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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26740802 No.26740802 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one that collected screenshots of Reddit accounts, linked them to doxxable posts and is about to share that information with the SEC?

>> No.26740890


>> No.26740947


>> No.26740969

its really funnny how reddit is superior to biz

they hold the lines on GME like fucking chads because (even if its onions plebbit) they know who the fucking enemy is.
biz on the other hand, while knowing perfectly about the nose, drowning in disinformation and distracting shills, shits itself over some STOCK MARKET VOLATILITY.

4chan and especially biz became a fucking joke. who would have thought that plebbit is that much fucking brighter than the goys on 4chan. well how times have changed.

>> No.26741016


>> No.26741018


>> No.26741121

Cringe retard

>> No.26741135

so fuck off over there then, loser

>> No.26741142

You are gay

>> No.26741169

Based internet Judas.

>> No.26741205

Fuckin based

>> No.26741246

not your personal army Reddit we are here for the lols.

>> No.26741294
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>> No.26741298
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>> No.26741307

>they hold the lines
See you tomorrow.

>> No.26741316

What are they gonna do? Punish potentially millions (individually mind you) of retail investors for investing in a stock they like? Not even mentioning the kikes shorting stock that doesn't even exist.

>> No.26741326


I'm complaining to the SEC about Elon Musk repeatedly getting away with illegal activities like trying to defraud his own shareholders of their ownership so he could buy it cheaper and now openly promoting market manipulation--he is not fit to serve on a corporate board of a publicly traded company. He should be banned.

>> No.26741356

please do it and clean up this filthy reddit raid

>> No.26741533

>>26740969You sound Jewish.and stupid.like the guys who are making out large.

>> No.26741556

You will not hold it for long midgets

>> No.26741574

Yes retard that’s exactly what they’ll do. The same way they stole the election they will steal the retailer finance bros stimmys

>> No.26741610

i just really like the market

>> No.26741744

That's because they actually have a sense of unity and look out for each other. On top of having mods without agendas (for now) to filter out the niggers and pajeets.
Everyone on here is trying fuck over one another constantly. Non-stop scamming and backstabbing with no coordination whatsoever. When it comes to this kinda shit reddit is simply a superior platform desu

>> No.26741775

Lmao well done OP. I hope it's true

>> No.26741835
File: 775 KB, 220x220, Blessedford Nodington.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This didn't happen so much it unhappened things that actually happened

>> No.26741878

Believe it or not dude but there is a lot more people with things to lose here than on WSB. People with families, jobs, houses, loans etc
Reddit is filled with autistic jobless commies that seethe at the thought of corporations
Easy to see why they'll do anything to make big corps bleed

>> No.26741909

Sure schizo

>> No.26741956

Fucking based, get these cucks the fuck out of here.
Good Im glad, but I hate you both equally, so now its your turn to bend over.

>> No.26741983

Thank you for making me feel better for not fomoing in GME. Cheers

>> No.26742078

fucking doublenigger

>> No.26742470
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t.Sour grapes

>> No.26742733

I dont like redditors or jews, youre both equally annoying, jews for being jews, and redditors for being annoying fickle niggers with a superiority complex.

>> No.26742894

Kek you so▪y filled commies are easy to spot
Feel free to go back there and get your data mined by the CCP

>> No.26743015
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those tabs

>> No.26743218

>I-I didn't invest because I'm not reddit
COPE nigger
I heard Reddit breathes air, maybe you should quit doing that too

>> No.26743236

4chan, by design attracts highly individualistic people. Reddit attracts collectivists. It's no surprise that 4chan has a hard time herding cats.

>> No.26743279

>snitching is based
what went wrong

>> No.26743698
File: 60 KB, 720x603, 1609111576593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure they totally need your help bruh. You're such a good boi, you get 5 goodboi points today! What a sweetum.

>> No.26744789


>> No.26745171

based is just a term to herd retards on the chans by now. everything is based. you are based.

>> No.26745883

heckin based

>> No.26746146

Why be such a faggot? you want to help the bankers out?

>> No.26746232
File: 33 KB, 405x421, 1580153679425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard, only a few redditors profited from the move. the board is filled will people who constantly lose big. a few hedge funds are larping as individuals. a lot of them are trust fund kids who have a lot of money and love gambling on options. the guy who yolo'd 20k worth of GME options has likely already made it. you dont just gamble 20k on options unless you're stupid or rich.

>> No.26746321

based goy

>> No.26746431

Extremely based anon

>> No.26746519

Cool larp faggot

>> No.26746762

Kys redddit nigger