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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26774525 No.26774525[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is reddit at least being red pilled by all of this?

>> No.26775091

A lot of Jewish finical figures are suffering

>> No.26776599

probably not

>> No.26776658


What kind of gay loser still uses the word redpill

>> No.26776720

you just used it in a sentence

>> No.26776743
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>> No.26776765

What kind of troglodyte still uses homophobic slurs in 2021?

>> No.26776838
File: 48 KB, 370x500, UNCLE SAM CHECKSEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends how it plays out if they pay up or hang the retail traders out to dry.

>> No.26776876

What kind of nigger still uses ableist language?

>> No.26776908

You can't redpill a golem

>> No.26776962
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They'll eventually leave /biz/, but /biz/ will never leave them.

>> No.26777019

everyone has the capacity to learn how to be kinder to one another. there is nothing ableist about calling someone out for being willfully ignorant.

>> No.26777037

Hopefully a few have a moment where their braincells rub together for once after the MSM they've defended all this time started calling them the white supremacists
They're attacking the gay foot soldiers who help them

>> No.26777107

same ones who use n word and voted trump

>> No.26777301

Yes you absolutely can, the moral of the story of the golems was "no matter what happens your manufactured servants will eventually get red pilled and turn on you". We are watching folklore happen in real time

>> No.26777377

The outcome of this is either

>Jews get fuck financially
>They bend the rules in such a way that they win and it's the biggest red pill ever

>> No.26777974

Probably not. They claim they are are sticking it to old white boomers.

>> No.26778061

gentlemen it's been a pleasure

>> No.26778103

no most of them are hopeless and socialists.

>> No.26778261

>using homophobic slurs like a chud

>> No.26778405

No but they're at least being distracted from obsessing about Trump.

>> No.26778449

they are becoming populism-pilled which is good

>> No.26778542

No, Iit's just rich old WASPs controlling everything guise

>> No.26778776
File: 62 KB, 502x500, 53B13E9B-B732-4710-B643-49FC09705ACA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop fighting with our Reddit brethren.
In the end, it’s us vs ((them))

>> No.26779545
File: 297 KB, 416x416, Ikillsethrichlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That must be really hard for them. I really hope the fed bails them out before the American public. The hilarious thing is that that is exactly what is going to happen. Honk

>> No.26779809

no more brother wars

>> No.26780220

You can expect the slew of MSM articles blaming white supremacist incels. It will convince your average leftist I assure you, it's the same tactic they used for Gamergate.

>> No.26780339

No quite but they are getting purple so it’s a start

>> No.26780443

a small portion of them for sure, at least. it's excellent progress.

>> No.26780526

a bit, but their MKUltra brainwashing will still make them downvote the word "jew" on sight.

it's a start though.

>> No.26780599
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Not only are we going to see the most ridiculous and blatant fuckery from the system to prevent the little guy from winning, we'll also see Reddit be labeled as nazis or other hate group tomorrow, so yeah they're getting their redpills soon enough.
Banning of the discord already showed to many people how things really are.

>> No.26780606

No. They just went to Funko Pop boards instead.

>> No.26780647
File: 47 KB, 1451x422, 1611810585629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep I knew it, here we go. I can already predict the Twitter woke tards turning on the redditors.

>> No.26780688

They really need to jail him to prevent more of this.

>> No.26780844

>everyone has the capacity to learn how to be kinder to one another
Fucking ableists are so obnoxious. Kill yourself, you are toxic and do not deserve to live in our tolerant society.

>> No.26780890

You need to go back

>> No.26780946

its reddit theyll just blame capitalism for the actions of the early lifers and get REDpilled ito becoming even more tranny commie

>> No.26780955

Good thing here is that we're talking about an absolute fuckload of people getting labeled as Trump supporting hate nazis.
Twitter is already mocking all news articles that are coming out about controlling the situation. People on TV have been saying it's horseshit that Wall St is trying to prevent the normal person from winning.
The narrative isn't on their side even if they try to keep it that way. The skepticism towards media is simply too great.
People for the moment don't believe a thing that the rats are spewing.

>> No.26780983

Nice my shitty screenshot is doing the rounds. I posted this to /tv/ two hours ago.

>> No.26781044
File: 195 KB, 635x631, CEF582A7-91E6-4FCD-95F4-ECC361AE6DF2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We’ll know how to find the real ones going forward.

It’s been a fucking honor, anons.

>> No.26781242

Not entirely wrong. The Wsb is obviously inspired from Trump. This is some divine justice tier happening from the universe for stealing the election from him.

>> No.26781378





>> No.26781436

A lot of leftists with pronouns and gay flags in their bios are shitting on these hedge funds though. They're not doing that because of Trumpism.

I do predict they'll turn because they're easily manipulated by the MSM but at least for now them being on board has nothing to do with Trump or Trumpism.

>> No.26781479

Autistic double nigger faggot

>> No.26781627

based /tv/ bro


>> No.26782362

go back nigger

>> No.26783462

Reddit is two blocks down.

>> No.26783566

They're already doing this.