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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 23 KB, 746x250, elon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26763544 No.26763544 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26763609

>Even Discord

>> No.26763638

go make your own Matrix-IRC bridge server and put in IN THE FUCKING MOON

ikuzoooo head weeb

>> No.26763647
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Go back

>> No.26763660


>> No.26763674

he's so dethatched from reality

>> No.26763686

All just the words we use when we mean a more specific group of people

>> No.26763693

>even discord
why is he surprised by this? we've known it was run by leftist transgender furry faggots who store all of your messages for years now

>> No.26763724

Kek every major social media is controlled EVERY

>> No.26763751

Why the fuck doesn't he build a decentralised solution for everyone then.

>> No.26763771

You’re talking about the Jews

>> No.26763789

Anyone else get the impression that Musk is kind of a retard. He is always saying this incredibly obvious stuff that everyone knew ages ago. I guess he might just be pretending to be a retard for PR reasons

>> No.26763814

Musk is pretty based. Hope he helps out more.

>> No.26763831

I genuinely don't know what this sentence means

>> No.26763839


>> No.26763873

How much LINK to get into Elon's corpo-state

>> No.26763881

not everyone on the internet spends enough time on 4chan to know what a cesspool Discord is, especially billionaires

shocker i know

>> No.26763887

Discord is like a worse version of IRC and much gayer but I guess that's what the kids want

>> No.26763921

He knows about jews. It why he pauses when he speaks like a fucking autistic robot. He is editing out all the real shit about jews before he says what he wants.

>> No.26763931


>> No.26763951
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NO! he knows the deal.

>> No.26764001

Time to short AT&T bros.

>> No.26764005

I like how he pretends that he isn't the KNOWN richest man in the world.

>> No.26764012

does he browse /biz/?

>> No.26764052
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>> No.26764055

Stop being anti-semitic breeeh xD

>> No.26764073

Of course we all know EXACTLY who you mean, and the plan is still going as intended, I assume? The ovens are warm, yes?

>> No.26764074

Use Signal

>> No.26764101

in a few years elon is going to get cancelled by the kike loving leftist cucks despite elon being a leftist

>> No.26764123

can elon just grow some fucking balls and make a tweet saying "fuck kikes"? it's clear he hates them but he's such a passive aggressive faggot about it

>> No.26764149

Someone tweet him back to buy AMC

>> No.26764199

>An entity whose sole purpose is profit and whose owners suffer no responsibility for its actions

>> No.26764203

How he is shilling discord

>> No.26764277
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>> No.26764281
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Elon Musk would be all of us if we had a billion dollars... we simply wouldn't give a flying fuck

>> No.26764407
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>> No.26764413

I don't think anyone with billion dollars is capable of giving a single fuck anymore

>> No.26764428

>reveal your hand

not yet...

>> No.26764482
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>> No.26764489

he's saying this for the normalfags on twitter

>> No.26764507


>> No.26764563

redditors hate him now because he's a "white supremacist"

>> No.26764658
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Strong AH beats by FB and AAPL should settle the markets tomorrow. Morgan Stanley on CNBC just said they continue to favor value plays in materials and financials, as the re-opening trade still works.

The long thesis is still in tact on $CLF. Report from yesterday that Blackrock has increased position in $CLF to 15%, and is now holding 20,000 call options

Very bullish for $CLF... solid buy.. Q4 earnings beat around the corner while Steel is over $1000 per ton...

>> No.26764672

discord banned the wsb room for being dangerous, thus the tweet if you lads were unsure

>> No.26764679
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discord has always been a bullshit app. fuck propreitary software, we need a legit open source blockchain solution.

>> No.26764703

I'm still pissed discord killed IRC.

>> No.26764731

this guy gets it

this too

>> No.26764750

>im cool too right guys

>> No.26764763

He’s obviously spreading the word to normies dipshit

>> No.26764827

You and me both brother. IRC is worlds better and 100% open.

>> No.26764828

>Strong AH beats by FB and AAPL should settle the markets tomorrow
But aren't they trading down in extended hours?

>> No.26764850
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Never forget, it’s all an act

>> No.26764859

This. Elon is building his own state essentially. He’s building his own internet connection that extends far beyond any other ISP. He’s controlling space. He’s building energy systems for people to go off grid. Within 5 years, he will be so powerful that he’ll be able to say “nigger” with zero consequences

>> No.26764968

fuck off fa/g/

>> No.26764984

literally proving his point

>> No.26765120

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.26765283

He is this fucking close to establishing an off planet civilisation and you want him to blow it up? You dumb nigger.

>> No.26765326

I mean he's a white, South African. He probably hates niggers and kikes with a fiery passion, because of what they did to his home country.

He seeks revenge, but he's opted to play the long game. Studying his enemy, building his coffer. He'll make his move when the time is right.

>> No.26765353

You will never be a woman

>> No.26765416


>> No.26765426

Why doesn't Elon start his own chat/social media platforms?

>> No.26765427

but i can already say nigger without consequences

>> No.26765465

He doesn't. Stop parroting nonsense and go back to /pol/ idiot.

>> No.26765542

jesus christ

>> No.26765548

He's kind of got a lot of shit to do, maybe buy pltr, people suspect Peter Thiel might do it.

>> No.26765570

>Yes goyim here is a completely secure messaging app.
>Oh, you will have to give us your phone number to sign up and tie to your account, of course

>> No.26765603

That's bullshit but I believe it.

>> No.26765683

I opened it once
dropped instantly

>> No.26765704

Elon knows.

>> No.26765732

He doesnt say nigger so...

>> No.26765756


>> No.26765830

Discord stores every message, picture, whatever you send. Even if you delete it.
Try it out with a micture, send it then copy the link of it before you delete it. Afterwards paste it in your browser and its still up.

I really hope you faggots aren't using this shit.

>> No.26765865

You'll never be a real woman, shill.

>> No.26765908

>Why doesn't Elon start his own chat/social media platforms?
I mean, isn't making starlink a reality and allowing other people to host social media that can't easily be taken down smarter?

>> No.26765923

Wish he would tweet diamond hands

>> No.26765992

Doesn't matter what platform. If you accept money of any kind, visa/banks can bend your arm.

>> No.26766017

Don’t even have to build one, just use data modem over a band like FRS/GMRS.

Ham chat is still a working old relic. If Elon wanted to do it he could buy a band of radio from the FCC and work with the ITU to make it international.

>> No.26766030

>Tweets "GTJRWN"
>TSLA craters
>Autists buy it up

>> No.26766136

I use it for hobby software development and asking for help with tech stuff. It's practical for that. Posting personal info or anything that could be compromising on it is of course stupid.

>> No.26766151

Yes, he got beat up by a group of niggers in South Africa, so he can smell bullshit and kikery a mile away.

>> No.26766169
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>> No.26766258
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>> No.26766286

he had syntax error...
I'm sure he meant to use (((owns)))

>> No.26766408


>> No.26766428

shouldnt something like irc be the obvious solution to (((big tech))) censorship? perhaps an updated, open source, fuller featured version where anyone can make their own encrypted servers?

>> No.26766483

He's saying this to drive up GME stock without getting arrested.

>> No.26766517

it was so funny reading all the replies to that tweet and people instantly responding with saying it was anti semitic hahahahahha

>> No.26766638
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>market manipulation
>money laundering
>crypto thief
>Wallstreet rat
>shekel farmer

But elon Musk YOU are literally just like them. Oh it's OK when YOU do it huh?

>> No.26766678

im not trans you absolute faggot

>> No.26766784

The difference being that Elon actually reinvests and does cool shit rather than muh superyacht.

>> No.26766827

The finest soap you'll ever rub your hands on

>> No.26766835

Fuck peter theil, he bought citizenship to my country and a big station down south.
On that note, he knows his money.
TL;DR me on pltr pls

>> No.26766838
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>Biden so old and senile they have to explain what video games are to him and why this is an unnatural pump
>Forgets 5 minutes later after staring off into space and mumbling something about "corn pop"


>> No.26766994

Nah he is a VC who doesn't invent shit. He just buys other people's shit and markets to plebbit memelords

>> No.26767050

IRC is just a protocol
There's several FOSS IRC servers and clients

>> No.26767132


>> No.26767195

Quick how do we tank Discord

>> No.26767221

grow up

>> No.26767222

exactly my point. the concept cant be defeated too easily. irc is just outdated and needs a replacement.

>> No.26767261

Keep shorting that tsla bro, I'm sure you'll make money some day.

>> No.26767338

>Musk pretending he himself isn't "corpo"

>> No.26767559

yeah i don't care what anyone says. Elon is ourguy. watch him talk about the plandemic on the Joe Rogan show. any time it's brought up he doesn't engage and instead talks about the threat to civil rights

>> No.26767621

What did discord do now, bend the knee? I need info

>> No.26767667


>> No.26767707

Didn't he get kicked off the Tesla board for smoking weed with Joe Rogan?

>> No.26768076

checked and hoping this cunt drops 100 millions on the market for whatever he wants

>> No.26768121

(((who))) do (you) think (((owns))) the (((press)))

>> No.26768397

Good way for him to book a ticket on a helicopter crash

>> No.26768547
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I'm not gay.

>> No.26768659
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>> No.26768901

i can't believe I read that whole thing

>> No.26768964
File: 158 KB, 2876x566, wsbredditorblowingup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Elon.
I'm follow the GME Calls redditor.
If this motherfucker has the balls to stay in with the amount of cash he has now, then I'm staying in too.

>> No.26769270
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The absolute madman is still in

>> No.26769965
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To be fair Trump would just bail his jewish friends or demand trading to be halted. Biden's dementia might actually be better for the retail investor.

>> No.26770077

>even a literal botnet has gone corpo
Elon, I...

>> No.26770095

discord is a botnet

>> No.26770155

How long until musk becomes redpilled and starts calling them out publicly? He could be the Bobby Fischer of our times

>> No.26770183

>le biden dementia meme
Dumb ass fucking rightoids that have 0 idea how government works love obsessing over speech flubs.

>> No.26770284

I think he'll wait until he's on Mars to do that

>> No.26770297

Make ventrilo great again.

>> No.26770410
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>even Discord

>> No.26770524

>he actually believes in Xiden's mental capacity
I thought you literal retards were memeing, but Ive been proven wrong

>> No.26770706

i got to respect him for taking risks and making things happen in the real economy, but i dont like him, hes always showboating for 22yos

>> No.26770722
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checked and based
fuck corpos

>> No.26770748

even if it were true, you retards seem to think government is a one man show. dumb as fucking nails, but you need straws to grasp at from daddy trump getting utterly btfo'd and lying so hard to the point where his lawyers are getting sued

>> No.26770886


>> No.26770909

>hes always showboating for 22yos
I think that's fine if someone has good goals and this makes it work

>> No.26770918

you retards made a spectacle about one man for 4 years lmao

>> No.26770957

I dream of becoming a lampshade manufacturer.

>> No.26771119

Dude, just watch Biden's vids from 10 years ago. He was actually a great speaker. You cant watch a video from 10 years ago compare it with a modern one and say, yup this guy's fine.
He was actually smart and eloquent once.

>> No.26771177
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>> No.26771719

the man is in his 70s, some level of speech change will change. but you retards strawman and exaggerate the fuck out of it. it's such low IQ content.
you'll shit on CNN for focusing on dumb trump tweets yet you retards will not shut the fuck up about him mispeaking.
Conservatives don't know how to operate in good faith

>> No.26771896

>(((specific group)))

>> No.26772063

he does it because he thinks its fun and he likes the power he has

>> No.26772379

lol you retarded pussy

>> No.26772392

Has someone compiled a list of confirmed /ourguys/?

>> No.26772593

when the angry 'serve has nothing left he fires slurs out at a mile a minute.
cope. seethe and have sex.
but if only you're capable of doing the latter.

>> No.26772637


if i take a tally of the people i know in real life, and also know their political stances... it is by far and away the leftists who have the Trump obsession. You fucking morons have been programmed so hard these last 4 years, I fully expect your deathbed words to be a Trump rant while your great grandkids google 'who was trump'
i mean just stop for a second and think, how many times a day does Trump cross your mind? How many times do you picture his face and seethe per day?
He's your Goldstein

>> No.26772702

Just use a google voice number created on a throwaway Gmail account

>> No.26772869

>blame Trump
ez mode

>> No.26772987

have fun being a volunteer footsoldier/cop for people who think of you as pond scum lel

>> No.26773106

hi Elon, tweet about NAKD tomorrow ;D

>> No.26773427

why doesn't this faggot just buy it?

>> No.26773502

Musk is the biggest corpo cunt around who the fuck does he think he's fooling?

>> No.26773796

The guilty flee when no man pursues.

>> No.26774196

journalist detected