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File: 880 KB, 620x640, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2674458 No.2674458 [Reply] [Original]

I haven't seen a boomer hate thread in a while...

>> No.2674482
File: 115 KB, 587x449, boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2674494

Is what that guy said wrong...?

It seems like a straightforward statement that Syria is clearly not a good place to live. And that there are far more people wanting to come to the US than leave.

>> No.2674504

Millenials have better oppurtunitys in the stock market.

Millenials have cryptocurrencys.

The US is nearing full employment, best job market in a long time.

You can still get a house at the age of 22, as long as your arent looking for a house in a hot housing market and have a steady job.

Millenials have better technology, competition for sales has brought down prices drastically in certain areas.

Millenials have jobs.com and craigslist.com and snagajob.com and monster.com and .... You get the point.

>> No.2674523

The vast majority of "refugees" are NOT Syrian.

>> No.2674525

>t. boomer

>> No.2674528

Okay? No claim was made that they are

I think someone's retarded here and it's not me.

>> No.2674542

>"Im not retarded, guize!"
>Says 4chan user 5AxpOPvx

>> No.2674558

The guy in the pic pretty clearly implied "muh Syrian refugees"

>> No.2674569

Boomers experienced the greatest positive percentage change in the stock market, therefore had better investing opportunities

Boomers had an unfucked real estate market

Boomers lived in a time where climbing the ladder was possible and their jobs weren't at risk from H1-B migrations, a program boomers enacted to cut losses for a better bottom line at the expense of millennial white collar workers

These houses are all in shit locations

Manufacturing for these technologies have all been brought overseas, due to Boomers looking for a better bottom line at the expense of American working class

Boomers could walk in to places of employment and get a job in the same day

>> No.2674581

He's talking about Syrian refugees in the pic, that doesn't mean he's claiming all refugees are Syrian

This is basic English language reading comprehension, are you literally mentally disabled? Kill yourself. Done discussing this.

>> No.2674586

None of that is true and you know it.

>> No.2674611

I used to hate boomers until I realized they'd mostly be dead or senile within a decade

Then I just became sad at the zero sum futility of life

>> No.2674621

Could you actually buy a good house though?

>> No.2674629

Baby boomers were a mistake. Thankfully, they'll start to die off in the next decade or so

>tfw my parents are on the tail end of the Boomer generation

>> No.2674634

the boomers will eventually die but their shit ideas will live on forever

the eternal boomer strikes again

>> No.2674641

whats wrong with this

syria is a shithole because it is populated by syrians

Switzerland is a haven because its populated by the swiss

>> No.2674660
File: 230 KB, 1200x1171, 93adb260f1e3b43b2f9090c5f0547ebdf601eb44b830f1d651e82f10b7bd91ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who could forget this classic

>> No.2674750

He is clearly talking about Syria and Assad, do you think he isn't talking about supposed Syrian refugees? You fucking mongoloid.

You're not even getting the context.

>> No.2674776

I think boomer hate is only applicable for North America, and maybe parts of Europe.

But for me I grew up in Asia and the boomers here had a pretty shit time.

The millenials here in Asia now = the boomers of yesteryear.

>> No.2674786

You have to be smarter now to compete in the job market. The bar is higher and a college education isn't good enough.

>> No.2674818

Your responded to:
>He's talking about Syrian refugees in the pic
>He is clearly talking about Syria and Assad, do you think he isn't talking about supposed Syrian refugees?

>> No.2674841

>If Syria is a great place... why are there refugees (From Syria)?

>HURRR DURRRR The vast majority of "refugees" are NOT Syrian.

>> No.2674897

ITT: Children that can't live below their means

>> No.2675293

>best job market in a long time.
>somebody actually believes this

>> No.2675371

Millennial here, and if you cant walk out of your job today and replace it with another position, you are either a.) Not worth a damn, or b.) not trying hard enough.

>> No.2675598

what's your specialty

>> No.2675614

I grew up in a developed Asian country. Millennials there hate boomers too.

>> No.2675668


jesus fucking christ, how do you people not kill yourselves getting out of bed in the morning?

>> No.2676081

after such a big build up that was a surprisingly mild statement, what prompted Mitchell's comment?

>> No.2676097


his specialty is shitposting

>> No.2676108

>being this fucking oblivious of world affairs

>> No.2676616

>t. totally a goy
Dumbfuck Syria was fine before King Nigger ignited the Arab Spring

>> No.2676644

When Boomers die most Western countries will become majority non-white shitholes. They're the gift that keeps on giving.

>> No.2676687

Don't forget that when they die that also pops the nursing bubble. Nursing is a huge occupation now but that's only because all the boomers have become too decrepit to take care of themselves. Dead boomers = much less nursing work.

>> No.2676692

Nurses doing actual productive jobs that help non-disabled people is probably a good thing

>> No.2676717

Problem is that we have plenty of people to do that already. There's just not that much work to go around. Nursing is fairly low skill and once that bubble pops it means a flood of low-education nurses without work reentering the job market. That's not to mention that nursing pays pretty well, so when those jobs disappear all of the ex-nurses are suddenly going to be living beyond their means.

>> No.2676721

That's nothing man, have you ever tried to speak with babyboomer generation people from Easter Bloc?

The goverment literally handed them everything, they didn't need to think about anything. US boomers at least have basic concept of economics. All I can hear frompost-soviet boomers is "back in my day everyone had a job".

>> No.2676752

>Syria was fine

*was stable

>> No.2676883

Proof that the mass media brain washing works wonders

>> No.2676914

>be boomer cuck
>grow up in wealthiest period know to mankind
>no feminism
>no SJW
>still have white ethno-states
>can feed a family on single income
>can buy house easily
>have social security

how did these cancerous people not only fuck over the next generation so hard...

but also manage to die fucking broke and in debt?

they literally grew up in the best time to be alive and managed to enslave us all in debt AND turn white countries into dystopian hellholes

>> No.2676937

Living in an Eastern Block myself I can confirm this.
Back in the day it was basically unheard of to get laid off from the job... once you were in, you were there for life awaiting guaranteed retirement with all sorts of benefits.
Listening to stories of people using half their salary to go on a month-long vacation so splurge, furnishing their homes with various store credits and building homes (not renting, actually physically building house or purchasing apartment) in like 1-5 years are so disheartening to listen to, when you know it'd take ~200 years for you to save up to buy a house for yourself with an average salary.

>> No.2676947

fucking hell you are stupid, or a boomer, or both

>> No.2676950
File: 187 KB, 1137x1137, boomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting the extended version for you. Considering how awful boomers are someone could easily make a 4000x4000 version though.

>> No.2677392

Will Gen Z really accept the excuses of Millennials?

>> No.2677534


Millennials are ego centric over sensitive pussies that think I ought to pay out my own pocket so that they can get X.

Where X is free education, carbon foot print reduction, social welfare for all, unlimited refugee intake, a job, a home, craft beer, vape kits or whatever.

Millennials generally are fucking annoying liberal retards that don't even realise they're liberal zealots, or retarded for that matter.

There are always some exceptions to the rule.

Source: me, 33 year old 1%er.

>> No.2677557

Gen Z here, only the strongest should survive, 99% of the worlds population isn't weak enough to live. Once we have a powerful solar flare, the mass culling will finally take place, and the Earth can finally return to the way it should be.

>> No.2677564

shit i meant strong enough to live.

>> No.2677746


>you can still buy a house in the worst areas of Detroit not yet bulldozed
