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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26712339 No.26712339 [Reply] [Original]

Sell GME?

>> No.26712773

You wish.

>> No.26712900

you're an idiot do you even know why people are buying this?

>> No.26712985


>> No.26713071

Your not fooling anyone you dumbass, take your gay ass back to twitter and talk about the ebil nazis were mean do you dradle boy.

>> No.26713167

End of day friday we will see how it looks. No reason to even look at this shit other than to buy more.

>> No.26713234

obviously. its over.

>> No.26713240

get bent hedge fundie

>> No.26713567

>Sell on Wednesday
Are you a literal retard?

>> No.26713757

kys kike

>> No.26714032

false flagging moron. don't sell if you have any brain cells left

>> No.26714189


>> No.26714240
File: 9 KB, 222x227, jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fellow whites, we MUST sell before we're called out for ANTISEMITISM!

>> No.26714282
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>> No.26714442
File: 5 KB, 189x267, 535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I had some dosh and set up a trading account a long time ago, made like 100 bucks on some trading, now I bought two stocks but I am a retard / infant when it comes to this any advice?

>> No.26714558

Start small until you learn.

>> No.26714699

Why Friday? I've heard someone else say this too.

What's significant about Friday and bad about today? Sorry, I'm a newfag.

>> No.26715208

>Why Friday? I've heard someone else say this too.
Checked. Its when their retard-tier shorts expire and they have to buy those stocks that they over leveraged and basically counterfeited and re sold over and over. Theres a reason why they have shill all over here, and your not even hearing about 4chan anywhere. They are fucking spooked and its glorious.

>> No.26715547

They need to cover their shorted positions, which means they need to buy shares that technically don't even exist. Fuck the fud, we're burning this bitch to the ground

>> No.26715561

So I should cash out on Friday? What time on Friday?

>> No.26715605

A coward dies a thousand deaths.

>> No.26715940

imagine selling now

>> No.26716092

Friday when the market opens

>> No.26716593

do you really think (((they))) are not aware of retail cucks planning to sell of friday

>> No.26717987

wait till friday you fucking moron. actually, wait till MONDAY MORNING

>> No.26718124

Squeeze has not happened yet, don't be a retard you will regret it.

>> No.26718239

I'm really fucking nervous

>> No.26718400

Which means they will short, which means even more people who are legally forced to buy stock at the price set by the owners of the stock.

>> No.26718799

>nervous when hedgefunds are forced to buy 140% of the stock on Friday
They literally have to buy the same stock several times. Pretty all stock that is for sale on Friday will be bought by them. They legally HAVE to cover it. Or pay tons of money in interest. And also more people will short of Friday of course and they are forced to buy later as well.

>> No.26718950
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They have 69 Million Outstanding shares.
Shit is going to the fucking moon just wait the fuckers out.
They hemorrhage millions a day to keep their positions while we lose nothing to hodl.

>> No.26719120

Post nose or kike confirmed.
>Israel has no right to exist