out.

>> No.2678084

Yeah, but it was on Chinese state controlled TV, that must be a subtle nod. Hopefully

>> No.2678088

I bought in yesterday when it was at just under 9 bucks. I fucked up

>> No.2678095

monday itll peak

>> No.2678097


stop complaining or sell the fucking coin.

Would better without the traders, just investors are welcome.

I believe in this coin and will not sell for minimum 5 years, you give a fuck that it did not well this fucking weekend!

This coin will be top 3 coin in 6 months.

F you opportunity seekers ..

The volume of this coin is GREAT! New money coming in creating new minimum floors and losers selling.

Fine with me ..

>> No.2678102

How low will it dip? 6 dollars? Looking to purchase some more

>> No.2678120

If it's listed on non-Chinese exchanges it's pretty hard for the chinese govt to prevent it from being exchanged.

>> No.2678122
File: 81 KB, 1024x683, 1369111910023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only 25 ANS because poorfag wageslave

>> No.2678128


The 300k sat buy wall is still there, so maybe buy just before then. It'll be a long wait, maybe tomorrow. But that wall could always disappear.

>> No.2678129

>tfw only 16 ANS

It's ok bro, we're climbing the ladder

>> No.2678134

Learned your lesson, now calm down and chill out. Hold is usually a meme meant fuck you, but in this case just chill. Wait one week and see what happens.

>> No.2678135

Yeah but the value of it is based upon Chinese uptake.

>> No.2678150

Was referring to non-chinese not being able to cash out. Since it's listed on exchanges outside of China then that is impossible to stop.

>> No.2678153

bought 50 ANC on 19800.com coz I was curious. Don't think they are worth to buy now tho

>> No.2678182

pls stop dipping.

>> No.2678189

Please dips more

>> No.2678191

has it dipped to 250k yet?

>> No.2678203
File: 27 KB, 480x480, 11202520_485558381609090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plz dip more.

>> No.2678207


Are you bitter that you aren't making profits on the way up? I'm up almost 100 couns from just a few trades.


>> No.2678213 [DELETED] 

Free pumps for everyone!

>> No.2678268

U dudes think this china shit is gonna be the new hot shit
U fools are getting had, think about it..
>China products are trash, cheap mass produced dogshit
>would u ever buy a chinese car?
>now think about this, japanese makes high quality products
>i have bought 3 japanese cars in a row, awesome quality..
>japanese makes a coin.. Doesnt have a bunch of bullshit going on with it, instead of fucking around with rebrands and shit they pretty much developed the living shit out of their coin
>they actually use the coin now on,multiple platforms
Ya'll are getting so btfo'd when the real shit has been right infront of u the whole time, making steady gains, not giving a fuck about other shit crashing

>> No.2678279

i doubt it would go under 300k

>> No.2678283

dude, it doesn't need to be a high end product, people just need to think it will be. I'm not in till the end, just until it suits me.

>> No.2678301


>> No.2678316

What japanese coin?

>> No.2678318
File: 101 KB, 714x820, LmUCQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China has the second largest share of the worlds richest companies, why would people buy their stuff if it was shit?

>> No.2678339
File: 38 KB, 632x499, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2678347

Those companies are state-owned and aimed at the Chinese domestic market.

There are 1.4 billion Chinese.

It's almost impossible for an international company to compete with subsidised, state owned companies.

>> No.2678354


It's like your attention span is only as long as these threads

>> No.2678363


Which is why we are investing in China, I don't see what is hard to understand

>> No.2678366

Your fucking retarded. This isn't a traditional product, Look at Alibaba, looks like dog shit, sells fake shit, worth hundreds of millions. Nigga please...

>> No.2678376

You missed the context of the reply.

>> No.2678394

And ETH and BTC won't able to compete when the government doesn't makes then illegal cause they don't comply with China's strict regulations

>> No.2678413

Makes you go HMMMMMMMMMM

>> No.2678430 [DELETED] 

Which has nothing to do with the question I was replying to. Just because a company is big in China doesn't mean it shit given that China is not an open an economy as those in the West.

>> No.2678433

Mate, im being serious, know that you will never be enemy free again, I am out there, I hate you, and on the 0.0000000003 percent that we meet. I will gutterstomp you. You can pump up my cock and suck it

>> No.2678441


ye mang alibaba and weibo aint shit mang

>> No.2678470
File: 44 KB, 657x527, d8c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm down $400 and really starating to think this will tank all it did was drop

>> No.2678472

patiently waiting for this fucker to fall, just a little tiny bit more before I get me more ans

poor wage cuck here just buying in what ever ans I can get.

>> No.2678479
File: 69 KB, 976x558, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the end of the dip?

>> No.2678493
File: 29 KB, 342x237, biz in a nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're just generating ANC while everyone else bitches

>> No.2678494
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>> No.2678511

at this point there are actually 2-3 people pushing the price down with about 25BTC. there are not even trying to sell, just get people to jump infront of them. Why? I'm getting more people trying to get in early.

Walls are starting to build up past 340. I really wish I got out at 365 last night fuck

>> No.2678512

No one outside of China gives a shit about either. Big Chinese companies don't get big without approval from Beijing and it's not a meritocratic system. Politics and connections play a bigger role than outside of China.
Antshares is no different. It could be complete shit. The founder might just so happen to have the right connections to get the exposure on state-owned tv he's receiving.
Does that mean it won't moon one day? Fuck no. But that wasn't the question.

>> No.2678523

Cant blame u on that, i already made my money, then bought back in, sold yesterday at a slight loss, was figuring id keep a little ans just in case, bht dumped it yest at slight loss but already made it back on another alt for shits and gigs, alteady made loss back

>> No.2678525


What the fuck is your point? NEO has potential to hit triple digits for all the reasons your mentioning, I really don't understand what you're trying to get across. You some faggot eth bag holder or something?

"muh muh autocratic china bery harsh on business no profits here lads hoodoerer"

>> No.2678539

$300+ in 2 months or less. Screen cap this bitch

>> No.2678559

I want to believe

>> No.2678561

Really? It took ethereum like 2 years to get to that price

>> No.2678571

does anyone elses bittrex freeze up? trying to set buy orders.

>> No.2678583

sometimes yeah

>> No.2678587

Because you weren't who I was originally replying to, bell-end.

>> No.2678605
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>> No.2678652



>> No.2678658

fuck me I missed the dip 1 hour ago, am I fucked? should I just go in now?

>> No.2678669

its starting to dip again

>> No.2678681

we're still in the dip

>> No.2678724

chill it ain't over yet my friend

>> No.2678849

Look holmes, just my .0000002 satosh,
All im saying is, china, nothing against them personally, but they make crap, and sell it cheap, thats their thang..
I personally wouldnt buy china anything for anything i actually need to trust..
I wouldnt buy china weapons,
Chinese ammo,
Chinese clothes,
Chinese auto parts,
Chinese foods aight,but go outback and take a whiff of their garbage cans and,tell me they dont wait till that shit is complete rotten before they dump it..

>> No.2678864

Nice FUD

You can leave now.

>> No.2678881

it seems we are in freefall

>> No.2678895


>> No.2678904

Free falling now I'm free falling. Freeeeeeeeeee.

Really though I've got a BTC ready to snap up some cheap ans I'm really excited. Gonna get me a good price.

>> No.2678905

bet you're one of those faggots who didn't buy the 30dollar ak's back in the 80's cuz muhh china

just btw those 30dollar ak's are now worth about 1.8k and have an incredible high quality standart

you're a loser go kill your self

>> No.2678906

It's freefalling.

bought @ 315, but it's dipping further now...

>> No.2678918

Buy today or wait til tomorrow?

>> No.2678925

I think it will go to 180-200k

>> No.2678926

got fat FOMObags from 36x someone make it MOON

>> No.2678929

>free falling
Literally everything is ''free falling'' today

>> No.2678930

check yunbit, it's rising again

>> No.2678933

Buy now. Let me profit tommorow.

>> No.2678935

When is the moment to buy? Now or wait?

>> No.2678939

>implying chinks will let it

>> No.2678940
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>> No.2678951

why wouldnt they, it lets them buy more for less

>> No.2678953
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too l& now it's mooning biccboi ;^)

>> No.2678954
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>> No.2678961

The thing that's worrying me is the volume, it went from 20m to 13m

>> No.2678963
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>> No.2678966

Lol, thats what a liberal would say

>> No.2678978


Yuck.. That belly fat going over her jeans made me puke a little...

>> No.2678984

Had romanian ak, shit sucked, unaccurate as fuck and made u kook ridiculous if u were trying to nail targets @100yd
Switched to ar, nail targets at 400+ open sight nowga

>> No.2679000

You're a moron that doesn't realise that you own plenty of chinese goods.
Check those Nike's, check inside any of your electronics, check your kids toys, your DVD, every fucking thing is chinese these days you cretin.

>> No.2679024

Homie, this dude rolls on 5.11 shoes, maybe wore nikes when i was 7 and me mommy bought me shoes..i take pride in my products and buy shit that lasts and has resale value

>> No.2679066

Who the fuck resells shoes? Fucking cuck.

>> No.2679070

that belly needs some kissing

>> No.2679084

That's completely natural. Keep jerking off to your 2D girls, faggot.

>> No.2679088

Hey guys.

I have 300 in bitcoin to invest today. I am new to all this and thought of spreading my money evenly across then check back in a year:


what does /biz/ think of this plan?

>> No.2679098

All in ANS

>> No.2679113


>> No.2679125

My opinion is that Ark is a meme coin, stay away from it. Ripple has way too many coins in circulation and company owns 80% of them, It wouldn't be mu choice. Steem and Litecoin are solid IMO.

My advice to you is not to buy every coin /biz/ shills and try to search coins with low marketcap/circulating supply and growing volume.

>> No.2679126

all in doge coin

>> No.2679135


>> No.2679137

ANS/LTC power combo, SIA is finished and ARK is garbage

>> No.2679143

mite b gay

>> No.2679164
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I agree

>> No.2679191
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>> No.2679214

that is extremely common, I know for a fact

>> No.2679216

275 plz

>> No.2679265


well cheap ak's are just shit you need to put down atleast 800 for a vanilla ak if you want a decent one

the old ones no one bought had been incredibly good and are still on the higher end

but yes a new AR is probably better if you're not comfortable handling an ak

>> No.2679276

Please take your low IQ back to pol

>> No.2679283

Anon, just do what I say. Sell everything now, buy back in at like $5 or lower. Just trust me. Just. Do. It.

>> No.2679290

ANS is just some random chink cashgrab.
LTC will be finished after august.
ARK/SIA, I don't know about those.

>> No.2679293

All in ANS when the cap hits around 350. Get in at $5 or lower, long term hold.


>> No.2679307

Confirmed newfag

>> No.2679319

we'll see

you're an idiot, don't fall for the memes and read up on the shit you want to invest in

>> No.2679332

Nice meme, but it doesn't work anymore in this bear market.


>> No.2679346

This. I made $5000 out of this meme in may.
Lost $3000 with it since june started.

>> No.2679357

If you really want you can dump on weekends, but I dunno, I can see ANS going long-term. Why do you think you should trade it on the PnD instead? Not confident in it - find it memey?

>> No.2679373
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Because BTC is bearish and all alts correlate with it.

>> No.2679376

Thanks for the insight, anon

>> No.2679383

Every shitcoin is a gamble, no exception. There's no such thing as long term hold besides BTC and maybe ETH, because market is volatile and something that seems promising now may be replaced in weeks.

See ANS for example, it may have potential, but it proved nothing yet, it's just hopes and dreams at this point. Meaning that you should play safe instead of blindly holding in the hopes that it will go up. Sell the highs, buy the lows. I learned this the hard way.

two months ago even the dumbest investors could make money because everything was skyrocketing, now it's a little more complicate

>> No.2679406

ty anon

>> No.2679430

>ARK/SIA, I don't know about those.

People only shit on Ark because it's shilled a lot here. But if you look at those threads, it's not even shilling, people just support the coin and the biz delegate. It's a decent coin if you're looking a couple of years ahead, but at the present moment it's all speculation

>> No.2679460

you're right
it's not a shittie PnD but for the near future useless
there are better coins you can make a quick buck with and buy into ARK later on

SIA is done tho

>> No.2679479

Just bought £500 worth of ANS

If I come back in November will I be able give tiny tim the Christmas he's always wanted?

>> No.2679489

You will be giving Timmy the lambo he never even dreamed of having

>> No.2679499
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>> No.2679516

you probably end up dead with a couple of high end hookers and a starving timy

>> No.2679552

WHAT, why the fuck would you buy now

>> No.2679632
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tiny tim is dead bruh

>> No.2679652

I sold all my ANS for now. I feel like holiday weekends are always bearish for crypto.

>> No.2679671

he's a retard who's buying the dip not the peek how he's suposed too

what a loser lol

>> No.2679682

How long is ans dipping? Trying to max profits baybee

>> No.2679683

It's going to keep dipping, retard. Shit bait

>> No.2679690

Ya lmao

>> No.2679691

Nmr says otherwise bazingo

>> No.2679694

I predict it'll reach the floor between 280k and 250k

>> No.2679701
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>retard who can't understand sarcasm

read my previous post you damn nigger

>> No.2679708
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ignore me because im a dumb holder but i think it will dip until either this evening or monday evening. but who tf knows it's all speculation especially with the chinks at play here.

>> No.2679713
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you're full of shit look at the buy order

>> No.2679719

see you tommorow

>> No.2679728
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It's mooning now get reading shitlords

>> No.2679735

>falling for fake buy walls
hi there, newcoiner

>> No.2679737
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hardcore moon inc they just showed a labo on gook tv with ant and neo tattoos

>> No.2679738

i dont disagree with you man but you can't be looking at bittrex buys/sells you gotta check out the chinese exchange yunobi or whatever

>> No.2679740

How far will it dip? The point it is it will moon.

>> No.2679742

This shit's gonna hit 100 bucks, it doesn't matter when you buy

>> No.2679745

>beliving in shittie memes

dude... im in crypto for 1 month and i know more than 99% of this shit hole called /biz/ you retards don't understand nothing

>> No.2679771

>im in crypto for 1 month
So you admit to be a clueless newfag, good to know.

>> No.2679775

>when memes become reality
no shit -_-

we still don't have the same pricing as our cunt eyed counterparts
you can have a dip to 120 on yunbit but a price of 170 on bittrex
you don't understand how this whole thing works, do you?

>> No.2679785

invested 420
have 8300 now

sure buddy ;)
im clueless, how's it going with your 0,05 BTC?

>> No.2679808
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>lying on the internet
You must be 16 on top of everything, playing crypto with the money your grandmom gave you for your birthday

>> No.2679809
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flapping whale wall stopping the moon

>> No.2679821
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meanie :(

>> No.2679843
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what ever
i threw everything i could into crypto had about 116€ to live of for this month
made really good money from DGB the diping was insane
made some decent cash from other coins but ANS gave me a shit ton when it peeked i was able to quadrouple my money

since im only LARPING in your mind anyway, who cares

>> No.2679888


>> No.2679903

Crypto isn't going anywhere. It'll just get regulated but that's fine.

>> No.2679905

this is it bros I can feel it
I want sell high and wait for the next dip to buy in again, because I only have 38 ANS right now.
Is this a good idea?

>> No.2679910
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>> No.2679913

This is the dip.

>> No.2679923

Don't kid yourself, it'll keep falling. I'll buy it tomorrow for 6$

>> No.2679929

I just need to get fucking out

>> No.2679935

Why? It's really not that crazy

>> No.2679941

I am a poorfag so I can't spend any more money on buying more ANS
My only option (I think) to get more is selling at the next high and buy more at the next dip

>> No.2679942

cum back baby!

>> No.2679944

in at 374k bro. I'm missing out on dip gains.

>> No.2679958

I see. Anything under 7.75, I'm in the red. Bizzare because when it was at $10, I was at $500 profit which was nice. Right now my plan is just to hold until the conference and then sell right before... buy more... .

>> No.2679960

>Getting out of chinese early phase bitcoin
Just hodl it for few years and enjoy lambo. Or sell it and let me enjoy it.

>> No.2679976

When is the conference? 2017-07-08 ?

>> No.2679977

when is the next confrence?

>> No.2679984

Remember the last conference ? The price dropped!

>> No.2679997

I was way too quick getting in two nights ago when things looked great, I went sleep the price was like 390. Woke up, 340.

>> No.2680024

its no way its dropping below 300k. its the bottom
also volume really increased, stepped in at 320k, and while I should've stepped in earlier I think I made the right decision regardless.
I'm hodling unless it drops below 300k

>> No.2680125

buy ther rumor sell the news

yes we know newfag

>> No.2680303

What day was the last conference

>> No.2680315

June 20ish

>> No.2680318

yeah we bottomed out. I'm happy that the floor seems to be around $7.50. The trajectory is still up, consider that it went from $4.50 to $10.50 in 1 day. Pretty nuts. And the brand change hasn't even happened yet!

I wouldn't concerned at all.

>> No.2680447


after the rebranding there might be a influx of new investors
i have the feeling that the name Ant shares is not really appealing to a lot of people

>> No.2680502

Question: I have a small amount of ants only due to stupidity. I want to accumulate more but have fear of losing money.

What would you consider a good sell point so that I can buy back later?

>> No.2680511

now I sold my 150ants at 334k, made my first 450 bugs with crypto, nice.

>> No.2680537

I sold my ANS at 395k.

Is it save to buy the lows and sell the highs for this coin? Does the asian market dictate the price for the west?

>> No.2680544

the point that makes you turn a profit

if you have under 100 ANS nothing over/under 10k sata matters

just day trade with it untill you get comfortable to see red/green candles without selling/buying too early

>> No.2680550


yes, you should always buy the dip and sell the peek tho be patient with it

yes the asian market is making our prices so i would highly recomend checking junbit before you sell/buy

>> No.2680939


>> No.2681006

it's been dropping since yesterday. It's not going any lower.

>> No.2681073

Bunch of wives selling because they made enough for new kitchen set, if they stayed could have bought a new house, it is gonna hit hundreds next year so no reason to panic

>> No.2681212

told you faggots