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File: 147 KB, 1162x867, 2021-01-27 211225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26764705 No.26764705 [Reply] [Original]

what do these article mean? if they close out their short position doesent that mean they dont have to buy the shares or what?

or did people read this article this morning and just start buying?



>> No.26764762

it's a lit

>> No.26764812

Old, they closed just a part of it yesterday night and the price spiked

>> No.26764877

apparently its a bluff and they didnt close out shit according to the numbers.

>> No.26764928

it means they’re scared and paying PR firms to use the media to manipulate investors with fake news

>> No.26764951

whats lit

>> No.26764973
File: 431 KB, 1125x1146, 1611797641306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As of 8 days ago there is still 99.13% shorts on float.

Does anyone have an updated short rate for GME as of today? If they sold their position we should see that 99.13% down to about 40%.

>> No.26765100
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they are slowly shutting it down the SEC and DOJ are too powerful

>> No.26765115
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>> No.26765131

Its a misleading bluff. They closed a position but did not communicate how much. Also impossible to derail the short. They will have SEC charges for manipulation based on timing. They choose to sacrifice one of their own to keep the rest. If you find the the original feed and Citrons you can tell everyone there is shitting bricks.

>> No.26765142

Lies that are straight up market manipulation.
It is impossible for them to close out.

>> No.26765212

>what do these article mean? if they close out their short position doesent that mean they dont have to buy the shares or what?
its a fucking lie you dummy

>> No.26765244

They have resorted to literal fraud on television by outright lying for financial gain. Its at the point where they are willing to take the fraud rap rather than take currently over 100 BILLION in losses. Smart move honestly, but futile. The numbers show that GME is still shorted more than stocks exist.

>> No.26765253

it's quite literally fake news

>> No.26765275

there isn't enough volume for them to close out a large position

>> No.26765289

Fake news.

>> No.26765358

they use crafty language to skirt laws
law is all language jargon
the "meaning" behind words can be bent, and that's what they do (and did here)

>> No.26765403


>> No.26765522

Think of how many normies will be redpilled on the media after this...holy shit theyre all saying "ITS OVER AND A SCAM" for three days straight and normies are like uhhh youre lying it keeps going up

>> No.26765532

The flak is heaviest when you are over the target.
They know they are losing so they are releasing propaganda as a last ditch effort trying to stop us, but we are HODLING, and they are SEETHING. Keep holding and buying the dips, we are taking down the zog machine jew by jew by jew.

>> No.26765637

not a single normie will be media-pilled from this. normies have no idea what this means

>> No.26765700

That's why it's our job to do just that.

>> No.26765747


>> No.26765751
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ty anon, unimaginably based.

>> No.26765761

i wonder how many people joined the wallstbets reddit page, and i heard they are all a bunch of racists there, good for redditpilling

>> No.26765887

based, everyone should call their local gamestops and ask if they have stocks. BATTLETOADS 2.0

>> No.26766027


>> No.26766152

Nothing. It's a lie. CNBC trying to save the poor hedge fund

>> No.26766213
File: 146 KB, 600x508, 1611800884468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it’s lit f a m

>> No.26766235

it means a bunch others have taken over the shorts, people with enough money to feed the rates. A collapse is inevitable, so the shorts are extremely valuable if you can manage the upkeep

>> No.26766322

TD Ameriatrade for PS5

>> No.26766349


>> No.26766486


>> No.26766619

>he didn’t ask for battletoads next

>> No.26766820
File: 96 KB, 612x826, 37B7E-F182-C764-22924-FD64-B7573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shares continue to be borrowed for shorting.

>> No.26767376

Well if you're part of the tribe, one of your siblings is almost always a lawyer who will Jew you out if anything

>> No.26767497

The media is lying to you plebs
Trust the plan we will expose these kikes

>> No.26767504



>> No.26767512

>CNBC reported
These are weasel words. They didn't close shit because it's impossible.

>> No.26767636

You realize that's probably for Monday right? And they're gonna win that bet because nobody would hold this long term.

>> No.26767793


>> No.26768519

i think they meant its a "lie"

>> No.26768679

They lied to the media so they could get the story out they shorted. Their position still stands until friday maybe.

>> No.26769045
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>> No.26769137

It means they should have stopped FUD'ing and have taken the other side of the trade, which is clearly the lucrative side due to their choosing to exit their position at a loss. Minimizing their losses and what not, of course. At that point, taking the *other* side of the trade help them recoup their losses they would have taken from exiting early. HOWEVER... the FUD continues.

Really makes you think.

>> No.26769184

There was some closing, but near 100% of the stock is still shorted. They just went from mathematically cheating to regular scheming.

>> No.26769212

it means cnbc, bloomberg and market watch should all be in jail for peddling these market manipulating lies

>> No.26769816

GG was a redpill for a few hundred thousand gamers who meme'd Trump into the Presidency. Trump then called out all the FakeNews bullshit during his 4 years and had a record number of voters who for the most part have contempt for the news and believe the election was stolen.

Now we're witnessing the MOAB of all red pills in the making, Jewish media running point for their tribe members on WS. All we need is a 2 Trillion dollar bailout for WS passed unanimously from Washington. OrangeManBad is gone from office so media can't blame him anymore. Sure if all this goes down and you still don't believe the JQ, then you never will and deserve everything you get.

>> No.26770137
