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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26709537 No.26709537 [Reply] [Original]

So let me get this absolutely straight, /biz/

>hedgies shorted GameStop for 130% of their current total equity
>they need to buy those stocks for real by this Friday
>r/WSB noticed this and started banging the money hammer
>GME explodes w/ retail investors
>Wall Street is panicking

Is there any way someone who buys in before Friday *doesn’t* profit? The hedgies are *legally required* to purchase more GME than currently exists, right? Theoretically there’s no ceiling because they *need* to buy it from you right?

I bought 1.93 shares at $310 this morning. It’s my first stock so I’m very excited. What I’m worried about is Schlomo changing the laws from now to Friday, or something of that nature. Barring that, how do we lose?

>> No.26709778

Here’s what I don’t understand: did they short 140% of the total quantity of GME shares, or the total value?

>> No.26710096

>Wall Street is panicking
>Brokers selling reputations to shore hedgies up
>government getting ready to step in

If this stock goes past $500 anons are going to get v& live on air

>> No.26710191

Shares. If it were value then WS would be rolling in it rn because GameStop became a $10bn company overnight. They shorted the shares at single digits and are now raining from the sky because they’re $300+

>> No.26710241

Yes. Government says "Lol" and it's over because they will slam the FBI into peoples houses to save what economy is left after the meme virus.

>> No.26710386

Total shares.
If hedge fund A shorts it, there is nothing to stop a broker (who bought them) letting hedge fund B short the same .
Hence you can short more than 100 percent

>> No.26710468
File: 179 KB, 1088x2171, Screenshot_20210127-101048_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP to the CLF tranny whom calls I bought for dirt when he said he was exiting!!!!!!!!

What an absolute clown!!

CLF tranny sold all his calls down 500k at 14.80 and now it's above 16!!!

Everyone should buy CLF calls to spite this tranny faggot LOL!!

I am up 20k on these already!!! What a clown haha!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.26710655

I own a gun and plates. Send the van. I’ve been ready for my whole life.

>> No.26710705

>Is there any way someone who buys in before Friday *doesn’t* profit?
The only way to lose out is if they completely run out of money, run out of assets to sell, and then completely run out of money again. Note that this isn't just one hedge fund, there's multiple banks and hedge funds involved, most of them are insured. You're going to see a lot of FUD, but don't sell until monday.

>> No.26710782

>I bought 1.93 shares at $310 this morning. It’s my first stock so I’m very excited.
Stopped reading there. fuck off newfag

>> No.26710877

WE cant naked short (shorting over 100% of available shares) however, THEY can

>> No.26711023

>Shot through wall

>> No.26711040


>> No.26711166

What is the fucking fed going to hire news crews to chase cop cars all weekend?

>> No.26711957

Glad you got through 75% of my post, read most of the substance, and then replied. You really showed me lmao

>> No.26712413

I'm too lazy to get in on this but its all very amusing to watch.

>> No.26713839
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Did the hedgefags try to short Blackberry in this same manner, and will BB fall on Friday? I've already $4.1k off this, Reddit actually blessed us.