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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 324x160, numerai-numeraire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2674236 No.2674236 [Reply] [Original]

>90% less NMR hitting the market
>Incentivized holding prevents dumping
>Only 1 million coin supply
>Constant upward momentum

It is like they devised the greatest jewish system of all time to make the price explode. This shit will easily hit $1,000 within a month.

>> No.2674247

Honestly, I don't even plan on fucking selling this now. All bagholders will now be rewarded with AI Shekels

>> No.2674253

went all in @70K sats
sold at 600K sats
16BTC profit.

>> No.2674257

All in at .014, lets go

>> No.2674260

>buy my bags please

>> No.2674265

Aww poopy, did someone buy high and sell low? :(

>> No.2674269
File: 7 KB, 287x175, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coin was shit before todays news, now we are in. fucking. business.

>> No.2674282

what u mean by 600k/70k is that supply?

>> No.2674307
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Does anybody speak whale?

>> No.2674359
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>> No.2674406

large buy orders means people are liking this coin at the price it is.

Not many bagholders, this coin launched a day ago and it's near its initial sell point

>> No.2674408
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>> No.2674418

is this shit gonna pump now?

>> No.2674421
File: 480 KB, 808x805, 1497894902973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read thread
>see buy wall
>fuck it, get in at 1580k
>pumps to 1640k
>walls disappear
>order filled
>it dumps back to 1580k


>> No.2674436
File: 2.97 MB, 200x180, 1465739190071.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post yfw suddenly the bags you're holding start feeling a lot lighter

>> No.2674456
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>Just bought in at the $36 flash dip

Not even mad

>> No.2674467

Anyone holding this one long term? Or you just PnD?

>> No.2674498

I'm actually gonna hold with an iron grip if I see this coin rising in value over the next few weeks

>> No.2674532

I really like the entire purpose of NMR. I think it has real life application and utility unlike a lot of the shitcoins out there, so I'm planning on holding long term myself

>> No.2674552

>I just went all in

I'm not going to do this anymore. Diversification is the best.

>> No.2674566

I think it really depends on your capital. I see Blockfolio threads where people have $150 spread over 15 different coins.

I have 300usd allocated to crypto. I doubled it with ANS and I 1.5x'd it with NMR. If I had >$1000, I would def. diversify though

>> No.2674656
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>> No.2674676


>> No.2674685
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>> No.2674688

gentlemen, it's been a pleasure holding these bags with you

see you on pluto

>> No.2674699

Oh shit we finna be rich my niggas!

This shit gonna moon to 1k and we gonna be able to make SILK ROAD v3.0 outta this!

I'm talking a billion dollar drug industry!

Hang on niggas, the boat still got room

>> No.2674717


>> No.2674734

Why is it pumping so hard all of a sudden, what's the news? I will wait til next dip to buy in.

>> No.2674741

>sold earlier

It mooned because I sold, that's fucking why. Every single fucking time/

>> No.2674744

Reminder to sell for a profit when you can because the rest of the market will be crashing for the next few days

>> No.2674748


This coin is spooky as fuck and is going to do spooky fucking things.

>> No.2674752

They are cutting down the payouts to nothing. Theres going to be no sell pressure on NMR

>> No.2674768

The resistance to 187k was too great. I panic sold half.

>> No.2674771


Because this shit about to be SILK ROAD v2.0.


Get ready, we finna be rich!

>> No.2674772


You made the right call, congrats

>> No.2674797

good decision. this is going nowhere but down for the next little while. don't listen to the shilling.

>> No.2674799

the fuck are you on?

>> No.2674803
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Bless our iron hands. I bought in at 80. If I had more money free I would have went all in when it was 40.

>> No.2674808
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>> No.2674813

I'm on this motherfucking NAME that about to be SILK ROAD v2.0

If you don't see how this shit gonna make some much drug money, then just get out now nigga.

We finna be rich

>> No.2674819

you sound like you have taken the whole billion dollars worth

>> No.2674828

Nigga, what gains are you?

>> No.2674834
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Thread theme:

>> No.2674843
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What exactly are the sentences you are attempting to structure? Capitalizing letters doesn't make you more coherent!

>> No.2674847


Don't front like you ain't see how this is gonna be SILK ROAD v2.0

We just need the dev to finally confirm it, and then it'll moon like crazy

We finna be rich.

>> No.2674872
File: 379 KB, 1092x726, MOON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sold half at .189

>> No.2674885

What's your buy back price?

>> No.2674894
File: 559 KB, 1600x900, 6362384699061998551682913604_HERO_IBIZA_CLOSING_PARTIES_Privilege.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2674896

>anon didn't get back in

>> No.2674916

I bought in at 0.014 not buying back in

>> No.2674973
File: 5 KB, 302x230, dem floatin candles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2674993
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>> No.2674998

thought you already have tho

>> No.2675000


>> No.2675002

We finna be rich

Silk road v3.0 incoming!

We about to move so much narco!

>> No.2675013

Nicely done

>> No.2675031


>> No.2675056

>Bought in at 0.193
>Sold at 0.0168
>So many dicks lodged in my eyesockets

>> No.2675065


>> No.2675067
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>> No.2675068
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>Bought at 150 sold at 195
>Double or nothing at 190, forced to sell at 164
>It's starting to bounce back

>> No.2675071

Round 2? I'm still waiting to buy in

>> No.2675073

dont be weak handed

back up to 1800 already

>> No.2675075
File: 3 KB, 125x123, 1485502089548s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that fucking crash floating candle

>> No.2675077

Yeah I sold at 1820 and bought back in around 1680. The order book is still a gaping asshole.

>> No.2675079

We finna be rich

>> No.2675087

I guess long term, you'll probably make money, if the science behind NMR doesn't crash and burn, but I personally wouldn't have gone all in on NMR, at least not without an extremely substantial investment and titanium testicles. Problem is that it's still so relatively pricey per coin that the multiple times gains of your initial investment will probably be low for a while, compared to alternatives, even if it does well. I personally would have either gone all in on Ripple or Antshares, if I were going to go all in. Antshares probably has the highest potential payoff though.

>> No.2675095

As someone who rode this and then got stuck with some bags, and has been following hourly since last Friday, I'd be extremely nervous to buy in now. I don't know shit about this but I do know what this has done the last week. It giveth hope and then taketh away in a blink.

>> No.2675107

At least I have people who love me.

Oh wait...

>> No.2675124

numerai is going to reach parity with bitcoin

>> No.2675128

10,000 USD for one NUMERAI in fifteen minutes you heard it here first

>> No.2675129

I want to know where all this volume came from suddenly....it has not been doing this at this hour at all this week.

>> No.2675132

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs

>> No.2675134

Did I miss something? Got off my flight and this thing was moving.

>> No.2675160


>> No.2675317

This plane crashing with no survivors

>> No.2675332


What news?

>> No.2675348

I just don't get the value of this coin. The work they're asking you to do is worth a lot more then they're paying.

"Make an algorithm that strongly predicts the market, we'll give you 1000 dollars :^)"

If I'm working on that kind of shit, I'm putting it to my own uses, not to make chump change on some coin.

>> No.2675436

true but it's already a working product and scientists are using it, the datasets they are given are encrypted

check the subreddit for the link

>> No.2675601


Weeks? Going to have to hold for a few months before it hits ath.

>> No.2675728

You have to consider that an algorithm is only as good as the dataset you supply it. Also, the whole idea of Numerai - crowdsourcing - makes paying all winners a ton of money unfeasible.

>> No.2675953

Sold on the flash dip thinking it was all over.

Excuse me while I kms for buying in at ATH and then being a weak handed fuckwit.

>> No.2676003
File: 792 KB, 662x708, 1498150004532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once 0.02 breaks it'll become support and go up even more

>> No.2676024

I lol bcuz I made the lol@nmr bag holder thread when it hit 148 and began dipping and now I lol more lol

>> No.2676036

Sold at 148
Its like I don't like lambo

>> No.2676037
File: 488 KB, 1500x611, Hold+Fast+3-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold fast

>> No.2676057
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HOLY fuck that floating candle

>> No.2676063
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>> No.2676082

Will send pics from the moon biztards. Tried to get you fags to come with but you didn't listen.

>> No.2676103

I am extremely thankful, I've been holding coins for the whole month and was down to only $200

Now I remember to not get too attached and sell if things look fishy, then again this isn't a low sat coin (xvg, bitb)

>> No.2676162
File: 42 KB, 400x400, IMG_1217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how you were all FUDing this coin yesterday. Kek to the lot of you!

>> No.2676167

NMR too the moon!

>> No.2676275

im waiting to buy the dip, wish me luck niggas

>> No.2676290

this is the dip its going to 0.03 tomorrow

>> No.2676317

You missed it.

>> No.2676333
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>> No.2676358

my first good trade

>> No.2676360

BROKE 0.0225


>> No.2676361

ok im hopping on, does this thing have a wallet?

tried to search myself but i cant find anything

>> No.2676370

This shit isn't even mainstream yet. Moon crash imminent.

>> No.2676383

>sell half of nmr at 1.3m trying to catch yesterdays pnd
>this happens

fuck my ass

>> No.2676390

buddy, you couldn't even imagine how close I came to pulling the trigger..

>> No.2676394

at least its only half of it

i went back into nmr at a loss but oh well

>> No.2676397


>> No.2676407

>i missed the enormous gains from this tremendous shitcoin but im still trying to make the most from it even though its on its way to the grave
Good luck!

>> No.2676414
File: 84 KB, 1276x540, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its bound to correct but when

>> No.2676418
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>Wanted to go all in around 120k

>Buy now
>Starts to dip

>> No.2676419
File: 88 KB, 1333x900, 1475631512157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i watched this shit all day waiting to jump in but my nerves got the better of me

>tfw been watching since 140


>> No.2676424

top kek

>> No.2676425

when the volume decreases

>> No.2676433

sell when volume decrease?

i have no idea how this works

its not like its gonna fall down the moment volume decreases right?

i dont want to miss shorting opportunities anymore ENOUGH

>> No.2676436

>bought at 2.3m
>sold at 1.1m


Luckily it was a small risky bag, only like $500 but still. You're all welcome for my fucking fuel.

>> No.2676438

top kek

>> No.2676444

this is what happens when you don't stick to your plan and buy/sell based on hype and hearsay

>> No.2676445
File: 4 KB, 571x57, volume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just monitor this , volume goes up more buys volume goes down more sells

>> No.2676447
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>> No.2676449
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>> No.2676456

guys if you don't dare to lose your money don't invest in crypto. here is no place for emotional trading. risk it or leave.

>> No.2676458

Ill wait for the next dip, I actually like the idea behind this coin, it seems like it has potential.

>> No.2676468


>> No.2676477
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>> No.2676480
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The volume never drops

>> No.2676483

wonder if this will hit the prices it did about a week ago

>> No.2676484

>Buy and sell like a spaz during moon ride
>Only net gain ~10% over 50% rise

>> No.2676498

200 dollar sell wall coming up

>> No.2676502


>> No.2676506

it will surpass

>> No.2676510

lmao this is nuts

>> No.2676517
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>> No.2676534

how the fuck do these things work damnit

is it a pnd group? was there a rumour or a news?

>> No.2676539

There was news.

>> No.2676541

there was news earlier

>> No.2676543


>> No.2676546

what was the news

>> No.2676556

the mother fuckers changed it so it didnt end up being dumped on the markets

well fuck me for selling half of what i had chasing pnd

>> No.2676572

looks like im not sleeping tonight.. again

>> No.2676573

its going to surpass 0.03 today it seems

jesus christ how much should i invest into this

>> No.2676578
File: 9 KB, 259x194, PARKER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dev didn't put this as an ico because he felt that they were always pump and dumps
people dumped his coin

he got pissed and changed the rules so that people who listened or were holding didn't get fuck by chinks and bots shorting coins

This coin is a godsend.


>> No.2676582

This shit went log. I'm selling.

>> No.2676583
File: 51 KB, 657x527, 1476832963052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>news came out
>several threads about it on /biz/
>just assumed it was coordinated bagholder shilling
>it goes to the moon

i definitely wasnt born to trade

>> No.2676589

always do the opposite of what the jew says.webm

>> No.2676590

damn i was asleep when it happened

>> No.2676591

Bugattiland when?

>> No.2676602

>Volume's still rising.

>> No.2676604

>manage to get someone for selling at 0.02583335


>> No.2676608

Waiting for the dip will hopefully time it with pivx rise. It's going to be a fruitful morning.

>> No.2676611

The dip is now!

>> No.2676612
File: 92 KB, 400x400, 1476851531117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im just waiting for a whale to offload their bags at the same time

>tfw any minute now

>> No.2676620

>watch it the entire morning
>no dont get in the moment you do it will fall
>no dont get in the moment you do it will fall
>no dont get in the moment you do it will fall
>get it

>> No.2676628

Bought DIP

>> No.2676633

Jumped in at 2,600,000

>> No.2676636
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>> No.2676640

this happens way too often my man

hence why ive been so hesitant to day trade and just hodling atm

theres no way this coin can sustain the rally its currently experiencing

>> No.2676642

fucking retards

>> No.2676648

>future bagholder
I got in at 144k and I'm contemplating getting out right now.

>> No.2676649

can you explain

>> No.2676653

ill buy in when its back at 120 sats

>> No.2676656

It's giving a man a retard vs teaching a man to retard.

>> No.2676664

Nah look at the volume

>> No.2676668

I was there at the first pump and the volume was still increasing when it dipped hard.

>> No.2676671

>muh volume
Half you retards don't even know what that means or the full implications

>> No.2676676

I was there to. But the orderbook looked way different then. Also a way higher price.

>> No.2676677
File: 31 KB, 743x348, Screen Shot 2017-07-01 at 6.20.47 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun while it lasted

>> No.2676683

Someone mind explaining what a floating candle means? Is it the sudden rise and crash of value?

>> No.2676684

is there any way i could view cumlulative volume on a chart like this

i never use any of the TA indicators and dont know where to start since theres like thousands of them

>> No.2676688
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Wow I'm really feeling retarded with my +143 dollas on my 200 investment.

>> No.2676689


>> No.2676697
File: 1 KB, 88x121, ohhhhlook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhh look some memer is trying to buy our gains with a shitty floating candle

>> No.2676698
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>> No.2676704

The dump is on

>> No.2676705


>> No.2676710

is that a late whale

>> No.2676714


>> No.2676716

pls respond

>> No.2676718

simply epic

but you're gonna kill yourself when we hit 070 again

>> No.2676719


Beware, cheap jew bastards are trying to buy your bags.

Reminder to set 1 minute marks to see their jewish tricks.

>> No.2676720


>> No.2676722

So should I buy once the dump finishes or what

>> No.2676723


>> No.2676726

Yes you just got a second change to fly to the moon with us

>> No.2676733
File: 9 KB, 200x192, 343121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Floating green candle= good, people are trying to raise the price

Floating red candle = bad, jews are lowering the price artificially to buy your bags

reminder to sent 1 minute candles to see their dirty jew tricks.

>> No.2676746

This guy knows

>> No.2676748

we go 120$ today!

>> No.2676762

Guys, I bought in 15 minutes after the blog post the dev made, and sold after I made 30% gains. How could I have predicted this?

>> No.2676770

its over anyways man.

>> No.2676776

count your blessings, I bought in too late and panic sold like i always do

>> No.2676782
File: 675 KB, 680x496, 1498361899907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would advise everyone to hold, even if it hits 55

Volume has gone up from 2700 to 3700

Don't be fooled, crypto jews that have been shorting us this whole month are waking up


>> No.2676792

sp what about the volume? What if it's just people dumping their bags?

>> No.2676794
File: 3 KB, 178x120, jewcandles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.2676797

This is just the beginning. I have watched this over time and I can bet if you hodl long enough you will reap great gains

>> No.2676799
File: 5 KB, 335x184, ANOTHERONE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.2676805

>tfw wake up and see this thread

just fucking kill me i missed all of this, is there any point even buying in now

>> No.2676808

Yes they are trying to get in at 60 ish (54-58 is better) because they know it will hit 120

>> No.2676809

Jesus Christ, hold, close the window, set alarms on blockfolio.

>> No.2676817
File: 19 KB, 220x220, kike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, we are moving down the parabola now
>mfw /biz/ is stuck holding Numerai bags AGAIN

>> No.2676819

Should I fucking buy back in now?

>> No.2676822


It'll easily double for strong hands

>> No.2676824

Hes just an idiot blinded by sudden gains. He has no idea whats going on.

>> No.2676837

them dump at 120?

>> No.2676842

Yes check the order book, price drop is over

>> No.2676846

I can't predict the future, but the volume is increasing and the weak handers are selling

It's 6:53 am est, who is really up? Serious people.

Serious people like 100% gains.

But i can't predict the future.

>> No.2676853
File: 18 KB, 1172x395, bagholders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2676860

try holding bags to 1.1m sat faggot

>> No.2676869

you can invest in the fund too though cant you. they aint stopping you. but if you're a science man can invest and get paid for contributing on top of that

>> No.2676894

ah yeah found the news


supply is gonna tighten up by 90% per competition

>> No.2676982
File: 10 KB, 1810x79, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should have sold at 250k-270k. I don't have the balls to continue. A 50% increase should be enough to satisfy me.

>> No.2676994

Sell the greed.

>> No.2677004

Pump and dump standard scheme.

>> No.2677006
File: 40 KB, 543x405, suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't sell because greed

>> No.2677007

this one is going to $1k eventually
too much big money floating around it

>> No.2677016

daily high buyers / holders on suicide watch

>> No.2677018

Should I sell right now, or wait?

>> No.2677027

>pro-tip, when you see huge green candles that is the time to SELL. When get euphoria and think you're going to be rich is the time to SELL. If you wait until you see a red candle you will say to yourself, "Oh its just a dip, it will come back again", and you will be stuck holding the bag as it slowly claws its way down to where you bought it at. This is standard pump and dump stuff

>> No.2677038

didn't mean to green text

>> No.2677047

Yeah I know, but man.. I never actually manage to man up and SELL. At least I'm still up from where i bought. gonna hodl now

>> No.2677057
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>> No.2677058

yep, the greed fucks you in the ass every time. sell the big fucking green candles every time, 95% of the time it crashes right after. Yeah you might get lucky 5% of the time and it will keep rising but its not worth it.

>> No.2677062

I will eventually buy in again. Do you know what my reasoning for not holding was? normies are waking up and are going to dump their bags.

this. I may have lost huge potential profit but at least I guaranteed some profit by jumping off the train.

>> No.2677088

yep don't feel bad, I chased one of these pumps one time and hit the jackpot big time. I started with $50k and was up to $100k. Then I just got dumped on and made it back with only my original $50k. I was so pissed but it changed me. Always take your profit, have a price target and sell. Worst case you can buy back on a dip.

>> No.2677089

2x is pretty weak for all the effort of a P&D

>> No.2677092


>> No.2677097

how do u know normies won't wake up and get fomo?

>> No.2677101

there was no effort, it was rising so I bought some and then went to bed and I doubled my money. Then I spent all day watching my profit shrink and shrink until I finally sold at my original investment. Told myself I would never do that again.

>> No.2677116

>4k volume

what the fuck??

>> No.2677119

It's a good hedge if BTC drops since there is nothing more to "develop", no one is waiting on news of any kind, and its vested interested lies in non-crypto markets. Whales are botting this shit down cause they want it cheap and know its gonna probably get up to .1 sats soon or more (most likely),

>> No.2677164
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>> No.2677179



>> No.2677262

>10 BTC to 230

>> No.2677327


>> No.2677334
File: 21 KB, 1044x354, Healthy order book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again I would advise sell.

>> No.2677352

Buying/selling the dips...got about 30 NMR, would like 60+... after I get to that I'm just gonna leave it alone and let it make me money hopefully.

>> No.2677353
File: 68 KB, 924x597, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a heads and shoulder shakeout

>> No.2677374

>heads and shoulder shakeout
can you elaborate a little further? I'm new to the crypto stuff and still learning before I invest in something.

>> No.2677391


Search engines are your friend

>> No.2677398


Finally, someone gets it

>> No.2677434

anti dandruff formula

>> No.2677448

whale wall.
Freefall imminent.

>> No.2677500


its a forced pattern not a natural one (way to fast for this death pattern to form) and a large sell wall is up.

Basically in retard speak, someone somewhat smart with a decent stash is gambling to try to get rid of the normies and/or stock up on more

It means either gamble with him (A.E renforce the sell wall + start attacking buys inorder to sell high and buy low) or just hodl because its a bluff and is going to go back up within a few hours anyways.

>> No.2677504

oh shit, bought at $36 last night before i went to bed

looks like i missed the full top by a few hours but whatever i'll take it, sold

>> No.2677526
File: 58 KB, 1248x349, Sell now Goy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.2677542

>Basically in retard speak, someone somewhat smart with a decent stash is gambling to try to get rid of the normies and/or stock up on more


>> No.2677546

oh nice catch dude, I didn't even notice there was an attempt to suppress the order book too. This guy is really getting through

>> No.2677555
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>> No.2677556

this is literally every pump and dump chart lmao.
You had multiple chances to get out on this.

>mfw a new generation of NMR bagholders are born

>> No.2677565

It's crashing. I don't know why these retards can't notice that.

>> No.2677572

pretty sure a pump is incoming. Just from watching the whale pattern I would guess sell around .025 or so and cross your fingers the fucker wants more and will push it down to .021 again.

>> No.2677574

well alright anon you've convinced me with that hard hitting evidence and strongly backed up claims.

Please go back to stocks, looking at your post history in this thread you are clearly not able to understand nor survive this environment.

yep panic sell now

>> No.2677584
File: 43 KB, 1020x486, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i duno man whats happening now looks just like what happened previously

time to sell i guess

>> No.2677592

seriously don't spoon feed like that dude, its not cool and lowers the peak especially when their is a 10+ post count FUDer in the thread

>> No.2677606

i'm too spooked to go back into this after watching 50btc buy walls getting pulled repeatedly.

>> No.2677612

If it tanks then I'll just buy more. I seriously do not mind these bags especially if the August 1st thing turns into an issue. My main buy in was around .014 so I can sweat this out a bit longer.

>> No.2677621

i was looking at this but it seems so far fetched to count on it happening twice

>> No.2677635

One is natural the other is artificial. My .02 cents.

>> No.2677638


>> No.2677656

I'll sell once its around .1 sat...maybe.

>> No.2677666

he gets it


>> No.2677673


This is more or less what will happen lads.

>> No.2677683

Don't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.2677684

Just like you are going to sell your DGB once it hits 1$?
Or your ARK once it hits 10$?

>> No.2677726

This shit going to drop back to 40 >_>. Bought at 0.05 and still holding. Life sucks aye

>> No.2677733

Watching bagholders being created in real-time.

>> No.2677748

DGB has to x50
NMR needs only x5 which it has done before. effortlessly and quickly.
low market cap, very low supply. a retard could see the likelihood of it reaching 0.1 sat. not saying it will happen in 24hrs but it will happen eventually if for no other reason than the supply being so low

>> No.2677766

MNE supply is also low and I remember being told this over 1 month ago.

>> No.2677783
File: 9 KB, 255x191, e3b473336a075d634de9a21b6a4c36660920ba500abb6319b1e135db248c248f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the purpose of FUDing a thread on a website like 4chan for hours during low traffic time?

Did you peak buy and panic sell hard the first time or is there another explanation as to why you keep putting in so much effort(time wise not so much quality wise, you could try harder on your posts, they seem rushed/memeish)?

I'll pay you 20$ in ETH for a response to the question, I've always wondered about why some people put so much time into FUD

>> No.2677790

It's a hedge. Ever notice when BTC goes down this goes up?

>> No.2677792

If I bought MNE at $0.11 I wouldn't mind hold those bags either.

>> No.2677801

Just trying to help noobs not become bagholders. The pump hasbeen over for four hours now and you're still trying to convince yourself that Its going to go back up any day now. You can't fight the market with your emotions, just cut your bags anon.

>> No.2677825
File: 28 KB, 450x396, nmrayyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to .011 lads...

>> No.2677831

I got my stash at 36$ sorry to disappoint, I actually pay attention and have a great track record of surviving the last four bear markets with 5x net and the march bull with a cool 30x net

Seriously, 200$ for a real response not another thinly veiled FUD attempt

>> No.2677840

why are you still trying this when the pump is over?

>> No.2677843

No need to wave your e-peen around, I'm just telling you this is on the ride down the parabola. Some faggot IS moving around a 25 btc wall on the orderbook, but I seriously doubt that is going to be enough to pump this thing back up again.

>> No.2677877

You mean just like right now?

>> No.2677902
File: 107 KB, 1024x686, wewlad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow seems like the buyers are very much interested in this coin, look at all these buy orders, 0.00087695 NMR's bid aw man someone's going ALL IN on this! WOW LADS MOON!

>> No.2677905

so what I've gathered so far, is you've dumped a lot of time into FUDing one coin

you can't even make a single post that isnt FUD

you arn't a poor fag as 20$ doesn't motivate you so its doubtful you lost your life savings on this

your less likely to be a normal /biz/ fag as even an offer of 200$ from a actual wealthy fag didn't cause you to even stir a single ETH address.

What are you? I think your attempting some sort of manipulation

>> No.2677912

Welcome to Bittrex. This is literally every coin, not specific to this one. Bots buy and sell against each other constantly.

>> No.2677922


You can always donate to me, why not, I hold NMR bags at very heavy .065 tons.


Why not!? It's a generosity type of day.

>> No.2677927

kind of hope it would. I need more cheap NMR and have not finished accumulating.

but expect all the clueless fags in this thread calling every rise a "pump" and every retracement a crash to start blowing each other though

>> No.2677932

I'll be straight here. If you have bags high just sell. It will never moon anymore due to sheer amount of bagholders. Once it hits a sealing it will come crashing down again.

What is worse, this coin has a natural decline offsetted by moon spikes. Which is a very unhealthy pattern.

People have no trust in this coin anymore after the first surge. So they will immidiatly sell after they see some decent gainz.

This coin is doomed.

>> No.2677941

Watch this shit go back to 30$

>> No.2677944
File: 30 KB, 1191x304, nmr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if people took my advice when I posted they'd be 25%+ richer at this point. I don't give a fuck about this coin in particular, I can just see a clear pump and dump chart when I see one. Green candles gradually growing larger and larger is a huge fucking sell signal. As soon as you see a red one the pump is pretty much over.

>> No.2677946
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>> No.2677952
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>> No.2677960

Going to drop back to 30 kiddo

>> No.2677973
File: 90 KB, 812x716, 1492116486295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw went all in at $149

>> No.2677977

Man I even fucking told you to sell earlier. This was so obviously a coordinated pump and dump. Probably some chink, time lines up right when they leave work/go to bed.

>> No.2677978

Will this ever go back up?

>> No.2677983

I won't lie, it's really depressing to see that I'm not the only one who went all in at .065

I seriously thought I was the only retard who did that dumb ass FOMO maneuver.


>> No.2677987

No people have 0 trust in this coin. As soon as they see gainz they will sell keeping the price down forever.

>> No.2677989

Probably. Nothing dumps directly down. It will have mini-pumps up to around 220 but then it will dump further before repeating.

>> No.2677991
File: 28 KB, 298x450, 99Rh0q4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But there was good news on NMR, it wasn't just some pajeet pump

>> No.2677993

am I the only one that wants this to keep dipping?

>> No.2678004

Set a juicy one on .168.

>> No.2678005

That is claiming a bullish signal is a actually a bearish one and has a much lower chance of actually being the case. Also claiming pump and dump after major news breaks is just absurd, although I do appreciate you actually putting effort into this FUD attempt.

honestly, this looks like you are really trying hard and not so much aligned with what you claim your actual motive is of helping noobies.

I'll offer up 2k for an actual explanation

>> No.2678020

its some faggot whale jerking everyone around. He keeps moving a 30 btc wall around.

>> No.2678021

>to 220
tfw bought at 22
had a good chance to sell at 23 but chosen not to
guess I fucked up

>> No.2678036
File: 200 KB, 764x512, 1493229426018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just sold it with +50% profit, and I put it all in AGRS. Tell me that I did it well...

>> No.2678042

stfu stupid idiot, thinking you can predict the future of a 7 days old coin, you've been trading for a couple months and you think you're hot shit jesus christ retard what are you doing

>hurrr can you see guise I predicted it would go down!!1

big deal dumbdumb, so it does every fucking coin in the market once it's done spiking

for people retarded enough to have bought this at the ATH just hold for weeks if your loses are too big, if not just sell on the next spike and move on, remember the whole market is in a downtrend anyway, so you don't lose much from holding right now, this is a good coin backed up by huge investors, look it up

also remember that one of the reasons for the price to go down it's because stupid weak handed idiots like you who sell on a loss giving in to the FUD

>> No.2678050 [DELETED] 

Big mistake bro! You should add this Telegram channel instead:


>> No.2678054

>for people retarded enough to have bought this at the ATH

That would be me, hello!

I'm not selling this bag before it breaks even. I don't care how long it takes.

>> No.2678055

LOL yeah candles 75% bigger than any other ones on the chart and drive the price +10% are totally natural. Totally not someone driving the price up so they can dump all their bags.

>> No.2678056

NMR is probably the comfiest hold. Shit will still be around in 3-5 years paying datascientists. This will definitely be outperforming Ethereum in the near term.

>> No.2678063




>> No.2678071

Guess 2k isn't worth it to him...

>> No.2678075

hope so. I bought in at .05 so may as well hold for the long run.

>> No.2678091

I wanna hear comforting lies to keep my NMR anxiousness at bay.

So...do any of you know when will NMR reach 0.08 or even better, 0.1 ??

Do you think it will take more than 2 days? Maybe 3?

>> No.2678099

usually holding feels shitty but with this coin I am not even sure I would sell at 0.1 BTC

>> No.2678107

Welp, I screwed up. Fomo'ed went all in at 25m after weak handing a 18m position. I should've set a buy order for 18m again and was too slow to pull out during the long green candle. People are still asleep/waking up, so we've yet to see how this day will go.

>> No.2678109

Unlike ETH and other crypto you're not waiting on "news" or "developments" or any other bullshit. This token is done in terms of "roadmap". It's especially good in light of the fact that they have reduced the payout to the data scientists. So we should see a decent increase sooner than other ICO's develop.

>> No.2678127

bro seriously, not even a burner address or some half assed attempt at a explanation you just keep on going while ignoring my offer?

Who the fuck is paying you more than 2k FUD some random ass shitcoin on a fucking mongolian basket weaving forum at low traffic hours?

>> No.2678137

Few years maybe? It depends entirely on how much is being staked and how interested scientists are. I would say it will reach .025 again within the week. It hovers around 50ish between crashes.

>> No.2678142

Can someone redpill me on this coin? Looking to jump in on the train.

>> No.2678152

he sold at a loss beause he gave in to his emotions and now he's bitter and needs to create excuses and justifications so he can convice himself that he did the right thing

people do this all the time, move on

keep this thread comfy

>> No.2678157

>Since the launch ten days ago, our users are up from 19,000 to 24,000 and our Slack grew from 3000 to 4400.


>> No.2678165

i don't give a fuck whether you make a million or lose a million on this coin. i'm just calling it as i see it. its literally half way down a parabolic peak and you think some person on 4chan is going to influence the price?

>> No.2678170

Pump to 22 is happening. Get your bags and get out when it hits or regret.

>> No.2678183

It's going to go back to $30 soon. Too many people who want to break even and get out of this thing.

>> No.2678185

no one wants to be wrong but why are you trying this hard?

>> No.2678190
File: 89 KB, 720x758, IMG_20170701_105735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wait, i know this graph.

get out guys.

>> No.2678192

paid shills or someone putting serious hours long effort into attempting FUD that is obviously not a bag holder from a previous ATH = Valuable in and of itself
Want more than that? DYOR on the project

He is not a bag holder, read up and pay attention to his and mine post conversations. That was the first thing I thought he was too thats why I keep testing his ass with a financial reward but considering the above that faggot is legitimately attempting to drive the price down for financial gain on the way up.

Look at this shit, still not so much as a burner address. Faggot whale detected, who else turns down the chance at a free easy 2 grand

>> No.2678194

Just as planned.

>> No.2678197

Trying what? I get a notification every time one of you retards replies to me and I respond. I don't have anything better to do.

>> No.2678200

If /pol/ can meme a president into office why cant we meme a coin to 0.1 BTC?

>> No.2678209

those dubs...kek is here. Praise KEK, NMR to .1

>> No.2678218

You don't get it dude. There's no reason to FUD this fucking coin. It got one last pump because of some news of reduced supply and some chink took advantage of it and pumped it a little higher than it should have gone. If it goes to .1 great I'm happy for you. I'm telling you the probability of that happening is less than 5%.

>> No.2678230

Remember when KEK told us to buy PoSW above 8k sats?

>> No.2678236

oh fuck off with the concerned FUD attempt faggot whale and get off my /biz/, go try the mouth breathers over on reddit your done here

>> No.2678239
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2678250

I also remember DGB being blessed by KeK and see where that got us.

>> No.2678273

It gave me and many others a fucking huge profit. you did sell before that conference though right?

>> No.2678275

That was resting on hype from a conference, and if they won it would have gone higher.

People should have sold once the news hit.

Instead everyone on here said 'HODL' and fucked over newfags

>> No.2678294

HODL THE LINE is literally the worst meme ever

>> No.2678315

knowing what to HODL and when is crucial.
newcoiners calling it a meme is becoming a meme.

>> No.2678320 [DELETED] 

Free pumps for everyone.

>> No.2678336

Why shouldnt I literally always sell when theres a huge dump and just rebuy when its cheaper?

>> No.2678337
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>> No.2678352

This, hold if there is upward potential soon.

Never hold in downward trends, I lost half my initial investment in coins bleeding out last month. I could have sold many times and bought back in with a lot more or diversified to make back what I lost .

>> No.2678359
File: 19 KB, 389x378, 1493406016593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Few years maybe?


>> No.2678365

when you buy it cheap and it goes up 100% it can drop 80% and you are in profit still.
When you sell the peaks and buy the dips all the way to 100% and it drops 80% you lose profit.
better to just buy more when it drops. maybe you get less coins but the risk is MUCH lower

>> No.2678368

Let's see who was smart enough to drop their bags on the big green candle like I've been saying for the last few hours.

>> No.2678388

I actually think it could hit 235 before it dumps ass.

>> No.2678401
File: 5 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck do you cucks keep buying

>> No.2678406

Please don't don't tell me I've missed selling at 230k
go up upupupuppupupu
buy buyu byubyubuybuybuyuby pls

>> No.2678415

wow. you called it! teach us your ways.
of course it will dip Einstein.
You are going to be doing this over and over again, for months to come aren't you?

>> No.2678417

i was asleep during the peak to get out. we in hodl hell now.

>> No.2678432

it slowed down

i think its time to sell to cut losses

>> No.2678434

this guy here:
sold a few minutes after the big green candle (though too late) but rebought at 228k just to see what happens and my stop loss at 215 saved my ass. Lost too much profit because of my greed but I still walked away with a nice 40% increase of my portfolio

>> No.2678435

Falling back to 200K now.

>> No.2678488

Congrats, you've learned the art of buying low and selling high, which is more than can be said of most of the people in this thread.

>> No.2678625

volume isn't falling , won't hit 0.02

>> No.2678710

looks lıke you were wrong

ıts not goıng down

>> No.2678769

Anyways thanks for the cheap NMR guys. Hope you didn't panic sell LMAO. Those who held on will get a little pump now.

>> No.2678809

you deserve to be raped by a pack of nıggers

>> No.2679005


Sure get that money ready man:

1. Uncertainty every sunday since scientists might sell their NMR of they won.

2. Massive sell orders (bagholders) around the 0.45 mark and the 0.5 mark will make it incredibly hard to break through.

3. Because of the chart pattern this coin formed people have little trust in said coin, as a consequence they will sell off whenever they see a profit. "Well it dropped so much last time before, I better not keep this coin around".

>> No.2679036

Fear has been deeply instilled by the huge drop after such a rise. And people do not wish to be "Yet another bagholder".

You can clearly see in this chart it will drop down again.

What is needed for this coin to prosper are a couple of things:

1) Bagholders at higher prices need to sell off. (So those massive sell walls dissepear) They will continue to remain a huge turn off as long as they remain.

2) A period of stability needs to be introduced. Whether the coin hovers around 30$, 25$ or whatever such a price might be. But stability is needed for growth.

3) People need some time to recover emotionally until they are ready to give this coin "another shot" Such a period might takes months until they believe "things are different now"

>> No.2679057

1. the amount of NMR being rewarded just dropped %90. massive incentive for winners to hold onto them
2. will be eaten through or dropped when FOMO sets in. 50 BTC can get bought up in 5 minutes.
3. poor fags will always sell when in a little profit. others see that this could easily reach ATH again. it was almost effortless and happened overnight the first time.

>> No.2679103

Hmm, I guess we will see. However do remember that last time this coin crashes its value had been on a steady decline for 6 days straight.

I am very curious what will happen after the hype dies down again.

- "The amount of NMR being rewarded just dropped %90. massive incentive for winners to hold onto them."

As a 0.5 bag holder I was very happy to read this yes. I am holding this coin until it becomes at least 1000$.

>> No.2679160

I'm in this long term too bought at 0.03 on the way up.
bought another BTC bag a huge bag at 0.015 which now has put me in profit. I wish I had bought at 0.011 but couldn't clear funds in time.

not sure about short term but I really don't care. these are comfy bags.
who cares what happens short term. I am now buying the dips as much as possible. I keep some BTC for day trading but this one COULD be serious

>> No.2679168

If the buy volume in the next 24 hours is 10% higher than the sell volume and volume stays at where it's at, this thing is going to 4x...
I'm not saying that's what's gonna happen, but it just puts things a little in perspective.
I don't think NMR is done yet, far from it actually...