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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26749616 No.26749616 [Reply] [Original]

“Completely drowned out by the stock market” edition!

Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized p2p privacy cryptocurrency!

Monero is secure, low-fee, and borderless, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT (hidden tx amounts) ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with transactions being visible only by a Monero user willingly providing a view key for a specific transaction.

Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptos. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of txs increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier of entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward will gradually approach 0.6 XMR in May 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network.

If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly.

OFFICIAL WEBSITE - https://web.getmonero.org



>Non KYC:
Local Monero
Crypto ATMs
see: kycnot.me



Gui/Cli (recommended)

IOS: Cakewallet
Android: Monerujo

>Cold Storage

>> No.26749868
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/biz/ is kill
I fucking hate redditors so fucking much /b/ros.

>> No.26750348
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it's getting cheaper and cheaper

>> No.26750537
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It would havd been nice if atomic swaps were around for the peak of the bullrun

>> No.26750699
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>I fucking hate redditors so fucking much /b/ros.
it'll be ok fren they can't survive for more than a few days without karma farming
they probably don't see the point in this site since they can't attention whore with their posts

>> No.26751018

a (You) still gets that hit of dopamine all the same

>> No.26751130

its not just redditors but all the discord faggots
the wsb discord got shut down because people kept spamming shit and now biz is being flooded

>> No.26751185

+1 fren

>> No.26752702

I give it a week before they either fuck off on their own or /biz/raelis just start raiding the board with gore and scat on VPNs to completely purge it

>> No.26753015
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Bump for privacy

>> No.26753431

Either way they're killing it
Jannies were banning people responding to the raid like that, but not the obvious raiders.
At least my monero stack will always stay comfy

>> No.26753450



>> No.26753520

I can easily see Monero going to $50 and then to $500.

>> No.26753668

Zcash > Monero

>> No.26753795

zioncash shills seething

>> No.26753970

I don't know why you'd compare a surveillance coin to a privacy coin like monero. Bit of an apples and oranges kinda thing

>> No.26754116

enjoy your way to small anonymity set caused by the optional privacy and the dev fee in each mined block

>> No.26754155

Look, they are refugees because wall street flexes their powers and banned /wallstreetbet (or overwhelmed, or whatever)
They are not out enemies
There will be either green or gred memes on monday/tuesday next week and than things will be normal again

>> No.26754431

>muh redditfugees
Don't care, they need to fuck off somewhere else before they ruin this board any further

>> No.26754643

it is already ruined since 2017 /b/ro

>> No.26754744

IP addresses are disposable, XMR General threads are fucking priceless.

>> No.26754875

Zcash is honeypot shitcoin

>> No.26755171

no, they need to get their shit together to fuck over melvin capital
this shit is important
not for the gains, but to send a message that wallstreat can't always fuck with retail

>> No.26756231

>muh sending a message in rigged markets
You faggots never cared about censorship or being controlled before and now you're paying the price. Reap what you sow.

>> No.26757293

buy zcash you fucking faggots

>> No.26757457

kys kike

>> No.26757754

>never cared about censorship
Look faggot, I've an [undisclosed amount] in xmr since last march and keep stacking since. I run a node, contribute to the generals for a while and on other places as well.

Yes, I've put some meme amount in gme and would like to pull out as much cash from melvin as I fucking can. Guess where the money goes immediatly after.

This was my first stock trade ever and one thing I've learned is why defi is a thing: The traditional system sucks ass and I'd love to see it bleed.

>> No.26759197

>i-i'm not like the o-other redditors i've been in sinch march 2020 i'm an oldfriend! h-how to downvote this p-post?
Don't care. You faggots need to make another subreddit with mandatory accounts, an inbuilt groupthink function, shadowbans and restrictions on speech.
You will be happier and we will be happier.

>> No.26759341
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Today has been an exciting day. The hype with GME reminds me of the 2017 bull run with all of its mania and the hundreds of clueless new fags on /biz/ because of it. And while this winter has been rather dull so far for Monero, I must remind you that we WILL have our day. There is no other cryptocurrency as undervalued as Monero because its fundamentals and utility have legitimate, provable use case. Monero isn't solely based on speculation and vapor ware like most other cryptos. Monero is bought to be used, and that booming adoption will begin to entice investors looking for the next big thing.
Within the past 24 hours, every newfag is talking about stocks they've previously never considered buying, and they are dumping literal savings accounts into it. It is inevitable that during the next crypto bull run, we will have our day, and the mooning will be violent because of the ongoing price suppression that has been observable over the past year.
>tfw comfy with my unknown amount

>> No.26760570
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I dont get why we need to keep making these threads and shilling.
Do all you guys really need these threads as a security blanket?

Let it dump and let's fill our bags, we dont need to bring any other biztards along.
The Monero reddit is the best place to talk about xmr anyways.
Also r/moomero

I now understand why those other guys FUD.

>> No.26760817

>being this dense
never gave much shits about social media. been here (ok, I started on /b/) since 2014 and am per definition not and oldfag. But I doubt neither are you. I've been on r/monero since last march, because I actually value monero enough to make exceptions. For decentralized content lbry is best right now.

>mandatory accounts, an inbuilt groupthink function, shadowbans and restrictions on speech
free speech (and in turn privacy) is the most important thing we have and must be protected, that's why I'm here.

>> No.26760821

it's because we are building a community anon. Plus a lot of us see Monero as a fun hobby, like mining, running a node, learning about the technology, etc.

>> No.26760871
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Perfectly put anon. People forget that Monero today is LITERALLY bitcoin in 2015. there's no catch (unless a better crypto comes)


>> No.26761171

>unless a better crypto comes
ringsignitures work best with a lot of transactions, new networks won't have them. The rist is crazy low.

>> No.26762312
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Buy Bitcoin, use Monero.

>> No.26763330
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>> No.26764429

>The Monero reddit is the best place to talk about xmr anyways.
>Also r/moomero
>>>>>>reddit anything
if this isn't bait please kys anon

>> No.26764707

baby are you down down down down downnnnnnnnn

>> No.26764811

can i do non kyc as an american

>> No.26765001

Thats true haha does feel pretty good even if theyre just calling you a fag

>> No.26765684 [DELETED] 
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even if the skky is falling dowwwwwwwwnn

>> No.26765858

why? so zooko and ECC can dump on everyone like they have been doing since inception?

>> No.26765916

Im super duper new to crypto and stocks is Monero just another meme currency?

>> No.26766379

yes its worthless

>> No.26766493
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Dear XMR. Please forgive us, poor sinners, and go to $100 one last time so we can accumulate for the final moon launch. No more messing around after that, promise.

>> No.26766907

Monero is the one of the only crypto actually used as a currency to buy real things in the real world. Draw your our conclusions fren.

>> No.26767074
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No. it's the coin that is used on the "dark web" to buy "illegal" stuff. so it means it works. also that's how Bitcoin started, before people figured out transactions are transparent and can be traced back to you

>> No.26768061
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what's your XMR make it stack?
for me it's 500

>> No.26768720
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an unknown amount

>> No.26769642
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>> No.26769749

IQ score can also be matched with the XMR price

>> No.26770116

Is incognito.org legimate? Want to earn some insterest on my monero

>> No.26770522

it seems like it is, I've seen a lot of people suggest it and haven't heard anything "bad" from them

>> No.26771095

When atomic swaps dropping?