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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26748408 No.26748408 [Reply] [Original]

>bought GME at 330
Welp I fucked up...
Why is it going down so much now after market closed?? I felt so good when it closed at 347
kill me

>> No.26748854

short ladder strike by the kike, going back up, expect more dips but hold, theyre fucked and theyre trying anything everything to save themselves

>> No.26748919
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joined the financially ruined club

>> No.26749003

no reason to sell now, babby hands retard
the squeeze peaks in 31 hours

>> No.26749024
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>Bought the top

>> No.26749109

WSB got shut down. Panic will now kick in when the market opens. Reddit is run by kikes.

>> No.26749111
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333 chad here

>> No.26749134

The point was to fuck over a hedgefund not make money.
You didn't really think you were going to keep the money you put into a meme stock thats value increased 10000% over night did you?

>> No.26749153

you should be buying in the dip right now. It's a blessing this shit is dipping. stock up retard.

>> No.26749156
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>> No.26749229

hold till friday, it's the only way you are going to make a profit that you will be happy with. and yes, there is the risk of losing it all.

>> No.26749248

>melvin borrows his friends car
>sells it to hobo1 for 200$
>melvin then borrows the same car again from hobo1
>sells it to hobo2 for 200$
melvin has now sold 200% of his friends car and has $400 in cash. the problem is that there are two people waiting for him to return "their" car. melvin is a retard and is gambling on the fact that the value of the car will decrease.
>melvin causes hobo2 to crash the car rendering it pretty much worthless
>hobo2 sells it back to melvin for $100
>melvin now has $300 and the car
>he gives the car back to hobo1
>hobo1 obviously doesnt want a ruined car
>therefore he sells it back to melvin again for $100
>now melvin has $200 of pure profit
>melvin now goes to the actual owner
>heres your car bro
BUT the plot twist is that hobo2 was actually /biz/ and wsb in disguise all along.
now they are claiming that the car actually is worth $1000 because they happen to like the car. melvins friend is pressuring him to return his fucking car, but there is no way melvin has the money to pay $1000 for a ruined car. as long as wsb & /biz/ doesnt fold and give him a better price melvin is completely fucked and has to declare bankruptcy.

>> No.26749478

>if price doesnt drop to $60 then (((they))) still lose billions
im holding out of pure spite

>> No.26749503

Every time I do this.
I hate myself.

>> No.26749523
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Only throw as much in than you'd be totally fine with losing.

Think of this as part of your entertainment budget. How much of your entertainment budget is left after the past year of travel, going to the movies and eating out? You weren't expecting a financial return on those things, those are just expenses. Same thing with this.

>> No.26749525

I put $482 into GME, $449 into AMC. I can't make rent if it tanks

>> No.26749661

it's just private because of all the spam and bots, retard

>> No.26749707

The squeeze hasn't even started bud

>> No.26749745

>I can't make rent if it tanks


50-30-20 rule ffs. Don't be a fucking brainlet

>> No.26749819

that's your fault for putting more in than you could afford

>> No.26749825

>50-30-20 rule ffs. Don't be a fucking brainlet
What do the numbers mean in these rules?

>> No.26749844

I hope you're trolling

>> No.26749865

Do you think it will become public by tomorrow?

>> No.26749974

Sure it has. Lmao

>> No.26749992
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I put $15k in which is a lot for me.
I should've known the rich fags always win .

>> No.26750003

I wouldn't have bought at that price. Not worth the returns.

>> No.26750065

It will go nuts this shit is going mainstream

>> No.26750169

50% needs
30% wants
20% investment

>> No.26750230

50% for your bills
30% to live from and enjoy yourself
20% to play with

>> No.26750258

Iktf bro, I don't know why I even tried. I could've used that money on something with guaranteed returns like my kids

>> No.26750440
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bro we are hodling these doombags to heaven or las vegas okay

>> No.26750466

>these niggas don’t WANT to get rich

>> No.26750659

>this nigger wants to be homeless

>> No.26750889

Same OP. I only bought one stock for the memes but jesus christ I didn't expect this dump.

My NOK and BB gains got wiped out too. Some MEGA kikery is happening right now, fuck these wallstreet pigs so much.

>> No.26750953

Hold bitch

>> No.26751070

Sit it out. You'll make it.

>> No.26751094

buy high sell low
it's the /biz/ way

>> No.26751129

1 or 2 hours after market open tomorrow, you'll be back at 330 or above. There's a shit ton of short ladder going on right now to try to make people who aren't in the after market trade scared to place sell orders before market hours.

>> No.26751195
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Same lol I hate kikes wayyyyy more than I like money

>> No.26751319

hold retard, youre welcome

>> No.26751335

Don't sell dummy, the squeeze is on Friday, provided they allow you to trade it.

>> No.26751404

None of us even had any stocks we knew this shit was overvalued. Just go to steam.com if you want to play vidya gamnes.

>> No.26751451

Same. Between GME, NOK and AMC I'm waking up to probably $8000+ loss tomorrow. The past few years of progress doing safe boomer index fund shit down the drain

>> No.26751515

Gorilla Grip

>> No.26751696

It's a scare tactic. The institutions literally sold off billions of their own stocks in a coordinated move to trigger a stop-loss domino effect. On Monday they drove it from 150 to 70 in just a few minutes. Stay strong and hodl anon. This is a desperation move. We've got them on the ropes.

>> No.26751699

It's not the buying-in where you lose, it's when you realize the loss. Wait. The only chance to get out of this is the squeeze now. The price will shoot the fukc up tomorrow/Monday

>> No.26751730

is there really gonna be a squeeze?

>> No.26751745

306 here


>> No.26751844

You'll be fine, relax yourself

And congratulations for purchasing your moon tickets. By next week $350 will seem cheap.

>> No.26751881

Its going up until AT LEAST this Friday when the options contracts close

>> No.26751923


>> No.26752007

Check the float, this is an obvious triple downing short and they fucking failed to bring it low enough to scare anyone. They keep trying and they keep failing meanwhile we stand to gain more money. Don't bitch out.

>> No.26752024


In 31 hours it's just getting started

>> No.26752257

Why would these squeezes ever stop before we say they stop?

>> No.26752523

Hold boi they are going to keep ducking themselves so long as we hold the door

>> No.26752560

Wtf where am I supposed to get 20% more money??

>> No.26752683

The big bois always win. Hope you guys learned a lesson.

>> No.26752740


NOK and BB is bullshit

>> No.26752825
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>> No.26752888

why are you sitting around posting on 4chan?
buy more and get your cost average down, dummy.

>> No.26752909

after hours doesn't mean jack doodle, now it's hitting the mainstream people looking to make a quick buck will jump on and turn it from waiting for the squeeze into an actual bubble

>> No.26752917

nok, gme, bb or whatever else is hot right now is being targeted by wallstreets shorts to put prices down

>> No.26753008


>> No.26753219

Pls no bully, I just want to know how to get play money

>> No.26753279



>> No.26753299

>literally every single stock that gained popularity on the Internet today is in absolute free-fall
>resulting panic selling in the morning is going to crash each one to March 2020 lows
>halts and halts and halts and halts and halts and halts
>short seller hedge funds will magically cover 200% of their positions as a result of the panic sellers and make record profits

>> No.26753411

By not spending all of it in the first place, retard. Thats the point. Cover your needs first

>> No.26753457

I'm all in with all the money in my trading account, $16k. I was bragging to all of my friends how much money I was going to make and they're all retards for not investing. How much money am I going to lose

>> No.26754131


>> No.26754657

Thank you I finally kind of got it, BUT why is Melvin's friend lending him his car for free ? There is no true friends in Wall Street, right ?

>> No.26754815


you'll be fine

I went all in a last week with $23k but I didn't tell anyone because I felt like a retard buying gamestop at $53 a share

>> No.26754999
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Years of /biz/ have been training our hands to be incredibly steady and hard.

Now is the time to put that training to use. This is our moment, faggots.

>> No.26755106

should have kept to yourself because when you're a millionaire they're all gonna come after you.

>> No.26755261

here's the likely scenario:
>big (((free fall))) in PM AH
>AM AH turnaround (we can see that being set up right this second) which turns into more (((free fall))) with final recovery at the end of AM AH
>opens between 280 and 300
>massive panic selling because it gapped down from 347
>bottoms out around 200
So if you were looking to panic sell tomorrow, prepare for anywhere from 15% to 40% loss depending on the timing.

>> No.26755667

get fucked faggot, its back up.

>> No.26755856

Bro that's why you don't talk about investing. You either look like an "idiot" if you're wrong or you make money while somebody copying your advice fucks up and blames you.

>> No.26755864

Whatever% needs
The rest% investment

>> No.26755916

Shorts accrue interest

>> No.26756712

a little advice as a veteran trader, you will never get rich following the herd.

>> No.26757747

Spanish fag here, I'm putting it in and maybe the shures from Forocoches (FC) will bet on GME too. Lets fuck the eternal jew all together anon bros.

>> No.26758459

After hours fuckery and the WSB ban. Do not be swayed, opening tomorrow will go to the moon

>> No.26759925

these kikes are mad and just trying to scare everyone into selling is all

>> No.26760012

someone has to hold the bags retard

>> No.26760819

310 AH today