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26751307 No.26751307 [Reply] [Original]

Banning r/wallstreetbets and banning the discord is their last ditch effort. Ignore everything that isn't $GME. We are scattered right now but if we focus and HOLD for a short squeeze Friday when the options get paid out they can't win. This shit is blatantly corrupt. Don't give into $NOK $BB $AMC spammers. We can do this. copy paste, spread the word.

>> No.26752000

Melvin: "Hi Mr.Broker. We really cant pay you in these overpumped retail stocks and you like cash much much more. How about instead we pay you $5 Billion and call it even?"
Broker: "True we actually dont want those worthless stocks. Reddit fags can keep them."

>> No.26752254
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>> No.26753111

Yes, to everybody that's not a bot and interested in what's the truth right now. Go to wallstreetbets new on reddit. Keep buying and holding GME, no matter what. They're trying to take away our communication and divide attention. Don't give in.

>> No.26753421

Realistically what's stopping them from doing this?
If it's the law, then that's the wrong answer because le law didn't stop the 150% naked short.

>> No.26753965

This is surreal

>> No.26754162

HOLD. Also, buy more or convince someone to buy in. We are going to the moon baby.

>> No.26754453


Welcome. You are welcome here.

I came too late for GME, but bought some Nokia stock today.

I was on r/wallstreetbets earlier today, and it was insane. People are reporting making their first million, sinking their life savings into stocks. It's crazy!

You think we can ride NOK to the moon?

>> No.26754732

its straight evil, man. Nothing is stopping them. Maybe they get a fine or a slap on the wrists after the dust settles. It's so fucked. reddit back up though!

>> No.26754998

What happens when you don't sell and the funds holding the shorts file for bankruptcy.
Will it go up or down.

>> No.26755013
File: 428 KB, 1080x1406, Screenshot_20210127-163814_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at the orders. GME isnt tanking lol they just want you you think it is. After Hours don't mean shit. wait until the market opens. they know theyre royally fucked.

>> No.26755373

I told myself if it didn't break 500 today I was gonna sell and that's what I did.

>> No.26755835

im holding onto my 24 shares of AMC like my last piece of toilet paper during super doo doos
24 shares was 1/4th of what i have to my name lmfao...
>t. poorfag dreamer

>> No.26756096

Please explain.
I read that Melvin had 140% in short interest, so they're going to have to buy everything.
But in the last few day volume has been around 200% everyday (90k today, 175k yesterday, same monday) Isn't that more than enough for them to cover their short and get out?

>> No.26756170
File: 1.52 MB, 971x3297, Screenshot_20210127-195027_Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WSB talking about their ban, their sub is back up.

>> No.26756412


Shill post.

>> No.26756674
File: 71 KB, 659x457, 2021-01-28 01.37.47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26756758


>> No.26756928


>> No.26756961

Nobody talking about GME dropping down to 297 after hours? What does it mean bros.

>> No.26756995

WSB is back too!

>> No.26757273

bro it was waay lower than 297

>> No.26757284

Actually based. I hope this somehow works out for poorfag redditor and he's rolling in the dough after.

>> No.26757351

irrelevant the yuros will pump it to 350+

>> No.26757489

I know but that's what it recovered to at least.

>> No.26757532
File: 396 KB, 945x315, 126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamestop is over retard AMC is the new one also what the fuck is $AMC this isn't twitter idiot you need to go back back back AMC is the 4chan backed stock simple AS!!!

>> No.26757554

I bought at $320 and I'm enjoying this roller coaster bro. Hold on tight, we're going UPPPPPPPPP

>> No.26757852

I hope so.

>> No.26758069

absolutely keyed guy

>> No.26758304
File: 709 KB, 2200x1467, 1608074206910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up faggot. $NOK is the hold after GME. but don't shill it ouside Biz

>> No.26758338

Discord is owned by a jew so no wonder. Nepotism kicked in.

>> No.26758520



>> No.26758674
File: 91 KB, 500x733, 33w1nt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so are we holding til the end of friday or just till friday morning?

>> No.26758700

Is Nokia a good buy?

>> No.26758856

Yes. Not a meme stock tho, ain't gonna 3x-5x like gamestop did.

>> No.26759021

>so are we holding til the end of friday or just till friday morning?
Im holding til monday and watching them jump out of the windows over the weekend.

>> No.26759528

I'm keeping my finger on the trigger as soon as the stock opens Friday. Maybe tomorrow, too. I don't trust them to behave and not coordinate some Jew bullshit over the weekend.