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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26693676 No.26693676 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a general for Crypto going now that the majority of biz is stock related? Don't care what the name of it will be.

>> No.26693909

Maybe /cry/? /ccg/? /cmg/? Either way i'll lurk here. ETH price predictions?

>> No.26694556

ccg prob the best since cmg is taken and cry is a meme name lel. ETH prob going to crab for a while

>> No.26694770


>> No.26695006

/ccg/ nigger. And $4k eoy minimum

>> No.26695098

/mcg/ meme currencies general

>> No.26695434

guys where do i download bit coins

>> No.26695470

ok what u wanna discuss? I'm waiting for eth to go sub 1k so i can buy. I need 32k to make it, my dream is having my own node

>> No.26695482
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The topic seems a little broad.
But I can understand the need for it.

>> No.26696039

what other crypto other than eth and btc are worth it

>> No.26696469

AAVE and Link are memeworthy, but BTC and ETH is where all the value is at.

>> No.26696616
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CUDOS staking is a good thing?

>> No.26696756

That rate seems kind of retarded.

>> No.26697124

what is this staking and apy farming thing everyone is talking about?

>> No.26697303
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kek. my how the tables have turned. you crypto cucks stay here. i better not see you venture outside of your containment thread

>> No.26697484

THey can leave when they convert their Crypto to stock

>> No.26697713

Old fag (Dec 2020) here
This used to be a crypto board

>> No.26698695

The market is tanking and no one gives a fuck. I'm stockpiling for when these retards come back.

>> No.26698984
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What's the best coin to stake?

>> No.26700062

lmao, hard to believe that

>> No.26700238

I've been staking stablecoins liquidity pool tokens for 40% APY for the last 6 months.

>> No.26700336

Finally a containment thread for you fags.

So, should I buy litecoin?

>> No.26700374


>> No.26700465

What's a crypto I think my grandad had one of those I only trade pumpndumps on the market

>> No.26700503

>quietly dips

time for me to accumulate

>> No.26700618

best APY right now is GRT

>> No.26701224

why do I need something like Metamask? what's it doing that isn't being done in coinbase or binance?

>> No.26701579

Genuinely interested in taking out a personal loan to buy more ETH. If the models are correct then ETH will outperform its 2020 performance which was >400%. Downside is short-term and very low imo.

>> No.26702023

You're not worried about the Tether bubble?

>> No.26702769

don't u like memes?
Show me yourdogecoins, NOW

>> No.26702780

i hate those reddit faggots. when will they leave again, bros?

>> No.26702851

You own your private keys if you use metamask.

>> No.26702935

they'll never leave, neither will the tourists from other boards.

/biz/ as we know it is done

>> No.26702962

big brains, sir

>> No.26703099
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>> No.26703108

I feel like that’s only going to trigger a recoverable bear market most likely before ETH 2.0. If Etherium as a network is successfully adopted in the future by non-technical people then who cares about BTC price manipulation now?

>> No.26703207

its just a day or so...
>inb4 newfag

>> No.26703335

Any oldfags remember when /biz/ was mostly self help and etf advice? Pretty sure there was a cryto general back then

>> No.26703758

Do I sell my RBC now or do I hope for a pump tomorrow and wait?

Trying to get into DEXG, more sophisticated exchange and better tokenomics

>> No.26703833

so 5K this year???

>> No.26704567
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>> No.26704936

If you can't afford it, don't do it.

>> No.26704993

Leave this board. Crypto is dead you idiots.

>> No.26705152

Are the normies just dumping out of BTC to get on the idiotic GME bandwagon?

>> No.26705229

Doesn’t REEF answer this exact question?

>> No.26705458

A little tie-in, I plan on taking 50% of my GME earnings and going BTC long term. Basically it's my holdings currency.

>> No.26705524

What alts are you loading up for alt season?

Currently holding fat bags of Encrypgen and REEF

>> No.26705738

I love this coin. Buy at sub 0.06 and sell at 0.07 too easy

>> No.26705885

NASDAQ dropped over 2% and you're a tourist on the gme hype, neck yourself

>> No.26705884

I’m planning to be BTC till it peaks, and then move into alts for their pump. I’m looking at AVAX for this alt season.

>> No.26706090

I've been meaning to buy a bag of AVAX for awhile now but I'm still a bit of a poorfag who's too diversified as it is.

Is it still worth buying a bag now?

I can spoonfeed you a bit about some microcap alts if you spoonfeed me a bit here lol.

>> No.26706181

I'm starting to get worried it already did. Look at the monthly candles. The Jan wick is ridiculous - just as big as Dec 2017.

>> No.26706382
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Take a look, it’s a solid project

>> No.26706489

Never get out of this pathetic containment thread, losers.

>> No.26707061
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It’s feeling very 2017. FWIW I’m subbed to a paid newsletter that has been accurate so far - they’re still very bullish

>> No.26707579

it's gonna go back to normal soon, dw.

>> No.26707712

5 - 10k eoy, coinbase is doing a hybrid ipo/ico and its token will 99% be on eth network

>> No.26708130

Back under 30K AAAAAAAAA

>> No.26708155

I was feeling the same way until this morning. If it drops much lower it will be a bigger correction than any in 2017, and the monthly wick is certainly already larger than any in 2017.

>> No.26708202

just have 7k usdc. i exited everything. rubic is a mess, armor is a mess, pbr is a mess. idk what to put it into

>> No.26708419

Same exact plan here

>> No.26708426

Gamestop coin when?

>> No.26708591

I've been looking for years, I don't think it's real, I still haven't even found where the stock market is ffs

>> No.26708653

how far we have fallen, /cg/ lol

>> No.26708726

Dumb question but best exchange for US? How do i make the original USD>coin buy in?

>> No.26708869

>if only some unprecedented event could suddenly provide reckless investors some capital with which to 'buy the dip'

>> No.26708940

it is ironic, we're not actually going to discuss crypto

>> No.26709001

We have been given a gift to buy our shitcoins, eth and btc until monday when the trad stock shit money comes back into crypto. Pay close attention to what is going on.

Good luck!

>> No.26709018
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Potential for an x50 moonshot here. x3-x4 practically guaranteed The reason /biz/ holders haven't shilled it and they are staking and whenever it pumps it costs them money. Very low market cap, and the exchange has solved the impermanent loss and slippage problem + generates passive income for token holders via fees. Exchange launches next month. Sushiswap, a complete scam for of uniswap, has 1 billion MC. This has 15 million.

also pump it to make the people staking seethe they get mad whenever we have threads about it kek

>> No.26709145
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>> No.26709146

Coinbase. Easy as fuck, FDIC insured and they have coinbase pro for investors who already know how to trade. Good luck!

>> No.26709149
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>redditors becoming millionaires in a week off fucking gamestop
>I can hardly beat inflation with these shitcoins.
I'm never gonna make it, am I?

>> No.26709253

Interested in what people think of my buying habits right now - essentially I am picking up fairly large project which have not moved far off their March lows yet. Im thinking EOS, BCH, XRP, ZeCash etc. In terms of % these will have the best ROI as they are furthest away from their ATH. Buy low, be greedy when others are fearful etc. What do you think? Am I missing something?

>> No.26709266


>> No.26709278

fuck crypto, that shit is dead. rotate into stocks asap and in march we can push BTC again.

>> No.26709336

I just bought 50 bucks of 30k bitcoin....I know it’s modest but I was feeling cheeky.

>> No.26709342

I'm an idiot. I was holding Decentraland, panic sold the dip for AAVE and Uniswap, panic sold the dip for Celo.

Now I have Atom, Synthetix, and Civic. Someone please tell me these are gonna bounce back

>> No.26709381
File: 27 KB, 474x513, 1A6B0475-AAD5-4AE7-88BC-7C8F6D44D4E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My lil bitcoin stock doin some

>> No.26709461

I just paid 50 dollars in fees to buy on Uniswap

>> No.26709466

I tried that method before. It can work but not spread out like that. You need to have your finger on the pulse of one or two of them and follow the trends. Hype is more important than the tech unfortunately.

My best method so far is to jump on when it's pumping and jump off before the top with a conservative gain.

Good luck!

>> No.26709585

idk if the wsb crowd will into crypto. they mostly go for stonk options.

>> No.26709588

Bitcoin seems to be dipping. Will we get another panic?

>> No.26709601

Damn I hear a lot about high fees on there

>> No.26709609

you state this as the fed is about to adjust rates and skull fuck the markets that are already down.

>> No.26709687

Any reason you’re using it? Is there no cheaper alternative?

>> No.26709735

yes, but you may fold again. you need to adjust your habits and do the exact opposite of what you are thinking.

>> No.26709777
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Charles and hippy from Singularitynet are having live chat right now.
Are there any AGI holders here? I thought it's dead.

>> No.26709790

>Redditors becoming millionaires in a week by committing a federal crime via market manipulation drawing the ire of the entire wall street institutional investing sector and doing so PUBLICLY thinking they can fuck over the house (which always wins)

Wow dude I'm so jealous...

>> No.26709794

thanks bro. i think i'll just watch EOS and BCH. BCH at worst will follow BTC so it cant hurt to have. EOS/BTC is at alltime lows with loads of volume so I think whales are accumulating. Youre right though, i'll just stick to one or two.

>> No.26709821

It’s at 29.7 k what the fuck man... I’m thinking this is a dump before an insane pump, or shit is really crashing...like actually happening

>> No.26709854

Ethereum will post new ATH in Q1

>> No.26709976

Synthetix will. People love gambling on fake derivatives

>> No.26710010

look at the transaction noob. it lists the highest possible. actual is usually less. gas is cheap between 13:00 - 15:00 mst.

>> No.26710155
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How can bitcoin ever actually fail? It's the future isn't it? Why is everyone worrying

>> No.26710163

I'd say you're just seething but I am too brother. Keep your chin up.

>> No.26710193

no crime. nice try silverstein.

>> No.26710266
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I liquidated about half of my crypto when I saw ETC mooning. Same signal as 2018.

>> No.26710337

Teach me your ways. What coins and where? Also what’s the best stablecoin to stake when things take a dump and I want out for a couple day?

>> No.26710340
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I think the current stock market hype really shows how early we still are.

>> No.26710356

Are the others shit? I actually believed in the other coins but I bailed because I was a pussy. But I don't believe in Atom or Civic. I would love to get back into a coin I like better but I hate to sell at a loss. Between trading fees and losses i'm down to $250 from $500. I know it's small shit but I'm not going to trade with my savings until I understand more about how crypto prices move

>> No.26710370


>> No.26710431

so what are the chances theres a mass loss of confidence in the market when they shut it down and people flood into crypto

>> No.26710578
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>> No.26710609

I highly suspect the nonsense in the stock market right now will cause a huge rush into crypto. Decent coins will moon.

>> No.26710641

good luck man. kill it!

>> No.26710713

Support seems very strong at 30-32k. It dipped below 30k temporarily because some whales dumped. It isn't going to 25k any time soon.

>> No.26710742

Im good all in on my project. Letting the market bleed til I buy more.

>> No.26710760

>I think the current stock market hype really shows how early we still are.

Normies get desperate, just lead and they will follow.

>> No.26710851
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it's perfect.

>> No.26710890

That's why Rubic will become the next Binance.

>> No.26710958

I love how crypto is the true free market.
I don't look forward to the day "they" try to control it like they're doing right now with gaystop

>> No.26711079

what are the odds it'll be our turn after this whole bullshit

>> No.26711323

Very high. Bitcoin is crabbing but Eth indicators are actually suggesting a breakout. It keeps being moved off exchanges to private wallets and fewer whales are selling. It's going to moon soon. Probably 2-3 weeks

>> No.26711417

I think it depends.
If people are exiting for a quick pump and dump on the stock market they may just return and get their positions back in crypto. This could drive up the price.

But if people aren't exiting for a turnaround then we are completely fucked and there is no way to tell.

I still think it is a good long term hold.

Now if the fucking government jews try to rig the stock market in Wall Streets favour? Everyone will fucking flee into alternatives, crypto being a main that will benefit.

>> No.26711426
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In fact, let me just buy some more now

>> No.26711434

crypto market is already getting monopolized day by day don't you notice faggot?

>> No.26711455

Care to develop that?

>> No.26711456

No they aren’t shit but you gotta just calm it down and not have glass hands. These projects are truly the future of finance. Just weather the storm by some crypto at a discount and be comfy with your blanket and cocoa, and wait for the storm to pass

>> No.26711471

Everyone has to sell GME before Monday, so I imagine profits will come flooding back in.

>> No.26711492

How so?

>> No.26711584
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Moved my main btc/eth stacks to avee yesterday and i feel so fucking smart rn
Would really like to get most of them back tho.. but will probably lose what i've saved today while picking an exit and entry price

>> No.26711595

Hold on bro, it's going back to 0.3$ soon, then cash out, this shit is not worth hodling

>> No.26711634

newfag here, where can you get indicators like that?

>> No.26711725

just look into it bro lmao

>> No.26711743

What do you faggots think will happen after the regulations lol. No fucking way anyone will have any confidence left in the market.

>> No.26711828
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>> No.26711869

I think people will bail on the market en masse when they realize how rigged it is , they won't have many places to put their money

>> No.26712041

i feel your pain. struggling myself with this fucking shitcoin(GRT)

>> No.26712203
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i never thought this could happen. you crypto fags are now the minority. you could have had your own board but you were to greedy. now you're begging for a general. pathetic.

>> No.26712226

After all this bs dies down, they might have no other option but to enter crypto

>> No.26712358

The green cube is Truth.

>> No.26712397

Probably stake.lid.sh, apy is strong and the token is at bottom of the band

>> No.26712462

Just crypto news sites and YouTube really

>> No.26712495

Were you really prepared to pull everything to bet against a large portion of Wall Street though? Id be finding it too stressful thatd Id lose my position what with exchanges mysteriously not working.

>> No.26712505
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"yea.. you crypto fags!!"

>> No.26712508

LMAO how the NEETS have fallen.

>> No.26712619

You know where this goes, OP. Shitcoin pajeets are going to flock to it like a swarm of flies to a pile of steaming shit.

>> No.26712671
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Tell me what to drop 200 on pussies

>> No.26712893
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more pics of brown girls pls

>> No.26712918

>get indicators
what do you mean by 'get'? i draw lines that look good to me and add random indicators at tradingview, have i been doing this wrong?

>> No.26712931

Wait until the weekend and buy DOT, for a safer bet.

>> No.26712983

Rubic, unironically. If it moons, you’ll probably have almost $1,000. If it rugs, you’ll only be out $200.

>> No.26713009


>> No.26713154

I was curious specifically about the withdrawal numbers. Don't know where to get that.

>> No.26713190
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she's russian(white) just tanned

>> No.26713224

what's crypto? just looks like low volatility gamestop.

>> No.26713276

where 2 buy rbc
t. coinbasenigger

>> No.26713284

What the fuck happened? I go to sleep for four hours and all of a sudden the catalog has done a 180.

>> No.26713296

god you cryptofags are so annoying. Go play on reddit with your fake money

>> No.26713314

Newfag here, what is "altcoin season" and how does it work?

>> No.26713327
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>> No.26713426

If you aren't a big brained finance type constantly refreshing exchange analytics you can try to get a sense by looking at the whale monitoring accounts on twitter. If whales are moving a lot of a big coin like Eth and Bitcoin off exchanges to private wallets then that is extremely bullish. If they are moving them to an exchange they are going to dump it

>> No.26713514

So I'm guessing the reason the cryptos have been dipping every day is young people pulling out their crypto to fund their GME stocks. I'm buying this dip and counting on them re-investing in crypto after they pull out their stonks winnings.

>> No.26713558


>> No.26713652
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Thanks for the free $6k Uniswap kek

>> No.26713809

>majority of /biz/ is stock related
You mean filled with reddit.

>> No.26713815

Its a 360 Win Anon

>> No.26713822

I agree with the sentiment that crypto will boom after the influx of newbies and redditors here - but BTC and crypto looks bearish rn. Especially the monthly close. I'm guessing a drop to 21k lowest and chopping for 2-3 weeks. Thoughts?

>> No.26713876

no, no, no... the fun begins after monday. have you never seen a squeeze?

>> No.26713949
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Bros what do you guys want as the basic info underneath the next thread? Also should it be called /ccg/ - crypto coin general?

>> No.26714027

try DYOR.finance

>> No.26714048
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Ok I'm sold. What are the odds it does moon. If it does I'll give you a blowie behind Mcdonalds x
>safer bet
I'm not bent

>> No.26714131

I am buying SNX

>> No.26714172


>> No.26714299
File: 341 KB, 2444x1626, m7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone check the BAEX system (#baex)? I found a post about this defi binary project, looks like it is a new gem. A lot of instruments, bonus system and profit range from 180 to 220%. It will be good with the modern algorithm. As I get, they have Yahoo Finance quotes source.

What do you think about this system?

>> No.26714396

Well tomorrow is the binance smart chain integration, so I could moon as soon as tomorrow. Maybe not to $1.00, but we should see around $0.50 I’m guessing.

>> No.26714417

I'm still new to this crypto crap, how the fuck am I supposed to interpret this whale alert bullshit? This was supposed to be easy you lying faggots.

>> No.26714506

Linkie bros...

>> No.26714663
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>Not on binance
How do I buy it then ffs that's what I use Am I cringe?

>> No.26714714

When whales move money to an exchange, it’s typically to either cash out or swap coins. This is generally seen as a sign the price will continue downwards, as whales/smart money don’t generally HODL like we do, but move assets around to either remain stable with what they have, or even make more money.

>> No.26714792

Make a MetaMask wallet, buy ETH on binance, move ETH to new MetaMask wallet, then use either rubic.exchange or Uniswap.

>> No.26714806
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PSA just a reminder that coinbase is a scam. if you have any money on their site they can lock you out from it without cause or explanation.
use a different exchange and never leave money on that site

>> No.26714897
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Here’s a chart backing up what you’re saying. Coins are moving from weak hands to strong hands.

>> No.26715040

Who the fuck keeps their shit on an exchange? Use your own wallet, this is like one of the first things you should learn ffs. Not your keys, not your coins.

>> No.26715340


>> No.26715410

are you unable to purchase bitcoin or eth through metamask? is that why we need the coinbase step?

>> No.26715418

Are only people who have significant capital to risk the only ones who will make meaningful gains in crypto now?

>> No.26715430

I appreciate you guys

>> No.26715445
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I just hope all of this boomer stock nonsense leads to a 2017 bullrun on steroids

>> No.26715543

Best private wallet I can use on different devices?

>> No.26715611

Bullish af

>> No.26715652

links on shit you're talking about, check the stonks thread. a tutorial on how to go from bank account to buying coins.

>> No.26715655


>> No.26716164

I second this question what is the best private wallet one can get?

>> No.26716223

Reminder to avoid any niggers shilling simian.finance. Same group who tried to rug r3fi.

>> No.26716247

bros, 2 quick ones:
do yall have separate vallets for differents coins
also, have $10k to drop, was thinking about buying a motorcycle but I guess if I invest it smart I'll be able to afford one down the road anyway. Mostly looking into low mcap undervalued coins and I see FTM, RBC and BNT as my picks. Thoughts ?

>> No.26716338

Do they have a working product now?

>> No.26716503

You lads just aren't picking the correct shitcoins or enter way too late into anything.

Who says you can't earn money from pump and dump schemes?

>> No.26716768


>> No.26716794

what's the point of things like coinbase then? are you supposed to just purchase bitcoin or eth and then transfer that to your wallet? you can't do this through metamask?

>> No.26716816


>> No.26716867

Of course. The ones who are getting these GME money are people like us. We still know stocks are harder to trade because it isn't as volatile as crypto and they have us by the balls since it's not decentralized

>> No.26717042

Why not? It's easy money. Why be a tribalist between crypto and stocks? If there's an easy way to earn money, go for it.

>> No.26717173

/bizg/ board when?

>> No.26717214

Bro it's a fucking meme that will only cost you transfer fees. Binance funds are safu.

>> No.26717228

an assload of ROSE and hold it 'till July.

>> No.26717235

If you just need a x3, BTC will do that reliably this year. Not so sure about the others.

>> No.26717238

Anyone use Exodus Wallet, and what are your opinions?

>> No.26717380

you sleep?

>> No.26717524

how the fuck did things change so fast

90% crypto threads to less than 10% in a couple of days

>> No.26717533

Can I just leave my shitcoins on binance then?

>> No.26717548

Quick rundown? This looks promising

>> No.26717670
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Im confused brah, I've been absent from this board for 1 week and all of sudden 99% of the board is about of stocks instead of crypto, when it was the opposite
I need a quick rundown and know what can I take profit from this event

>> No.26717749

GME meme is bringing tons of new users to /biz/. will die down in a week or two

>> No.26717772

well i reckon if btc goes 100k good alts should do 30x at least. especially those dealing with high fees

>> No.26717777

i like it this way honestly, back when it was all crypto pajeets were just shilling shitcoins and scams

>> No.26717910


Cuz reddit is crashing the global economy with no survivors

>> No.26717966

PRQtie reporting in, comfier than ever.

>> No.26717989

newfag here, what's the best exchange for buying btc

>> No.26718079

Now now boys come close and listen carefully, don't you know you can stake DAI for 10% in 3 month terms on crypto.com/app that's 10% on a stable coin, perfect for this current climate if you hodl stake that bad boy currently stake BTC(4.5%) and DAI(10%) godspeed anon

>> No.26718113

All you selling BTC to buy GME?

>> No.26718242

no I'm buying BTC and watching GME etc with great amusement

>> No.26718253

ok so what's the point of binance if you move your coins into metamask? something just isn't registering for my brain.

>> No.26718282


Kek wills shitcoins dead

>> No.26718333

Thoughts on Reef/LTO ?

>> No.26718461

How do I buy rbc

>> No.26718484

why are we crabbing bros? are we going lower?

>> No.26718654

People pulling money from crypto in to meme stocks. My game plan is to buy a small bag before friday and pray the wallstreet cucks manage to get their wish true & enforce restrictions that make todays events harder to pull off. Would bring the normies back in to the mainstream cryptos.

>> No.26718734

Bitstamp. Don't use Coinbase, their shitty exchange goes down all the time and they use scummy tactics such as disabling your account if you send BTC to an address they don't like.

>> No.26718796

even: put 500
odd: put nothing
bus: put 1000

>> No.26718919
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Listed soon

>> No.26718937


>> No.26718972

my friend says investing in btc is useless if you didn't invest in 2012. I told him that if you bought 1btc 6 months ago and you sold it in January you would've made $30k but that's appearently pocket change

>> No.26718987

>People pulling money from crypto in to meme stocks.
This is what tourists don't realise, this is your chance to get cheap crypto

>> No.26719310

Name of this?

>> No.26719333


>> No.26719337

depends on your capital I guess

>> No.26719673

I was just about to post this.
No one on /biz/ or really anywhere is talking about this, but when people find out it will pump like fucking crazy come Friday.

>> No.26719674

Buying altcoins when I cashout these GMEs

>> No.26719794

well i guess we're going back to 32k then probably back to 30k, at least i hope so

>> No.26720107
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Yeah best to purchase ETH on Coinbase Pro cuz fees are low and transfer to Metamask. Metamask allows access to the decentralized web, most importantly Uniswap. Uniswap is where you can get the new coins with the most upside. Metamask is only for ERC-20 tokens or tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. Which is the only blockchain where anything worthwhile happens. There's a whole world out there bud, it's pretty cool

>> No.26720258


>> No.26720260

binance / coinbase / kraken etc have fiat ramps. you can't fund your metamask wallet / uniswap or any other defi site with your local currency directly

>> No.26720372
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So this is the end of this cycle? BTC is dumping back to 20kish and taking the whole crypto market with it?

>> No.26720593

>thought it would be fun to buy some low cap uniswap shitcoins with my leftover eth
>waste over 300 usd on fees in the process
I can see why you guys bitch about this all the time now, jesus christ. Although I'm glad I got a bit of a feel for this defi shit should I ever really need it.

>> No.26720955

Guys id like your info
I want to invest 5-10k this year with the goal being 50-100k so i can take a year off in 2020 i can hold till then
I thought about playing with pnd systems but im too new ill just lose my money probably
do you think any of those have x5-x10 potential in the next 300 days?
Ill probably spread to 3-4 of those and maybe keep some in eth
stupid or no?

>> No.26721066

>>26720107 >>26720260
thanks. so basically coinbase is like the currency exchange station in the airport, all the fun happens in metamask (and I guess uniswap?).
I've heard a few people mention that binance is superior to coinbase but they didn't really say why?

>> No.26721168

wtf happened to prq, are we bleeding back to 40 cents, should i sell this shit.

>> No.26721172

Your problem is EOS, BCH, XRP, ZeCash are complete shitcoins that NOBODY is using with ZERO hype and nobody cares about them so no one will buy them.

>> No.26721173

Can I borrow your time machine after you're done with it?
>stupid or no?
You sound very impatient, I think you're gonna get rekt whatever you do if you don't adopt a longer timeframe.

>> No.26721224

>would've made $30k but that's appearently pocket change
30k is a nice chunk of money, you'd have to be either rich or greedy as fuck to complain about that, especially with how sure the bet was.

>> No.26721297

Best exchange other than bitstamp or coinbase?

>> No.26721299

I think REEF/AVAX have really good potential, no idea about ELROND/VXV/FXF but your other choices are good too

>> No.26721384

Fuck crypto

>> No.26721408

Making me riiich

>> No.26721581

Thats why i need your opinion not trying to walk into a hammer, thanks im not investing yet until i feel more secure with my choices

>> No.26721591

I'd recommend staying away from the 2017 fossils except ADA until they start showing some strenght. There's a reason why they've been lagging all the newer scams out there, there's no hype whatsoever.

>> No.26721598

Is Uniswap my best option if my local exchange only supports BTC and ETH?

>> No.26721725
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>implying we wont be back to a crypto containment board next week

>> No.26721902


>> No.26721928
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At this point I'm in for making a /cmg/, the clown market general.

>> No.26722028

When do I sell uniswap do I just forget about it for a few months, pretty comfy gains so far.

>> No.26722069

Metamask -- only for ERC-20
Or just get a hardware wallet, I have a Trezor One but will probably be upgrading to Trezor T. I use it with Metamask

>> No.26722192

Fuck yeah bro. When this shit goes to $10 EOY I'm gonna buy some land and build a house on it

>> No.26722338

What about Trust wallet? From this thread it sounds like Metamask rapes you with fees.

>> No.26722351

$10 is shameless FUD but you have comfy goals fren.

>> No.26722427 [DELETED] 

>watame reads a superchat
>chat: naisu supa
fucking cult

>> No.26722669

Yep the exchanges are the 'fiat on-ramps'.
All the fun stuff does happen in Metamask and Uniswap. But honestly, nothing is worth doing atm unless you're transacting in $1000 + cuz you'll pay $20 - $50 for txn fee, it's fucked. If you're not putting in much you might just wanna go all in on something, like PRQ.

>> No.26722948

It's not metamask fees, it's Ethereum fees which you'll get no matter what wallet you use. Idk about trustwallet, but I'm pretty sure it's also an Ethereum wallet so you'll pay the same.

>> No.26723012

Shill me on this. why will it pamp

>> No.26723415

spoon me on prq. why would trigger coin go to $10

>> No.26723488
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Report from yesterday

Blackrock holding 20k calls in CLF now and also has increased share position by 50%


>> No.26723642

Imagine playing with "crypto" 2021.
Boomer tech, weak gains, shilled by banks.
You guys are the true laggards.

>> No.26723666

bearish on this, seems like nothing special

>> No.26723698
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Would fellow /biz/ veterans be willing to weigh in on my assessment as a retard lurker? Right now the current dip coincides with the current GME stock, it's safe to say people with crypto are converting their coins into GME. Now obviously a pump powered purely through reddit memes is non-sustainable, it's bound to crash down eventually. What I think will happen at this rate is the people who cashed out their crypto to buy into GME, will eventually reverse this process and flow it back into crypto, except there will be even more liquidity to go into it. Furthermore, there is an underlying ideology here beneath what is going on, that is "fuck the established economic system"; the same people who are buying GME to stick it to (((them))) are the same who are just as likely to put it back into crypto.

So buying crypto right now is all but a sure bet right? For what it's worth, I'm not asking out of cope. I currently have no skin in this game, I was too scared to buy because at any moment it would have been the top. Now that I've seen the prior ceiling, I think I want in now

>> No.26723984

Spot on anon.
You buy exactly when no one is talking about stocks and assets whose fundamentals remain unchanged.

>> No.26724046

Nothing is a save bet, but you typed out my plan so it's not too bad of a guess

>> No.26724389

Is there anyway to avoid taxes on crypto? asking for a friend

>> No.26724503

what contry? some have legal 0% tax if you hold for more than a year

>> No.26724615

Where will all the GME gains end up? Name the coin.

>> No.26724842

Wallstreetbets will be gone in a week don’t worry.

We’ll be back to riding micro caps into the sunset

>> No.26724885


Swingle oh swingie. How many times do I have to tell you. I have my comfy coins since 2015 and you think I am going to sell now? Banks are scared of crypto not shilling it. You are the boomer in question here pal. I’ll consider “selling” ... ie converting into an asset with more potential.. when crypto market hits trillions and link is at least 500$... I bet you measure your gains solely in dollars you midwit

>> No.26725122


I like Monero because it’s being adopted by the dark markets. That’s always a good driver of price, it’s what drove up BTC in the first place.

>> No.26725198
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redpill me on apy staking

>> No.26725469

>T. Seething nocoiner

Let me know when you have a machine running in your office that prints you money.

>> No.26725569

logically uni,aave,sushi,1inch,etc.. also snx,inj,perp,etc
but probably link

>> No.26725631
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so my next question would be how to time this shit correctly? inb4 time in market > timing blahblah. There's a unique case here in that I'm pretty sure there's a set deadline. Everyone keeps saying to hold GME until Friday, and I guess after that everyone's gonna sell their stock? So maybe the ideal time would be to buy crypto tomorrow night? That's probably the lowest it's gonna go before the short squeeze

>> No.26725763
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>> No.26725767

This is literally what I did, I turned 1 Monero into 2.5

>> No.26725993

For short term entries like this, TA is actually useful. I’ve got my buy order at 28.9k

>> No.26726024

when will you fags learn that if you buy a coin AFTER it pumped you're most likely gonna get dumped on. BUY WHEN ITS RED RETARD

>> No.26726081

I have 200 USD
Do I put into BTC or ETH? gonna HODL

>> No.26726215

create seed phase in metamask or no
never done this before

>> No.26726359


>> No.26726434

No pajeets answers pls

>> No.26726440

only save this seed phrase on physical paper in a secure location or in a password manager

when you lose the Metamask Wallet, that's the only way you can restore the wallet

>> No.26726495


>> No.26726540
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you are a dumbass satan, lmfao
enjoy fomoing in later
executives both have decade+ of experience at Microsoft
all team members are doxxed and have a fuck ton of experience/knowledge in computer science and the project has existed for years now, this is not something that will rugpull, goto 0, or disappear anytime soon
their product was supposed to come out last quarter but was delayed, but even with that, it has done nothing but crab .15-.24 for months even still
their goal is to make a dex and decentralized wallet that is cross chain low fees and fast, and with the benefit of Grammarly like features if you know what that is
I just dumped a ton but I still didn't cover everything. look at pic related

tl;dr: huge product that is unique by big boys, big stuff on Friday, next 2 months product comes out

>> No.26726543

thanks dawg

>> No.26726599

How to tell which are legit

>> No.26726635

Yeah I think that’s exactly what’s happening. By in now, cuz this shits comin back, and comin back hard when the dust settles

>> No.26726681

also, to add, if it comes out and works, metamask and uniswap will both become completely irrelevant. Almost all dexes/wallets will, and this will be a normie blackhole due to its ease of accessibility and use.

>> No.26726717
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>mfw bought at 23 cents and don't care about any dips

>> No.26727524

i'm gonna
50 bucks each

>> No.26727553


>> No.26727989

>Damon Nam, CEO
chin, shit uni, twink at microsoft probably
>Byron Levels, CTO
nigger, boomer

do I need to go on ?

>> No.26728227

look at the level of fud
huge buy signal

>> No.26728274
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believe in the mission lads
xrp 2k eoy

>> No.26728317

with such low investment I wouldn't bother with high cap coins like BTC and rather go all in those shitcoins

sure BTC could do let's say a 2x, but you wouldn't even care when that happens
with shitcoins they could do a 100x or a 0x on you
you have a lot to gain and not a lot to lose

>> No.26728388

you do you anon, I'm just stating the obvious

>> No.26728453

cheers, i'll do more research

>> No.26728535

mark cuban holding sntvt in his wallet

>> No.26728631

anon saying a dev is black or twink doesn't really mean shit
and btw he looks like the breed of blacks that are successful so he has my trust

>> No.26728728

wtf is going on with UNI
i took my 12% but jfc it’s btc in november all over again

>> No.26729145
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Hello retard lurker here with a question
How important is market cap for a shitcoin prospect? How much shekels is a small market cap and how much is considered too much for an altcoin to keep growing in price considerably?

>> No.26729246
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"My secret is I always sold too soon" Nathaien Rothschild

>> No.26729342

Is uniswap my best option if my local exchange only sells ETH?

>> No.26729365
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>and btw he looks like the breed of blacks that are successful

>> No.26729589

so what you're saying is that I should buy this shit

>> No.26729820

market cap is not the be and end all of a coin, it's just one of many indicators, and a very important one
I think around 10 million is a low cap shitcoin. Very high returns but also very high risk, since so little value is inside of them that they can very quickly fade into obscurity
Around a billion is "high cap" but many of them still have huge potential. Even the biggest coins are only a tiny fraction of Bitcoin

>> No.26729889

I got in at .239 a few days ago, and now it's .277
There might be a dip, I can't see it pumping so early but it might. Just watch to see if there's a better entry point but you might have to ape in if it goes .30
And this isn't the only project with big stuff happening Friday, Rubic, Reef, DEXG, etc.
This is just something I have complete confidence in long term but even short term it will perform nicely

>> No.26730004

>cry is a meme name lel
Quite fitting though

>> No.26730009

Who's got the time to read all of this, I want my crypto board with separate threads back.

>> No.26730058
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>> No.26730285

on Ethereum network you'll get fucked by fees either way. Learn how to use the advanced options on Uniswap and you could save some that way

>> No.26730435

Digital Reserve Currency (DRC) https://www.bloomberg.com/press-releases/2020-12-10/digital-reserve-currency-drc-is-a-potential-store-of-value-in-the-digital-age

>> No.26730569


>> No.26730635

posting crypto should be a bannable offense, it's basically off topic at this point. take this shit to r/cryptocurrency, faggots

>> No.26731687
