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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26659935 No.26659935 [Reply] [Original]

I just went to WSB for the first time. Their lingo is so cringy, it's like a weird mix between a normie and a /b/tard.

>> No.26659998

What did you expect?
Their logo is literally Trump as a kid.

>> No.26660009

their lingo reminds me of 2010 4chan the shiggydiggy era

>> No.26660087

Over half the users are under the age of 16. What did you expect? By going in that sub, you're being a pedo.

>> No.26660111

Never thought I'd miss 2010-2014 4chan holy shit

>> No.26660151

I hope the jews crush these trash, yuppie spawn.

>> No.26660157
File: 90 KB, 1093x702, 329582312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this supposed to be about? Please tell me it's some kind of inside joke.

>> No.26660159

I had the same feeling. They sound like boomers pretending to be zoomers.

>> No.26660168

The orange fascist Mango Mussolini? Yikes that is problematic, WSB should be taken down.

>> No.26660171

You fucking idiots really don’t understand how serious this is do you? You’re causing major institutions to lose billions of dollars and might even cause the grandparent loaning bank to go under. People will lose their homes, people’s mortgages and investments will be impacted as a result. There is a loser on every trade and mark our words at the end of the day it WILL be you.

Enjoy retaining a lawyer and fighting off discovery for the next five years. Was it worth ruining your life for a 10x? Good luck explaining why you’re using words like “Jew” and “nigger” to a federal judge. Enough is enough and its about time someone took you man children down a notch.

>> No.26660259

The pasta has gone stale

>> No.26660273

atheists are sex addicts desperate to make sex a positive virtue

>> No.26660278

Nice pasta

>> No.26660311

bears R gay is one of their memes. the equivilant to faggot/nigger here

>> No.26660345

It was born stale.

>> No.26660359

They can't say nigger or faggot and they say retard and autist instead

it's like a pg version of /biz/

>> No.26660360
File: 53 KB, 575x609, 1611098657057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top threads are brown-nosing Elon musk and licking his asshole and calling him daddy

I am disgusted..

>> No.26660364

Buying wallstreet pnds is gay, real men pnd crypto.

>> No.26660368

You guys realize that the SEC will intervene and roll the stock back to $3, right?

This is a textbook pump and dump. Anyone who’s bought stock in GameStop will be liable.

>> No.26660476

Nice digits

>> No.26660543

i like the stock, that's the only reason i bought 500/$11

>> No.26661082

I like the stock. That's the only reason I bought 11/$500

>> No.26661148

This place is literally the same, only posters use the N word more often for no reason other than shock humor

>> No.26661154
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Uh oh bruh yikes

>> No.26661216

I'm very inexperienced with stocks and markets. The only reason why I bought GME is because of the hype around the Playstation 5 release. I am on this public forum known as /biz/ because I wish to follow the public discourse regarding my investment, as any usual investor would. I like the stock a lot.

>> No.26661226

I literally couldnt even imagine glad you made it back friend

>> No.26661318

Honestly you people laugh at n-word users, but you really haven't said nigger enough yourselves. The average person says nigger once per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 niggers a week. Over 100 a month. Niggers will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

>> No.26661363

big OOF
you done a racism

>> No.26661376

This is what separates the men from the boys. Fucking losers, /biz/ is honestly a million times better because a bunch of real life soijaks won’t harp on you for calling out jews

>> No.26661474

Its basically a sanitised version of general internet faggot/gachimuchi jokes and characteristic degeneracy. I looks weird because the humor relies on the premise that homosexuality is in fact immoral, degenerate and fucking disgusting - but it becomes a weird clash of cultures on reddit where there's actually supposed to be nothing wrong with homosexuality and its a fine and viable path in life, vs on 4chan you kind of find the humor in the acceptance of what a fucking shit autist loser niggerfaggot you are and thats its not good at all. But fuck its funny.

>> No.26661811

Most of biz are “soys” themselves in real life who think being edgy makes them tough

>> No.26661937
File: 48 KB, 974x389, capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's full of glowie feds now, they are already building the case

>> No.26662102

how are they allowed on reddit? how have they not been banned for "attacking" fags?

>> No.26662236

it's so fucking cringe i hate it so much, they literally just take 4chan humor and use it in an autistic way that doesn't make sense and doesn't fit the context

>> No.26662249


>> No.26662551
File: 91 KB, 788x444, 1611735357954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually they're verifiably jewish. -1488 downboats
>umm wow i literally can't even right now that's a big heckin yikes from me lets unpack this +6000000 updoots

>> No.26662602

Because people aren't bitterly vitriolic about it the way schizos are on this site.

>> No.26662928

A combination of lolsorandum humor and a wish to be ballsy but having absolutely no balls whatsoever so the joke winds into a weird lbtqia++ mantra.

>> No.26664140


Basically too pussy to actually use those things as insults because its reddit so they try turn it into a “ironic insult, being gay is fine” which results in a tame shit and cringe version because all too pussy to say nigger

So you get shit like “we’re all a big gay family” with the undertone that its bad to be gay except its reddit so its fine to be gay, so it basically just literally becomes a bunch of faggots sucking each others dicks