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File: 39 KB, 681x383, amc-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26657318 No.26657318 [Reply] [Original]

Give it to me straight. Did I fuck up by chasing this?

>> No.26657370

No retard it’s going to moon into next week. Don’t be a paper handed faggot and ride it to 50

>> No.26657371
File: 411 KB, 446x542, Chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, buy in once it opens.

>> No.26657390

Depends when u bought. It will dump probably before and right after market opens but I believe it will get eaten up within an hour. Too much hype.

>> No.26657392

you got jewed

>> No.26657944

i got in at $12. put $5k into it. this isn't more than i was willing to lose but still pretty disappointed as i told myself for months i would never fomo again.

>> No.26657998

Hold retard

>> No.26658010

I hope you bought AMC and not AMCX (that logo is AMCX)

>> No.26658117

Its back above 10 now. It will take off during regular hours.

>> No.26658176

Wait for the dip or buy it right away?

>> No.26658256

which one is the correct one

>> No.26658268


>> No.26658286

yeah bought AMC

>> No.26658334

You need to tone it down with the antisemitism, bucko.

>> No.26658342

hope so. long as it holds above $10 i'm not worried. possible GME rebound today as well

>> No.26658349 [DELETED] 

AMC. I just said that.

>> No.26658420

AMC. I just said that

>> No.26658423

Bought amc today (euro)

>> No.26658433


>> No.26658529

wait until GME gets sold massivley on friday and even more people buying AMC to get even more profits
then sell
It may get to $30-40 I think

>> No.26658587

sell friday or monday?

>> No.26659029

Is it pumping because GME?

>> No.26659376


>> No.26659472

Next week we moon hard. This stonks engines just starting up

>> No.26659528

Amcx is shorted but amc is the meme

>> No.26659587

Do some due diligence. It’s pumping because it has a huge short interest, they raised 1 billion cash and no chance of bankruptcy, covid is going to end by summer, high demand for theaters coming, short squeeze imminent

>> No.26659649
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>put a limit order at 25 stock for a max of 12 dollars
Was this a good move bros? How much do you think this thing will inflate?

>> No.26659796

>be you
>have $300
>buys the stock straight
>doesn't buy the option contract at much cheaper
>owning essentially 100x the number of contracts
>could buy them out for profit
>could sell the contract for more
my boy what the fuck are you doing get your motherfucking bagger

>> No.26659876
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Hey I'm new to this shit and using robinhood, I dont really care so long as I get my profits from this

>> No.26659931

He monke

>> No.26660149
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>> No.26660165

Explain for us noobs please. I was about to buy this stonk using cashapp

>> No.26660203

Holding on till 100

>> No.26660458

So many retail investors waiting until open to buy AMC.



>> No.26660531

you had to go in early for the pump n dump idiot.

>> No.26660792

Too late to buy at open?

>> No.26660836


>> No.26660880


>> No.26661035

i bought a call at 8$ after hours but with the price being over 11. what will happen?

order cancelled? entry to call at new price level? entry at 8?

>> No.26661194

Is it too late to buy at opening or anytime this morning?

>> No.26661334

there usually is dip within 5 min of open. people are going to secure profits then it will rise again

>> No.26661567


Short of it is this:
>be you
>not a lot of moeny
>wanna buy lots of stonks
>decide to buy a long call
>you pay for the ability to buy the stock at a given price
>say you're me, buy AMC at 9.00, for 2200 shares
>pay 400 for the option to do that
>if it's above $9 you make money
>if it's below you lost money (you already spent it you won't lose more)
>at 2200 shares, for every dollar a share goes up past 9, I make 2200 bucks

Kinda like that.


but yeah I'm in at 2200 stonks at 9 buxx. I expect this bitch to go to 15 EOW I want my 12grand.

>> No.26661575

I got in at 5 and watched it crab all day
I still expect it do much better since it had an ATH of 30 before

>> No.26661696

newfag here, why does robinhood keep showing price changes even though "markets are closed" and the ticker doesnt move at all? how are they doing this?

>> No.26661703

You'll likely lose the bid for the contract and need to replace the bid. Depends on what 8.00 sells at in an hour.

>> No.26661813


>> No.26661821

global elites deciding what the price should be today before anyone can buy. stocks are all fake anon

>> No.26661859

God I love being tech support.
Robinhood (I use them too) reports the afterhours (and now pre-market hours) value of a given stock.
They get this data from the stock's exchange (NYSE, NASDAQ, etc)
However, you're not allowed to make a move on the market until it's open. Other people are (not you). If you want access to that, get a broker/exchange that lets you.

>> No.26661877

Look up premarket and after hours trading.

>> No.26661889

Likely, big Dawgs get to trade before us please because they have lots of money. Another way we get jewed out of everything good

>> No.26662151

Its fucking climbing lads and we cant even buy in

>> No.26662273

the AMC boys are chads I will admit

>> No.26662322

Next Friday, not in two days.
This coming weekend the hype will become hysteria. So buy in today's dip of AMC, usually around noonish.

>> No.26662323

This whole experience has taught me that all the regulations do is stop us from making any money. Those laws don’t apply to the banks and hedge funds

>> No.26662325

>Already over $16

If its this high why buy this over BB?

>> No.26662691

it was $4 yesterday and in the after-market hysteria it's now where it is.

>> No.26662774

Thanks, but I get that part. I'm asking do I have to make a special purchase or just buy it like normal?

>> No.26662889

Their short is at like 60% unlike GME's 135%. AMC is NOT the next GME. GME is the next GME. Don't get distracted.

>> No.26662906

The jews collude as a cartel during the night (this is illegal for goyim to do) to pump up the price in the morning and create an artificial bump that they'll sell off before lunch (pump and dump).
That's ok, because you wait for the dip.
The AMC meme moon comes next week.

>> No.26662968
File: 209 KB, 500x293, 1503288391784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros when do I go in on AMC, I was already late to the punch..

>> No.26662983
File: 384 KB, 877x1117, SmartSelect_20200314-235452_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine selling under $50

>> No.26663096

what, buy the option like normal?
Yeah, go buy it like any other option contract if you know how.
If you don't look it up for your exchange. With robinhood it's as simple as turning it on in settings and click buy options after tapping trade on a stock.

>> No.26663125

This anon is correct. Many people will sell their GME today which will free up even more to push the price up even higher! The sky really is the limit with GME as long as you hold past Friday.

>> No.26663882

why are $9 calls so cheap when the stock is above $15?

>> No.26664260

anyone know when the short contracts on AMC expire?

>> No.26664386

Because that was what it was at the close, yesterday, when I bought it.

They're gonna blow the fuck up in 27 minutes and be nowhere near as cheap.

>> No.26664455

but will they be filled at queue prices?

>> No.26664512

AMCX is the one that has a 60% short float, what the fuck is AMC?

>> No.26664631

I had a feeling it was going to be another zoom thing where people bought the wrong zoom.
God damn it

>> No.26664737

Should I drop AMC? Bought in at 4.6

>> No.26665049

Whats the date on the long calls? Just anytime in mid February?

>> No.26665250

I have $12k in cash. How much AMC should I buy? I have $400k in other positions. Should I sell some of them to buy even more AMC?

>> No.26665320
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>> No.26665343

If you already have 400k go all in with the 12k on AMC.

>> No.26665369

Premarket value is pissing me off. Perhaps there will be a momentary dip when the market opens?

>> No.26665442

HOLD to new ath

>> No.26665607

first 5-10 mins will be key to see flash crash, gives me enough time to dump my stinky CLF

>> No.26665645

So you think $9 calls for Feb. 12th would be a good idea?

>> No.26665694

What should I expect the price to dip to when it opens?

>> No.26665744


>> No.26665741

Hold on, let me consult my crystal ball and get back to you.

>> No.26665819

Should I do amc call for next week at $20

>> No.26665878

I just asked this in another thread. I dont understand this as much but he said if he had less than 500 than probably

>> No.26665881

I have 11k cash do i buy amc or gme

>> No.26665994

Pumped 3k euros into amc

>> No.26666072


>> No.26666116
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, hold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be strong and hold the line against the fud

>> No.26666152

You bought the wrong AMC, anon

>> No.26666246
File: 261 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20210127-145708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cup and handle on german brokers
1 day chart

>> No.26666405

this shit is just a scheme autistic people came up with because they figured out hedge fund managers would pay them huge salaries to work at their fund and stare at graphs all day

>> No.26666437

Should I place an order now or wait for the market to open? What are the odds of an initial dip? Should I place a cap at 12? 16? 20? Or just take it at whatever I can dip. I have 400k in other stocks.

>> No.26666484

meme lines dont work on coordinated events...

>> No.26666494

>cup and handle on 1 day chart
all in

>> No.26666696

Dude do limit order NOW

>> No.26666765

Yes, but at what limit? TELL ME WHAT TO DO WITH MY MONEY

>> No.26666816
File: 261 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20210127-150331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It broke out

>> No.26666836

Half into each.

>> No.26666931

I just yolo'd it only put in S250 tho so not a huge loss if anything happens

>> No.26667114

Was about to do the same. So you got like 300 shares or something right?

>> No.26667126

my calls are placed. i'm either in six figure hell or in a mad rush to get another option in.

>> No.26667300


>> No.26667356

Yeah I got 300 if it get bought

>> No.26667387
File: 35 KB, 400x400, toad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw yuropoor and have been able to trade AMC on the German exchange entire day already.
Say sleeping burgerpoors.

>> No.26667403

Bought the exact same option bro. What does this mean now? haha

>> No.26667416

>placed an order at $8.50 last night
>wake up and the price soared to $19 before the market opens up
I’m punching air right now for now buying sooner

>> No.26667471
File: 99 KB, 689x473, 1585620187861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're gonna make it
This is my first time buying stocks too haha so let's see!

>> No.26667511

Just picked up 100 of these bad boys.
I'm looking to dump half at $40.
How likely do you guys think we'll get there within the day?

>> No.26667659

If you bought it at that price I would hold on until the rona is over

>> No.26667700

hell yeah! I've only been buying crypto and messed around with some forex options but that's it. How do we know if this gets bought?

>> No.26668094

I assume it'll notify you when it's bought I guess we'll find out haha

>> No.26668496

It's AMC Entertainment Holdings, right?

>> No.26668517


>> No.26668678
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>> No.26668899
File: 39 KB, 600x600, 0e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just as a heads up I've been seeing across multiple threads people copy pasting GME FUD and some shit about you having to explain why you can say jew and nigger on this subreddit.

I know reddit is a bunch of fucking retards but at least they are pump and dump scamming these wallstreet ppl like true pajeets, so for once don't give into the FUD and diamond hands ruin melvins day collateral causalties accepted

To all the melvin glowniggers I suggest investing in RUBIC since I see you are in a pretty tough situation


>> No.26668982

Same pain, bro. At least my already owned BB stock has been soaring due to this. Is that expected to balloon next? I was wondering why the fuck it exploded before I saw the news on GME.

>> No.26669035

fuck that was supposed to be a thread... let me... post that....

>> No.26669359
