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26737093 No.26737093 [Reply] [Original]

The only stock in which they're really fucked because they're over-shorting is GME.
The rest are just pasture they throw to spread the small fishes.

The GME squeeze hasn't even started.

>> No.26737469


>> No.26737997


GME is to risky now

>> No.26738429

Case and point.

>> No.26738473

I've diversified my portfolio with AMC, GME, and NOK. how fucked am I?

>> No.26738661


up seven hundred percent to day, and it is going mentally high in after hours.

>> No.26738742


>> No.26738797

newfag here. two questions
>should i buy gme tomorrow at opening or wait a little? or am i too late?
>until when should i hold? tomorrow closing? friday? next week? next month?

>> No.26738852

Nok is not overshorted, just a random pump, very different things.

>> No.26738970

I will explain like i did in the previous post on why the GME is a rare happening:

On GME they overshorted, overshorting is extremely risky, and you do that if you are a retarded newbie or if you are a cocky hedge fund.
They got too cocky, in a normal situation they probably would have created more panic and more selling.
The mass autism caused a mass buy, so the bull pressure increased, ok.
But bull movements influenced on the price just partially.
Problem with shorting and overshorting (or using leverage) is that you can keep your trade for a limited amount of time.
If you buy a stock, instead, you can keep it forever, if you want.
If a big shorter fails to create panic selling or a downtrend the price doesn't drop, so he has to increase the shorts.
Problem is that if he stop shorting, so he closes part of his trades, the bear pressure decreases and the price spikes, increasing his losses.
But he can't keep his trades opened indefinitely, because short trades have a cost.

>Mass autism caused a mass buy and hold, no one is trading shit, they just buy and hold, they don't panic.
>The shorter is in a very bad position, since he massively overshorted the stocks (140% of the entire gamestop supply) and so his shorts are not doing anything to the price.

So what's going to happen? They have to close those shorts sooner or later, and since they're over exposed, every part of this big short they close makes the price skyrocket and they lose more and more.
The bulls have just to wait, since no one will be so retarded to open shorts in this situation, and the big shorter will have to give up somehow.
yesterday they had to close a part of this short in the night, the price action had a +72% increase.

>> No.26739078

Problem is that they didn't just overshort, they overshorted nearly to a dip.
When you do that, the effect of your shorts is weaker, because there are not so many bullish traders around.
They used to mess with gamestop often in the past, gamestop is a whore they fuck regularly for no reason (or because muh fundamentals are not that good!).
Problem is that this time they met Mass Autism, thousands of imbeciles buying, holding and waiting.
Not just the usual stupid retail traders that they could scare to death with a -8% red candle.
A literal horde of autists buying thousands of stocks and holding them, no matter what.

If you are shorting and NO ONE sells, you lose, if you are overshorting, well, you're fucked.

>> No.26739419

go away kike

AMC is overshorted too.

You can check the pre-market price on marketwatch and decide.
Friday many short contracts are expiring, so something big will happen, after that we'll see.

>> No.26739447
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Fucking bit niggers shitting up this fucking board.

>> No.26739711

Now this was my simple explaination, but i hope everyone understands that this pump is not caused just by retarded people buying, this is a very rare event, and it's only in GME stock right now.

This post explain everything better and more in detail.

Don't fall for obvious bull traps and psyops.

>> No.26740004

please keep this bumped for the kikes

>> No.26740290

Got you covered.

>> No.26740703

I made 50 bucks on amc after I bought in the dip
feeling gud

>> No.26741325

Amc is shorted on 59% of its market cap
Gme is shorted on 140% of its market cap

>> No.26741765

AMC, NOK, whatever the fuck they're shilling, is bait. They want you to sell GME so they don't lose as much money.
Don't fall for it, make these fuckers BLEED.

>> No.26742015

Even Plebbit GME is (((oddly))) full of stock shills now
>sir pls this stock is the new GME! sell your GME and buy this!
what a coincidence, 1 day before the bloodbath

>> No.26742438
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>> No.26742785

k kike

>> No.26742851

Read Nigga

>> No.26742934

DR; kek