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26752187 No.26752187 [Reply] [Original]

This push for AMC is misinformation. Hedgefunds been spamming wallstreetbets with bots that urges "buy nokia"/"buy amc" the past few days. The daily volume on amc and noka is over 1b each!! That's not the volume coming from retail investors, that's all hedgefunds!!

Their plan is to make traders not buy GameStop (which has a volume of less than 90m today btw) and go with the other stocks that they can then dump on us. The only thing worth buying was GME

>> No.26752904

You’re wrong

>> No.26753545

Nok is not bot, it's just that people have more money and they can put in other stocks. I am holding GME and NOK and will sell GME at the the top and keep holding NOK

Sorry if you are a 1 pick poorfag nigger

>> No.26753820

Nokia won several contract for telecommunication in Europe so in worst case scenario it's a long-term investment

>> No.26753933

How much are they paying you?

>> No.26754029

AMC won't reach GME money but it's still a good investment for people who missed out on the brunt of GME

>> No.26754335

>noooo goys dont buy AMC
>its not like its a company whose business is only supressed by coronavirus

Why not hold GME and AMC? (And NOK and BBBY while we are at it)

>> No.26754607


The problem is people are wasting their money on AMC because it’s more “affordable” for now, and it’s not gonna do anything. If everyone diverted their interest just in GME, we’d all benefit guarantee

>> No.26754900

6 sheep and a virgin

>> No.26754910

I have the luxury of doing both so it matters not

>> No.26755210

Should I convert all my AMC (90 shares bought today 16 avg dollars) to GME? I feel like GameStop is too expensive now. I only have 3 GME

>> No.26755858

lucky! i only got two goats and a washed-up whore

>> No.26756039
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We are just getting started nigger. Up 300% in a day. Let it consolidate buy all dips

>> No.26756273

Don't care, took out a second mortgage on my house to go all-in on AMC, not fucking selling.

>> No.26756418

How is it scaring retail off if retail can't trade afterhours. Dumb take

>> No.26756502

If you bought AMC before today and sold this morning you’re a chad. If you bought today you’re going to a bag holder for life

>> No.26756562

why would I buy GME, which has pumped ~1000%

>> No.26756629

AMC is now in the MSM. CNBC are talking about it. Normalfags are talking about it and the stock will keep going up and up in the next couple of weeks
It's one of the most shorted stocks in WS right now and has similar potential to GME
It's cheap as fuck right now and will go to 100 once GME options end on Friday and WSB gives the green light to start pampin' AMC en masse
Even at 15 a share right now, investing in AMC is smart given that it will get an inevitable surge once the government gives the green light to reopen doors. Jewllywood will be hungry to push all the postponed movies of the last 12 months. Normies will flood to theaters once vaccines become more commonplace. This can hit 30 peak at minimum which is in line with the historical trend of the stock. 30 minimum. But you won't get anything if you don't fucking hold and wait past Friday and beyond.
>b-but stonk is going uppy and downy :(
Buy the dip and hold, you fucking retard
>b-b-but WSB says AMC is a shill campaign!
They are purging AMC talk because GME is their priority until Friday and they want everyone on GME. That doesn't mean AMC plan is a scam.

Do not let the kike shills distract you. Buy GME but prepare yourself for the next train that is AMC. This is a MID to LONG TERM hold. Diamond hands.

You will be kicking yourself for not buying at 15
You will be wanting to kill yourself when the redditards at WSB are pushing AMC after GME is squeezed on Friday and efforts can turn to AMC
You will be thinking that God should never had created such a retarded existence like yours when this balloons to over 100.

>> No.26756656
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Kek if im a retard it feels good to be retarded. I made 15k and bought one of these bad boys with some of the gains Its authentic, certified and all.

>> No.26756700
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>Is everyone buying AMC a retard?
yes, because it's AMCX that's short, not AMC

>> No.26756742

Bpught this morning. Up 30% on market close. Fuck you, hodling.

>> No.26756813

just because you are poor and cant
memetically diversify doesn't mean everyone else is. no one is saying sell GME you dumb ass faggot.

>> No.26756912

I’ve made like 300 dollars today on AMC...

>> No.26756922

Nice try kike

>> No.26756942
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the retards don't want to hear it. they want to live in pure delusion that AMC will do something similar to GME. this is how the kikes control the goyim. too many goys are just greedy and dumb and shortsighted

>> No.26756946

>newfags using RH see number go down
>panic queue a sale
>sleep in the next day and wake up to see the stock recovered and they got owned

>> No.26756955

Retail can trade after hours, I can trade extended on TD and Merril. You just have to trade limit only and specify EXT in time in force.

>> No.26757038
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no, HODL your amc. You will not regret. dont give into the fud

>> No.26757119


>> No.26757360

God damnit are you serious. I thought it was the other way around. Time to switch the trade.

>> No.26757362

Where did you buy that?

>> No.26757426

WHEN is a good time to know when to get AMC? I’m hearing that there’s a plan to buy now, dump it all “soon”, and then rebuy next week when it’s super low??

Can someone give me a timeline please?

>> No.26757524
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>He didn't buy $CLF

Strong AH beats by FB and AAPL should settle the markets tomorrow. Morgan Stanley on CNBC just said they continue to favor value plays in materials and financials, as the re-opening trade still works.

The long thesis is still in tact on $CLF. Report from yesterday that Blackrock has increased position in $CLF to 15%, and is now holding 20,000 call options

Very bullish for $CLF... solid buy.. Q4 earnings beat around the corner while Steel is over $1000 per ton..

>> No.26757569



>> No.26757573

kek if you wanna say AMC will go up because of the media blitz fine, but don't pretend movie theatres are going to have any sort of meaningful recovery.

>> No.26757604
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>> No.26757723

>he thinks USA will let huawei reign continue.

>> No.26757790

Why wouldnt movie theaters recover? Because of
>muh Netflix
Once corona is over movie theaters will come back completely. Its retarded to think otherwise

>> No.26757827
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No. AMC is extremely undervalued when you think about the brand name itself. Eventually theaters will go away but you might see certain movie studio partner with an AMC branded pay per view service or AMC certified home theater equipment.

The real value is in the brand not necessary the business model at the moment even though theaters will probably be around for at least 10-20 years and could innovate in way we don’t expect that could save the actual theater business mode.

>> No.26757858

Whose jewing who? AMC or AMCX?

>> No.26757870


>> No.26757937

Gettysburg museum of history sells the.. I got it on one of their online auctions. You will see one pop up every now and again. I am in the market for a black brigades pin as well I can't seem to track one down.

>> No.26757955


>> No.26757979


I’m not a pajeet I swear, I’m phone posting.

>> No.26758133

Im a retard thats 125% up so idgaf

>> No.26758141


im so fucking sick of netflix and amazon and hbo its all shit nothing good

>> No.26758146

This is hedgefund misinfo, just bought 100 more shares of amc
Nice try jew

>> No.26758282
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>> No.26758287

I'm thinking that you're a hedgenigger pretending this is a distraction so you don't get short squeezed at two fronts at once. Say nigger.

>> No.26758352

Nice, I bought one of these 3 years ago. Great artifact to hold onto.

>> No.26758368

Yeah, let's all dump on one meme stock so whales can benefit the most when they cut and run. Genius!

>> No.26758435

It’s fuckin sweet I want one lol

>> No.26758532

so what to do?

>> No.26758579

AMC isn't going anywhere, chinks love going to the movies, most of the capeshit movies make shit tons of money because of chinks, they made 6 transformers movies because chinks couldn't get enough of them.

>> No.26758665

>short squeezed at two fronts
You gonna strangle one person to death with two hands or squeeze two necks at once and have them laugh at you?

>> No.26758776

Fomo hasnt even started on it and gme gains will def spill over

>> No.26758779

No but I’ll say fuck you retard and have fun with your epic meme AMC that you jumped on a bandwagon for hoping for free money rather than actually knowing what to do

>> No.26758802


>> No.26758829

see you all in a year when theaters open back up

>> No.26758830

That would imply that I can't afford both.
Some of us make six figures before the market scrub

>> No.26758913


Do you not think after COVID eases going into spring that people will want to get out of the house and do things they did in the past ... like watch movies? Most people have an awesome home theatre, so there really is no need long term for AMC, but spring into summer should be good, no?

There are also a backlog of movies to be released on the big screen. Big movies can't release and go straight to Netflix. Everyone has watched every Netflix movie multiple times. AMC could be the place to be if COVID goes away.

>> No.26758927

Magic line go down sacrifice rockcoin to appease magic like

>> No.26758957

Everything that isn't GME is a distraction by desperate kikes. Nothing else is setup like GME. GME is THE play. The short squeeze literally has not even started yet, the stock is still over 100% short. You are not too late for GME.

It's obvious AMC, BB, NOK, etc are astroturfed distractions. Look at the posting ATH - all due to astroturfing, normies don't come here to post. The AMC threads are full of short lazy imitations of the sort of things said in GME threads. It was cute that they halted AMC trading at $14.88 but it made it very obvious what they're trying to do. They're desperate. Don't let them fool you into putting your money elsewhere, buying and holding GME for the next few weeks will absolutely destroy these cunts and their money will become our money.

>> No.26759048

Gme is high risk high reward amc is medium choose

>> No.26759081

I food and got one. I got a Hitler youth one as well. I heard some cuck is buying all of them to give to jews. Didn't wanna miss out.

>> No.26759176
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>retard who doesn't understand the market spamming threads to save his failed short.

>> No.26759232

Gettysburg site the best spot to find one?

>> No.26759321

Capeshit doesn’t need the theatre they have disney+ now

>> No.26759604

No, it would imply that you're a retard that doesn't understand that squeezing one thing at a time is exponentially more effective. Also spreading your money to worse opportunities lowers your return.

>> No.26759613

Capeshit moives are only fun to watch when you have a huge theater sound system, Capeshit on a sound bar is boring.

>> No.26759651

Maybe not the best but they have them. I might have bought the last 2. I have found some in florida antique shops too but more and more rare over the years. Check back often on that site.

>> No.26759667

>buying and holding GME for the next few weeks
I thought the squeeze was on Friday, though?

>> No.26759816

Saving movie theatre is wholesome anon. Imagine the dates you could go on.

>> No.26759849

normies who just funded their robinhoods wont be able to access the $ till monday

>> No.26760047

To make the ones who bought GME low richer. Thats all this topic is. Start the madness again with AMC. GME has sailed.

>> No.26760194

Shut up, FUDfag.

>> No.26760469

>I won a casino

>> No.26760523

There were like a million movies postponed people are going to want to go back to the movies to see summer blockbusters

>> No.26760607

This has nothing to do with fundamentals you brainlet.

Buy GME!

>> No.26760618

>Bought today at 5AM for roughly 10 a share
>sold at $19 a share a few hours later
Only downside is I'm a poorfag and could afford 500 shares

>> No.26760734
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It's been /biz/tards spamming wsb and stocktwits you absolute fucking retard.

>> No.26760794

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeereeereeeeeeee ONLY KIKES CAN MAKE FREE MONEY FUCK YOU GENTILES

>> No.26760828

Take the money you made from your sale, dump it back in. You might not be able to do 500 shares on this boom, but you might be able to on the next one.

>> No.26760901
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AMCX is one of the most over floated/leveraged stocks out there right now.

people think its AMC. Its not, its AMC entertainment

>> No.26761052

Movie theatres are horrible for a date. Especially a first date.

>> No.26761202

Show nose, kike

>> No.26761275
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>> No.26761327
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jew detected

>> No.26761407

A wise man like this anon sees the value in diversifying into several undervalued assets.

>> No.26761544

pandemic will not end

>> No.26762073

I'm completely new to stocks. I bought AMC at $16.30 after hours on the stock market. It was a limit order at $17 max. Is it gonna go through or not? I'm so confused. I would've bought during hours but my funds got deposited 30 minutes after the market closed for the day...

Also, yes. I am retarded.