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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 28 KB, 955x555, wish1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26738323 No.26738323 [Reply] [Original]

This thread will be the end of Rubic. Get out quickly, the news spreads very quickly.

Vladimir Tikhomoriv, the CEO of RUBIC is known for his underhanded activities.

He was CEO of the ICO Token MyWish.io, which was shilled in 2017.

Look at the chart. this is mywish's chart. they pushed the value up with massive shills, only to pull off the customer at the end. The product was never fully developed.

And with Rubic, he wants to do just that again. I warn you. Get out there as fast as you can. The coin is currently being shilled by 4Chain Fiverr Chads.

>> No.26738424

this FUD is absolutely pathetic...

>> No.26738558

Almost every coin that ICO'd in 2017 has a chart that looks like that faggot

>> No.26738615

Dilate. Never buying your dogshit rubics kike

>> No.26738674


only the shitcoins.
but I dont argue with paid pajeets getting paid by curry to defend the token on 4chan, so keep shilling and kys

>> No.26738734

based op

>> No.26738981

I can post 100s of charts that look like that from 2017 dick head

>> No.26739216

>they collect ICO money
>product was never finished
>ye like every other token

kill your self pajeet

>> No.26740569

>product was never finished
Ok, then what is this https://mywish.io/

Absolutely pathetic, anon

>> No.26740732

Fuck off rigel retard

>> No.26740848

Guys guys no one is killing anyone Rubic and rigel are both scams

>> No.26741062

Lol dude literally lost all credibility when he said that my wish project was never completed hahahaha dumb ass 23 iq couldn’t even check the website that clearly shows a working product

>> No.26741186


Are you fucking dumb or just sub 80IQ?
The token has no fucking usecase.
They scammed us in 2017, and they ll do it again.

>> No.26741532

i can afford to lose my 30 dollars...

>> No.26741612


>> No.26741779
File: 10 KB, 289x277, rigelrubic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>investing in shittoken with no usecase
>contract copy pasted by one dev
>promoting alientech
>I hate slavs

>> No.26741992

is this true or is this another of those fud things that link got hit with?

>> No.26742191

FUD. Look at the MyWish website. They finished developing the product. It just didn't take off. Many ventures in 2017 didn't take off.

>> No.26742347

oh so now we're switching targets from product doesn't work to token not needed? nice cope, dilate u retarded tranny.

>> No.26742380

yep its true anon.
go look it up.
go on his linkedin. he rugpulled and gave ICO-holders wrong promises

>> No.26742430

>The token has no fucking usecase.
Neither does LINK

>> No.26742562

Akro isnt a rugpull

>> No.26742855

This, it's russian scam. We in Europe know better than to trust them, dumb americans not so much

>> No.26742923

based anon

>> No.26743487


>> No.26743652

lol than don't, but a retard fud such as this is beyond pathetic

>> No.26743724

Okay real talk though, when is the pump going to start tomorrow? I want to prepare

>> No.26743775
File: 142 KB, 487x506, 1611543195268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not selling you my Rubic fuck off

>> No.26743961

I’m about to stack my nuts in your head with the low effort fud

>> No.26744170

>imagine investing in a coin that has contract + codebase from 2017
>slavs are the worst human
>rigel is from NL, and dutch chads are insane

>> No.26744476

join us, faggot.

>> No.26744603
File: 449 KB, 866x660, ni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fakest fud in a while
not selling, smd

>> No.26746384

>buying coins from russia
>your funds are not safe
>rubic is going down

>> No.26747341
File: 49 KB, 585x357, yep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zenophobic americuck
>cannot read & comprehend the smart contract
>has not even opened their whitepaper

>> No.26748372

>defending token from russia
>never coded in his life
>rubic is using old tech
>super bad UI
>CEO is a scammer

>> No.26748561

>source: dude trust me
>false projections

>> No.26748979

>I dont argue with paid pajeets getting paid by curry to defend the token on 4chan
>Proceeds to argue with paid pajeets getting paid by curry to defend the token on 4chan

>> No.26749255


>> No.26749740

Pics or stfu

>> No.26750111

I can’t tell who is pajeeting who anymore if we are being honest

>> No.26750238
File: 176 KB, 450x281, Rubic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUD all u want I will just buy more and more and more

>> No.26751216

do you get paid in curry for posting that?
people with over 100IQ sold all their rubic