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2665705 No.2665705 [Reply] [Original]

Alright lads haven't seen any self improvement threads in a while since my /fit/ days but what a better board than this one since a lot of us are concerned over finances, life, and success. A lot of us are going to make something out of ourselves. Post ways one can improve themselves and what you have done in the past to improve yourself.

Have done:
>Been working a lot getting that work ethic
>Saving a ton putting half into crypto
>Built a nice portfolio so far
Need to do:
>Read more, I feel like reading is essential to growth as a person.
>Lift more I am a slim guy with some muscle mass but lifting helps the body and soul.
>Work on love life, been very heart broken over a sloot she was my first for everything and our relationship has gone out the window because during the time we stopped talking I have been distracting myself with accomplishments. Revived the relationship but it has gone to shit.
>Be happy, Despite getting good grades, going off to college, earning money, building a portfolio I am sad as hell.
>Stop with the nicotine, too much vaping and cigarettes not good for brain.

What advice do you have for me and other anons. I am a young guy 18 years old. What should one do in order to be happy and successful?

>> No.2665714


>> No.2665719

try being less gay

>> No.2665721

I should quit vaping

>> No.2665726

Nicotine is good for your brain- it's the opposite of weed.

Keep vaping, it's not a coincidence that many intellectuals throughout history smoked.

>> No.2665736

What's wrong with self improvement semapi. Yourself is the biggest capital you have and you should invest in it.
Me too I started using nicotine salt pouches you put in your mouth and got hooked now I have a juul pen and I am hooked I got prescribed adderall and it is just great life is going well since I got it. But my heart is going to get rekt I feel like if I keep ingesting nicotine, caffeine and adderall ultimate stimulate combo but being over stimulated must be horrible for you.
A lot of authors are smokers I just don't really need the nicotine due to adderall I feel like adderall is as good as it gets. But nicotine does have some positive effects for sure just very hard to have moderation with it.

>> No.2665738

>it's the opposite of weed.
citation needed

>Keep vaping
You are recommending toxic aerosol with little to no long term health research

>> No.2665746

Get vyvanse instead it's way better than Adderall you don't tweak out and it lasts forever

>> No.2665749

It's very easy with vaping, especially if you make DIY Juice. You can get everything you need for a 6 months supply with $100.
Weed destroys your brain faggot, stop smoking weed and start smoking the wonder drug through a vape.

>> No.2665768

I should start for me I feel like happiness has categories you need to fill. I am still hypothesizing what they are. So far I think it is

>Family and friends
>Religion or something that gives you peace of mind because nihilism is fucking depressing
>Achievements and success
>Love life
>Materialistic goods
Since I have graduated I have been really focused on success, goals, and materialistic things. Let a lot of friendships go the people I see five days a week from work are alright became really good friends with an uncouth 50 year old Asian man. My love life has came tumbling down. I have never been this sad with this amount of things going for me. What other things should I start doing anon because I am not happy with me so I want to implement changes to become a better me.
Ha I was prescribed it for a small time! Insurance reasons didn't work out Adderall is very nice I only do 10mg a day. I need to cut back on the caffeine because I don't want my heart to 404 not found.
Yea my only expenses are food, gas, and nicotine. Everything else is saved or put to crypto I am very fortunate to have a family who cares for me. I feel like marijuana destroys your work ethic and makes you ok with doing nothing. I much prefer stimulants caffeine nic and what not.

>> No.2665773


>Have done:
>>Been working a lot getting that work ethic
How did you do it?
I'm currently loosing my work ethic, since I currently have to do stuff I don't really enjoy.

>What advice do you have for me and other anons. I am a young guy 18 years old. What should one do in order to be happy and successful?
Self improvement and saving is good, but don't forget to occasionally enjoy life! Obviously, don'T overdo it (i.e. >yeah!!! my crypto doubled!!!!! first class flight to the Caribean here I come!!!!!), but don't be one of those sad fucks that sit in moms basement all day, while they have millions in crypto.

>> No.2665799

ok just for saying, i want to buy BTC with creditcard without using my personal data.
buying on ccex using a payeer account will allow me to buy directly with credit card without giving my information?i haven't a payeer account yet, can i do that and pay without waiting for confirmation?

>> No.2665805

>>Family and friends
Very important! I had a small depression once due to a long term of unenployment, and those two were the most important factors besides getting ajob again to help me out.
>>Religion or something that gives you peace of mind because nihilism is fucking depressing
meh, works for some, I guess. As long as yoou don't overdo it and blow yourself up in the middle of a western City or in an abortion clinic (depending on what "brand" you chose).
>>Achievements and success
>>Love life
That'S a mixed bag. I used to be perfectly happy without a gf (as long as I wasn't feeling like I was missing something) but now that I have found a perfect one, it's also incredible. I wouln't try to hard, if it does not work out. Take a break, focus on other things, and if you have the rest figured out, invest some more time in this again.
>>Materialistic goods
Sometimes, those can help, but don't built your whole/long term happiness on consumerism only.

>> No.2665857

Going to sound really dumb but Walmart dude. I came into that job 16 years old 4 hour shifts then started working hard at age 17. If you are young or don't have a job it is an eye opener to work at Walmart. Sounds ridiculous but I saw the people I was working with and I came to the conclusion I needed to get my shit together so I don't end up like them. Started to workout, uninstalled all my vidya had a crippling addiction too Dota, started to study academics hard and had a 4.0 the last two years of high school. I go hard with everything I do it's a 0 or 100 thing for me a lot of the time and it is a double edged sword. I started to apply myself at a low paying non skilled job and I take every opportunity I can at work. I show up on my days off stay over, get that overtime because I want to equate to something and make my parents proud. Once I realized if I didn't work hard I would fail I started to apply myself academically, work wise and investment wise. It might not sound like a lot but all my peers don't have a dime saved up, don't work and don't invest so for someone in my shoes it feels like I am giving it my all. How are you losing your work ethic? Do you not feel like working? Go see the 40 year olds doing unskilled labor that hate their lives and talk to them. Also what can I do to improve myself I want to become a better me. But all my friends are having fun and going to house parties which I do on occasion and I am still sad man. I am studying my college courses to get the 4.0 GPA and be ahead of everyone who is spending their time emptying kegs. I feel like this working and studying is giving me self discipline and is going to help me in the future.
I need a new hobby or something lost the girl filled my mind with distractions but it isn't working.

>> No.2665922

>How are you losing your work ethic?
by browsing 4chan…
>Do you not feel like working? Go see the 40 year olds doing unskilled labor that hate their lives and talk to them.
Thing is, I'm highly skilled (doing a PhD), but I currently have no real deadlines and can decide my working hours completely by myself. Just finished a paper and am currently in the startup phase for 2 new ones, which means a lot of reading rather boring shit, its way too hot and I haven'T done any sports for the last 5 weekends, so I'm getting back issues.
I just need this
>Fuck it. I'm focusing!
Mindstate, I guess.

>But all my friends are having fun and going to house parties which I do on occasion and I am still sad man. I am studying my college courses to get the 4.0 GPA and be ahead of everyone who is spending their time emptying kegs. I feel like this working and studying is giving me self discipline and is going to help me in the future.
Good thinking, but don't only live for your future! When I was your age, I also mostly focused on studying, saving money and getting a good job, which kinda worked out, but at some point I realized
>Fuck, I'm a 30yo virgin that does not really know how to talk to girls, unless they are my buddies
Seems like you are already better off than I used to be, but take care that the pendulum does not start to swing my way too hard!

>I need a new hobby or something lost the girl filled my mind with distractions but it isn't working.
So what's interesting you?
Try to find something where you interact with folks, probably even grils.

>> No.2665940

build nice habits, reading is a good star, Being well read can be a great asset.

Lifting and sports in general is a great core activity, which will keep you in great shape and in a good mindset

As for the fact that you are still sad, indulge yourself with some idleness, do not focus only on efficiency. Try an instrument, go to movies, find a hobby club, ...

>> No.2666010

You're 18 but you talk like you're 32

>> No.2666011

4Chan is fun and all but I only browse after my shift and on my days off kinda hard for you since you don't have deadlines. Get a rec center membership or gym I have one but it is shit with my schedule since I work 2-11 five days a week more most the times and the rec closes at 9. So I kinda fucked up on working out but I am slim guy wanna bulk soon though. Working out or even getting a pull up bar will help you out.
Really horrible advice but nicotine is great for focus and calming if you can't bother going to a doctor. Caffeine pills are great to no doze everyday when I wake up 200 mg prob should cut that off. If you really want to improve the focus talk to a doctor man. It is hard to do later in life. If you would like to get on a stimulate say this.
>Always had issue focusing in class (very important that you ALWAYS) but thought it was normal
>Always thought ADHD was a joke but you read a book about it for a paper you were working on or some shit and realized you had symptoms
>Can't focus on work is really hard for you to focus on your career (which you should man you're in a really good spot in life.)
>DO NOT mention drug use even if you don't drug use is a big no no
>Do not, do not, do not mention depression or anxiety.
If all goes to plan they will put you on some shit med that takes 3 weeks to kick in like strattera say it doesn't work and just makes you tired. Wouldn't mention weight loss though cause that is a concern with adderall.

We seem to have a lot in common man I had the mindset you did not sure if I am pissing away the good times trying to develop a work ethic or if it will pay off.

No clue what interests me man sounds like a joke. Weird cross road in my life just really liked to get shit done and be successful got really into vidya and that was horrible for me. I like to have stories though my favorite times in life is when something obscure happens at a house party and I have a story to tell.

>> No.2666031

Currently reading Unlimited Power. I am 23 y/o.
A few things I have learned
>making others happy makes me happy
>binge drinking is no longer worth it now that I'm out of college
>important to satisfy my body, good food and sleep schedule make a big difference in my overall mood and happiness.
>recently quit video games (for the third time), blocked reddit, youtube, facebook, and twitter from my internet.
>jerk off less frequently helps life in general

Things I am modelling from Unlimited Power: A good charisma, voice and posture. You're physiology affects you and the people around you.
What sort of things in life are you guys working on, or would recommend working on?

>> No.2666042
File: 29 KB, 660x574, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at 105 bottles right now. What's everyone else at?

>> No.2666049

Word count limit. But I like to hang out with friends and just have experiences that is what I really enjoy. What advice do you have for a young man like me you seems like you put in the work and you are going to make it just having a hard time focusing.
Nicotine is nice but it isn't great to be addicted to, talking to a doctor is nice if you want to go through all that bullshit, caffeine is a godsend too for me it always helped me focus. If you do go through the doc route say it was ADD you looked into because you never really were the kid who ran around all the time it was all distractions in your head. I had to go through a lot of bullshit, weird meds, 2 months of ADHD therapy that was a joke LOL but it worked out.

>> No.2666125

Yea I think so too maybe I over analyze stuff but I think it is key for successful people to get lost in the details of their life. Might not sound like a lot for people older than I to work a bit and invest but in my social group it is huge. I have been surrounded by degenerates and I really don't like it, but who hasn't.
I agree what are some good reads? I have been looking into philosophy since a lot of my classes for a business and law degree are philosophy based which is odd. Want to be well prepared for that because it is going to be awful to be surrounded by people who think they are enlightened by reading a piece from Aristotle. But on the idleness I get really fucking depressed when I don't do anything. My days off suck man because I don't have anything to conquer starting school again will help that out though. Maybe I should find a club of some sort I met a guy the other day who was into crypto and it was a dream come true. So I suppose biz and crypto is my hobby.
I will check it out man! I tried the nofap train didn't really do much for me but I have never been a real ladies man had 2 on and off again relationships. Are you majoring in anything if not what are you doing for work? Internet addiction for me was never an issue with Facebook I really enjoy having the Facebook app. But cutting off vidya was very beneficial for myself the way to do it is don't unistall everything and sit at the computer actually go do stuff whether it's getting a job, working out or just going outside.
I am not old enough to drink but I don't think I ever will. My father never got drunk a day in his life because he saw what it did to his father and I strive to be that way. I like the be the DD it is fine for me maybe a cigarette when I go out but that is about it. Very fortunate to have my father be a good role model in my life.

>> No.2666150
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>I am not old enough to drink
...You drink piss?

>> No.2666158

Drink alcohol haha prob gonna stay away from it though.

>> No.2666175

My major was statistics, the only important thing I learned in my major was programming in R. To be honest most of what I learned in college was a waste (went to top 25 US university). It all can be learned online nowadays. The important part was the experience, but luckily my parents payed for it all. Would not recommend taking out loans to go to an expensive college.

Also these are just my opinions haha. I'm no expert and I'm also on this thread seeking advice and self improvement.

>> No.2666190

Same spot as you. Business and law going to grad with no debt so might as well do well and put my all to it and try to go to ivy league school for law if not have a business degree to mess around with.

>> No.2666254

oh my this is pretty retarded

>> No.2666261

>What advice do you have for a young man like me you seems like you put in the work and you are going to make it just having a hard time focusing.
I think you are on the right track with ADHD and such. I always had a hard time focusing on boring stuff, but now, doing a PhD, it is the first time that this is actually a problem. All throughout school, highschool and most of university, I could always slack off, sleep in class, read other stuff, never do homework and still get grades just a bit worse than perfect. When I was randomly called to the blackboard to present my homework, I was just making it up on the spot and no one noticed that the notebook I had in my hand was empty.
But kinda bytes me in the ass now, but I'd prefer to stay drug free, apart from alcohol that is, and "natural" caffeine. Currently, with the insane summer heat, having a sip after lunch helps a bit. That combination of fizzy, sugar, caffeine and placebo keeps me awake for a bit.

I guess you are on a good path. Maybe try to spend a bit more time (and maybe some money too…) in leisure and pleasure.
And find a hobby.
since you mention /fit/, how about adding some running, hiking or biking to it?
I'm much of an /out/guy, and a weekend of climbing or hiking (preferably with a night under the stars or some nice, secluded peak) really "resets" my mood and physis.

>> No.2666352

If you do a small dosage of adderall it doesn't even feel like a drug. All the horror stories are people doing ridiculous high dosages and getting addicted. 10 mg a day XR I don't even notice I just feel nice and get stuff done (kind of funny saying that since I am sad as of now but it's only temporary). I am the same way really good public speaker and bullshitter I much prefer to talk from the mind than to read a script. Also caffeine pills are the same way you aren't going to feel high or strung out. Do half a pill if you are not indulging in energy drinks on the regular. Look into it man Adderall is nice

I am convinced that ADHD isn't as big of an issue as we say it to be. I doubt I even have it I just doze off sometimes and get really focused on things that I like. But adderall is a godsend couldn't be more in love with it. Do some readings on it the news medias trying to tear it down don't realize you have to take a lot to overdose, get addicted, and see bad side effects. Also don't buy it illegally it is a felony and a felony will ruin you.

Might be a good thing for you man. If you feel like you aren't living up to what you could be and are getting distracted by a bunch of goons who ran into wealth from mining bitcoin years ago it could change that and put your priories in place.

>> No.2666372

Also if you get extended realize it lasts all day so you won't have to be doing dosages all the time like you would a instant. Idk the drug has done wonders for me but I don't like it when potheads shove their "medicine" down my throat so I wont shove MUH AMPHETAMINES down yours.

Also hobby wise I think I might start lifting again I live by a 24/7 gym. I am a super slim guy, always have been underweight but I have the 6 pack and muscle definition might go on a bulk cycle if I get those cards in order.