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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26739736 No.26739736 [Reply] [Original]

How do we get through this week?
Its good fun watching the rollercoaster to hell in real time and I'm happy that some anons have made big money, plus the kikes are seething but is that satisfaction enough to not rope ourselves?
What are your best copes?

>> No.26740303
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curiosity keeps me alive

>> No.26740618

I didnt vist /biz/ for a few weeks and missed out on GME. So I just watch, hoping to get back into LINK after I bought at 16$ and sold 3 months later at 18$ then it pumped to 24$ and it wont come down. I am kinda salty but I live with it.
I have PNK at .15 with 13k stack but thats doing fuck all.

>> No.26741069

coping on the hope that it'll dip low enough for me to jump in before the squeeze

>> No.26741394

I unironically bought Link after the February 2018 1k eoy prophesy for 42 cents, had to sell at $1.1x to pay for some real life bullshit and then bought again the last time we were at $1, again ended up having to sell when it got to $3.0x for the first time when something else came up.
I don't mind so much, I was here for the golden age of link memes and I made money both times, Link got me out of some serious shit in 2019.

>> No.26741510

>that it'll dip low enough
how low are you waiting for?

>> No.26741600

Didn't play out the Early game to forfeit before the Endgame

>> No.26742155

True, I guess if I kms myself I'll never know how the story ends.

>> No.26742334
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There is no Endgame, theres only so many 'Once in a lifetime' opportunities gone I can cope with.