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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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26654335 No.26654335 [Reply] [Original]

when the music stops the game stop drop will be the most brutal ass fucking you can imagine. oh wait, you can’t imagine it, that’s how fucking bad it will be. not comparable to a slow bleed, big crash or even plummet. this will be a abrupt stop. a game stop, if you will.

>> No.26654432

When do you think it will be?

>> No.26654463

based bobo

>> No.26654491

I’d say with certainty within a month. Probably within a week.

>> No.26654544


>> No.26654587


>> No.26654598

>a game stop, if you will.
Clever AND based?
Yep that's right.

>> No.26654609
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>> No.26654647

does it make sense to start shorting on friday or better on next monday?

>> No.26654664

How low will BTC go?

>> No.26654766

>within a month
Holy shit your boomer is showing. This isn’t fucking Johnson and Johnson everyone knows this ends on Monday at the absolute latest.

>> No.26654767
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>> No.26654789

>all those redditors buying in right now
it's going to be fucking HILARIOUS

>> No.26654808

That's why you have your game stop losses set.

>> No.26654829

I've already made enough money to completely insulate my ass from any fucking.
You didn't buy GME 5 months ago at $8?
You didn't buy it again at $15?
You didn't buy it a third time at $80?
You didn't take profits the whole way up??
Fuck everything I'm going to buy it today at market open for $300 and I'll still be green enough to not give half a flying fuck.
Literally free money.

>> No.26654839

We already know this you stupid motherfucker

>> No.26654881

Worst case $6k

>> No.26655026

Bobo you stupid subhuman who fucking shorts 138% of a stock go to sleep already

>> No.26655330

7000 - 9000

>> No.26655816
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Hopefully it does go under 9k, then we can once again say IT'S UNDER 9000!!!! and IT'S OVER 9000!!!! when it goes above it.

>> No.26655860

>a game stop, if you will.
ur a cheeky lil cunt i'll give u that m8

>> No.26655866

My thinking is that tomorrow or friday it will death spiral, but the latecomers will steam into AMC or BB instead and you'll see a number of ripples through the financial markets as a result. Pick one of the top shorted ones and let red dit pump your bags, then get out and watch as the entire stock market dumps 40%.

>> No.26655955

isnt that literally the point here
nobody plans on keeping their money in game stop